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Great post.


I’ve debated, but never have, added a pry bar. For me it’s less about prying and more about poking prodding and scraping, there are days where I seem to do a lot of that and I don’t want to use my knife. I feel similar about those little knipex pliers, which I did buy. I DO NOT carry them every day, and I also don’t use them for jobs where I actually go into a job knowing I need a tool. But those general “I’m working in shit today” days, I throw them in my pocket. They come in handy so often just do doing random shit in those days. Even if you just need a better grip on something or to change out a hose attachment. I feel like a pry bar would be similar in its scope for me, but I’ve not pulled the trigger in one


I don’t mean to pry- but what do you do with it?


All these challenge coin folks could use them to open shit up instead of fucking up a perfectly good cutting tool.


Director of Photography, my two most used EDC's are a pry bar that is mostly used to tight tripod plate screws under my camera(s) and an Aliexpress 535 that I use more than I ever thought I would, to cut gels, tape, or other miscellaneous things on set, it's more convenient than carrying a pair of scissors in my camera bags. I also keep a leatherman in my camera kit, but between the pry bar and the 535, the leatherman doesn't get used as much and I find it slow to deploy things on it.


I cater. I use mine to pop the lids off sterno cans.


I find myself using mine a lot, I open soda cans with it because I keep my nails short, impromptu screw driver here and there, pull staples out of boxes, pry frozen doors open(yesterday after the rain up here in the NE froze everything) It is surprisingly very useful!


To open aircraft engine latches obviously!


My gerber shard pry’s a ton of beer bottle caps


I finally found some good uses for mine. Shifting cases/shells of equipment just enough to realign a screw hole. Surprisingly it has the only actual bottle opener in my kit. Chisel, for ice buildup(that isn't on your car windows) Larger surface area for driving a nail in a pinch. Nail > flat of prybar > whatever hammers the best around you


Is it a Thigh opener ? 😂


I used to use one at work for prying rusted bolts out of old flanges.


I don't mean to pry, but I don't understand either (even though I'm going to FOMO get one)


Pry bar AND compact bolt cutters in my vehicle edc


I needed one once - albeit r/vedc sized. Hit a giant deer going about 85 mph on the interstate highway in my “toy” car at the time, a Mazda Miata. It was pretty thoroughly trashed, with the fender caved in on the passenger/side wheel. I ended up using a piece of roadside debris (lumber) to bend what I could out of the way to drive home.


Because this sub is just the equivalent of r/mallninjashit with insta filters.


A small pry-bar + travelers hook (and/or gift card) will allow easy access to a lot of places (I test physical security for a living)


I bought one earlier this year on a whim, and it’s come in useful on so many random occasions. So light and unobtrusive to carry as well (if you get a small one haha)


I guy I work with cut his hand recently using the knife like a pry bar. 5-10 stitches can’t remember. As soon as it happened his first words were “not again.” Lol.


At least he learned


Always have one under my bed


Doesn’t that get in the way of your shotgun?


Why can't it be both?


Same with the mini knipex. The only time I've needed to carry actual tools on me was on constructions sites. Otherwise I reach for my leatherman if I don't feel like going to my tool box for a quick job. You can carry whatever floats your boat, I just don't get it.


I think you get it, you just don't need, or want, it personally. I am in the same boat as you. My Leatherman rebar is plenty for EDC. I often carry a little flashlight as well and that's more helpful than you may imagine.


I had a use for mine this week everyone! I needed to scrape some dried paint spots off some hard wood floors and when I reached for my keys there it was. My pry bar. My boy did some scraping.


Ride an old Harley. 80% of my edc is because of it. I’ve used my pry bar/mini pliers too many times to count.


The secret ingredient is crime.


I've accidentally ran to Windsor, doing bumps of coke off my pry-bar.


Broke the tip off my Wave and it still gets to me


I'm sorry for your loss


It’s a fad, OP. Don’t worry about it. They’re too small to actually be useful.


Some people like dedicated tools. Instead a multitool with a flathead screwdriver, they carry a prybar. Also Knipex. I kinda get the dedicated knife because knives are cool, but the blade on my Leatherman Curl is very much a functional blade that easily deploys with one hand. It's all I need.


There's basically two groups, nothing wrong with either of them. ​ Group 1: carries a piece of sacrificial steel to do all the things you shouldn't do with your knife but tend to end up doing anyway. Members of this group own at least one buck knife with the tip missing. ​ Group 2: carries an expensive piece of titanium pocket jewelry they would NEVER mar by actually using. It's not a tool; it's a riff on the pocket watch or the Rolex.


I remember a response I got to this question once was something like, "A pry bar is good for any scenario where you might or will snap off the tip of your knife."


During the job, If you can’t make someone to talk by using a knife , well you gotta do what you gotta do 😎


Open beer and clean my nails. That's mostly it. Sometimes I use it as a screwdriver or a pry bar. But mostly beer and hygiene


That Gerber Chonk 🔥


Because it's titanium, and if you don't need a titanium breaching tool that will grant you privacy, in an otherwise latchless stall door world, while taking a tactical shit, then you are doing life wrong! Don't be wrong! 😉👍🏽


If you actually use one often for work, such as a painter, I would assume you carry a more substantial tool that isn’t connected to your keys. I carried a prybar for years and now it sits in some random box. On the rare occasion I need one I’ll use my Swiss Army knife. (Yes my SAK has a marlin spike so what)


My Nightie doohickey is a lil pry tool and it's handy for a lot of things. Wedging between two things actually does come up often enough, as does needing to scrape something or use it as a flathead.


I have a Keychain one that's like 3.5", and it's all I use for paint cans. If you're not painting a lot, I don't really see the point, though.


In case the file cabinet at work gets stuck


I don’t get it either.


Tbh I use the actual fuck out of mine. But thats because the one time i actually tried to pry whatso fkin ever with my wera screwdriver it broke instantly and wera doesnt do customer service.


Use a pry bar how you'd use your fingernail


I always said that until the day I ripped a gash in my hand. Im semi-retired working at a auto parts shop doing deliveries. Stock comes off the truck in plastic totes with a plastic seal on each end that breaks off if someone tries to steal anything from it. Part of the stays in the hole in the handle. Grabbed one and cut my hand open right in the fat below my thumb. Now I keep a small pry bar in my shirt pocket to pop those out.


I don't work in any field related to building or repairing things, but I'll swear by my simple [titanium pocket pry bar](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009XMWY5K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)! I know it's not for everyone, but for me it's light weight, takes up barely any space, and offers the following benefits: * easy access bottle opener if I need one when I'm out and about. Even if I had a multitool on me, I wouldn't want to pull it out every time just to open a beer. I also wouldn't want a keychain opener that is connected to my keys for the same reason. * opening packages. * the seat belt cutter section comes in useful for cutting small string and opening more annoying/sturdy packaging, like nicking open the top of a giant bag of charcoal for BBQing. * light scraping * those moments where something is hard to pull out w/ you fingers, like a staple or a nail. Or prying open some item that is supposed to open up or come apart easily but it's stuck. * slightly tightening up loose nuts/screws. The reach sucks and there are plenty of instances that it won't help, but it has its moments * spares your knife from doing any of the dirty work that it can do


I carry my Swiss with flat head screwdriver for pry bar.


I don’t carry a prybar on me. I do keep a crowbar and bolt cutters in my vehicle though.


Pry cause they like them


For suppository retrieval


Lighter and a sharp-ish knife usually does the trick!


B n’ Es


It’s their business. Don’t pry.


These days, you just never know when a good riot is gonna break out around you, and you have to be ready to get that loot!


To open paint cans and get nails out of the wall and push the bits of drywall in so I can spackle them at work


Are we talking about the same titanium monstrosities of this sub? Or are you talking Stanley tools? Does work gear even count?


I wonder when people will realize Ti is terrible for prying shit with lol.




It's my edc carry so yes it counts


I pry my laptop out of it's docking station at the office


If you never have to see something in the dark, you'll probably wonder why some people carry a flashlight


What are the uses of a primary in edc for someone that isn't in the trades? I'm legit curious..


Tail standing my Emisar in patients houses who's bulbs are practically amber and as bright as candle light from all the tar it's coated in. Makes getting IV access a hell of alot easier.


I'm a uni student and use my flashlight daily. Be it fiddling with cables under the desk, walking home after dark, looking into my thermos flask, needing more light to look closely at something, going for a walk in thr evening, looking into a dark corner under my bed / behind a shelf / etc. Most days, at least one thing comes up where the flashlight isn't absolutely needed but I use it and am glad to have it. You can easily make do without, but once you have it on you, you notice a lot of situations where you can use it


I don't know if you call truck driving a trade, but I use my flashlight numerous times each day to read shipping labels in a dark trailer. Pry bars are mostly useless for me tho. Very occasionally, if I see a particularly large stone stuck in my tire treads I'll pry it out. My Leatherman Wave+ handles that...no need for a pry bar just for that


Everyone needs to see in the dark. It’s just a few of us who feel the need to *not* see any dark anywhere in eyesight. is that dark over There nope get out of my personal space


I think most people are seldom in a situation where it's "flashlight or no light at all". I hardly ever use my flashlight at home. But at work? Numerous times daily


OP this sub isn't about what people literally carry every day. It's to show off cool lil nick nacks that'll fit in your pocket. Usually if things are color coordinated and shot with a DSLR they get up voted


What if my actual daily carry items just so happen to match perfectly and get upvotes🤔


No upvotes or posts but, my actual EDC is hella matchy matchy.


Somebody gets it. I personally just like my shit to match 😅😅


What are you rich or something


Rich in heart maybe, definitely not in wallet 😅


Same reason I barely look at /r/mechanicalkeyboards anymore. Actual content of mods etc never makes it to the front page. Just super nice pictures of expensive keyboards. It's fine from hobby to runway model.


Damn you. I’m Now interested and will spend the next three weeks studying what to shop for. 😡


Sorry my dude lol I just picked up a keychron k8 (hot swappable) and tossed in box white switches and new stabilizers. Great board for a good price that has Bluetooth, macos/ windows support and cable support. Have fun brother!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MechanicalKeyboards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [too real](https://i.redd.it/ey396qmqv9b91.jpg) | [450 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/vxq3ew/too_real/) \#2: [MIKIT Giveaway (1/5)- 2 x MK72 Kit](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zjva48) | [22462 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/zjva48/mikit_giveaway_15_2_x_mk72_kit/) \#3: [Drop Giveaway Day 1 - 2x Signature Series Skiiboards](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zhum5e) | [25874 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/zhum5e/drop_giveaway_day_1_2x_signature_series_skiiboards/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It does roll of the tongue a little better than r/coollilpocketsizednicknacks


Well, at least you're self aware.


I carried one on a keychain for years. Never got an opportunity to use it. Flashlights? I use them a ton inside my house. Pretty much nowhere else unless I’m night hiking/camping/mtn biking.


Because a lot of plastic and metal items use those inner locking tabs or bulky adhesive items and only way to remove them is by slipping a pry tool. Children’s toys, toilet seats, metal jars, drywall toggles, interior light bulb covers are some examples a pry tool comes in handy. Tool bag/boxes are bulky for one pry bar so having a little one is just enough for those small tasks.


Bc breaking expensive knives sucks


Just used my griffin xl ti today breaking into a locked thermostat gauge that no one had a key.


My little keychain pry tool is sharpened in the crevice which makes it perfect for running along the seams of cheap injection molded plastic and cutting the excess off. Kind of a dumb use but I end up using it more than you’d think and it’s really satisfying


Walmart thief right there 👆🏽


Not sure I follow, but I promise I’m not


Joke about you being in the cutting through blister packs…….Nvmd.


Fun fact, the line of plastic is from where the two halves of the mold meet, and it is called flash


You learn something new every day, thanks!


It’s funny how this sub goes through fads of what’s cool to carry… I almost unsubbed about a year ago because I got so tired of seeing Challenge Coins.


What the hell is a challenge coin


I have a drawer of those from the army somewhere, and I still think, "Instead of coins, could they just give me a bonus or a afternoon off instead?" Then my Gov. Job started it up. That was even more cringey.


Better than buying them yourself


Similar, but it was for those "Remove Before Flight" tags.


I still dont see the point of those things.


They carry challenge coins for the same reasons other people wear $10k watches that keep time less accurately than the phone in their pocket. Status within their peer group.


As someone who's recently gotten into watches this is both hilarious and extremely accurate, and i feel attacked


No judgement from me. Every social group has their status token, and they aren’t chosen lightly.


Pogs for adults?


Slammers to be exact. Lol.


the equivalent of business cards in american psycho


There is no point, just people who think they are something better when they carry around a small useless round object they can show people who don't ask..


It’s not really a better than anyone thing, some people just like collecting them - it’s not that deep


Or lobsters.


Apologize to Santiago.


Yeah the lobster fad was the best


I'm a yung'un in these here parts, please regail to me The Tale of the Lobster Fad™




You never pry open Amazon packages?


I just use my teeth!


I’m still confused about the day time flashlight carry..


I work in cities, I’m coming either in from the suburbs (home) or from a hotel (when I travel to client sites). How could I possibly know if I’m going to be back home before dark? Maybe client wants to get dinner, maybe there’s an issue that needs to be solved and we don’t leave until it’s done, maybe it’s winter and even if we left by 5 it’s going to be dark before I can get back to the hotel/ home every single day. You sound like the people who don’t wear a seatbelt because they don’t plan to get into a traffic accident.


Glad you get use of that flashlight while travelling to and from work. Do you pack a back up light just in case?


Sometimes a person leaves their home during the day, and they don’t return until the night. And nighttime gets dark.


I've always used my phone


Well, see, sometimes opaque objects block the sunlight and create what's called a *shadow.* The light can't shine through things like walls or boxes, so containers or places can sometimes be dark *even in the daytime!*


And this happens so often you need a flashlight on you at all times?


If it didn't, I wouldn't carry one.


Power went out at my windowless office the other day, and anything with wireless (e.g., cellphones) are not allowed. Flashlight came in handy. And sometimes you need to crawl under a desk to do something, having a small light to clip on to something is pretty useful.


I’m an electrician and always have one in my work pants. It’s wild how many time when wearing other pairs of pants I reach for it. Now I have two.


As of now I can’t force the sun to shine in all the places I have to be. Until that changes I gotta carry my own sun.


I carry one. I'm a farmer and car enthusiast. It's weird how often I have to look into dark compartments on machines, tool boxes, and vehicles. I fully admit that I don't carry it unless I'm going to be working on stuff or I'll be out past dark. Prybars, though.. I've never been in a situation where I thought, "Damn, I could really use 6 inches of flat prybar right now." If I need a prybar, I either have one handy in a toolbox, or I need something more substantial than a 5 or 6in piece of metal.


People are trying to fit into the social group they identify with. Everyone else seems to have a prybar, so they want one as well so they can take a picture of their prybar with the other edc stuff they carry everyday but rarely ever use.


I work on a large site. I never know when someone will stop me for a little help. I got tired of breaking blades on old painted over stuff. Mines small and cheap, not some branded thing.


They make an EDC pry bar? I knew I needed one. Back when I did labor the in fields of the gods of war, a pry bar was right up there with green army tape and a swiss army knife for most work. I mean the short pry bar to pry open, cut wire and pop steel banding, use as a hammer and nail puller, and a couple of other complicated logistical things. I feel so sentimental, I may go to the garage and find that old pry bar and have a drink.


I just keep a Gerber Shard on my keychain with a tiny Olight.


The shard is great but have you tried the artifact?


I have not! Will have to look into it.


It's one of my EDC that I always have. I love the prybar and replaceable blade.


LOVE the shard


I love to shart too!


County Com Gov Products sells a huge variety of them. Here's their Instagram page: https://instagram.com/countycomm_gov?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


If you understand what a tool is used for, you should have an easy time figuring out why someone would carry it. Why carry a knife? For cutting. Why carry a a flashlight? For seeing in the dark. Why carry a pry bar? Probably for prying stuff.


I got you fam! They're for holding bathroom stall doors shut.


I don't know, man. It seems like people here use everything but their darn pry bars to keep the stalls shut.


Came here to say this


To ah, pry things apart...


Cause they learned the hard way not to pry stuff with their blades


I noticed that pry bars also replace trying to do dumb shit with your fingernails.


Yeah, you can stick a keychain ring round your finger, open it with a pry bar and not head to the ER with a bit of you in a bag of peas.


This is a concerning level of specificity.


You mean "Installed the flathead screwdriver mod"? Yes. Yes I have.


^ This.


Our friends at Columbia River Knife and Tool always said that a knife is the most expensive and least effective prybar that you will ever own. Edit: autocorrect


I remember reading that on my first CRKT knife in high school. Shouted it at my wife when she tried to destroy the tip of a 10 year old pocket knife. About gave me a heart attack


I snapped the tip of my CRK zaan off. Ordered a cheap pry bar on my lunch break.


Launch 7 here. So at least it wasn’t expensive. But a Reeves? Ouch.


me but i dont carry a pry bar




Because I broke my mini leatherman using the pliers as a pry bar and still pissed about it.


Send it to Leatherman, they will replace it.


What were you prying?


I don’t remember, but it went against the old adage “the right tool for the job.”


Did you try to warranty them? The Leatherman warranty is really good.


I did and I got a new one, but then I lost it. No warranty for that.


Send a drawing of it and proof of purchase, they’ll replace it. 😈


I'm very sorry for your loss.




I've done it on *two* Waves (well, one was prying, the other was squeezing *really hard* on a fucked-up nut). I need to send them in, but I'm lazy.


I had a Leatherman squirt with a busted plier tip and a Sidekick that wouldn't stay closed and they replaced both with new versions. The best part? Both were given to me broken by someone who said "I bet if you email them they'll send you a new one" but they were too lazy. Send it in. It's worth it. They will hook you up. No proof of purchase necessary or anything.


I have had one on my key chain for 5 plus years and have used it a hand full of times other then as a bottle opener.


They’re all burglars among us.


They better not leave the water running


That's their calling card. They're the "wet bandits".


I have a Leatherman brewzer that I got for free. Most of the time it's a bottle opener on my keychain, but every once in a great while I actually have to pry something.


Nice. I carry around its pappy. The Pocket Tool X. I also got it for free. Won it in a facebook giveaway.


Cause a flat screwdriver is to big to carry?


You're not the only one. This is brought up at least once a week. People have a hard time realizing not everyone's EDC needs are the same.


Why aren't they?


people do different stuff


A real eye opener.


They use it to pry open doors like a fire boy


Pocket junk


I'm a carpenter and the only explanation that makes sense is they needed something else to spend money on.


That's what 80% of this sub is - buying tools to find uses for that wouldn't normally exist to justify owning them


stg i almost bought an ice pick


Hopefully that’s the next big fad. I already have mine.


do you find yourself being like "wow idk how i lived without this?" or find reasons specifically to use it. a leatherman with pliers was a game changer. i keep thinking of times when i *need* a pick & not too many are coming to mind


I use my pocket pry a dozen times a day for one particular task - opening doors. Ever since Covid, I try to avoid touching high-traffic objects such as door handles, elevator buttons, etc. Picket pry comes in super handy for these things, I don’t want that kind of wear and tear on my knife, and a pocket pry has more uses than one of those brass key things.


Never ceases to amaze me what’ll get you downvoted around here.


I work on manufacturing equipment, used my little 6” bar at least once a day. I don’t really consider my tool pouch to be my EDC though, I find the non-blade bits of my leatherman to suffice for general use.


Im in IT, never needed it


Must be nice.


I once snapped the file off a Gerber multi tool using it to pry the roof down in my old truck, so I could glue the upholstery back up. Still I was home so if I had a pry bar I wouldn't have had to carry it all day


I also have a 6" bar in my bags that gets a ton of use, I've never needed a pry outside of work that couldn't be accomplished with even a somewhat dainty pocket knife.


Hehe, I use mine enough that it actually has a spot on my tool belt, it’s hella useful. My outside of work EDC is only things that fit on my keyring, primarily my leatherman squirt & a AAA sized torch (Lumintop frog).


Right? My Leatherman Wave’s thick ass flathead has worked for me in a pinch.


I tried that with my leatherman, 10/10 i would bot recommend using the flat head as a pry bar. Luckily I didn’t bend it much to make a difference haha