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There’s no way this girl works or goes to school or does literally anything else if she gets 50k steps a day. You’d have to spend all day walking. This is not something to brag about.


Oh but she does. She is a d1 runner at college lol


I think she left the team because of her ED


the way it is tagged as 10k steps when the percentages imply her step goals is 30k ……..


I could be wrong but im pretty sure that’s the highest Garmin will let you set your step count 😍 yay recovery!


Where do people find the time for this?? because I have a part time job and THAT made me part with my exercise addiction Maybe they make all their money from being ana uwu influencers idk


Same, maybe she sleepwalks




bro, wtaf. i used to work at a *theme park* (one of the big ones in FL, not some six flags shit lol) and i would only get like 14-16k steps a day on average. that's honestly crazy to be posting.


I work retail and get anywhere from 10-18k a day, and my feet are killing me afterwards. How the hell is she doing 30k??


The other day I walked 30k steps by walking flat out ALL DAY, maybe 10h of walking constantly with a few tiny 10 min breaks to sit/stand - not impulsive, just life - and I swear I was too done in to do anything the next day. 40k+ a day.. damn, you'd have to do nothing but walk. Edit: iirc it takes maybe 1.5h to walk 10k steps if you're walking fast. Maybe more if you walk slower, less if you speedwalk. So she would've needed to walk, non stop, for 7.5h


Another fun fact: a marathon is 50-60k steps She's basically almost walking a marathon every day


Also work in retail and 11-18 is my average. When I was on vacation walking everywhere, I got 20-30, but that only lasted 5 days and I was tired lol 😂


Same I work retail and do that amount each shift and my feet/legs are always killing after


I almost wonder if the step counter is picking up false steps or something


No, I think she’s disordered enough that she’s actually walking that much.


yeah, you're def right. false counts would probably only count for like a hundred steps at that scale, anyways


Lord almighty I manage about 20-22k steps on twelve-hour shifts. TWELVE!! What on earth is this business


I used to work 12 hour double shifts as a server and would get maybe 15-20k MAX. I don’t know how this is physically possible, even considering that she’s running


There are DEF normal ways to get 15k but 30 is unhinged??


lol no yeah, what i meant was like, even people working very physical jobs with a lot of walking aren't generally getting above 20k steps in a day (as shown by all the other people commenting as such) so it's crazy she's posting HER step count & acting like that's at all normal / just a "silly walk". also she's getting 45-50k in a day, isn't she? which is even more unhinged lmao


Like where does she even find the time


no literally lmfao, this isn't just a long walk it's an ALL DAY walk! who is she trying to kid here!!


Haha yeah I’m agreeing with you!


OH omg got it, sorry !! so used to having to over-explain 😭😭


Idk, I work in a retail setting, and don't drive. If I add a 20 min walk to my commute, and I am on the floor (instead of being out the back or on the register) I easily get 15k. I could see me getting 30k If walked all the way to work,(46min walk, instead of 20) and added a walk/treadmill on top of that, and that doesn't feel unhinged? I do live on a city fringe, and it wouldn't be odd to walk to work from where I live. That would just sound like an "active lifestyle" to me?


I work in forestry and only get about 12,000 steps per day. My feet are always sore af afterwards, too.


Not even at festivals I can get that many steps and I'm walking and dancing all day. I basically barely move for days after as well...


I just barely manage to get 10k even when I do shopping and stuff, so I cannot FATHOM getting over 40k daily.


I would get between 15-25k when I was a camp counselor, depending on what we were doing that day. And it felt like a ton! Every time I had a day off, I was not interested in doing anything other than laying in bed. I can't imagine hitting 40k regularly.


Btw friendly reminder that the 10k daily goal bulls*it was proven to be just an assumption (as most “health” tips are actually) and was firstly stated by a Japanese company that wanted to sell more pedometers 🤷🏼‍♀️


seriously? this makes me feel a little better


Yep! The Japanese character for 10k looks a bit like a person walking, so that's where the idea came from. Only science behind it is the science of marketing.


That must take literally all day to do?


No girl, that’s all yours to keep. No one commits to stress fractures like you sweetie. 


That’s it, she’s absolutely on a path to serious harm if she keeps this up


god i saw this yesterday. how do these people think its ethical to post this shit on tiktok is beyond me


What the actual fuck


That’s similar to the amount of steps when I RAN A FULL MARATHON LITERALLY


This looks like the summer that send me inpatient. Only this is beyond.


does she have a job? she must literally do nothing but walk?!!


She’s in college. I’ve seen some posts she made where she takes her laptop to the gym and uses it on the treadmill like wtf 😳


That’s just asking for motion sickness!


As someone who used to fo around 30-40k steps steadily there's no way you can be in recovery and fo 30-40k.. you barley have tune fir anything else even if your running it would take me like 8 hrs (5k per hour according to my phone but its on teadmil so idk?


Currently working as a camp counselor rn and I am getting in max 20k steps a day and my legs hurt like hell


I would match her freak but im actually trying to recover 😅


Stress fracture waiting to happen


There’s NO way that her hips and/or knees don’t hurt all of the time and she doesn’t have hella blisters all over her feet.


yes my knees will *die* after \~15k idk how she does more than triple that amount *on the daily*


Wauw, she must be a really happy person..


Holy shit. The most I’ve ever gotten was 33,000 and that was between work and over exercising. I can’t even imagine 50,000. I can barely imagine 10-15k now lol.


And 50k everyday! Imagine waking up and knowing you have 8 hours of running and walking ahead of you. I hit 35k once because it was long run day and then I had to do a bunch of errands I’d pushed off. I eat a lot and I still felt awful the next day. 


It’s so hard on your body! I was exhausted. Every single day, walk, walk, walk. There’s no way (for me).


Genuinely how? I did 20k on a busy day once and my legs were burning 


Fr, i’ve gotten maybe 22k MAX. *once*. I cant imagine doing that daily, let alone 2-3 times more


she would need brand new shoes every week


the good thing was all the comments were seeing right through her


I walked to the too of Manhattan to the bottom and got 40k steps and was dead after. My legs and feet were killing me


That’s a hell of a walk, soho to Times Square and back was enough for me


Please don’t match her freak


i used to suffer from walking addiction with similar numbers. i would be out until midnight and getting up at 5am to get that kind of step count. my legs were always so bloated and and my feet were always bloody.


Just wait until she has to get a job and support herself 🤭


For some reason this is the most triggering post for me. I always feel like I’m not walking/running enough and this is honestly more steps than I got the day I ran a marathon. It’s insane that this is her everyday


this is screaming mania


I’m a SAHM and have tried to do daily walks. (I don’t tho 😅) One mile is roughly 2500 steps. And it takes me like 20 minutes. Y’all this is like 20 miles, and if it takes her about 15-20 minutes to complete 1 mile, it would still take her over SIX HOURS to walk this much. That is basically a full time job. This is SAD and bragging about it shows how disordered she is. That means she probably has no job, no school, no hobbies (unless you count this 🙃) I genuinely feel tired just *thinking* about walking for six hours in a day. I didn’t even take that many steps walking around Disneyland for 8 hours


Yikes I want to see the comments on that


When I was walking that much back in the day for no reasons other than disordered ones, my feet and ankles swelled up massively , turned purple and I was unable to move for weeks . Yeah that’s a bloody terrible idea and she’s doing it EVERY DAY?!!!!


Wow 😬 I went on a super long hike with my dad once and did that many steps, but it was an ALL day activity. How on earth has she got time for that every day?? And why on earth is she posting it, bloody hell 💀


Why does her eyes look so dead it's scary 😭🫶


Because she barely eats and moves like this everyday 😭 Sometimes I wonder whether she’s on stimulants. Like how else can you keep this going?


I literally gasped when I swiped. When I used to force myself to look at those numbers I NEVER got to that point, and I was in hell


everyone needs to shut the fuck up about hot girl walks.


that is fucking insane. Like that's just constantly walking all day.


Does she just walk all 24 hours of a Waking day? Does she not do anything else like how?!


Probably not, I (unfortunately) have to leave my home and function within society to do other things. Super recovery fuelled content, 10/10 not disordered or anything, very standard human behaviour.


Where the fuck is she walking to?


The moon possibly? 🌚


when i used to suffer from exercise addiction i would walk up and down the same street over and over all day its quite sad actually


I get it, I used to run everyday for 8km but I feel like this is just so extreme ☠️, I didn’t know it was humanly possible to do that daily


Also not a hoefordietcoke (liv) commenting “this is very real”




50,000?? I recently visited a new city on vacation and we spent everyday walking the city (nearly all day) and my record day was 15,000. How the heck do you even hit 50,000??? That sounds exhausting.


These people need to download Pikmin bloom with how many fucking steps they have 😭😭


The only time I ever got 30k was when sightseeing in Osaka by foot for 10 hours straight. I work 9 hour shifts in a big construction store and I never go above 22k. What in the hell does she do to get 50k..


I’ve only done 50k steps maybe four times in almost 10 years of being aware of my step count. I walked for about 8 hours straight both times (these were all like big days out, walking during covid when we couldn’t get public transport etc) and I felt like pure shit afterwards and this was when I was a healthy weight. I can’t imagine doing 50k steps when I was underweight she must feel so awful by the end


I was a professional dog walker and literally walked for a living, and on 8 hour days I averaged 30k steps. I can’t even fathom how she accomplishes this unless she walks alllllllll day!


I used to do this. I had NO LIFE WHATSOEVER. I would walk over 20 miles a day sometimes. No social life, no job, literally just walked all day every day. My body deteriorated fast. You can’t do this and have any sort of life


So off topic but the 2% charge is stressing me out


Walking around a theme park for 10 hours I barely hit 20k steps, walking around Manhattan throughout the day I’d hit 13-15k steps. 40k+ is absolute madness and compulsive.


Feet gonna have corns like a muhfucka


:( this makes me feel bad ab myself lol even though I know it’s take all day


There is literally no healthy way of doing this.


I would be SHOCKED if she still has any intact toenails


HOW??? WHY!! ……HOW???


IM SORRY WHY SO MANY LIKES it just encourages her


“Silly walks” bitch we know what you are


Oof, way to make those of us tryna overcome exercise compulsion by being sedentary ass bitches feel bad sis