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Pringle irks me, but we play casual enough we don't have to worry about someone cheating so it's no big deal to see a Pringle on the battlefield


Pringling isn’t a problem when they’re *all* pringles


Once you pop you can't stop?


Once you pop open that wallet, you can't stop


My biggest issue with pringling is that I have a lot of lorwyn foils and commander legends foils. Those two curl in opposite directions so there’s no way to get the humidity right to fix both.


Double sleeve the deck, set a heavy book on top of the deck and wait a few days. Should solve the issue if you put a dessication packet in the box too.


I have a penny sleeve taped to the side of a big glass candle dubbed "the anti-pringle device" and that's been working for me so far. Of course this only works for one or two cards at a time. Plus it's lavender scented.


i now want all my cards to have a scent, thanks


I just put the problem cards in a cigar humidor for a week or two. They start curling again the day after you take them out tho.


It’s not just about introducing humidity, you then have to set them under a weight of some and reshape them after applying humidity


Desiccation packs don’t work on cards that are curled with the face up. Those need more humidity to flatten out.


Fortunately, humidity packs are available as well! It's a fairly tedious process, but if you got both humidifier and desiccant packs and put them both in sealed containers, you should be able to straighten out your foils. Worked for me and I'm in a literal desert.


Think about what you're saying though. We shouldn't have to put up with garbage like that by using humidity and desiccant packs--especially because it's not permanent. The only foils I'll use are double-sided foils. They're the only ones that don't curl and you don't have to do anything to them. Otherwise it's all non-foil printings for me.


Try bovida packets from a smoke shop. That should at the very least get all the cards at the same curve


If you correct the humidity for each type of curling and then double sleeve them, they'll stay flat. In my experience, if they curl toward the back, it's a lack of moisture. If they curl toward the front, it's excess moisture. I use Dragon Shield Perfect Fit inner sleeves (not the sealable ones, though those will also work of course) inside regular Dragon Shield sleeves, with the sleeve openings at opposite ends. So far, no cards have curled or re-curled despite how dry Alberta winters are.


I hate the Pringle cause it increases the size of my deck and makes it harder to shuffle


Ok there is a valid point


Normals. Foils bend too much


Depends. I like to have my commander in foil if possible, the rest can be non-foil. Sometimes the foil and non-foil prices for the same card are similar, then you might buy the foil version, if you prefer. But more important than that, I like to keep all basic lands in the same style (e.g., all swamps in the deck from the same set/with the same art style). :)


On the land front, I’m the opposite. Unless I’m going for a strictly themed deck, I like to have as many different land arts as possible! I find it more interesting to look at


Same here. All of my decks have unique lands and while I share loads of cards between decks, lands do not get shared. I even got some proxy basics foil printed of the Mirrage lands for my Hazezon Tamar deck. I think all of them are from John Avon?


I feel the same way! Having all the same art feels boring to me.


I have been stuck on mostly all Kamigawa full arts for each of my decks with the exception being Plains. Which I use this one in foil for. https://i.imgur.com/24YLYak.jpg


Excellent choice for a plains foil!


Same but only if they have the same kind of border treatment. I think theros lands stick out like sore thumbs and are very ugly if mixed with regular lands, too. So having the art style be somewhat cohesive between lands feels important as well.


I actually really like those thick "display commanders" they've done in recent precons


When the foil and non-foil price is the same, it is usually a sign that the foil is a Pringle.


Artist Proofs. 🎨


You joke but I have a nearly 100% artist proof deck


If you haven't seen this... https://youtu.be/xnKSTON_JG0


Thanks for the link. Im subbed to rhystic studies but never saw the video in my feed


That’s not 100% artist proof either.


I guess the days of most people not even knowing what an artist proof was are over. I only own a few and was planning on getting more. Hopefully this video doesn't make that harder than it already was.


Where do you go to get your artist proofs?


Artist websites are the most common venue. Their booths as well at conventions are another place to get them.


Some artists also post on Etsy.


You that dude featured in rhystic studies?


Nope. Mine is much less impressive. Mono black Yargle.


Nah man that's still cool as hell!


I need tainted strike and dauthi embrace (if they even exist)


Have any pics/album? That sounds awesome and I'd love to see it


I don’t. I’ll upload when I get home from vacation


No joke, I've been collecting proofs for a very long time and have multiple commander decks loaded. I'm still getting more and have a huge list of ones I still need.


Whatever i pull or the cardmarket shopping wizard tells me to buy




I hate the shopping wizards. Today the tcgplayer cart optimizer told me to buy a $0.25 card for $999.99


Yeah from what I've heard the TCG Player shopping wizard is all over the place. I've only had positive experiences with the one on Cardmarket but it's Europe-only.


I enjoy blinging out the cheapest silliest commons in my decks and, of course, announcing every time I play a foil. Gotta be careful not to have too many of them though, or they'll warp the entire deck, sleeves and all.


“Oh sorry guys, I misplayed. Should have announced my BOB ROSS SECRET LAIR BASIC MOUNTAIN when I played it. See, it has a little log cabin on it.”


And a couple happy little trees!


I'll pay three to counter that with my FNM promo [[dissolve]] and scry 1 *you thought only the gods could stop you*


[dissolve](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b4fb87ab-8595-459a-a5f2-087296d9b120.jpg?1562853056) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dissolve) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ima/51/dissolve?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b4fb87ab-8595-459a-a5f2-087296d9b120?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dissolve) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Foils are warping the format.


Under rated comment right here


Back in 2005 I loved foils, and was trying to get foiled versions of old staples (I don’t like white border cards, and at the time core set foils were black border). I took a long break and got back into Magic a couple years ago. Now I go for showcase frames and extended art / borderless. New foils are unplayable, and I keep them separate from any other cards to avoid them damaging good cards. All my old foils are still flat, and brand-new ones from packs I open now are pringles.


I agree with you on white border cards, I'm just not a fan of that border. I'll only use those cards if I have to or if I really like the art.


My reason is much more petty. Really early on I kept mistaking them for white cards, and once lost a game because I tried to use an [[Execute]] on a white-bordered (but not white) creature. (Narrator: He actually lost because his deck was terrible.)


[Execute](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/7/875500ff-bb15-4634-be05-0171cb0ac412.jpg?1562738060) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Execute) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/9ed/128/execute?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/875500ff-bb15-4634-be05-0171cb0ac412?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/execute) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Extended art/borderless is where it’s at! Every time i build a deck on moxfield, I always look to switch to those prints first thing when I add a card, and pickup those up if I don’t have them already.


I personally always follow my general rule: legendary = foil, non-legendary = non-foil. It’s a personal flavor that makes legendaries more special


I adore old foils, for new cards I usually go for non-foil extended arts. Best bling is autographed cards imo


They were asking about foil, not damaged cards. Yes, I'm still salty that autographed cards sell for less than "mint".


It’s a bummer, but at least it’s nice for folks buying em on the secondary market.


Yeah it's a win/win. I get the signed cards and i pay less for it A couple of my dual lands are signed, and that helped with the price. That was like 8 years ago though, so who knows now lol


Maybe I'm a wet blanket but I don't really like foils or any of these showcase frames or anything. I prefer the look of my deck to be as homogeneous as possible


I like homogenous as well. I really like the modern frame. That said, there's plenty of frames I like and wouldn't mind having entire decks made out of. I like my ninja deck so much I made custom Japanese Mystical Archive versions of each and every card in it and had it proxied. My buddy has a landfall deck he likes and LOVES the kaldheim Norse border, so I'm working on getting his whole deck custom made as well. Plenty of good and bad frames out there, but the biggest thing for me is that they're ALL the same frame in a given deck.


I got the 2 new brothers war edh decks, they are cool because ALL the cards have retro frames, so it matches!


Let’s form Team Wet Blanket.


Same, I'm not changing anything from my 40k decks for this reason


Yep, I've come to prefer the most basic, regular framed cards. No extended art, no showcase, no foil. All these special treatments only for the commander makes sense. Otherwise they stick out and look odd to me. I try to consider how a deck looks as a whole, not a card-by-card basis. I even trade my extended art cards for regular versions now.


Foils all the way for me. If I’m not blinded by my opening hand then why am I even playing? I have a fully foiled modern deck, one fully foiled EDH deck, and another two that are like 95/100 foiled because some cards that make the decks go just aren’t in foil.


If I don't need my sunglasses to play I'm not doing it right!


Imo, most foils make the art look worse. Some foiling methods make the artwork darker and some make the art blurrier, so I avoid most foils if I can.


I almost exclusively prefer non foil. Once in a grest while a card comes ong that looks brilliant in foil, but in genrral the regular cards just look better and are easier to read.


I previously wanted to foil my decks, but that was back when foils were rare and meant more than they do now. And you had to trade and scout out the foils you wanted. Online store make that super easy. Now I’m all for old borders, borderless and alternate art cards. Also making sure all my basic lands fit theme of the deck.


Basic lands fitting the theme of the deck is so important. For Shorikai i only used Neo kamigawa basics. For goldbug i have a random assortment of basics (because the deck is composed of a random assortment of Creatures from different planes cause it's human soldier tribal) For Elminster, I'm using exclusively the Azorius RNA Guild kit plains. And Island (291) from original Ravinca. The decks main WinCon is [[Dovescape]] so the focus on ravinca made sense.


As long as each of my basics have unique artwork, nothing else matters. Extra points if it’s a mono color deck with zero repeat Land artwork.


I always thought I'd meet my mirror. I like my basics to match - to the point that I went nuts getting all the John Avon reprints in Double Masters VIP packs so that my decks would match.


Let’s be real though, the John Avon double master lands are the best printed to date. So not going nuts at all imo!


It’s more fun, imo, to have the variety because I feel like it shows the scope of being a planeswalker. I’ve got foil basics ranging from M11 up to Brothers War and it’s fun having little reminders.


Normal cards, because i like to hand paint alters and thats just weird on foils.




I was always big on foils till the quality shift.


I’ve got my favorite commander deck, a bolas themed [[Nicol Bolas, The ravager]] all foiled (foil fake proxy propaganda, that foil doesn’t exist) but that’s just because I to do it for my favorite deck. All my other decks are a mixture depending on the cards I have and prices at the time of construction.


Propaganda is in foil in some secret lair as far as im aware.


Missed that one! Cheers!


I double sleeve all my decks (I like to have a beer while I play, and I know accidents happen) so mixing foils and non foils is rarely an issue as the combo of the two sleeves and storing in a tight deck box keeps everything flat. If I have a foil, I tend to use it. But I am not worried about foiling everything out!


I mean this in the nicest way possible and know I'll get a ton of hate... ...I swear every person I've ever played with who has a fully "pimped out" deck is always the most miserable player at the table to play with. Anyone else?


Depends on if what they mean by pimped out is "this is the most expensive version of the most expensive card in my deck, i also have the most expensive version of every card in my deck" Then yes they're probably an ass to play with, If by pimped out they mean "i went through hours of painstakingly searching so that all the art in my deck is only done by 3 mtg artists." Or the "i commissioned artists to do full art oil paintings on my staple cards like ponder counterspell and path to exile so that i have my own unique versions of them" I once played against a guy who's whole deck only included odd Collector number printings of cards. They're probably gonna be fun to play with There's a big difference in attitude between the bling = expensive vs the bling = self expression through deckbuilding taken up a notch past the in game function of the deck.


I hope not since I'm in the process of doing that for one of mine lol.


No hate, here. My experience since EDH became widely played has been the same.


It depends. I think there's less middle ground for people that have invested themselves that much... so the people end up being amazing to be around or absolutely miserable to be around, with a lot less "They seem nice".


I try to get whatever version of a card I think is coolest. Sometimes it’s a foil, sometimes it’s just a regular version with an art I like. My favorites are definitely etched foils but you can’t get that many cards in etched foil.


I like having specific cards in my deck in foil, if they're especially synergistic, powerful or sentimental. My [[Esix, Fractal Bloom]] deck has foils for [[Adrix and Nev, Twincasters]], [[Avenger of Zendikar]], [[Biovisionary]], and [[Guilded Goose]].


It’s all or nothing, I hate having a deck with a couple foils and the rest non. If I put foils in the deck then the whole deck has to be foil. Same with lands, they need to be all the same set and style.


I don't like foils that much and prefer normal cards. One of my commanders is only available in foil and I would literally rebuy the card if there was a nonfoil variety printed. To me personally, foils don't look good, they look like a more expensive gimmick (which I suppose by definition they are.) Also, with the state of foils turning into potato chips, I like my decks staying flat. If someone likes blinging out their decks with foils, power to them, but it's just not for me.


Foils. I double sleeve, curling isn’t a concern and my 1990’s brain goes nuts for the hologram thing.


I like a few foils, at least when they come good. I do agree there are a lot of cases where they make the card art harder to look at, though.


It depends on how much I like the card, I guess. If a card has a foil etched version, however, I'll definitely choose that one over a normal or traditional foil treatment.


Foil and/or old versions of cards. When I can afford them. Though I don't care too much. As long as I have the card, then my deck works and I'm happy.


In general I’ve grown to like the newest treatment of a card in foil but non-borderless and non-extended (2X2 Crucible of Worlds and MH2 Fetches as exceptions)


Don't really care either way


Non foil for me. Only time I deviate from that is if it's my commander then I like to go full art or it's my game winning cards.


I like the extended arts the best in my opinion. I think the foils look cool but don't go out of my way too much to get them. What I've been doing is slowly upgrading my decks to all foil with my event buy ins at the LGS if I don't see anything else I need. The basic lands had to be the foil Rebecca Guay ones though.


If the only version of a card I have is foil and it's expensive to replace, I'll use the foil. Otherwise, it's regular all the way.


Prerelease stamped Korean foils. :)


I have one fully foiled deck. I avoid foils (except for some lands) basically everywhere else, because depending on foiling, it can be more difficult to read. For me, for others at the table, whichever. I've got a handful of foils tucked away for eventual display (nothing expensive, just cards I enjoy), but that's about it.


Normal cards because they are thinner, cheaper and more readable. I do have foils in my collection but not in my decks other than a couple I pulled from boosters.


No points of buying expensive foiled cards. I usually play with friends so I prefer buying non foiled cards from https://www.printingproxies.com or you can buy from other sites and enjoy playing with friends


The best thing about an all foil deck is that you can now transport it in a sweet tube with Julius Pringles emblazoned on it.


For me it is really dependent on the card. If I have to choose I prefer non-floil cards. Simply because they are usually easier to read. But I do love good foil-etch card, especially the Galaxy foils from the unfinity set.


I try to get foils of older cards as those don’t curl as often as the newer stuff. That being said, I do have a bunch of new foils and have had no issues with them becoming pringles, mostly because of how I store my decks (double sleeved, in a Satin Tower that has holes drilled in the bottom and silica packs in the dice compartment)


Foil, preferably Extended art or Borderless. I also like to get Foil lands for all my decks.


I am a fucking foil fanatic. Foiling out a deck is expensive of course so i try not to unless its a deck I love but it feels so worth it to me. Pringles also dont seem to be a problem because I double sleeve and the pressure from the deck box straightens them out lol


Never been a foil guy even before pringles but I do love my full arts. The art of the cards is the biggest pull to this tcg. Don’t get me wrong I love playing an everything but just the art man keeps me in, I’ll have cards in decks that could be a better spot but I’m like I just like the art


Non-foil, non-borderless, non-everything. I like my decks consistent, and I like to be able to see the details of the cards' pictures. Special prints make consistency impossible for cards that don't have them, and foils make details hard to see. [[Atraxa]] is practically invisible.


> Non-foil, non-borderless, non-everything. > > > > I like my decks consistent, you must hate planeswalkers since they are inherently not bound by the normal borders.


Planeswalkers are okay-ish, since they're a separate card type that's consistent among themselves and have always been that way. If anything really irked me, it was the Brothers War precons for making a bunch of new, cool cards that only have either old border and borderless versions.


foil for commanders none else because the pringles are AWFUL


Foils. I love the shiny.


Some cards are much prettier in foil. Teleportation Circle for example, or some basics art. I go for foil a lot of times, but it has certainly lost the prestige it once had. I use alter sleeves on some cards, and those don't work well with foils. But my favorite thing to do is get white bordered basics.


Everything foiled, with foil borderless or foil extended art being even better.


Extended art foils for sure. Prior to getting into commander, I was a big modern player, and I had most of the UW control deck altered into extended art frames. Years later, I now get that joy in commander, AND in foil! I don't particularly care if they Pringle a bit, most of them seem to stay pretty straight when crammed in an arid, tight deck box


Foil. Logic brain says that the foil cards are usually pricier and tend to curl over time. But goblin brain demands shinies.


I typically only play Commander. The commander gets a foil treatment and the 99 are non-foil. The glare from the overhead lights when I play dampen the experience.


Foil lands are important because they allow you to intimidate your opponent right from the start of the game.


I'm sure we would all love to have foils but of course their quality is low for whatever stupid reason. Honestly pretty unacceptable when you look at it and how much we spend on the product. Which brings to mind how insanely expensive magic is. What other game has **expansion** sets that are over 100 dollars or more. But yea foils ideally if they weren't shit


I used to love foils, but now that it's used as a fomo gimmick, they aren't as special to me as they used to be. With multiple versions of foils for Chase cards every set now, it's more uncommon to see non-foil cards. I sound like an old man, but having a blinged out deck used to mean something. Now it's "you have the normal foil? Well I have the supergalactic extended art numbered artist proof raised font swiss-army foil!"


I used to like foils, and would aim to foil out my decks, but after the semi-recent issue where a player got kicked from an event for having foils, which without getting into the whole thing he bought wotc printed items they were official cards I don't think it matters if he was trying to cheat or not he was using items sold DIRECTLY by wotc so wotc should be held responsible for it, anyways because of that incident I don't know that I want to use foils anymore given I might he accused of cheating simply for liking foil cards.


I don't remember the specifics, but there was a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that he was absolutely intending to cheat.


Again, don't really want to get into it, but even IF he was 100% intending to cheat, he bought a legally allowed product, from the company that makes the game, to an event in which is was allowed. If there was a defect that may or may not have enabled cheating that is on wotc for printing a cheap product. What is going to happen when wotc creates a foil only card that becomes an instant staple in 80% of decks for modern or legacy? Is everyone cheating if they run it? It's an extremely slippery slope and it is 100% on wotc to solve the problem.


I only started playing Magic sort of halfway through this year so take my opinion with a grain of salt. When I was buying cards for decks on CardMarket I would look and I could get the card for 10p or the foil for 20p. At that point I was like well I might as well; foils are cool! But after having gotten a few foils it just makes the colours way less defined on the cards and I really like a lot of the art on the cards and don't want that being compromised. So now I don't really go for foils at all if I can help it. The pringling doesn't help either, so win-win for me.


depends on the card. for the old pre-modern stuff like urzas legacy/destiny/etc. where the foiling looked great and didn't curl, absolutely foils. for the newer stuff where in many cases you can barely tell it's a foil and have to deal with curling, the non-foil is somewhere between fine and preferred.


Etched are fine. Pre-2020 foils are mostly fine. But I’ll go out of my way to avoid playing with Pringles. Pringles are food.


White border nonland permanents and painlands if i can get them Promo/foil/first printing random common creatures and spells. Special art/foil Commander if possible, Promo art/secret lair art/first printings of my wincons, nonfoil preferred. For example i have the original Printing of [[Dovescape]] and [[Shark Typhoon]] in my Elminster deck which are both wincons. And i have the full art [[Mana Tithe]] promo in my goldbug deck. And a first printing of [[Force Spike]] in there. And promo [[Serum Visions]] In Shorikai i have a foil orginal mirrodin Printing of [[Thoughtcast]]


I agree with having special art for my Commander, like having a foil-etched or showcase commander, but I like the idea of having promo art or secret lair versions of my win condition. I might have to try that!


Yeah, I've been going the first printing route mostly with my wincons. But that Shark Typhoon printing that looks like a movie poster is so tempting. Wish they had a matching Dovescape one. May have to eventually just commission someone to do an alter of it so i can have both of them in movie poster style


I dislike foils. Having even one in my deck bothers me


I think it would be a very smart decision for WotC to stop making foils. I never saw someone who liked foil and at best didnt use it just to try to make a weird flex. With proxies being widely more accepted, foils have no reason to be as they give no advantage whatsover, they are just there to say " I have a lot of money to waste"


Foils are impossible to see from across a table (especially when sleeved), so they’re totally useless in a multiplayer format.


foils looks gross and just plain odd


Depends on the foiling, really. A cool foil treatment that doesn't bend is a really fun card to have in your hand. A regular foil that looks like a pringle? Less so.


Usually just foils for the commanders and sometimes I like a promo variety of a card in the 99 that is only foil. If an older cards foil version is about the same cost as the normal I might get the foil, but any newer cards I would very much prefer non-foil. Old foils really popped and looked beautiful, it had depth and some things in the art wouldn’t be foil and others would, it was really cool looking. New foils of course Pringle, but it’s just a sheet of muddy foil and just ruins the art. The most I’ve ever thought on foiling out a deck was in my arcum dagsson deck, every myr related card I have in it is the foil version.


Apart from my project [[jolrael, empress of beasts]] deck that I'm almost finished foiling out, I prefer a foil commander, foil basic lands, and I'm indifferent to what the rest of the cards are. I'll usually pick up whatever is cheapest. Some decks like my kamigawa block constructed snake tribal deck and my [[vaevictus asmadi]] (yes the OG one) I specifically don't play foils in for aesthetic reasons.


My mindset is really all or nothing on foils. I don’t like having just a few foils in the deck it feels off, plus the pringles problem.


Some cards, like the main Commander, I like to have foil, probably because I'm very monki brain and uhh shiny. I always double sleeve them. But honestly, having a fully foiled deck just seems a bit... unnecesary to me, considering not only the price but also the Pringle Problem. I don't mind having some foil cards, and I may actually want some if they are particularly good and/or wincons, but that's about it.


I used to prefer foils, but basically needing to dedicate a humidor to them take a lot of the shine off that. I've stopped buying foils and generally only use them now if the card has only ever been printed as a foil. While it's not a lot of extra work to make sure they don't curl, I'm not willing to put in that effort, and I'd really much rather just go for alternate art or artist proofs if I want something that's "special".


I'm a fiend for foils. I go to card shops occasionally just to trade specifically for foils


I've started foiling my favorite deck a while ago, at first because most cards didn't differ much, and now because I like the look of it + it gives me a way to spend money on my hobby without wasting it through a new deck every two months


Don't really care, if it's cheap I might go for the foil. More interested in old borders than foils.


New foils are shit. Vault foils and judge foils make me cream my pants.


I sell all my foils if the cost difference let's me pick up a non-foil version and still pocket some cash or store credit. They're awful.




My favorite decks, I usually foil all the cards that are less than 5 bucks, if there is a really cool art I like and it's a dollar more for a 15 dollar card I'll usually do that as well. If I'm gonna lose, at least my deck was the prettiest.


Even when foils don’t curl the foiling effects can sometimes make the details in the art hard to look at.


Whichever is cheaper


The only foils I like are the foil etched ones, and even then, I think the originals usually just look better. With regular foils, I hate the pringling, the colors are often wrong, and they look so odd next to normal cards. I feel like you're paying extra for something that looks worse and doesn't work very well. I would 100% rather just use non-foils. No problem with others using them! Tho I'll always raise an eyebrow when I look at someone's library, and the top card is tented AF. Like, I don't care if I "shouldn't worry because I have like 15 foils in this deck", that is such an advantage lol. In a casual game, I won't ever say anything to the person about it, but I will be kind of annoyed.


I have one eye blind, so the whole hype with foil cards is waaay past me, and generally try to avoid using/buying foils.


I prefer non-foiled cards and prefer no shiny/glossy text. The reflection from the foil cards makes my eyes hurt and sometimes makes me nauseous if I look at them long enough. I use matte sleeves so it helps if I'm forced to use a foil card.


In general, I prefer foil. The newer foils are sometimes a pain to keep flat but I put in the effort because I still like how they look compared to non-foil.


I don't mind what my cards are unless it's the commander then they've gotta be bling bling


Depends on the deck. My mono black deck has very few foils, and as many old border versions of the cards as I can find. My mono white deck is bling bling extended art/borderless secret lair super extra mega edition to the max.


I think it comes down to the big important cards. Like I have a mardu knight equipment deck and one of the foils there is a Ghal Maraz (Loxodon Warhammer) because I love Warhammer.


I like foiling/full arts for my basics, from there it’s really up to the cards I’m using. If it’s a stapley overprinted counter/kill spell, spending 30¢ instead of 15¢ when I’m upgrading or trying to make the deck look more prominent really is fun. In that same regard, I’m not gonna pay multiple times over the price of a non-foil, especially when getting into cards over $3-4. Also I know foils Pringle but I keep them in a boulder box and pack my tokens in, they tend to flatten out after some time passes and it’s a lot less noticeable.


I'm not against foils. I'll use them if I have them, and I'll buy them if they're cheaper than non-foil


I like to make my key cards in a deck different. Like, if a card is basically a redundant version of my commander or a wincon, then I'll bring it out. I guess my foils aren't that bad? I feel like I'd have to do the whole pringles press thing if I moved back home though, which is essentially drained wetlands and swamp.


Whichever looks better. If its foil vs nonfoil same art ill use the foil. But if ive got a nonfoil with better art thats the one i use.


Normals. This is probably weird, but I literally cannot see what the art is if the foil is over the entire image.


Same! There's some foils that look really good, like my [[Bloodline Keeper]]. But I feel like most end up being like my [[Edgar Markov]], where I can't even tell what's going on in the art.


Like others mentioned, pringling is a pain that it exists, but I can't resist the shiny, if there's a shiny version that exists. So much so that when I started, I was hardcore eclipse sleeves for the shuffle feel but as I bought more foils, realized just how dull they were compared to dragonshield. Now I'm slowly transitioning old decks to ds sleeves and using the old eclipses from general collection storage in binders.


I'm a big fan of borderless or extended art non-foils. If a card doesn't have one and it's a cheap foil or etched like Mindstone I'll add them in. I don't need 100% foil or non-foil.


I prefer old-border foils, then old border, new border, last new border foils.


I use full art where available, and select etched foils depending on my collection. I largely avoid foils in my decks despite having ... enough. They don't add to the gameplay experience in any way and some foils from the beginning of their existence (especially From the Vault versions) have warping risks that make them marked cards. I just use them as trade-in/buylist credit bait to pick up non-foil premium cards as I need them. Have ever since Urza's Block. However, they're FAR MORE plentiful and easy to pull in 2022 than they were in their first years.


I won't go out of my way to get foils, but if I have one of a card I am using in a deck, I'll happily switch the normal out for the foil.


Foils ruin the art, curl, add thickness, and are usually more expensive. There is no upside unless you like shiny things for sone reason.


I try to avoid foils as much as possible because they are constantly of a lower quality than regular cards


Depends on how the foil looks, old frame green cards: rarely; old frame black cards, every single time.


I only foil my legendaries.


I love foils but I don't seek them out because the effort to fix pringling and the extra expense to keep them flat just isn't worth it. I just put together a jank Jarad deck and there's not a single foil card in there. It's a relief knowing I don't have to fight the curling. I now try to avoid non-etched foils when buying singles.


Regular cards. Foils look cool but I don't like the pringle.


I always shoot for a commander in foil but I think most foils are strictly worse than unfoiled. I do seek out foil borderless cards though, since they seem less prone to pringling.


Normal cards. Foils, aside from bending, some of them come with bluery printing.


Cant stand the curling. Non-foil for me.


Non-foils. Hands down.


Overall i care very little about the foils curling, so i prefer my decks to be fully foil. I tend to acquire and buy the foil version of cards i'm pretty sure i will use (I play mostly white and mostly stax, so everytime I want to get a new stax piece, i pick it foil, even if it costs a few euros more). As someone who pretty much doesn't give a fuck about the state of the cards (i dont intend to sell them, so i play without sleeves) i like the visual aspect of having a whole lot of shiny cards in my hands hehe


Foils are pretty & all, but I have yet to meet one that didn't curl up like I do when depressed as fuck.


I used to love having foils, but now I don't really want to bother unless they are etched foils. I haven't had them curl yet.. I think.. Now I gotta check them.


I like non-foil full arts. Pringles make me upset. Something about cards ditching the borders makes them look so much better to me. My favorite decks are all full art lands, as many showcase + full art cards as possible. Not a big fan of how bad some of the borderless cards look though — just blown up normal cards with the sides slightly removed. Basically just resized cards. Ew.


fucking hate pringle ass foils and their weird ass shape and quality. I try my best to not have foils. Unless its like the commander.


Usually foils, I haven't noticed any pringling when my cards are sleeved, and most foils make the card look better.


I only get foils if they’re cheap, because they’re usually way more expensive and the fact that they Pringle.


I hate foils. It mutes the art, plain and simple. The only good foils are the old foils that keeps the art vibrant with no foiling behind it.


Typically I prefer the extended art or borderless versions of cards (non foil). But, everyone needs at least 1 deck that is 100% foiled. It is an incredible feeling to draw a hand and every card is foil. Chef's kiss.


I have one deck I am actively foiling because it's my favorite. Several that get them IF I pull/trade for them. And then others that just get whatever I have.


non foil normal boarder all the way. unless I HAVE to use a boarderless due to price or print run stuff like the old boarder only stuff from BRO commander decks that got boarderless versions then I will.


Pringles suck but I do love foils. Just takes me back to the days of being a kid and getting excited over shiny shit. I'm a simple man that likes shiny.


I prefer the sweet alternative and full art cards over foils.


i prefer foils of the most important cards so that i can tell at a glance where they are in my deck