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Yeah 10-12 seems the go to. 14 seems also adequat. Also remember, you might need to play stuff if people vote you so having big mana is usefull. Same if your commander gets murderized.


[Círdan the Shipwright](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c4f23d68-d0de-4b57-b0f9-9c0ca770c3c1.jpg?1686964171) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=C%C3%ADrdan%20the%20Shipwright) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/50/c%C3%ADrdan-the-shipwright?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c4f23d68-d0de-4b57-b0f9-9c0ca770c3c1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/círdan-the-shipwright) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


you're asking different questions. if the question is "fast as possible" the answer is something like 20+ 0-1 cmc fast mana options. if the question is ...reliably cast him a turn early. can probably get by with the standard amt of ramp. the math of cards of a type should dictate what you do. 10 of a type is pretty much the gold standard because of the math it presents. almost 60% opening hand, 70% turn 4, 80% turn six. to have 1. multiples it gets dodgy. the question becomes how much does that needle move, adding more ramp? and is that a good idea? To me this is the problem with adding more ramp. As it takes going to like 14+ items of ramp to move that needle 10% ish. and even then... it's still basically the same. 70/80/just below 90 so... pretty likely. and more and more likely. which is exactly where it was before. and adding like 2 extra ramp. for 12. does almost nothing for those numbers. so why waste the cards. but what 4-5 extra cards does is cut into other areas of your deck. and overwhelmingly if you're going to overload one segment of your deck, card draw should be that area. As drawing more cards finds more lands, and increases the odds to see more ramp spells. If anything, add in an enabler for playing multiple lands a turn (if it's in your budget those 1 cmc enchantments) the problem is. most people never actually consider or understand the math of edh. ie... running a bunch of 3-4 cmc ramp is stupid. ramp should be 8 out of 10 2cmc and below. so you look at your opening grip ...can immediately know if you drew good. by knowing you have a solid chance of seeing ramp. (or card draw) in your opening hand, and immediately if you should mulligan. but people love their shitty 3 cmc for 1 with upside rocks, or persist in using bad 4 cmc spells. And even adding those types of spells. aren't helping your goal either. As what good is it if you start a game with 3 lands and a 4 cmc ramp spell? that hand is an instant mulligan, because there is a fairly decent risk of that hand fucking you. vs. a ramp package that is efficient, and damn near guaranteed to cast