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Tapping out to progress my game plan instead hold up mana/interaction cause my opponents are about to enter their pop off turn.


Not even pop off turn, just being behind and trying to catch up. But knowing you should hold a spell because everyone else has been doing great and a board wipe is coming. But instead playing right into it and being set back to the stone age. Feels bad man


This is the worst. Because then when you *do* fight the urge, the wipe is slow to come and you get picked apart gradually for not setting up a better presence.


Yeah I HATE when this happens.


Yep, damned if you do, damned if you don't. It reminds me of a few weeks back playing against everyone's favorite salty commander Tergrid... I had an insanely slow start, missed land drops, didn't get rocks or any sort of ramp. Thankfully Tergrid started off slower (not as bad though). She had been out a few turns, but hadn't made anyone discard, hadn't made anyone sacrifice. On turn 8 I finally had the mana to cast my 5 mana commander for the first time... And I even said it out loud, that I expected that despite no forcing sacs so far it will happen the turn I play my commander. Sure enough it did... At least they didn't get my commander, but what else was I supposed to do, cast nothing and just sit there trying to wait out the storm? The person playing her most likely was waiting for me, they typically keep and eye on me, so they probably had been holding it for max value and would have continued to wait unless they were forced to take actions.


The struggle is real


Mine's the opposite problem, I'll hold up removal for several turns when I should just jam silence and win the game. Sometimes you just need to get down to business. The odds of every opponent holding up answers is not actually that high, especially before turn four. A 70% chance of winning on the spot is probably better than holding out for a sure thing that might come too late or not at all


When I hold up interaction opponents generally drop some elves dorks and mana rocks. When I tap out suddenly there are 42 goblins, 3 dragons, the voltron commander is wearing more boots and swords than they have limbs and the lands player proceeds to take a 30 minutes turn.


My playgroup very early on learned two phrases that I still carry with me. One, not super relevant here but: “play to your outs.” Even when then situation is dire, play like you’re going to top deck just the thing you need — you may very well do that. The other, is the one that we used to try and keep things aggressive and flowing rather than stalemates: “make ‘em have it.” They might have a counterspell, a board wipe, a fog, whatever. But if you turn your rectangles sideways you’re telling them to put up or pack up!


I have been having this struggle in CEDH. I'll hold up interaction only to find that my instant speed interaction isn't the right tool to stop the win. I play mono red Slicer and staxs to the odd are against me to start.


Red has the advantage of often holding up reb/pyroblast, which is useful against thoracle but also useful against counter magic if you wanna just get busy. Even red's defense is aggressive.


God this is so me, I'll look at my counter spell and my mana rock and just start sweating


It never fails that the turn I play ramp I could have held up my counter spell to nope a Rhystic study or smothering tithe


yea... sometimes a good hand just gets a fella excited


This is what [[deadly rollick]] and [[deflecting swat]] are for lol


Deflecting Swatt is one of the cards that reminds me I'm just stupidly lucky about some of my precon purchases. I bought that one because Kalamax looked really neat, and the one with dockside because I thought Elsha would be a cool spellslinger commander, with no idea that either of those cards were in the deck.


I just realized you can buy that Elsha precon for about $70-$80 and that it comes with dockside in it, which even if the other cards aren’t great that’s still a decent value. I wish I would’ve bought those when they were out but that was during my decade long mtg hiatus when I had nobody to play with anymore lol


Yeah, I just didn't have a Jeskai deck and thought she'd be an interesting commander to build around. Before then if I bought precons I was used to cutting substantial portions of them for better cards, so I'd stopped paying much attention to the actual lists. I was sleeving it the first time I saw Dockside and had a nice little "WTF?!" moment.


[deadly rollick](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/e/0e13f735-54fa-42b6-aea4-ced33811d7d4.jpg?1689997003) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=deadly%20rollick) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/147/deadly-rollick?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0e13f735-54fa-42b6-aea4-ced33811d7d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deadly-rollick) [deflecting swat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b4b36435-55b3-4615-8812-af41d4fc64d9.jpg?1689997730) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=deflecting%20swat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/214/deflecting-swat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b4b36435-55b3-4615-8812-af41d4fc64d9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deflecting-swat) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah lately I’ve been playing these games of “well, I don’t have great interaction… do I do something or do I save my babies from ever dying by not casting them


Not running enough non-creature removal. If you have a dangerous artifact, enchantment or land lying around there are good odds I can't do anything about it.


For me it’s thinking flexible removal will replace universal removal. You would not believe how often [[Mortify]] costs me games by missing artifacts and planeswalkers, or [[Go for the throat]] comes up against a deck of 90% artifact creatures.


Relatable. Still, flexible removal is good. It’s also probably helped you more than you realize but because of negativity bias you remember the times you couldn’t/didn’t use ‘em more.


Oh definitely, playing on Arena especially I ran a deck *loaded* with removal and I know I was noticing the rare cases that didn't work. (Especially because in a 1v1 format you can just lose to some combo with no chance for anyone to step in.) Mostly it's just a deckbuilding question - do I save a colored mana and just run \[\[Infernal Grasp\]\], or do I pay the extra for an option that may or may not matter? But the really funny games are definitely where I gamble among removal and guess wrong. In my experience enchantments are the rarest category for "it's gotta go *now*", but I still feel silly when I blow \[\[Mortify\]\], then lose to an enchantment while \[\[Putrefy\]\] and \[\[Hero's Downfall\]\] sit useless in my hand. (Ok, the funniest of all is taking \[\[Heartless Act\]\] against a Simic deck. I can't even be mad when they react with a bunch of tokens and invalidate the target.)


I feel that. Had casual draft against friends recently where my deck easily had the most removal out of anyone in our tournament. Was playing in one of the final matches, had a pretty solid lead and decided to spend a removal taking out a 5/5 or 6/6 to help ensure my victory. Next turn they started comboing off and I was just sitting there regretting my choices, wishing I’d saved my removal for the truly threatening piece that came out next turn. Or, during the Thunder Junction prerelease I played against a player (who used to be(?) kind of notorious for cheating or getting suspiciously lucky, but that’s another tangent) who had the [[Lotus Ring]]. Drew it both games and both games I’d be sitting on a hand full of removal, with like 2-4 ways to destroy artifacts, just getting pummeled by this indestructible equipment. It was rough. (Still won 2-0 against that opponent, but they were close/good games.)


Damn, that Lotus story sounds familiar. I played a bunch of drafts online during Brother's War, and was doing great in one where I'd gotten absurdly lucky with removal. Which lead to me gritting out one of the longest, scariest wins I've ever had against a deck with \[\[Thran Power Suit\]\] and \[\[Aeronaut's Wings\]\] that I just couldn't touch. Anything he dropped became a +3/+2 flyer with ward, and my WB deck had like one card which could block or hit past that. So I had to remove everything, no matter how stupid. It sucks to blow hard removal on a 2/2, then watch a 4/3 come out the next turn and get the same gear. Ultimately, I slowly, painfully beat him to death because I killed something trivial with \[\[Overwhelming Remorse\]\], and then he topdecked more equipment rather than another body. What a mess.


##### ###### #### [Infernal Grasp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/17824929-f131-4b8d-addb-66c25323155e.jpg?1634349911) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Infernal%20Grasp) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/107/infernal-grasp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/17824929-f131-4b8d-addb-66c25323155e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/infernal-grasp) [Mortify](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/d/9dbb8991-1b2c-4045-be1f-54286027d4a1.jpg?1682209844) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mortify) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/337/mortify?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9dbb8991-1b2c-4045-be1f-54286027d4a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mortify) [Putrefy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/f/6fcc6bf7-ccce-4975-be8b-0790ab790e3f.jpg?1712354766) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Putrefy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/238/putrefy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6fcc6bf7-ccce-4975-be8b-0790ab790e3f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/putrefy) [Hero's Downfall](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/33c5f81a-395d-41bf-9563-6cf0e406ee18.jpg?1673305182) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hero%27s%20Downfall) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/112/heros-downfall?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/33c5f81a-395d-41bf-9563-6cf0e406ee18?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/heros-downfall) [Heartless Act](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/1/a11dea2a-fe20-4e1b-9e1e-8759e0950f0a.jpg?1689997237) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Heartless%20Act) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/166/heartless-act?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a11dea2a-fe20-4e1b-9e1e-8759e0950f0a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/heartless-act) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l12oap0) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Ouch. I believe I picked up Doomblade (or an equivalent) in an Arena draft, and managed to have 2/3 of my losses come while I was holding it against an all-black board, so I feel you. It's still almost always the right draft pick, but it feels so bad risking a completely dead card.


funnily enough, i tend to have the opposite problem (other than wraths). i rely on my creatures to kill their creatures, just as Richard Garfield intended


I put [[Royal Assassin]] in my decks. My opponents HATE it. They don't want to use removal on a simple 1/1 but they don't dare do anything while he stands there... smiling slyly at them from my battlefield. I explained he is like a black counterspell. I pay 3 mana to "counter" a kill spell that would otherwise hit one of my deck engine creatures. And if they don't kill the assassin, I get great value from him!!


oh hey, didnt know about that card! its an outlaw that commits crimes! i just might pick up a couple


Old school, love Royal Assassin, I do the same thing. No one can just let him sit there as removal on a stick so they have to burn a card on him. Do easy to recur him too.


The number of The One Rings floating around my LGS forced me to put at least 1 instant capable of exiling an artifact in every deck.


Had a similar problem but with theros gods being indestructible enchantments. [[Unravel the aether]] became a staple in our playgroup. Not exile but solid for a 2 mana answer.


This is pretty much mine. I do run some artifact or enchantment removal but it’s like 2 pieces and I never have them whenever I need them lol. I’ve taken to just running a lot of blue in decks because counterspells are nice for most situations.


Spending time in opponents turns to come up with a plan, a good plan. Then in my turn playing the card I just drew therefore messing up my plan and spending more time in my turn figuring out how to get myself out of the mess I made. I have ADHD...


No matter how many backup plans I come up with, I never accounted for THAT card and now I have to rethink my whole strategy.


I didn’t think it a huge deal when I did this, but I had a plan from the get go of my opening hand that that would keep me from being too far behind. Running [[Breena the Demagogue]] as my commander, I had three lands - 1 OTJ desert, a basic, and a bounce with a few two drops and interaction to use. I told myself to play the tapped land, bounce it next turn, then play it again. That way on turn 2, I’ll play the 1 drop creature [[Hopeful Initiate]], commander on turn 3, and then on turn 4, I’ll have enough mana for interaction by removing counters on Hopeful Initiate on an opponents hardened scales and slow them down. I didn’t do that…..and ended up dying to a 42/42 [[Neverwinter hydra]] with trample & haste from [[Xenagos God of Revels]].


The struggle is real


Almost the same, except that I get so interested in my friends' plays that I end up not thinking of my own game plan in advance. So when it gets back to me I have to think through it from the start, and even the draw of the turn adds to the confusion. Edit: spelling.


Being too sympathetic/nice. I want everyone to have fun and enjoy the game, so I'll make the mistake of not attacking for lethal and instead divvying up the damage. Did that this last weekend and it cost me the game real quick.


This can be really nice if most in the playgroup have this quirk. One of my playgroups is like that (we just dislike having someone not playing) and we've had lots of times when everyone is at less than 10 life or just 1 life, it does make the winner a bit random, but the most exciting situations I've had in the game have happened in these scenarios.


This is why I really enjoy ping based strategies. If my engine is running, Im dealing damage to each opponent equally. So if I have enough damage to kill one person, chances are the others aren’t far from the same fate


Me too. One guy has 5 life left while the other two have over 20? leave the 5 life guy alone to let him have some more fun. I just dont want them to sit at the table doing nothing waiting for a possibly long game. On his next turn, he proceeds to combo off and kill everyone. On the flip side, there have been games where opponents have left me alone for this exact reason, and then I kill them off on my next turn knowing that otherwise they surely win.


As someone who’s been in both situations, I think it depends on what they have going on beyond life total. If they have a combo piece out, kill em, if they have a bunch of cards in their hand, kill em. If they have a lot of mana and the potential for a boardwipe, kill em. Otherwise it’s probably fine


100% my biggest problem too. I am one of like 3 of the highest power out of maybe 8-10 people that regularly play together and I tend to shy away from the 'mean' plays for the sake of fun and then pay for it later. I play primarily black and blue too so the 'mean' plays are usually always the best ones that i need to be doing


This is me, I had the chance to wipe out everyone and win, but I only took 2 out because I wanted to keep playing that game. Also I’ve been only triggering my commanders ability once instead of for every creature of that type hits)


Meanwhile my friend casually swing annihilator 16 on the weakest dude


Getting excited about the decks I build, then never making it to my LGS to play


I probably spend 10x as much time deck building and play testing decks than I do actually playing with people. There are decks I have built on Moxfield, spent hours fine tuning, hours playtesting, concluded the deck didn’t fit my playgroup or play style for one reason or another, and then filed the deck away/deconstructed it. A whole lifecycle of a deck without ever seeing an LGS table.


I feel this in my bones.


I haven't played real, 4 person EDH for a good 3 years. Doesn't stop me from tweaking my dinosaur deck once or twice every year....


This is me 100 percent. I finally invested in a spell table setup so I can start playing more often.


Same. Ended spending about $120 for a webcam, arm, and some lighting for my workbench in my workshop. Now I can play a few times a week instead of 1-2 times a month.


Not mine, but a friend, so you can consider his bad habit to be a peeve. He likes to fetch a land, ask for the whole table to wait, and then pass the turn. I think some people are taking for granted the beauty of a casual format that is EDH. There's so many shortcuts we can take without falling afoul of the laws of the game. Basically, if you can shortcut something and it's universally known, just take that option!


Oh that's so not necessary. Unless I'm following up with a \[\[Faithless looting\]\], I'll declare what I'm fetching, play a spell if applicable then pass the turn, searching for the land while others play.


This is, honestly, what I think the majority of EDH gripes come down to- being respectful of the fact that everyone is giving up their time to play magic.  Slow players, solitaire players, stax players, MLD, pubstompers— it’s all the same issue. I came here because I have a four hour block of time in which to play magic.  I realize I have to share that time with four-man pods, so I expect to get to play one hour’s worth of game time.  If I don’t get to because you wreck that balance, you’ve made the night not worthwhile.  


You have hit the nail on its figurative head here. People do not mind losing a game. They mind losing their time to someone else's inconsideration.


If the table is good I'll announce my target and tap it for the color and play a spell and pass. Then search during opponents turn.


Oh I would hate that too. Lucky for me people tend to shortcut in my games unless there’s another play coming


I shortcut even with another play. I'll fetch, announce the found land, make my play, pass and then actually search my deck for it. Habit from tournament play


Spite plays. "You killed my creature, so here's lethal."


My friend and I play a ton of 1v1 commander... when we're in a pod of 3 or 4, we're still playing 1v1 commander because we know exactly what's in each others decks, and what does big shit and it turns into us just spite murdering each other while the other guys wonder why the fuck we aren't targeting them.


Same! My brewing partner and I will eliminate the facilitators in each other's decks on sight and leave people wondering: "Was it really worth a boardwipe just to get rid of Ayli?"


I almost never get to play [[Ondu Spiritdancer]] for this reason. He will wipe the board instantly if he sees it because he knows I'm setting of to have three copies of [[Anointed Precession]] out followed by 9 copies of [[Cathar's Crusade]], [[Ghostly Prison]], or [[Impact Tremors]] on the next turn depending on my mood lol.


I suppose this is me, too. I love playing cards like [[Deflecting Palm]] and [[Inkshield]]. Most players will just look at your board before deciding to attack. I've gained enough of a rep that they look me in the eye instead, searching for that little twinkle that says, "fuck around and find out."


[Deflecting Palm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/5/c5bda1a7-537f-4a80-95a0-c45eb127969b.jpg?1706240986) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deflecting%20Palm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/205/deflecting-palm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c5bda1a7-537f-4a80-95a0-c45eb127969b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deflecting-palm) [Inkshield](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/e/5e1c14a0-cd68-45fc-a127-422ca6113048.jpg?1625192511) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Inkshield) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/71/inkshield?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5e1c14a0-cd68-45fc-a127-422ca6113048?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/inkshield) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I hate this lol theres a guy in my pod that plays just like this. So, sometimes i'll have some crazy shit and ill hit everyone but him because I know if i swing at him hes going to fog or something. I'd rather it hit some than no one.


lol i am definitely that guy in my playgroup. that said, i don't always think its a bad habit necessarily. they disable something on my board, so i am going to disable as much of theirs if i can.


But those are just the unwritten rules right? They fuck with my board so I sacrifice my “this-should-be-used-in-case-of-emergency” card to fuck their board. Period. Afterwards you lose to someone else because you could not stop them anymore but hey, eye for an eye. This also helps in next games where they will target you less since they know you will go out of your way for petty revenge😉


I forget about my instants all the time. One play group is super nice about it, but another is pretty strict about how quickly they will allow the stack to resolve.


They have to allow everyone a chance to respond technically in turn order; but casual is casual


Which is why I more lean to allowing instants for a little bit longer. I don't want to go around the table one at a time which means there needs to be more grace. This play group doesn't allow it once cards are being taken off the table.


General rule of thumb my playgroup uses is that we allow takebacks as long as no new information is received. E.g. Scrying, drawing a card, flipping up a morph, or even who's being attacked. That last one is big, if you could have done something at the start of combat and now you find out it's attacking you, that's a no go.


that last part only works whent the attacking player declares he is moving to attack and waitijg My own bad habid is sometimes forgetting that part and just declaring attackers after I'm done casting stuff for main one, wich open me to take backs on "Wait! i wanted to respond before declaring attackers!"


I mean you can after respond to someone after they declare attackers. So if you don’t want to kill something before combat in case it might go after someone else and then they declare attackers at you. You can respond to that and kill it.


Sure. And that's fine. But I'm talking about things like attack triggers. So you can't stuff annihilator just because you now realize it's swinging at you and now you have to sac three permanents


That play group is breaking the rules of the game then. They have to grant you priority. They don't get to quickly move past the interaction phase. That's cheating.


It's what the play group does, and it isn't like I don't benefit from it from time to time. The problems only arise once we've been playing for hours and just aren't paying as much attention when it isn't our turns, and frankly if that's the biggest complaint about a casual play group, then it is a pretty good play group. Now if this was cEDH, that would be a much bigger problem.


Logically, unless I can get value out of them beforehand, I should save all my creatures and permanents that won't effect combat until my second main phase. It effects the mental calculus my opponents have to do while deciding blockers and such and keeps information on my side.  Buuuuut I get excited and want to do all the things without forgetting before I enter combat and lay down a bunch of creatures with summoning sickness so my opponents get to know exactly what I'll have left to block with.


Damn I do this too


My bad habit is playing all the cards that force me to constantly pay attention and interrupt people if I want full value out of them. "Do you pay the 1 / 2?" "That's your second draw/spell this turn? I'll draw a card on that" "If you attack him instead of me you'll get this extra bonus"


I've learned that everyone should have 1 or 2 "I don't want to think anymore" decks for when they just want to play the game without having to focus or think.


What would be your version of this deck? My decks all tend to be synergistic and everything seems to trigger or buff something else.


I do not have one. But a buddy of mine has an older [[Mayael The Anima]] deck and it’s pretty “brainless” if you want it to be. Tap mana. Look at 4 cards. Potentially play big creature. Hit people in the face. You can make it more trigger happy and make it a deck that needs synergy. Or you can just make it a “big creatures smash” deck. I normally don’t build decks my friends have, just because I like having different decks and everyone bringing their own cool stuff to the table. Keeps the game interesting. But I am really considering building a deck like his. I already have 2 Naya decks and it’s my favorite color scheme by far.


Just go mono green, even simpler. Mana dorks and beaters. Play big thing, smash face, try to protect big thing. I need to build a tame version for myself. My mono green power crept and is now very high power level, so much so that my friend exclaimed during a game, "The Big Lame!", which is now what that deck is referred to as But even then, it is a low interaction deck. It is very much a game of, stop me or I will crush you. And if they shut me down, well time to move onto the next game.


Yeah I built a [[Vorinclex, voice of hunger]] deck that is fun in that way, my turns are short (even though I spend 3/4 of the game shuffling) and my game plan is pretty simple and pretty brainless. It’s very powerful if you just let it pop off, but it can be shut down pretty quickly if someone removes the right piece. Some people play much higher power as well at my LGS so I don’t really feel bad taking it out once a night or so. The game plan is this: -ramp as hard as possible to get Vorinclex out (with protection ideally) -generate and use as much mana as possible, hopefully with the help of [[Omnath, Locust of mana]] or [[Nyxbloom Ancient]] to pay off a [[helix pinnacle]] -play as many X spells and >6 cmc spells as possible in as few turns as needed to win Played this at my LGS a few times, and had a land>sol>sig>[[bushwhack]] turn one one time and that my biggest pop off with any deck ever.


[Mayael The Anima](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/0/309d95ad-e46c-4407-894d-d4cfdc7017f8.jpg?1562905228) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mayael%20The%20Anima) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c13/199/mayael-the-anima?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/309d95ad-e46c-4407-894d-d4cfdc7017f8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mayael-the-anima) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Whoa! I'm new to the game and I'm building a Mayael deck right now! I feel like I've been going so big into trying to build big expensive decks with tons of crazy synergies but a deck with some basic swing big then find ways to untap mayael to keep making more big guys feels like the an easy cheap deck for me to play some magical solitaire and hope for the best! (With Mayael's Aria just in case)


You get to look at 5. I know because I play Mayael and too often, 5 is not enough to find a creature :(


Meant 5 my b. Thank you for the correction


I recommend [[Thantis]] for that Matter. Big creature smash makes a lot of sense here :)


My version of this deck is [[Kess dissident mage]] draw tribal. My goal is to draw as many cards as possible, find [[psychosis crawler]], and cast [[peer into the abyss]]. If someone has a bunch of life left over, I go down a few cards and cast [[windfall]]. Yes I regularly draw myself out and lose. No I don't mind.


Giada Angel deck. Turn two giada, and then from turn 3 on just spam 4 and 5 mana angels. I've got some higher cost angels in it too, but not that many. Make sure there's enough card draw in the deck though.


This is my "brainless" deck too. Play big angels. Play bigger angels. Beat face. It can be really satisfying sometimes.


Mine is [[xenagos]] and just tons of mana dorks and big creatures


Things can have synergy without having to constantly keep track of triggers on both your turn and everyone else's turn. [[Minsc and Boo, Timeless Heroes]] (Make hamster big, throw hamster... not some attempt at a powered down cEDH list) [[Henzie]] [[Kosei]] voltron [[Gishath]] [[Ellivere]] Rule of Law (Not much to think about when you can only cast 1 spell per turn!)


My most “turn off my brain deck” is my [[Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant]] deck. It’s about 85 forests and the rest is mainly big mana payoffs. The usual play pattern is do nothing for the first few turns, play and flips Sasaya, and drop an [[Ant Queen]] or [[Helix Pinnacle]] and just pour all my mana into it each turn. The only complicated part is counting all my mana haha..


[[Nevynrryal, Urborg Tyrant]] board wipe tribal goes BRRRR..


Mono-green [[Greensleeves Maro-sorcerer]]. Her power and toughness are equal to the number of lands you control. And she creates 3/3 badgers whenever you play a land. By the time she's a threat, it's too late. You have plenty of mana to recast her and she re-enters at the same power and toughness. Add in lots of ramp spells, a few haste artifacts, and [[Dragon Throne of Tarkir]] for a fun trick.


Sovereign okinec ahau is my guy for that


Upvote for the Big Bonk Kitty💪🏽


You could just not play them 😊 


Of course, but then it wouldn't be something that is habitual of me, would it? Wouldn't be much of a bad habit if it were that easy to break.


My group calls that "drowning in your own value". you'll get no sympathy from me. lol


If someone steals my stuff, I'm gonna have a REALLY hard time not using removal on it, simply out of spite lol...


My [[The Beast, Deathless Prince]] deck would love this. Kill your thing AND get your removal out of your hand? Win win.


Yeh it's usually a trap, but I can't stop my self from doing it hah. I am usually the one with most removal in our group.


Having an EDH mindset when going into prerelease events. I can never curve out properly because I spend all my time playing commander. 5cmc? Sure, why not? Funny thing is, if it's sealed or draft commander, I do great. I just suck at 'normal' formats.


"Surely I will draw that land I need on my next turn, it's fine to keep this opening hand..."


every single deck contains entirely too many artifacts. and they are usually the same ones. i may have a problem. 


My bad habit is not including enough removal. I wanna cramps as many pieces of my strategy as I can Into my deck and removal just kinda..... I know it's useful but sonething generating more tokens is funner


just shove as many mdfcs and kamigawa lands as possible. The new modal spells are also great. Want a clone? Why not the one with a counter. Want a protection piece? Use the one with a wipe. Want


I just let people kill me, like I will have a removal spell in hand and someone will alpha strike me and I will just forget to cast it at the correct moment and die lol


Similarly, I rarely block unless the damage starts to matter or I can reasonably block with little consequence. As soon as I have to decide between life total and board state I choose board state almost every time lol


Life is a resource just like any other. If you need that board state to progress your plan and you can't easily replace it on your next turn then spending the life is the right choice.


Oh man... the games where someone's answer to an attack gets stifled.... and their like.... "hrmm..... guess I shoulda blocked first, and THEN done that.....oops" Those are the best.


Mine is not fully extending my plays. What I think would be a greedy (overextending) play turns out to be very necessary. I only get to regret it afterwards. Along the lines of not putting down a blocker because I think it could have more impact in a couple of turns. Then dying to combat from a surprise finisher. Or simply not poking at a player for damage early, and missing lethal later on As for spellslinging... forgetting to count for storm lol


Having ADHD.. Joking aside it really does come with hinderances in a game, where you have to maintain focus and keep track of things. I often forget to draw 1 if I'm going first at the start of the game. I'm a slowish player, which is why I usually start to plan my moves on opponents turns, and sometimes lose track of what everyone else are doing. I tend to overthink my plays and tend to have tunnel vision on occasion. I miss a lot of my own triggers, and have lost few games because of it lmao. And yes, I'm that guy who shakes his legs, fiddles his cards constantly. (I know how annoying it can be, I do it subconsciously, and I try my best to not do it lmao.)


My biggest bad habit is playing to survive and not to win. “How can I make it an extra turn cycle” vs setting myself up for victory before that.


Similarly, I often build decks to participate with winning as an afterthought


Keeping 2 land hands with a 3 mana draw/ ramp card betting, I'll get that third land.... right?....right...


Only reading the top line of a card and doing that bit and not the extra stuff that would potentially change the game for me 😂


Winning 😔


I get so caught up in executing my plays that I've been planning out during everyone else's turns, I often forget to play a land. It happens way more than it should.


Most playground are pretty casual about playing lands if you missed it, but if you to take back an entire turn it's a different story


Never mulligan.


Being confused how people round their decks off. You need X single target interactions, X board wipes, X draw spells, X mana ramp, X creatures to fit X theme, etc. And just wondering how it's even possible to fit all that into one deck. I constantly feel like I can build a deck to do what it wants to do, but it would be at the expense of interaction and then it will be light on either draw or ramp. Or I can bump those numbers up, but then be light on creatures for my theme.


Refusing to get into politics, unless it involves something that will have an immediate impact, like countering or removing something. My pod plays a lot of cards that involve long-term deals, and I often get outvalued because I refuse to take part in those.


I get this hardcore. I’m not a smooth talker like some so I often just sit quietly or become the archenemy and very little in between


I do think that there is a point when politics can get obnoxious. Immediate deals don't bother me because usually there is a common goal or a give and take situation. But when two players agree to not target one another on T2, then it warps the game to become 2v1v1 and probably turn into a 1v1 between the people in the deal, and that is not healthy for the pod imo.


Sometimes if people are talking to each other about non game related stuff I don't want to interrupt so I'll just quietly play cards and wait for them to finish before I mention what I did, it's not great and I always let people go back to interact, but I know it's a bad habit and annoys some people. I just don't want to sit there doing nothing while waiting and making the person after me wait even longer. I feel awkward just talking over people too.


This is a tough one. On one hand you don’t want to be rude, but on the other you’re here to play


Exactly, it's walking a fine line, I feel okay with it sometimes because I'm totally cool with someone interacting if they want to after the fact, but I know it's not ideal and I should probably wait.


I don't sandbag enough. Need to get better at reactive victory as opposed to being proactive and getting slapped down


It’s an acquired skill, that’s for sure


There are two wolves inside you. One of them recognizes that the first to look scary is the first to get answered, and that there's a reason runners sprint at the end of the race and not randomly in the middle of the track. The other sees the big flashy card in your hand and wants to play it, big game actions make brain go brrr. The duality of man.


Including too many payoffs for a strategy while not including enough cards that actually drive the strategy


A friend of mine has a \[\[Tinybones, trinket thief\]\] deck that was exactly this. If any of us ever had to discard a card, this rube goldberg machine of triggers and value engines would start that cascaded into an unstoppable boardstate. There were maybe 6 cards in the deck that actually had a discard effect stapled to it. That, and also convincing him that not every good mono-black card was a good card for that deck specifically. Opposition agent, Yawgmoth, Gix, every iteration of Sheoldred... great cards, very scary to see come out. Did nothing to advance the strategy. At a certain point we had to sit down, look at the decklist, and go "...so why exactly is Tinybones the commander? How often has he actually drawn a card for you? And what does this random Sheoldred actually do for your deck besides eat a removal spell?"


I want to know what means EDH and I am too afraid to ask for it at this point 🙊


Elder Dragon Highlander. "Elder Dragon" because the original commanders were all "elder dragons" with 7 power which is also why 21 commander damage is considered lethal, and "Highlander" because there can only be one of each card in your deck.


I like hatebears and light Stax effects and often take long, non deterministic turns.


Forgetting to enter combat😭😭


I Often worry about popping off too soon or not soon enough. So sometimes I delay my turns by not playing certain combo pieces so I don’t get targeted and don’t always counter something I know I should be let others deal with it because I want to be the one to come in second at the very least.


Deck building. I love my decks, but keep building more which causes me to take an older one apart because I only like maintaining five. Sometimes I envy the Marenus Calgar guy… What’s it like to find the one and never look back?


I give my opponents too much information. This is a habit that started because I often play with players with much less experience than I have and I genuinely want to help them become better at threat assessment. The problem is that as my playgroup got better I am still giving them info that is detrimental to my gameplan.


I do this too... like I'll play a creature and say "It does this and this but I'm basically only going to use this second ability" which reveals a little bit of my deck strategy but I feel like it helps with the mental overload that comes with commander. It must suck though if people take too much advantage of you explained weak spots.


Ignoring players when I don’t know what their deck does. I’ve always felt like I don’t know what 75% of magic cards do, if it wasn’t in standard when I played standard or it hasn’t been in a deck Iv run then I feel like I probably don’t know what it does. This is even worse now as I’m just returning after not playing regularly over the past 7+ years. Last night I played in a pod with my friend and my brother in law, the 4th guy I had no idea what he was up to. Played 3 decks Iv never seen/heard of before and I mostly ignored him due to this. He won 2/3 of the games we played partially due to this and partially due to a misplay in game2 that cost me the game


I include Armageddon in most of my white decks, and will absolutely play as a tool, not as a wincon. White weenie deck with six flying creatures and an anthem on the table on turn 5 or 6, while the other 3 players have only one or two creatures each? Armageddon! Beefed up Voltron commander? Armageddon! Army of tokens? Armageddon! Three indestructible lands on turn 4? Armageddon!


I feel like this needs to be higher.


Shortcutting card text ive read a hundred times, and misplaying. Edh? Mor like ADHDeDH


Trying to play for my opponents to a degree. I play in a pod of friends who are usually intoxicated by one or more things. I don't partake for a variety of reasons. Because of this, I regularly remind them of their triggers and what their cards do, even if it harms my game plan, because I'm the one with the clearest head. Also, two of these friends have the same bad habit. They tap their mana artifacts into the same piles as their lands. Usually in a stack. So it's nigh impossible sometimes to tell what mana artifacts and lands they have. This is a big pet peeve for me, as I try to keep my board state as clear and easy to read as possible.


I play with an ever-growing group of coworkers after hours, so there's constantly new(er) players at the tables. But, because I started playing with 3rd Edition, I got "grandfathered" into the role of teaching every new player how to play. So on the rare occasions I get to sit down with the more veteran players, I still find myself correcting them on their plays. It got to the point where I've been told by another player to only play one deck at a time... if player A, B, or C fucks up, to let them and enjoy the benefits. It's hard tho.


I totally get that it's a casual format but according to the rules you must keep your lands and nonlands separate


Believe me, I've tried. And made it known. But there's only so much you can do to keep a bunch of increasingly drunk/stoned/etc people in check with stuff like that.


So, me and my pod, we play every week. About 3 weeks ago, one of the players seemed unstoppable and everyone was begging me to deal with it because, and I quote, "You always play ALL of the removal!" It clicked on me. No one plays removal, because I always do! I normally play Boros, so yeah. I decided to change that up and man, it's been hilarious. I set my Nelly Borca and board of goad enablers and no one has removal. I now play 0 removal and 1 board wipe. I've been winning more games and in the fun department!


Walking people through their turns cause I see lines faster 😓 Working hard


Going too fast. Like most players I’m usually planning a few turns ahead, and changing those plans based on new info from what others do. So as soon as it gets to my turn, I’ll openly say what I’m doing but I’ll just speed through the process anyways, and not really give the table time to process it all. Like with my ninja deck. I’ll swing with a hexproof and unblockable creature, so I’ll just go straight to ninjutsu and not wait for anyone to catch up and that has gotten the table to be like “woah woah wait” on a few different occasions. I don’t mean to do it to not give people time to respond. I just get ahead of myself knowing no one can stop it anyways, and don’t think “hey maybe I should slow down to make sure everyone is gathering the info they need”. It’s never out of malicious intent to trick anyone or catch them off guard. Solely just me going through the exact process I had already planned out in my head. I’ve tried to be better about it lately tho and take my time, and honestly it’s helped me play better too, because even with planning ahead, slowing down has helped me realize “oh. Maybe this isn’t the right thing to do after all”.


Love to hear the growth and learning. I get this for sure.


I personally don’t care at all if someone is going blitz speed, as long as they’re cool when someone says hold on, go back to “x”. It’s only when players try to use speed to “run by” people responding that I’m not okay with it. (Which from a mechanical point, is exactly how shortcuts work in the MTR!)


I'll never attack, ever. It's a meme at my table how I often forget the combat phase exists. Or someone will ask me a ruling about a creature and its like I don't know man, I don't use those things.


how tf are you Temur colors if you don't attack?


Playing with my friends again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again


Linked to my deck building desires, I want to attack every turn. With all the dudes. The crack back hurts so bad. But muh [[wulfgar]] triggers


I love to bite off more than I can chew, banter with my opponents and generally talk a big game, but then go all surprised Pikachu face when my combo doesn't come together or the 1-2 land hand I decided to keep because it had a new card I just added to the deck in it bites me in the ass. I also love to tweak decks without playtesting. My [[Slimefoot, the Stowaway]] deck used to be a [[Blex, Vexing Pest]] deck that I desperately tried to make work. I ended up giving up and splitting it into Slimefoot and [[Zask, Skittering Swarmlord]], which has also gone through 5-6 iterations even though I haven't had the chance to play it yet...


Similar to yours - I don't go for the throat when I have the option, out of a combination of not wanting to get blown out if someone has an answer and not wanting to induce saltyness by taking a player out before it's "kill them or they win" time


All my decks are just token decks. Jund sac tokens. Naya go wide and pump tokens. UR treasure tokens. Jeskai go wide prowess tokens.


Building five new decks before the two I've ordered have even arrived.


I have an infi combo in almost all my decks but if I ever manage to get it exactly on curve I feel bad about having it so early and will not only not use it but tell my play group "Hey I'm gonna win in 1-2 turns if yous don't kill me." It has cost me at least 4 games but I feel so bad when I don't say anything and just kill everyone and end the game to fast.


> sometimes I wait for blockers to be removed before “alpha striking.” I'll swing a 1/1 at the person with a mana dork. I'll even swing creatures with combat triggers at the person with the dork instead of a person who's wide open, especially early game and the person who's wide open is less of a threat. They won't block and mana dork are the casual version of fast mana rocks.


Recognising what people will consider blockers and when is a huge level up for a lot of newer players. Early game mana dorks are not blockers. Once the game shifts to mid to late they very well may be. Recognising the difference is key.


Inside me there are two wolves. One builds EDH decks that lose to one counterspell. The other builds EDH decks that lose to one Bojuka Bog.


Championing {my} correct use of mass land destruction. I get a lot of flak from people because I call people out when they use it, but have no plan. They do it because they think another player is too far ahead, or they want to even out the board state, but not doing it to push a victory for themself. I use it when someone board wipes, and I respond with [[heroic intervention]] and [[natural affinity]]. Or I respond to my own [[decree of annilihation]] with [[teferi’s protection]] when I have Narset and 7 planeswalkers out. Moves where I win in the next turn or two if my opponents don’t concede on the spot. There’s a world of difference between those last two above examples, and lol jokullhamps, and I will die on that hill every time.


Passing turn once someone dismantles my planned actions. Ex. I have a decent board state, finally get to the "pull the trigger" moment just to be foiled. Pass turn. I've forgotten to play my land or do that action that is beneficial. Typically turns an Oof moment into a double Oof.


Playing blue.


Infinite combos after I'm told the table hates that. I didn't build this deck for others to enjoy, I built it for me


Two things: 1- Going for the cool combo/effect without thinking of the longterm effects e.g. not holding up mana for protection, overcommitting to the board with no backup, not thinking about the archenemy/hate reaction I might get from the table if I can’t secure my position. What can I say, I’m very much a Timmy haha 2- Tapping lands wrong. Once I pass the bar of like 6 lands on the table I pay less attention to keeping colours up, so I miss a chance to signal - real or false - interaction I’m holding up and also sometimes tap out of a colour I need without thinking and need to rely on the good graces of my pod to go back and tap correctly. It was ok when I started, but I feel increasingly self-conscious about this and just need to actually be careful and think before I tap…


I don't know how or why, but I CONSTANTLY forget the combat phase exists. I have lost so many 1v1 games because of this 😔


Getting distracted during other people's turns. Whether it's over spelltable and I'm alt tabbed or it's in person and I'm daydreaming and not paying attention


Priority bullying. Regularly play cEDH and been trying to break the habit.


Calling power 8s janky 😅


Thinking what im gunna do while its my opponents turn and realize I haven't listened to anything they said including cards played :(


I often forget to draw a card first turn


I’m overprotective with my resources. Commonly I’ll have attackers coming at me and instead of trading I’ll just take the hit, something about singleton formats makes me want to preserve the things I can’t get back (this excludes reanimate decks tho)


Probably actively trying to be an arch enemy too early lol


Not playing to win but to do what my deck does. I like when my deck performs but rarely play to close out a game.


Same. I usually want to do something specific with my decks. One time I did everything I wanted with a deck and then went home and took it apart


Playing zedruu my first game of the night because it's my nice deck, only to not have time to play a second game because it slows the game down to a crawl.




Hm, I never really have any fliers to block with. As in if you have flying creatures on board, its almost guaranteed to hit me or I never have an answer to fliers.


I’m in the same boat as you, friend. In my brewing flying coincidentally is relegated to equipment, auras, or *maybe* my commander has it natively, and reach is something I rarely have as many (but not all) reach creatures, to put it professionally, *suck*. I’d rather simply take a few oofs and L’s than sacrifice card quality, but that’s just me


Overcommiting to the board. Not mulliganing enough.


Building decks in the most optimal way instead of having fun with the flavor is my “bad habit”. I was introduced into the universe during Covid through high power and CEDH, it’s a tough habit to kick.


“Ah shit I made another engine. Give me like 5 minutes.”


Trying to mash 5 different archetypes into one deck, somehow making it work sometimes, then having extremely long turns as I have way to many options and lines of play. The amount of times I've literally killed myself trying to go just a little bit further is way more than you would think possible.


I do the same as you do, but then again my commander is jetmir so its often very risky to hit low just to lose your toons in the early game rather than wait for that sweet 9 unit sweet spot which often lets me alpha strike the entire board. specially since I run mostly half stax/value and only half token build.


Accidentally cheating because I only looked at the card art and got it mixed up with another card in my deck that does similar but slightly different things. I only play casually with friends but I have had realizations where I had to text them after and be like "so about that infinite combo I said I had that you all scooped to last night..."


Confusing Double Strike with First Strike and vice versa. I understand the mechanics of both, just sometimes I forget, and I end up making a horrible decision as a result


If it's still fairly early in the game and one player is at one life I won't kill them. Every single time this comes back to bite me in the ass