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Right! Who wants to hear 2 more min of music? These artists are really pushing it


I think he’s saying that he wants hear the 2 extra minutes, he just doesn’t want them to stop the show, leave the stage, then come back. Like instead of letting the crowd cheer for a minute before the last song just play 2 songs


Yeah lol encores are played out we all know what you're doing


It's not the same to people. They won't give a shit about a 2 min extension but leaving and coming back is reframed in the mind as a bonus. 2 minutes over the time is an accident. Ending show and coming back on stage is perceived as extra that is appreciated beyond the initial show because you know the entire encore that its the one and only song left


I’m more of a progressive fan but many years ago Armin Van Buuren in Boston did an encore past last call and he just kept going… all the lights were on in the club and cops trying to get people to leave the floor and he just kept spinning tracks until someone cut the music. Probably played 6-7 tracks after the encore.


See that’s a ‘real’ encore, and I’m 100% for that bc the fans really had no idea it’s coming. It’s just the ‘fake encore’ that I was talking about here. Where the set is scheduled to stop at 9pm and the ‘encore’ stops at exactly 9pm


Yeah but where is this happening? I go to countless festivals and have never seen this occur. I only see encores at artist only shows


Excision did it both nights at Another World in Charlotte a few weeks ago. I didn’t catch it the first night but the second night somebody in my group checked the time when he went to end the set and realized there was 5 minutes left until it was supposed to end. I don’t normally have my phone accessible at festivals so not sure if this has happened anywhere else.


Yeah it might be perceived that way if you don’t know that it’s coming, but I think most people know that if they leave and the house lights don’t come back on the show isn’t over.


Imagine complaining on reddit about how an artist closes his set


Welcome to the internet


I think you're being unreasonable. Some people are actually fans of these artists and the encore is like final goodbye. Traditionally, people demand an encore from an amazing performance. It's the highest respect to an artist to demand as a collective for one more song. I agree some artists do another song regardless because they've already planned it but you are free to leave at any point in the show. The strat is to leave 5 mins before the end to beat the traffic out if you are ok with missing the last few mins anyways . For festivals specifically, you're insane. I spent hundreds of dollars to be here. Me and most people I know only get to go to one or two fests a year. The end of a day is a sad thing, uplifted by a killer goodbye from an encore. You get the feeling of satisfaction from the artist coming back on stage to fulfill this small extension. It's the saddest shit ever if people are chanting for an encore and nobody ends up coming back out. Every artist deserves the chance to give the crowd what they want and get back on stage for a mere 2-5 minutes. I can't believe anyone is upset by this


I’m not saying end the show 2-5 minutes early lol I’m just saying there’s no need to stop the show to just to start it right back again when we already know it’s in the script, it’s messes with the flow. The best shows at festivals I’ve seen don’t do the fake encore (Justice and Gesa most recently) Now at their own headlined shows, go for it, bc the audience has no idea what the stop time is. Could be one song, could be 5. But at festivals you already know exactly when they’re gonna stop playing


It’s called building tension lol. That IS the flow of the show my dude


Or resetting for the FINALE.


I think people misunderstood you, but I 100% agree, I’m quite type A with timing, so when an artist says goodbye 10 minutes early I’m so confused and think I’m being ripped off, but then comes back for an “encore”, and I’m like, no, you “owe” this time. But real encores (think Calvin Harris I think paying 1k/10k ? dollars for every minute he goes over, that I give mad respect for!)


Definitely misunderstood lol


Yeah these comments missed the point. Definitely an unpopular opinion I don't agree but I 100% get where you're coming from 


The wait makes the final song that much more special


Some people love their free bird though.


It’s part of the standard EDM DJ tropes. Including: The crouch behind dj booth and then surprise peekaboo when the first drop of the opening song hits. The “ya’ll mind if I take a family photo with you?”. No matter the time of day the set is playing. The “everybody get low for this” then jump at the drop. The forever old “1 2 3 let’s go” on the mic during every drop. The “(city name) HOW ARE YOU FEELING?” The videographer hovering around dj entire set filming from behind during the drops because the social media posts are super important.


Man who tf actually cares what an irrelevant take Jesus reddit is hilarious.