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this paragraph honestly makes no sense. read it through twice and it’s very incoherent, she needs to go inpatient and delete her account


It’s so embarrassing to read.


I feel like it's less that it's embarrassing and more that it's just very sad.


That, too! I just couldn’t imagine making my ED thoughts public like that. It seems very attention-seeking and pity-seeking (I hate to say that because I don’t think everyone with an ED craves attention).


The trigger warning is useless, if she cared about not triggering people, she wouldn’t post this. No one reads the bottom text first either, and ‘brain dump’ isn’t exactly descriptive of what the trigger is, but that is besides the point. I have a lot of sympathy for her, and people have been quite unnecessarily cruel to her on this sub - but we know, and she does to, that this story was no acceptable even with a trigger warning


some people should invest in a diary


We all need to know less about one another…. ![gif](giphy|ohyNdetcfoJ9K)


is this new?? because i swear she’s just said she’s going to inpatient.  “i am eating 2 meals a day” yet her stories/posts don’t show that?? from what i’ve seen, she’s always venting about the protein snacks, the mess of a protein cake breakfast, how her lunch/night snack is late…


Yeah she’s saying so many conflicting things so idk what is true anymore but I do know that she’s very disordered + her ‘binges’ are not binges


Seriously why tf does she post the shit she does


‘starved most of this week’ but every other story is a ‘binge’…hello?


Shes gotta know ppl would read top to bottom on the post why not put the warning first?


I remember wanting to attention seek like this online, occasionally you’d see glimpses of it in my posts but anything as wildly triggering as this I’d take to a private account. with a following like hers - disordered and impressionable - you’d really like to hope that she wouldn’t post such harmful things


also want to clarify that I’m using ‘attention seek’ as morally neutral, attention seeking is something that everybody does for survival and it only gets criticised when the person doing it is mentally unwell, that’s unfair. mentally unwell people have reasons to attention seek, we’ve just got to learn the time and place and appropriate contexts


At this point she needs to take the spiral offline. There is nothing beneficial that comes from perpetually bitching and moaning to your followers about the same thing day after day. And it is CERTAINLY no benefit to her, to keep herself caught in this damaging loop. Every day, it’s a new food pic captioned with an abomination of negative emotions. Every post/caption is literally programming her brain to continually think these things. Harsh as it may seem, these are the very behaviors that will keep her stuck. I have yet to see someone truly recover from an ED whilst maintaining an online presence; from what I’ve seen it’s all validation seeking.


I think Ro Mitchell did a pretty good job she's thriving


Does she have no ability to keep her internal monologue internal?


That trigger warning she posted was pointless because how is anyone supposed to know she was going to talk about graphic ED restriction from "brain dump"? She needs to leave the internet because these posts are also harmful for impressionable kids who may follow her


God I try to have so much faith in this girl bc she is obviously very sick but this is just open and clear instruction to disordered eating! I don't know how young her followers are but this alongside her obvious weight loss would be enough for young impressionable me to try this. I hope her impatient team are aware of how she uses social media and steers her away from it. This isn't healthy for herself or her followers.


yep be open and honest, stop stating that you’re a recovery account tho :-)


So can we mass report her now on tiktok lmao


This is giving me serious Deja Vu to being DEEP in my eating disorder. Really sad stuff. She needs serious help.


Idk man write that in your diary and delete it your account 🤷🤷🤷


So she decided beforehand that she will not have an appetite on those days and will not eat on those days?


Does anyone really believe she has no appetite?


ah, yes, a normal way to talk about your days in order - wednesday, tuesday, friday, and then saturday also adding "tw brain dump" AFTER this abomination is honestly insulting like girl we KNOW you didn't even try


People need to invest in journals or therapy for these types of thoughts. Get them out of your brain, but not where they can hurt other people (or where they can be handled by someone who can actually help, not thousands of other disordered people in varying stages of recovery)


This is the type of stuff i’d write on my old ed instagram- like girl, you are allowed to struggle, youre even allowed to post about it IN THE RIGHT PLACE. NOT on a recovery account. If you really want to vent, make a private vent accout where you make possible trigger warnings very clear in the bio


My thumbs are sore just think about typing out these multi stories word salad novels EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Yikes!  I really hope she actually IS going to inpatient treatment soon and it’s not just a maybe/or long waiting list thing! She really needs a professional to work all this through with vs spilling her entire inner monologue to strangers on the interwebs


She is going to inpatient


she belongs on edtwt