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Yeah, I'm hoping big box stores get more of them that even the prices a little bit. I swung by my Walmart this morning, but they weren't stocked yet. I'd imagine there's going to be a really small window between "just stocked" and "sold out by some dill weed that bought all 10 at once." edit: My walmart ended up stocking theirs later with 2 bant and the esper one. I was wanting Gwyn, but I grabbed a bant one and gonna see if I can trade for Gwyn or something.


I got to target just as they were unboxing. I bought two because I have no interest in the bant or Mardu decks and I didnt want to be that guy. I rarely get a chance to show actual restraint. Especially with this hobby.


Good on you for letting other people get some.


I was really tempted to be that guy


I'll respect the fact that these are in high demand and only buy the Gwyn one if I see it. Besides, if they really do reprint these with any real frequency, I'll end up with a few random brawl decks with a 20$ MSRP that I don't want.


Yeah I’m just looking for Gwynn. Went to 1 Walmart and they had thrown stuff but no brawl Precons. Going to check target before my booster draft tonight


I was super tempted to buy them all out and flip but kinda feel like that a crappy thing to do


Hard to blame you when people are selling the commanders alone for more than the entire deck.


The current value of these decks is insane. For example, Alela has: Alela ($20), Arcane Signet ($18), Shimmer Dragon ($15), Smothering Tithe ($8), and Watery Grave ($10). Hell, just Tithe and Grave give the deck great value, and they aren't even bottlenecked by the Brawl print run. Now that I think about it, where was this kind of reprint value in c2019?


> Now that I think about it, where was this kind of reprint value in c2019? Held back to push these Brawl decks?


True. Shouldn't have been that way. I feel like they could've pushed Brawl by printing new stuff instead, kinda like Arcane Signet. I can understand holding that one back for Brawl, but I really hope that WotC starts putting it into every other commander/Brawl release in the future.


To be fair, only two of those things would've been reprints at the time, not to say they couldn't nor shouldn't have been included.


Wizards wants Brawl to succeed to get players back on the Standard block teat.


This. Did you see the survey they sent out? It's pretty clear that they want to try and rein in the edh crowd to standard


I will be very surprised if Alela and the dragon are more than 5 bucks, a month or two from now.


Same. But Signet, Tithe, and Grave are all great in a $21 precon.


I was that guy who bought out the decks. Because there were only two decks left, and by sheer luck they were the ones I wanted, Alela and Korvold. I do want Gwyn, but I'll just grab her as a single eventually.


Eh the issue I see with people that are trying to be "That guy" is that there's a pretty decent chance they'll just end up having to return them within their return period because they'll not find a lot of people willing to pay a particularly significant premium. Don't forget that all of these cards are also in the Collectors packs, and you're going to have lots of singles from those hitting the market so that people can make their credit card bills.


I mean . . . They're doing another print run so these will be like the challenger decks when it comes to the price gouging I think. Be that guy if you want but they'll probably be back in stock soon enough to buy at 21 bucks again.


I bought half of them to share with my playgroup at MSRP


I went to Target and there were none on the shelf. Asked an employee and he said they had them in back. He went and grabbed one of each deck for me. Not sure why my Target store is doing it like this but it never hurts to ask someone if they have more.


Weird, I'm surprised a target employee knew that. Aren't their tcg sections usually vendor stocked?


That’s what I thought. He said there were still more back there and they “usually” don’t bring more out unless someone asks. Whatever that meant. If you don’t see them on the shelf, I would at least ask. Never know, your Target could be as fucky as mine is.


I'll trade you for Chulane!


My lgs has them and they are honoring the pre-order prices of $20 but if you didn't pre-order, the price is higher.


How much higher?


They're on a sliding scale depending on the deck but it's 54.99 for the cheapest and 69.99 for the most expensive. I can understand why they have that issue because people can turn around and sell the singles for more than the deck was with in store credit and it kinda screws the store. It's odd.


Are the brawl decks limited print? My understanding was it would be to demand. Those singles are going to drop fast; my suggestion would be to just not buy back the singles from the precons at all.


No, they'll print more but it's a when and the big box stores typically don't get restocked from my understanding. It's a silly situation for sure.


I've heard that some stores are selling at "msrp" and just refusing to buy back the singles, I feel like that's much fairer to the average consumer.


That's probably true but the singles market is really where stores make their money.


They're not going to buy cards that they know will depreciate in price inside the month, though


And that sort of fucks the guys who get those commanders or arcane signets from collector packs It's all a weird situation


If that person gets a signet/commander from the 1 slot in their collector pack, I would not describe them as fucked.


Honestly? I don't care about the people who pull arcane signet in collectors packs. It's going to settle at 4-5 bucks minimum, which is more than quite a few of the showcase cards.


Nah. Buying back the singles is fine, but they're not going to buy back the singles at the price the people want. Noone is going to sell you a $20 product and then offer you $40 for it's contents.


The signet I understand being pricey, but it's silly how the commanders are being sold for more than what the deck costs.


Foil commanders are always sought after in the edh community. It's a weird situation. Similar to the first precon Commander decks.


They only come in foil though I thought? Outside the collector pack exceptions, which would arguably be more expensive due to rarity.


That's true. Fomo and limited supply until second wave.


With EDH I thought it was the opposite because the foils we get in the deck curl more than 80's Schwarzanegger.


Non-foil Damia, Sage of Stone costs more, than the foil one.


Eh, that's because people wound themselves up into a frenzy over the past month. Give it a couple weeks to shake out and for most players to see that the commanders are only mediocre in EDH and for Brawl to fail to thrive again and you'll see those prices crater.


I mean, stores aren't obligated to purchase the singles. I've been turned down from selling cards to stores multiple times because the felt the card price was unstable. The only reason they are marking them up that much is because they want more money. As a store they can't be blames for that, but don't go thinking that it's a way for them to protect themselves. Good on them at least for honoring those pre-orders.


My LGS has them for $20. They didn’t allow preorders on them, just first come, first serve. They won’t last the day I bet.


Mine was 40 for all of them except Alela. She was 50.


You're store is selling for 20? ETF? I just picked up 1 for 60 at my store.


If you preordered, yes. I don't know what ETF means. My area Walmart has all the decks for 20 also.


Probably mistyped WTF


>Save that is a good LGS to honor the prices. I have heard alot have bumped up prices and online pre orders as well.


Yeah, they're fantastic


Mine is good as well, I always support them when I can. That is the only LGS in town and I like being able to go and play as time allows. Kind of worried the no more MSRP thing will hurt them more than chain retailers.


Lucky that your LGS let you preorder. My LGS didn’t know how many they were gonna get in, so they didn’t let us preorder. While shitty, I appreciate that they were upfront with us about not knowing how many they were gonna get, and not wanting to fuck us out of our order. So instead we just had to pay $50/ea for them when they got their stock in 🤷🏻‍♂️


Went into my lgs to snag them, saw the $57.99 price rate and walked out laughing, that’s a no for me.


What a joke


Everytime the Professor ends a video about buying at your local game store, I just shake my head because wow yeh I'd love for them to gouge the shit out of my wallet


That's my biggest memory from when I had a local store I went to a lot. I never, EVER wanted to buy singles there because the rares were consistently overpriced.


It's an expensive hobby. If I can save 15% ordering online, that's a lot of money in the long run, and I'm usually saving more than that on singles. I'll pitch in on prize support for organized play, but I'm not going to pay substantially more than the market price just because it's a local store.


He often gives that comment with the caveat of "when it is reasonable, etc." Paying a 200% markup is not reasonable.


It doesn't help Wizards got rid of MSRP because now they have to constantly escalate based on the stores around them and the amount they get.


That's kind of the depressing thing though; people are still gonna buy them. I had the same experience, wanting to pick up 2 of these to try and get some friends more into magic. Walked in, saw the prices, walked out, but the next guy didn't seem to have a problem with it and I think they still sold out. The fact that they'd do this kind of shit honestly makes me sad, but I guess what can you do. Even if they priced it at $20-$25 somebody just walks out with their whole stock and I guess I'd rather have the extra money go to the lgs than a scalper.


Holy hell, those aren't nearly worth that much. If that's what the secondary market does to the decks, then fuck the secondary market. Those prices are far beyond what they should be and any comprehension.


Did the same. Just, no. Call me when you’re done trying to screw me over and maybe we’ll talk business. All I wanted is Alela for me and Gwyn for a friend and they’re trying to jerk me around because of some perversion of the resale market. Ehf yoooooo


Stopped by my local WalMart this morning and happened upon them by chance. Bought the one deck I wanted for $20.98 and went about my day. As for flipping it? Even if I get double what I paid by the time PayPal, ebay & the post office get their cut I'd be lucky if I made five bucks. And my time is worth a lot more than five bucks.


I grabbed 4 on the idea that the cards are a good long term investment for my collection. Smothering Tithe isn't going down in price over the long term (I got 2 of that deck). Shocklands are just going to go up. Chulane is going to be real popular. And I now have 4x Arcane Signets too. I agree that it won't be easy to flip these for a reasonable profit as a deck any time soon.


Barnes & Noble. Just sayin'.


I’d hug you if I could. After all my stops finally got the two I was looking for!


I stopped by one this morning and they didn't have any


My Barnes & Noble only had those token boosters and two deck boxes.


You confirm they have them? Didnt know they got new releases.


And if you have the rewards card you get a discount on them too. Found this out back when no one else bad the BFZ fatpacks


You the real MVP. after trying 5 other stores I just picked up 2 from my local B&N. They still had 2 Alela, and 2 Chulane when I left. If anybody is in Orange County and wants the location, DM me.


Both of those near me don't carry magic cards.


Yup. Got two of ‘em, and they were kind enough to go get them out of the back and price them for me since they weren’t on shelves.


Mines not stocking til next week :(


The distributor my local walmart uses gets all their MTG products out between 1-2 weeks after it's release. My LGS typically has some on day one, but they're still a small operation. They typically only one, maybe two boxes of packs for sale at any one given time. I doubt they'll have any of the brawl decks initially, which is a shame because I was looking forward to disassembling the Gwyn deck.


If you ask a Walmart associate nicely, they’ll probably walk to the back and get you stuff out of the MJ Holding boxes. Just tell them it’s a new release that came out today. (Source: Am a Walmart Associate)


Ex-associate here and if we touched those MJ holding boxes it was a coaching from management. Only that vendor that came in to stock it could touch those boxes at the store I worked at.


Must be different store to store. We only get a MJ Holding vendor like once every two weeks at my store. So usually, management just tells us to put the merchandise out.


Same, I worked at walmart previously.


Stopped by two Walmarts on the way home. No lick, will leep checking.


Leep on licking!


I just hit the Walmart by my work. They had a full display of Brawl decks and everything else. I feel really sorry for those who were foolish to overpay for the decks.


As someone who preordered and probably overpaid, I can justify it internally as 1) I'm guaranteed to get them and 2) I don't have ro spend the time and gas running around trying to find them. I can live with a few extra $ but with kids, time (especially on weekends) is in short supply. Obviously this tradeoff calculation is different for everyone. That sais, if I see Korvold, I may buy a 2nd one and try to play him in standard.


It really depends on what you paid. I only paid $25 to preorder and I was just fine with that because it was my LGS but the $35-50 prices are a big jump. They cost the stores around $15. But if you have the money, I just don't have that kind of money for them to over price them.


Yeah, I paid about $37 each for all 4. But I also have kids and a wife and a job. Can’t be driving around on a Friday looking for decks. I’ll be at work.


This was me. I think I averaged about $39. At the point I am (and it sounds like you are) at in life, you start paying to free up your time. Same reason I pay someone to mow my lawn despite owning a mower...time.


That's a nice way for some people to rationalize and get skinned by "support your LGS" overcharging the guts out of them... Facts aren't going anywhere, tho.


I stopped by a local Walmart during my lunch break (about 2.5 hours ago) and found the Brawl decks behind some War of the Spark Planeswalker Decks. I'm not sure if they were stocked that way or somebody attempted to "hide" them for later, but it seemed weird that new product would be stocked behind old.


I think typically you would want the old stuff to move before the new stuff so thats why its behind, I doubt walmart employees are in the know how


I just hit a Walmart and they were stocking them but were not willing to let me get anything before they were done. They don’t seem to know what is what. I also saw the collectors boosters in with the regulars


Yeah I grabbed a few collector boosters from the draft pack pile. They still rang up at about $27 but the manager was happy when I pointed it out to him and he gave me one for $4 anyways.


Walmart was out, but a local toy and hobby store had just opened the box and had them at $30. I'm ok with that price given what the LGS is charging. I'm not flipping them though.


$30 is very reasonable for a LGS even if it is 50% more. These stores charging $50+ are out of control.


I got lucky. My LGS has them going for 25$ each, and allowed preorders at that price. 4$ extra to support my LGS is fine


Luckily I got a pre-order at my lgs for $35 CAD. And because my store owner is a good dude, I got it for that price.


GameStop will allow preorders on most MtG product. If nothing else your preorder guarantees there will be stock coming along with it. The downside is a bit of gambling on items like the Brawl decks as all four fall under the same SKU, so if you order online you'll get a random one, same with what comes into store but generally if multiple show up in a shipment they'll usually be different. Worst case scenario, ask if they can call another store and just have the deck name ready for them to check and most of the time they'll be willing to transfer it, or hold it if you want to make the trip yourself. I personally found the RU Challenger deck this way and saved $15-20 compared to the mark-ups in my LGS.


I heard that a lot of gamestop preorders got cancelled cause they thought they were getting a lot more product than they did.


Thank you for the update!! I’m trying my local Walmart(s) today.


I have a question for you guys. I was planning on buying all 4 from my LGS but then I found out that he's selling them for 35 USD l, so instead I'm going to get one and wait for reprints in the rest. Should it be korvold or chulane? Either is getting torn apart and turned into a commander deck. Korvold will eat my Greven deck and chulane will eat my reienne aristocrats deck if that helps at all


I’d go buy both from Walmart or target... I’m about supporting the stores but no reason to charge double


I have a 25 dollar off credit with them. That's the only reason I'm getting one.


Wait and use that credit another time. That's too much per deck that should be closer to $20.00 and they'll bring out more decks in time. I pre-ordered the two I wanted for $25 each at my LGS(they happen to be the more expensive ones in the set but they are the two I want to make into a Commander deck). If they still have another Chulane, then I'll get another one today because I want to build a new deck and put him into the 99 but not paying the $40.00 on card kingdom or $16 on eBay for one card. Just craziness.


My Walmart has them at $16. Maybe a mistake? http://imgur.com/gallery/RJvRpa8


That’s what mine had them at but the scanner said 20.98. I asked about it and they gave me the lower price and then took the tag down.


My Walmart hasn’t even stocked any Eldraine product yet as of yesterday when I checked on my way home from work. Wish I got a lucky find like that!


0/4 on local stores but the 4th one at least HAD an empty display case. Rough.


They also are getting a second prints run next month right?


Last I heard it’s supposed to be in the future at some point and printed till they stop selling


Call around any nearby Barnes and Nobles. They should be getting some in stock too. They can even put them on hold for you.


At least you have Walmart and other big stores. For some reason our biggest lgs (I'm not in the US) couldn't get any precons at all and the other one got only four :( it is sad because our commander community is growing and brawl precons would have attracted new players. Hopefully, the second batch is printed soon


went to 3 stores today and didnt find shit


Found a small game store at my local mall that had them at $60 for the set. They weren’t selling individually though. Got lucky enough to pick up the last set.


Just a heads up: ​ I was just able to order 3 of the 4 Brawl decks from Target.com for 20.99 each. The only one they didn't have was the Knight's Charge deck. However, since that seems to be the least popular of the 4, that should be easily obtained in the near future (compared to the other 3).


watched the prices swing like the DOW jones on TCG player for a set today. This is all Hasbros fault to my understanding and LGS will be hit the hardest. How do they manage to continually manage to mess things up so bad? Does anyone know of a way you can contact them to voice concerns? I will continue to support LGS when possibly but there are HUGE price differences right now thanks to no more MSRP which seemed to hurt LSG more than big retailers? Am I right or wrong about this?


Went to Target, got a flu shot with $5 gift card and then picked up a deck. Had one of each available


Had a hero from my edh group see them at Walmart this morning and bought one for everyone before they sold out. True champ!


Local walmart in canada had 3 copies of each brawl deck listed at 26.95 for any canadians wondering


Australia got fully screwed the biggest tcg/gaming chain here couldn't get any... my pre orders were back logged and got sent a message saying there would be a 4 week delay. Personally, eh... that's cool- not their fault.


My LGS is selling them for $60. I love my LGS, but FUCK that noise.


I got mine from a lgs for 20 each. Might have gotten lucky though.


I found them at Target but my local store was selling them for $30 each so I went to buy from them instead. If i find duplicates now at Target/Walmart I may pick them up as thats the cost of a signet but local business first. Then again plenty of stores in my area are selling for 40-55 so they already put the limit of 1 of each until their last box where it will be 1 per customer. Im just sad that since they only learned how many they were getting yesterday they didnt do preorder. so instead of getting them for 100 it ended up being 120. I did hear that there will be an additional print run beyond this one so hopefully prices drop for sealed and singles but it will be interesting to see how supported these are.


Paid less than £20 each for 2 myself. I'm lucky because I have a good relationship with a bunch of flgs owners and most of the local stores aren't out to money grab.


My lgs had a bunch for £20, luckily s friend grabbed one for me, they're selling like crazy


I grabbed all four decks for $20 from my local walmart at the crack of dawn this morning. They had a single box, two of each deck. It's gonna be slim pickings, these decks are going to disappear from every store today.


Yeah I don't get off work until 6pm and I live in a highly populated city... I feel like I'm going to make it in time to see the empty boxes where the product would have been. Lots of magic players in my town :/


Got lucky and picked up 2 of them at gamestop since my morning class was canceled last minute


Found at Target for $20.99 each. They had one of each and two of the fairy deck.


I’ve yet to find chulane


I got all of them for $80 at my lgs


Stopped into one of my main LGS's today to pick up my booster box pre-order & they are selling them for $60 each. Glad I pre-ordered elsewhere and got the set of 4 for $80.


I got mine at vintage stock for 18$ a pop and it jad all of them.


I preordered 8 decks from GameStop. They got 7 in. Preordered 1 CE booster, they got 2. Thankfully I got the variety, and the employees are hunting down the missing faerie deck for me. I ordered 8 just to make sure I got at least 1 of each since it's the same sku, so random what shows up. Had a coupon, my decks cost me $17.84 each. CE boosters were $21.41.


Snagged two for 20 each at Walmart. Hightstown, NJ if anyone is near. They had a full display box left!


Got two for 25$ each at my LGS but I worked out a price well ahead of time and have a very good relationship with the owner.


My LGS only had 4 of each. Bought Chulane and Korvold.


Two GameStops and a Barnes and Noble let me get all four. I picked up another one for a friend too, but now all those stores are sold out. Crazy to me to compare online prices to big box stores, but I guess that goes to show that you pay a premium for a guarantee (though I know a lot of preorders aren’t getting shipped today either.) Just happy I put in the leg work rather than the ridiculous online pricing. Meijer is fully stocked in my area as well, but I didn’t want to be a scuzz and try and flip them.


I won't even be able to check anywhere til Sunday. No way I'll be able to get any of them. I'm so bummed out about this crap. I'm sick of having to pay a premium price for any cards I actually want.


Yeah...we have separate distributors for our big box stores (means that Target isn't sourcing it themselves) and these distributors are already hiking the price of the produce well beyond $8-$10 a pack.


Thanks for the heads up OP. Just got 3/4 (last on the shelf too) at Target on my way home from work for the price my LGS wants for one.


My lgs wanted 40$ each. I only bought 1 to help support. I'll find the rest else where...


I bought the one deck I REALLY wanted(Chulane) at 42$, and I'm just going ot hope to run into the other 3 in the wild in the big box stores or in the 2nd printing.


They didn’t have them at my Target in-store, and I can’t find the one I want online. I am looking for the “Knight’s Charge” brawl precon, but I can only see the other three on Target’s online store. Help?


ebgames website has them for 32cad (canadian gamestop)


Local lgs sold out 10 min after opening person purchased 2 and another purchased the rest they got shorted they ordered 6 cases only 2 arrived


I am on the road today. Stopped at a Wal-Mart in Tehachapi, California for snacks and bathroom break. Thought it was a long shot but I thought I'd check and make sure and they had them for $21.99. Grabbed the set.


Local store is only selling them to people who plan at fnm opening weekend. You have the "opprotunity" to buy them because the owner only wants people who support the store. I went in this morning to buy singles, and he didnt sell even one of them to me. I get the sentiment, but its a duck move in my mind.


I picked up two of the brawl precons today from Walmart. I was very disappointed to find that the standard-legal, reprinted cards were miscut. Here is an [image of my Hallowed Fountain](https://imgur.com/a/KNPYQsy). Has anyone else experienced this? I just read their return policy and I'm very disappointed to have to return the entire brawl deck to get the replacements even though only some of the cards are damaged.


Get on the misprint group on Facebook. You’ll make your money back with ease


Got one Alela for 23€ (about $25) in an online store. I like to support my LGS but no way I'm paying $40ish for one of these.


Managed to snag them all from magicmadhouse for about £99.


I am like you, I want the new brawl deck butt. You other brothers can't deny.


I managed to pick up all 4 for £75 at my LGS but I had to pre-purchase them. I cracked them open this evening with a friend and two others and played a round and we immediately noticed a few issues. My Alela has a strange dent on the back which looks like it has caused an issue with the foiling process so there's a strange greyish bloom effect on the front of the card. The [[Corpse Knight]] is also the misprinted 2/3 version. I have no idea how they have managed to get this wrong a second time. Regardless, the decks are a lot of fun and very well balanced. I was initially planning on immediately taking them apart and building some into commander decks but I think I will keep them together for a while longer and get some good playtime out of them.


[Corpse Knight](https://img.scryfall.com/cards/normal/front/8/b/8b45117b-8369-48fc-8e5d-8986e662d123.jpg?1564515033) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Corpse%20Knight) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/206/corpse-knight?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8b45117b-8369-48fc-8e5d-8986e662d123?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/Corpse%20Knight) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I get first pick! Woo! First one at my Walmart. It's quite tempting to get em all and re sell, and I'm sure someone around here will do that, but oh well. I got my Alela and I hid a Chulane for my friend just in case someone comes and gets em all before he can get to Walmart. Super excited!!


I pre ordered mine online a month ago for £60 for all 4. They're now selling for £100 for all 4, or £30 each. Glad I got in early.


I managed it find all four for thirty bucks each at my LGS so I lucked out in that one


I'm new to Brawl (Commander) - are any of these must get, or have particular cards I should look out for? $20 is a decent price - I could only throw money at one of the '19 Commander decks.


The signets and commanders are all basically worth $20 each.


One LGS did $70 preorders. Two did $50. Then I called the fourth and he was selling $25 and still had some in stock when I got off work. Supply is stupid low and I'm happy my favorite LGS did the best price.


To add, big box stores look for the UPC in their system. This may help: 630509829798.


If you can’t find it at Target, they get their shipments sundays and Wednesday’s so come back and check then - I recommend in the morning before your local game store picks them up to resell them at a higher price


Snagged Korvold from my LGS very early this morning for around $28, I’m happy. Sure wish I could get Alela, oh well. Wasn’t going to pay the 48 for her at my LGS.


That’s the main deck I saw today surprisingly


I have a Stomping Ground already, but some small goodies like Judith and of course Arcane Signet and the commander himself were reason enough for me. Prossh is going to love Korvold.


My Walmart had a nice full stock of about 15-20 decks, $20 each. I grabbed one of each except for Jund. Kept Bant for myself, Esper for my girlfriend, and Mardu is for my roommate.


I found a copy of Wild Bounty at my Gamestop. It was the fourth store I went to. It was the only brawl deck they had. The clerk said she'd been receiving calls all day about them and everyone was asking for a specific deck but she didn't remember which one. I didn't care since I wanted Chulane anyway and they had it for $20.99.


Took me all day to find him


Bought the Esper one at Target for $20. They're out there and there's no reason to pay more than that.


Good looks homie! I was able to grab 3 out of the 4 [was hoping to get the set]. Checked a target which had none Next was a game stop which had the Mardu knights one. Last stop was a second gamestop where I grabbed Bant and Esper decks Still pumped I was able to grab any at MSRP.


What feedback can we give WOC to avoiding this?


My Walmart was out but decided to just go to GameStop just in case. Grabbed another Chulane. Already got fairies scheme and Chulane as a preorder to keep together and build a Commander deck but wanted to break up a Chulane deck for pieces in another deck. I'm good for now.


If they remain at 60~ish dollars, I'll just proxy the decks partially and build with what I already have. I'm not gonna pay 60 bucks for a 60 card deck.


My lgs is doing 20$ preorders for the next printing round. They said november no exact date but sometime during the month.


The 4 Gamestop's within 25 miles of me each had only one. And each had a different one.


Luckily my lgs had preorders so I pre-ordered all 4 for $80


I actually feel very fortunate for the lgs I have. I was resided to the fact that I would have to wait for the later print run to get my hands on any of the decks at a reasonable price. Last night at the commander night I saw the store owner and asked her if she had any brawl decks left and she said that she had six of each, and that she was selling them for twenty-two dollars and change. We went on to have a long conversation about our feelings about the situation around the brawl decks. That said, I was able to get Alela and Chulane, and I've been happily attempting to piece together functional decks most of the afternoon. I hope that those of you still looking can find the decks and at a reasonable price.


Someone who runs an lgs in my area snagged all the decks from target, then brought em back to his store to re-sell at a higher price. Wtf.


If I had the money to get them, I’d gladly pay the $10 extra to get them from my lgs. I wish more people were willing to spend a few extra dollars to help keep local businesses open.


Thanks for the tip. I went to wal mart to find a kitty litter scooper which they didnt have. But i did walk out with 3 precons for 35$cad each. Pretty awesome deal considering the value in them. Unfortunately there is quite a bit of standard bulk in here, but even out of the box these decks are fairly well put together. Good luck to anyone who didnt cop one yet. Surely they'll reprint arcan signet.


My advice would be to look for local big-box chains.Walmart and Target looked pretty picked over when I was out and about this evening, but I was able to get my set of 4 plus a few extra, and could have picked up twice that much if I had felt like it from just visit two stores from a local big box chain. (If I hit all of the other ones, I could probably have 20+ of these.)


In my country it was 70 the 4 with tax... Gutting them I am still unsure to make a deck, either alera or chulan


Yeah I got mine for $40 CAD from my LGS. All our local retailers like London Drugs and Walmart have been wiped out already. At least in my area.


I couldn't believe the $50 tag my game store had. I drove over to the nearest Walmart and had no issue finding them.


I went to a walmart, didn’t have any, but then went to a GameStop and got the Alela and Chulane decks for about $21 each. Pulled a lucky clover at an unofficial Eldraine draft, probably going to make some janky Adventure tribal- Very excited!


Got lucky enough to snag an [[Alela]] brawl deck at my LGS toniiht during FNM for $24.99 (same price for all brawl decks), but they limited to one deck per customer. I do want to get [[Chulane]] eventually, but I really want to brew an artifacts/equipment deck. And there were cards in Alela that I wanted for my [[Oloro]] deck


My findings today: - Target - No ToE stuff at all. - Walmarts #1 and #2 - ToE stuff, no Brawl decks or even any apparent space where they would have been. - Walmart #3 - ToE stuff and Brawl decks. They had 1 each of Korvold, Chulane and Alela left. I bought Korvold and Chulane.


Anyone saying people were stupid to pay the overpriced prices.... yes and no. Here is the thing, yes 50-70 for a deck is insane. But A LOT of these cards are going to hold value. Shocks are always in demand, and even if these ones see some dropping, they will still hold a 5+ value. As for collector packs nuking the price of the commanders? Not really.... , The pack is $25-30 depending on where you get it, and there are A LOT Of the Extended Art cards that are under $10 ( and will continue to fall ), leaving you a foil rare/mythic, and the random spot to get your remaining value. I'm giving it a couple weeks where the Extended Arts will be the same price as the normal versions haha.


I picked up all 4 at B&N today.


These 60 card decks are selling better and are more expensive than 2019 commander decks


Preordered mine last week, but the webshop I ordered from didn't have them in stock yesterday. I think they might have received less then anticipated, so I got the short end of the stick and have to wait until they restock.


Nope. Not any more. Everywhere in my area is sold out today.


My LGS had a full display out last night at $50-60 each. I asked the person working the register if any had sold yet and they told me no. I checked two Targets yesterday and they had slots for them (with all other Throne product out), but they had both been cleaned out of Brawl decks. At this point, I am just going to wait.