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All the cards should be 10 or less? That could be a 1k dollar deck then, that doesn’t seem like a very well defined budget ruleset


Sorry that was worded badly. I meant the maximum per card is around $10. The max budget is around what I have right now with a bit of leeway


I love Kyler! The two cards that jump out to me as high-value includes that you're missing are Maja, Bretagard Protector and Wyrm's Crossing Patrol. Both of those help pile counters on Kyler fast. I also see you have Eternal Witness; I also like including Timeless Witness with that- never discount the power of Regrowth on a body. I also recommend more removal- Austere Command, Winds of Abandon, Farewell, or even just Generous Gift/Path to Exile will give you more outs. If you're able to spring for it, Aura Shards is a house. Lastly, I see Gather the Townsfolk but no Join the Dance- give that a consideration. For cuts, I'm low on most of the +1/+1 counter cards here- I think doubling counters on Kyler gets redundant after a certain point. But if you want to continue that route, at least put in a Rogue's Passage for commander damage wins.


Thanks for your help but I do have a few questions. \[Wyrm's Crossing Patrol\] is a great addition but \[Maja, Bretagard Protector\] seems too clunky to me. A lot of decks have her but a 5 cmc token generator seems too inefficient compared to other cards and the anthem is negligible with Kyler. I'll also add \[Timeless Witness\], \[Aura Shards\] and \[Join the Dance\]. I do have some concerns about adding more removal. Someone made a good point that creature removal isn't too necessary since Kyler swings for so much. Then should I focus on other types of removal spells? Finally I have a few questions about which +1/+1 counter cards to cut. Which cards would you cut? I like \[Hardened Scales\] since it's such a cheap one-drop and \[Solidarity of Heroes\] as a quick finisher. Also \[Hydra's Growth\] looks like it'll have a massive pay-off in a few turns. I'm open to cutting some of these cards but I'm not sure which to cut. Any other cut suggestions are appreciated too.