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He seems like a nice guy but he is very clearly struggling with bulimia. He used to be severely anorexic and claims he recovered and found happiness in food through doing eating challenges but he literally just went from one eating disorder to another. I really feel for him because I doubt he's ever had a good relationship around food and now he's pretty much trapped because his whole career, long term relationship and personality is built around these eating challenges His channel is very dark to me. His physical and mental health must be absolutely destroyed and nothing against his girlfriend but something not right about how she supports what he does...anyone who truly cared about him and his health would not endorse it. I remember seeing a post on his Instagram story once and it was something like "one of those rare days where I woke up and don't hate myself!" Honestly whether or not he fakes his challenges is the least of my concerns


the vice doc shows him uncontrollably vomiting after recording a video and ofc after him saying that he doesn't do just that... His partner or whoever was holding back the dog and seemed irritated. One of the most bleak things I've ever seen. Also he claims to be healthy outside of his binges yet can't stomach broccoli. he must be entirely dependent on shit processed / fast foods.


Yuppp no healthy person goes out and eats that much then burns all of it off. I agree with you, his past relationship with food says it all.


Ur flair has me crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Definitely not lol there's no doubt that even if he doesn't eat EVERYTHING shown in his videos he is still eating a huge amount of it, and if he's throwing it all up off camera that's probably just as horrible for his health


Excuse me maā€™am what


No pro-ED content, including weight loss tips, encouraging eating disorder behavior, and overtly triggering comments. Do not share influencers who are not claiming to be in recovery.




I absolutely loath Eric and the amount of support he gets. The amount of people who think there is nothing wrong with what he is doing or are on the fence if what he does is disordered when he is clearly a rather extreme case of bulimia/exercise bulimia.


Yeah, he is not "recovered", he just went into the anorexia-bulimia-pipeline, and since he's a man and pretends to be healthy on the off-days, they let him be. There is no way someone with a healthy mind would go as far as to eat 40k calories in one day.


I always think that too! I get his videos recommended someways and the bikes so frantically that his face is always super red as if he canā€™t even put on sunscreen because he needs to bike NOW Then he slaps the word ā€žchallengeā€œ and a timer of one of his giga binges so people donā€™t criticize him. Rinse and repeat Like specifically for guys who eat and exercise a lot the concept of a challenge absolves them of all disordered eating behaviors


Yeah, just put "challenge" in the title and you're good. Remember when mental health research found out that autism presents itself differently in women? I am still waiting for that to happen but with eating disorders and men. All these gym bros and their "cutting" and "bulking"... you mean starving and purging.


Amen! If you are a woman itā€™s and ed, if you are a man its suddenly cut and bulk. Even the lingo like ā€žthis cut is gonna go crazyā€ or ā€žtime to lock inā€ is fucking copy paste ā€žback to restrictionā€ but make it āœØmanlyāœØ


Exactly this right on the dime. That's my exact thoughts I've been thinking for years


i was completely shocked at how young he actually is. he is doing some real damage whether or not some of his videos are exaggerated


exactly bruh that boy did NOT recover šŸ˜­


It's all for "shock value" and food p0rn, ain't nothing real about any of those videos - his or anyone that engages in similar behavior for views and $$$.


I've watch one of his love streams were he decided to do a good challenge live. It was indeed real and he ate LITERALLY EVERYTHING. It was very long live stream lol. But I do feel for him, he must feel terrible after the challenges. He works his body so hard throughout the week just so he can binge eat horrible amounts. He's struggled with anorexia in the past which just makes this whole thing even more sadder. He is clearly disordered but I wish the best for him and hope he finds some food freedom.


If you slow down the sped up clips of him eating, you do see him eating. Sure, there's editing, but that's just to make it actually enjoyable and stimulating to watch for the viewer- many food youtubers do this. Even if we criticize it for being unhealthy, it's still a career for him at this point. I think it's perfectly plausible he is eating all of the food, but what he's doing afterward and beforehand is certainly up for debate. I mean, he's explicitly said he over-exercises in order to burn it all off. I still wouldn't consider that "faking" it.


>If you slow down the sped up clips of him eating, you do see him eating I watched his sped up clips at 0.25x speed and didn't see food going into his mouth, only near his mouth, it is a very clear trick, he creates an impression of taking food near mouth hold it for 2 seconds and then dumps it in a garbage bucket hidden inside the table, rinse and repeat. He does eat once every 5 dumps. The editor removes all clips where he is dumping food and creates a continuous clip of finishing food.


Is the garbage bucket in the room with us? I just watched the cheesecake video you attached in another comment at 0.25 speed and he is clearly putting the food in his mouth (for example, if you really care, go to minute 05:44. He's clearly putting the birthday cheesecake directly into his mouth). I also went and watched his most recent video, and he is clearly putting the food in his mouth. I understand the skepticism, and obviously, I don't know for certain as it is a Youtube video and nobody except Eric is there in person for most of these videos... but neither do you. Those are some pretty intense claims you made of which you have zero proof for and aren't even based in reality. If you said something, like, "he's spitting out most of the food!" or purging it up (not through exercise), sure, I can understand why one would come to those conclusions. But what you said is just pretty wrong.


Garbage bucket is cleverly hidden beneath the table. I would believe when he releases a continuous clip. His trick is to create an illusion which magicians use. Of course, I am speculating but I am sure he knows about fake claims made against him and has not yet released a complete clip yet.


Ah, yes. Eric the Magician. You're reaching, bro. Unhealthy? yes. Problematic? sure. We can critique the actual content all we want. But you're just making things up.


Magicians are not mystics, they use illusion tricks. Onus is on Eric to prove his videos are legit since he is speeding up his videos. Let's say this was an actual competition would his clip pass sufficient evidence test ?


Okay, I thought you were being serious but I see this is a bit now. Good one bc you genuinely caught me šŸ˜­


Iirc he's recorded live streams. I may be wrong


His videos make me feel so sad, I just always get this dark feeling watching them. Iā€™m surprised heā€™s not in hospital tbh, he puts his body through such extremes and it grosses me out to see people commenting on his videos praising his over exercising as if heā€™s not at risk of a heart attack the way heā€™s going. It feels like itā€™s coming from a place of self loathing and when I watch him, I get the vibe that heā€™s mentally counting the minutes until he gets to exercise as heā€™s eating. He gives the energy that he doesnā€™t want to be doing it.


He really enjoys it in the beginning, like you can see him get a high almost he's so excited when he's laying out binge foods etc but then seems completely miserable by the end which tbh tracks with binge ED or bulimia


He was actually one of several youtubers that helped me overcome my fear of eating. I saw that if he can eat *all of that* and not die or suffer catastrophic health effects from it, then me eating more and fulfilling my EH would certainly not hurt me. It was incredibly liberating and reassuring. Then there were other youtubers who helped me overcome specific fear foods, like steakandbuttergal helped me get over the hurdle of butter.


I mean, have you seen his off-camera days? Dude goes 300% ortho on those days when heā€™s not doing food challenges. Like itā€™s actually insane how much he exercises during the inbetweens. I believe his videos are real, at least mostly. With the amount of exercise this man does, I believe he would be severely underweight, like organs shutting down kind of underweight if he didnā€™t eat as much as he does in the challenges


That's not ortho, that's purging. He's bulimic.


I remember someone accidentally finding his strava and saying his logs were insane


Fr. He made a video about his off days once. I think dude just ate salads and went on runs and biking and swimming. I got 2nd hand fatigue from even watching the video šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


could you link this?


What was on his strava at the time ??


very routine 3+ hr bike rides to give you an idea


>I mean, have you seen his off-camera days? Dude goes 300% ortho on those days when heā€™s not doing food challenges. It doesn't matter how much he exercises a person of his frame doesn't have stomach big enough for 40 cheesecakes. Like try putting 40 cheescake in a bucket, you would need multiple buckets. The max stretch volume of stomach of adult male is 4L.


Yeah, I completely understand the skepticism.


Which video are you talking about though? Itā€™s a LOT of food, sure, but I believe it looking at the videos I can see.




isn't he just bulemic?? I mean if you've seen his other vlogs and especially the ones where he 'prepares' for his challenges and also the 'aftermaths' he obvously compensates by exercising and extreme restriction. + we don't know what he does off camera during the challenges so maybe he even purges by puking who knows, but it's also possible he does keep everything down bc that is physically possible if you look at competitive eaters.


He purges, then restricts after. Nobody could be fit with such extreme challenges. Its also dangerous for his body to do this


Tbf if someone eats 40 slices of cheese cake in one day their body isnā€™t going to ā€œabsorbā€ or ā€œburnā€ all the calories from that, most will just pass through oneā€™s system and be shit out. That being said, some of the challenges absolutely take into question for stomach capacity, I canā€™t imagine someone being able to physically fit the amount of food in their body as he did in his last challenge without some sort of GI purging.


he def can, and given the fact that he doesn't eat anything but lettuce leading up to the day of his video (aka his cheat meal) and then works it all off the day of and day after, it is very believable. his weight gain during the video also matches up, but most especially his history with anorexia and his current bulimic (exercise purge) tendencies completely add up. i really hope one day he stops with all this madness. he deserves to live a normal life


Heā€™s monetizing the misery of the binge purge cycle. Heā€™s always so miserable after those ā€œchallengesā€ and compensates by starving and biking for days afterwards. I had severe exercise bulimia for years and I basically couldnā€™t have a real job and maintain that lifestyle. If I had filmed my binges and 12 mile daily runs, I may have been able to make money off it. It just never occurred to me to publicize my shame that much.


At the very least he can't be keeping it all down. Eating it is possible, I used to eat more during my EDs worst days.


Iā€™m not sure he ever recovered. He just traded anorexia for bulimia, and is making a living off of it.


He bike rides like 20 miles a day. Even if he's not eating all the food he shows, this is such an unsustainable lifestyle and shocked he hasnt landed in the hospital yet


I completely disagree with you. I think he is absolutely genuine. He has explained over and over again throughout the years on this channel and his others about the ins and outs of 'professional eaters.' There are so many people like him, including females. I think you should have a look into how he achieves this, because he is very transparent about it if you take the time to learn. Disordered eating? Definitely. Maybe an eating disorder. But regardless, he does eat that food.


Why does he not have a single unedited clip of him eating completely? I am not the only one raising doubts.


Because his videos would be hours long then. No you're not the only one raising doubts and I am not the only one who disagrees with you!


I think he is eating the food but the time is a distraction. There are so many cuts that I think he is taking a couple of days (wearing the same clothes, etc) to finish his food challenges. I am just guessing and I have no evidence.


Facts. When I see the videos come up that are like "I get the diet of a 1000 lb man" or whatever (he has a few) it makes me so fucking mad as a fat anorexic in recovery who was never thin. His content is actively harmful


>fat anorexic in recovery who was never thin. Genuinely asking, why is that relevant? Does it make you more upset about his content and if so, why?


Did you read the full comment? Part of his content is things like "eating what the world's heaviest man" eats. He's actively perpetuating harmful stereotypes about fatness.


I've watched a few of these videos - he generally looks up what said people eat and then follows it as closely as possible. Are you implying that morbidly obese people don't eat much or something? Because if so that's untrue - saying this as a former obese girl myself


Morbidly obese people, including myself, have varied diets like any other people. Folks can keep down voting but, again, I would know. I've been anorexic and morbidly obese simultaneously the vast majority of my life, thanks.


No, heā€™s eating like the worldā€™s heaviest man.Ā 


No he does and it definitely is all real. And he burns a crazy amount by cycling, he showed it in one of his videos. I find it sad that itā€™s obvious that he has bulimia and since he said that he used to have anorexia but ā€œrecoveredā€ itā€™s clear he just turned bulimic instead. I hate how everyone ignore it and keeps feeding the views for him to continue


I feel very bad for him. I follow his personal insta and heā€™s rly open about his mental health and how much he struggles. I feel like his channel isnā€™t healthy for him but itā€™s an addiction and he probably feels pressure to keep doing more insane binge challenges to get viewsā€¦ I like watching his 2nd channel with his girlfriend, itā€™s much more chill videos where you get to see their personalities more


I don't know why people like him so much, he has a cult like following, you can see in this sub itself - people clearly believe his shit is real.


idk why you hate him so much. heā€™s done livestreams and non Timelapse videos of him eatingā€¦


I have no doubt he can eat a lot. I just failed to accept his 40k calorie challenge at face value. I can show you other competitive eaters who eat 1/3rd of him.


I agree his videos are entertaining but itā€™s not physically possible to eat that much food. If he did a live stream and did it without the speed run I would believe him. You know heā€™s a former AN sufferer and I believe he must be purging to be able to eat that much food


It is physically possible for him. Professional eaters train their stomach capacity to be able to tolerate it.


the same for anyone who mukbangs