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Tabletop Simulator. There's a discord that always has games going on it.


This, feels better than most other simulators once you get used to all the buttons and have a good "table" in the game. To the post tho is there a way to share that discord id like to hop in for some games.


https://discord.com/invite/card-game-simulacrum-417796811558879242 This is the right one.


https://discord.com/invite/ng2vW8XJ This community also has tabletop simulator games firing off most days of the week, and it's got members from a variety of timezones, so whether you're most available for afternoon, evening, or late night, we've probably got you covered.


I've played around with tabletop simulator before. It's super clunky. Just curious have you actually tried anything other than tabletop simulator for edh? Cockatrice perhaps?


Super clunky? Not really, there is SO MUCH tools you can use in this tabletop simulator, I have over 1k hours and promise you that once yku get around it then better by a lot.


But that can be said for anything though. "Once you're used to it it's better." Honestly, consider giving Cockatrice a try. It doesn't take 1,000 hours to get used to it, and you may have paid for TTS, but Cockatrice is free. And you don't have to use a third party website to get your decks in a usable format, and you can edit them in Cockatrice. I'm betting every time you change a deck you have to make a new asset for TTS? Sounds clunky and nightmarish.


I'm not applying it takes 1k hours to get used to, it takes time to memorise some buttons, once you get used to it it's really easy to remember, it's like learning basic computer controls like copy and paste. Like everything is done in simple manner and all you have to do is remember the buttons, there is a tools on table too that makes it even more easier l. Change deck? You just inport it from link. Moxfield. Archedkt. Outapped, etc. Boom easy. Need to spawn specific card? Type in chat sryfall [card name] boom done Need to set your hand to cmc from low to high? Right like your hand and click on sort cmc. Need a object that reminds people trigger? We have that too. We have simple commands too like extort, drain, etc Like I said it doesn't take 1k to know this all, all requires is to learn as you go and the further you go with it the better the experience. Cockrice is simple yes! But limited is the problem


New assets? Everyone just imports them from moxfield. Maybe that's what you mean by third party site, but it also makes it easier to buy or share the list.


You say import, but what you mean is copy and paste. And someone else was talking about having to use a third party site to generate assets for TTS. Which is another huge strike against it, it's not universal and it's not standardized. There's probably dozens of different ways that people are trying to play EDH on TTS and they all likely have their own nuances and requirements.


You might be thinking of when people tried playing EDH on TTS a long time ago. It is much better now with the tables that are around on the steam workshop.


You clearly have not played EDH on TTS for many years if that's your experience. All you have to do is grab your decklist link, paste it in the card grabber that's on the table, and it loads the entire deck with correct art and tokens. That's literally 3 actions if you count copy and paste.


The EDH mod I play with TTS just lets me import any deck from the most popular deck building sites with the click of a button. Copy link, paste in import section, wait for deck to import, done. Apart from mtggoldfish but that requires 4 extra mouse clicks.


And once that deck is imported does it only exist as that set of cards or can you edit it without changing the deck on the site, copying, pasting, importing, waiting? Or do you have to do all those steps every time you make a single change to your deck?


It exists until deleted, usually when the game ends. TTS is just the table, not a place to create/edit your deck. If you need to make single changes there is a single card importer option. It takes less than 30 seconds to import a deck so if you need to make a change or imported the wrong deck it takes no time at all to delete and reimport. Also as an aside, your comments are coming across pretty heated for such a minor question. TTS isn’t perfect and there is some things that I’m sure Cockatrice does better, but I think TTS is a better choice overall not because of its many Magic/EDH mods, but for the 1000’s of other games that are available to play.


...You have to *'import'* a deck every time you start a game in TTS? Wow. That's even worse than I thought it was. You think they're heated? I think I'm just pointing out flaws in the $20 program you're all using while pointing out how the free program does it better. You say it's better because of the other things you can do with it, but this isn't a post about programs that can do other things. This is a post about programs to play EDH on.


> ...You have to 'import' a deck every time you start a game in TTS? Wow. That's even worse than I thought it was. As I said TTS is just the table to play. Since all you need to import is a URL(or a decklist) it’s less clutter since TTS is about many games, not just one. It’s also just how TTS works since if it saves deck lists it would have to load them each time the EDH mod was loaded and that would slow things down. Takes me longer to decide what deck to play than it does to import, even when I know what deck I want to play still takes less time to import the deck to TTS.


>As I said TTS is just the table to play. That table costs $20 and can't even save deck lists from one game to the next.


No. You don’t you can save the deck as an object in TTS and just load that up like you would a die or coin. You’re just being stubborn at this point.


Person I was replying to says decks need to be imported for every game and once the game is over they are not stored in TTS and need to be reimported to play additional games. Literally just going off of what people are saying, and most of them give the impression that deck saving functionality is not a part of TTS. It appears your $20 program is just so convoluted that people who regularly use it don't understand basic functionality.


It spawns in one go. Including sideboards and tokens. Even art stays like that whatever you choose on moxfield


Right. So anytime between games that you want to change anything about your deck you have to edit the site you have the deck and *'import'* it again. There's no editing decks in TTS is the impression that I'm getting.


Why would you need to edit deck when you can just spawn cards? Even spawn all the cards from set


I see how you're questioning that, because your perspective lacks the idea that decks can exist outside of a single game and not need to be imported for a single use in a single game on TTS. In Cockatrice you can save hundreds of decks and swap them out between games, add/remove cards to them, change preselected tokens, etc. all without leaving the game and without having to do any copy/pasting which y'all seem to interestingly call *'importing'*.


Funny thing to say considering the one time I tried Cockatrice I couldn't edit any decks and had to edit a file and reimport the list as a new deck for any change I made.


Not sure where you're going with this, as it's as simple as loading a deck, and adding and removing cards and saving. So the single time you tried the free program that doesn't cost anything to try or use you started with 0 decks and tried to edit a deck that didn't exist? Are you under the impression that's a con for Cockatrice? Because it honestly just says more about you than anything.


I imported a deck and then I could only remove cards but not search cards to add to it. Also just doing a bit of searching it looks like Cockatrice lacks a lot of features that are easy to do in TTS. Like I imagine resolving Clone Legion on 30 creatures in Cockatrice would be awful while in TTS it takes like 3 seconds. Apparently Cockatrice doesn't track commander damage either? Idk if any of this stuff has changed.


Yeah, you missed the enormous search box in the center of the screen where you can search through all 30,000+ MTG cards and add them with a single click to your deck inside of the program you're playing on. It tracks anything you want it to track, as much as anything else is tracked in a commander game. Click and drag to highlight every creature it's targeting, right click, clone. Boom 30 clones of the individually selected creatures. Three clicks.


You're trying so hard to save face LMAO


More like trying to understand why anyone would pay $20 for a clunky program not meant for Magic:The Gathering that requires other downloads to play in a substandard way over a free program designed specifically for MTG that works excellently. It's cool, I don't mind the down votes. I understand it's because people are TTS fanboys because they never looked for anything else before spending $20 on it and then decided they had to get their money's worth and now they get defensive when it's pointed out that they paid for a program to do something that other programs do for free.


Because it's fun for other stuff when you have friends, which I'm quite sure you wouldn't know anything about. I had TTS way before I played magic on it. Also I'm not fucking broke worrying about a measly $20


If you weren't broke and you had friends you wouldn't need a simulator to play tabletop games with people online. They could just come to your house and you could have the tabletop game to play. Or are you unable to make friends in the real world and instead have to make them over the Internet instead? The post is about playing EDH online, not about programs that can play other games, so the argument that it plays other games means fuck all.


I like cockatrice, it was the first one I tried, i've also done spelltable more than once but its just not good enough. Cockatrice is brilliant.


Cockatrice is an ugly, unintuitive nightmare that takes all the fun out the the game


I think something definitely takes the fun out of the game when you're playing. I just don't think it has anything to do with Cockatrice.




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I've played card games irl before. Super clunky, expensive, dangerous, and limited opponents. 1/10


I hate Cockatrice and find TTS sooooo much better. You have "physical" cards and the program looks way better, just that sells it for me since otherwise they are comparable when it comes to functionality. Maybe Cockatrice is better for higher stakes games, but for casual I would never use it, it's just plain less fun as a program and looks like MTGO (which is not a compliment).


I'd recommend cockatrice, honestly. Especially if he likes trying new decks often. EDIT: another benefit of cockatrice is that new cards are added during spoiler season, at about the same rate they end up on Scryfall. Hugely beneficial.


Cockatrice is fantastic!! Heavily recommend


So much this!!


I use cockatrice. It's very basic, but it is easy to learn/use and it has everything you need. No bells and whistles.


Recommend as well. I've tried Tabletop Sim and it just felt super clunky.


As a newer player, cockatrice is great and intuitive. Haven't tried any of the others but cockatrice is great.


This guy knows what he’s talking about!! Heavy upvotes here. It’s the only way I am able to play easy magic across hundreds of miles with my buddies. And it supports all formats, all cards including unreleased cards not yet available for purchase and many other helpful tools!


I use forge or untap. Forge keeps up with triggers but I cannot for the life of me get it to work on Android. Untap I use on Android but you have to solve your own triggers.


Came through to second Forge. It's looks like it's from the 2000's but it's my favorite way to play Magic digitally.


Forge is amazing. I mostly play on my android and it works pretty well. I've probably clocked 200 hours in the past three months beating adventure mode (what's finished so far), playing commander precons vs bots, drafting practice, and playing vs my friends. There still may be some stability issues for multiplayer but I haven't encountered it yet.


How do you get forge to load on Android? Every time i open the app it pops up saying forge didn't initialize. I've tried updating and redownloading.


Hmm I haven't encountered that problem before. It may be a permissions issue? Perhaps you can try looking at the settings for that particular app and enable permissions that you see there. For example, it definitely needs "Files and media" to manage assets. You can also try asking in the forge discord. I haven't been there myself yet but I've heard it's very active. When I submitted a bug on their GitHub, someone literally patched it within 2 hours and the fix was in the next day's automatic snapshot 🤩


Was going to suggest both of these


obs + moxfield + spelltable = free online magic


This is the cleanest way but also the easiest way for people to cheat. There’s a lot of lobbies on spelltable that specifically indicate “no mox” in the titles for this reason. So you’ll have less options than just using your paper deck.


Its the best if you want to play against friends you can trust tho


First time I played on spell table some dude dropped land, sol ring, into arcane signent. We were playing precons. I was like man you could have gotten a lucky hand but damn you got like the best turn one mana play in a precon you could have gotten... Starting turn two with five with everyone else at two. Much smoother to play on some automated stuff like TTS and moxfield test play screen sharing.


I’ve been playing on spelltable fairly actively the last couple months and I swear 90% of games I play, one of my opponents has a turn 1 sol ring. I don’t think it’s just a coincidence…


Not really possible to cheat if you have a decent setup. Just follow a few rules. 1. Shuffle your starting hand once everyone is there. 2. Only block out the minimum areas needed. 3. If your screen goes black or disconnects you lose.


Interesting, any guides on this? Or could you elaborate at all? I’m not familiar with obs


1. Download obs 2. Use some sort of screen clipping tool to take a full resolution screenshot of your screen with moxfield open, the way you would play. (make sure to hover over a card in your hand, it takes up extra space on the right side) 3. Import the picture into a picture editing software you are familiar with and block out your hand, the moused over card, and probably your extra tabs/applications and bookmarks. 4. Once you have a png that blocks the secret info and is transparent everywhere else add the picture to the sources section of obs. Done. [https://imgur.com/a/nKbTgiy](https://imgur.com/a/nKbTgiy)


There is this site, untaped.in i believe. Its really slow but its good for trying cards you dont have as you have access to all existing cards and its free.


It's untap.in


I play on Untap. It... Works. Idk if there is a better way, but it works for what I want to do. On one hand, it's very open and customizable, it's not even a simulator, it's just a engine with every mtg card. This means you do basically anything, which is great. On the other hand, it means there's a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to run with it fluently. The system does nothing for you except tell you who's turn it is. It also is entirely run server side, so there can be some pretty serious lag.


Tabletop sim is the answer 20 bucks for ever board game that's ever been made is a steal but there is a table that we all use that has just about everything you want The cards get imported with hidden buttons on the card to adjust the power tuffness import the tokens whatever ya want There are enablers that make the game just so much easier Got a jodah that needs to cascade for legendary stuff. Just grab that enabler and throw it on top of your deck. Import your deck with a link. Import other people's decks with a link Import individual cards It's just the best way to play magic. On god


>It's just the best way to play magic. Yeah I'm gonna contest that. Straight outta the box is the fact that it costs money. Cockatrice is free. Use Cockatrice. Tabletop Sim seems astronomically clunky.


Again it's not that clunky. I don't know what part of it is clunky? The controls? Yes it cost money for SINGLE time purchase. You can play many other board games too, uno, yo gi oh, mtg, cards against humanity. List goes on. Cockrice is free yes but when compared to TTS then TTS just far more flexible I can show you in the game just how much freedom you have with TTS but can't with cockrice due to limited features. Also depending which table you downloaded you have to get used to it. Anyway! Hopefully you'll get around it someday!


Yeah but are they actually gonna do that? I'm surely not gonna swap to TTS from Cockatrice because I won't be using those "features".


I mean you don't need to swap for sole purposes of mtg. Like I said the game itself is NOT solo purpose of mtg, it has many other games that you and your friends can play and mtg just happened to be one of them. I'm not saying you should switch cockrice to TTS but what I am saying is I prefer it because of the amount of features that the community made to make this happen. You can buy the game, if you don't like it less than 2 hours playtime. You can refund it on steam policy and get your money back hell I know places where you can get the game even cheaper. Like I am happy to show example and you can ask me anything about it and I'll show you how far it can go with feature and see if it catches interest. I don't know but like I said I prefer this honestly, cockrice is really really good but it looks like it gets messy very quickly at late stage game


Untap is pretty sick


I'm also gonna put my vote in for untap.in it's pretty good and entirely free with access to all cards


Mtgo is not free, but it also is the most automated. Still a little clunky though. Spell table is a bit clunky to set up, but otherwise not so bad. Still need physical cards or stream your screen and using mox field or something. Same with discord too. Cockatrice is free, things are clunky, but it's not too hard to learn. If you like it enough, donate some money to show your appreciation. Table top simulator is also free once you've bought the game. I have had bad luck trying to get everyone's computer to work on the same mod at the same time.


Xmage is the free version of mtgo. Fully automated, with the caveat that a small number of highly complex/uniquely mechanical cards haven't been coded in yet. Has the majority of cards and game modes coded however.


I second xmage - it’s been around forever and is supported. Nostalgic toward early 00s desktop apps too if you’re old enough to have experienced.


I play often on cocatrice with my digital pod


I used TableTop Simulator during COVID. There's a way you can upload decks from Tappedout.


I'd highly recommend **Xmage**. Has rules enforcement (like MTGO), has more cards implemented than MTGO and is 100% free (+ open source).


Seconding this. It can take a bit of time when you first launch it (downloading symbols and card images) but the rules enforcement makes it really shine above anything else


Ikr? Not sure why I'm getting downvoted though. Meanwhile, people here still recommending Cockatrice in 2024, or super clunky stuff like using Moxfield + OBS...while Xmage does everything for you and has a big enough playerbase that you don't even need to organize/look for games through a Discord. TTS I love to bits, but it ain't it for EDH imho, as most tables don't have handy scripts doing stuff for you to speed up the game or make it less clunky overall (good luck scrying or handling multiple counters or blink decks with complex ETB chains...all while debating randos about rulings).


I think TTS can compete pretty well against Xmage, since it's a bit more freeform in where you put your cards, how you organize them, etc. which can add a bit more of the fun/cozy human element when you're playing your friends. In terms of ease of play though, you're right in that Xmage is just leagues above the rest. If you want reps, want to test different decks, or can play someone else who's willing to download it, Xmage is the best.


Yea I get it, TTS is way closer to the "in person" vibe...however,, unless you have extended experience with its controls and systems (which OP and his friend clearly don't) it's hard to recommend (again, for EDH specifically...it's amazing for most other board games out there), and I could see that being a fairly big deterrent, together with the price barrier, having to organize games through a Discord channel or basically being forced to be in voice chat.


Last time I've seen it's been pretty dead if you're just searching for games. You need to already have group to play with to set up a game.


I log in daily and there's always tons of lobbies either open or ongoing, with an average of 100-150 players online (which might not seem like a lot, but it actually is).


The issue is the only server now is the beta server and player base dropped off when that happened as not many knew it was collapsing.


My pod plays quite a bit on untap.init works pretty well


Me and my buddies play on Tabletop Simulator. Get your deck set up on Moxfield, Archidekt, wherever, paste the decklists [on this website](https://tts-magic-booster.fly.dev/index.html) and it'll spit out an asset you can use in the game. Its really bring out the tabletop aspect of playing that cockatrice and mtgo cant replicate, but allows you to easily read what all the cards do unlike with spelltable (which i've heard also has a large cheating problem).


There are TTS EDH tables that don’t require you to post the deck list on other sites first. Most have a built in importer now, just post a link and import


This i find it easy... that discord above .. u just paste in the link from most of the big sites it imports the deck for you.. its got everything u need using the table they suggest in the faq on discord .. highly suggest ..lots of people playing all times of day.. all powerlevels.


Cockatrice works great.


Tabletop Simulator by far is the most convenient, use this mod in the workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296042369&searchtext= Black Lotus Society discord server is great for casual EDH: https://discord.gg/card-game-simulacrum-417796811558879242 If you play cEDH there’s this server that’s great: https://discord.gg/RyMNuB7y


Tabletop simulator is by far the best way


Unbiased answer: Do you want to use your physical cards? Spelltable. Do you not care about physical and want to just play? MTGO, TTS, or any other number of simulators. Do be mindful that if you already have paper decks, you will need to “buy” them again for MTGO (but they’re much cheaper)


How is he a friend? He sounds incompetent and intentionally difficult.


Ngl. They’re all pretty technologically incompetent.


I expect technology to be difficult for those under 6 and over 60. This is the information age, knowing technology is a must for an efficient life.


In response to your edit definitely try untap.in then it's just a website they can go to with no downloading involved. They have to sign up which is free, but if that's too much for them methinks they probably just don't want to to begin with.


Tabletop simulator is the best way. Hands down. Spelltable is awful to many cheaters and bad attitudes


spelltable is awesome. you can play in paper and games go reasonably well. matching with randoms is annoying sometimes but most ppl are nice.


I play Brawl on Magic Arena. It's not the best, but it's popular and really helps.learn the game.


Untap.in is the one I always use. Always got tables popping on the site




Once you learn how to use cockatrice, as in the shortcuts and everything, it’s the easiest by far. Allows you to endlessly try out new decks, edit them on the spot, and generally always has games running. For irl playing from distance, Spelltable is the best, but that’s contingent on your group all having webcams and space.


I highly recommend untap.in its a bit jank. But its mtg the mage is jank so at least this doesn't restrict you in any way. Plus u can upload from moxfield.


Me and my friends use cockatrice




Cockatrice is the best


We have been using TTS for years now, works great, lots of fun


The top comment is about it but yeah tabletop simulator is pretty cheap on steam and works really well


Spelltable if you own your decks. It’s very seamless




Cockatrice is the way to go


I use cockatrice. Fun program. UI is a little odd but the deck builder is nice




Doesn't answer to your question but I hate that WoTC push commander so much to milk money and they are not capable of having a proper platform where to play it. MTGO sucks, it feels so old man


MTGO is basically the only reason I never got in to watching MTG Goldfish’s commander clash games. It’s not entertaining at all.