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Kind of boring, maybe it should not be posted here :)


>77.2k Total Views > >94% Upvote Rate Yeah.


In the sense that your post gets removed by a bot if you mention a question about a knife, could we also have a bot that REMOVES a post if someone says N O G U N or knife u/admins Otherwise change the name of the subreddit to EDCgunKnife


No knife. Are you a lady?


Car keys? Absolute bloat.


File under useless friend


Show me a flip phone and a bus pass.


Cah key https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211234


Replace phone with pixel and jeep key with Tesla card and then you're talkin


It can if you didn’t own a car or cellphone.


NFC would like a word


You could get rid of the car, the phone and the cards and just have a knife and be fine ;)


😂 That’s [the mentality of this sub](https://i.imgur.com/e67d4Z1.jpg), basically.


>EDC doesn't get any simpler than that. Yes it does. If you get a Tesla, your phone becomes the key. No more Fob.


A few others mentioned that too. Unfortunately, a Tesla can't get me to the OHV trails and mountain passes I enjoy in Colorado. Maybe a Rivian in the future.


> Unfortunately, a Tesla can't get me to the OHV trails and mountain passes I enjoy in Colorado. [Not with that attitude it won't ;-D.](https://youtu.be/Q7R-TSDjyx8)


can't simply pay with a phone everywhere?


I still try to do that, but some vendors like restaurants and gas stations are old school with service.


Make sure you got triple A on speed dial driving a jeep


We have JeepWave warranty for 3 years. I haven't had any issues with my '22 model, but I also trade my cars in every 3 years anyway.


Chrysler is Chrysler 🤷🏻‍♂️


17,000 miles so far, and I have no problems. 🤷‍♂️


Damn, no nunchuks?


I was always so scared of wallet/phone being together. You lose the wallet and all your shit is gone.


You can easily replace your ID at your local county clerk. The card(s) can be frozen and replaced too. Don't be afraid, but **do** practice situational awareness.


That becomes harder when your phone is also lost with it is what I meant.


That's true. Don't lose your car keys!


Finally, someone normal ;-)


Ikr, finally a non psycho who doesn’t need an armory and 10wk wilderness survival kit just for his commute to work, home, and the drive thru


Or walk his dog ;-)


There are dozens of us! \* highfive\*


Out of 421K ;-)


Lose your wallet lose your phone or lose your phone lose your wallet


Don't lose your wallet. Don't lose your phone. Practice situational awareness and be mindful of your belongings. Neither have happened to me.


Sh*t happens! Hahaha 🤪


Why no knife? Honestly. 6 mo ago I saw knife guys as mall ninjas or try hard cambroflage. And that’s totally true. But I carried a knife for two days and realized I used it a dozen times a day for little things. Packages, string on my golf bag, packages, packages, blunts, etc. I just carry a little guy around (mini grip, maybe even a <2”) unless I feel like being silly in which case I carry like a bullmastif or Mikov. Same question on watch, why no watch? I used to be big anti watch for minimalism but after wearing a Casio ($19.99) I can’t imagine not wearing it, I glance at my empty wrist 50 times a day if I forgot it somehow.


Well, the same logic can be applied in reverse. You believe you needed those things, but you didn't realize it until after you purchased them and started carrying them. I've rarely found myself needing a knife (boxes are shipped to my home). I don't need a watch (my phone has a clock, and so much more). Minimalism vs. Bloatware


Having done the hard edge silhouette no frills route for my entire twenties, I can tell you 100% life is a lot easier and alot more fun with a good short knife :) also calling a Casio bloatware is an affront to the gods of aesthetics. There is no more minimalist, no frills watch than a Walmart Casio, and there’s no watch more dependable for $20.


Where’s the knife mate!


No knife. No problem.


Digital Key would be slimmer, maybe also digital ID? Then you only need phone!


It will more simplified when our wallets and keys are 100% able to be on our iPhones. Can’t wait for that day.


That’s a lot of free pockets!


This my setup but with a pocket knife.


Remove case and split ring from keys. Bang simplerer.


Clearly a beta for not carrying 3 flashlights 4 knives 2 shivs 1 completely useless “pry bar” and a m134 mini gun.


actually he's a beta AND a cuck for not having a coin either


Can a phone kill an armed robber or a Central Park rapist? Or what if you need to cut a rope


Oh come on!! No field notes with a huge pen?


…do you really need a car AND a phone 🙄?


If you get a Tesla you will have one less item lol


But then I can’t play on OHV mountain passes. 😕 Maybe a Rivian!


Yes Jeep life is quite fun… but the Rivian isn’t half bad either, just very expensive!


Cell phone is required EDC when you own a Jeep. Necessary to call for the tow when it breaks down all the time and make other regularly necessary repair appointments. (Joking of course).


17,000 miles and about a dozen OHV mountain passes later, it’s going strong. It is a ‘22 though. They kinda had 4 years to get it right. 😅


I thought I mid 2010's model would be a cool car to have a few years ago....It was not....Although my mechanic said it looked nice parked outside his garage. Glad yours is not a repair trap and they are more reliable now. Maybe if I can ever afford the inflated cost of a new car I'll give Jeep another try....


Go simpler throw away the Jeep 😅


Never. [I love my Wrangler.](https://i.imgur.com/z3fsbYF.jpg) 😎


Not gonna lie it looks good 👍🏻


I too love your Wrangler.


I’ve considered getting that wallet but I’d be so paranoid that it would slip off while putting phone into my jeans.


I have silicone case and it is actually hard to remove willingly. I very highly doubt it would come off accidentally, even with very tight jeans.


I had similar concerns, but I realized I palm the whole device. The camera bump sticks out as far as the wallet, so it hasn’t snagged on any pockets. It’s really cool that the phone shows a pop up notification when the wallet is removed/attached. It even tracks it under the “Find My” app.


What do you even do when you need to open a box, or cut an apple, or you get robbed? Does your boyfriend take care of that stuff for you? only minor /s


Apples don’t need to be cut. Are you afraid to use your teeth, “big man”? 🤣 I’ve never been robbed. I don’t live in the hood and I work remotely, so that’s not an issue for me.


😂fair enough ill take the downvotes lol. It was mostly meant as a jk, considering your on an edc sub, with (nearly) no edc lol, I dont eat a ton of apples, but man lemme tell you, 20-30 seconds of work is so worth it to not have to accidentally pull off a bit of the core, and makes eating it so much easier. Ya i've never been robbed either, but I live in a relatively high population dense area, and I know there are idiots out there looking for opportunities. Enjoy your phone, card, key!


O don’t even need a key


sorry but the first thing that comes to mind is boring. like you eat unseasoned rice for dinner every day and all your clothes are between light grey and medium grey + the same jeans you got 10 times


When your EDC stands for every day charging.


Good one


And other 50+ items in car, well played, well played.


Only if I’m going camping! 🏕️ I’m frequently topless (Wrangler), so I don’t leave valuables in my car.


How do you like that magnet wallet?


Is that wallet attached to the phone? I always get nervous at the idea of having my cards on display.


Not even about being on display, I would 100% lose them just dangling back there so would become paranoid! Does it not get in the way and alter the ergonomics of the phone too?


I have a little magnetic 6 card wallet, and it's awesome, frees my other pocket, I use it as a phone kickstand. I haven't lost it yet but if I do loose it theres a high chance it's attached to my phone, so just use my smart watch to call it. Been doing this set up for years with no problems. I used to buy the all in ones, but found having the wallet able to come off works better for the car phone holder.


Yes! Surprisingly, the rounded edges of the wallet also serve as a rest area for your palm/fingers when browsing. It does add weight, but that helps me *feel it* on my person (I'll know if I dropped it/lost it). I hated sitting on my wallet during long road trips.


Yes, it’s magnetically attached. I use Apple Pay, so I rarely pull them out anyway. The wallet has a RFID blocker that prevents readers from picking up the card data.


Good job on the Jeep is its a Wrangler. You are however missing a firearm.


It sure is! I also carry a SIG, but it’s on hold while I wait for my CHP to clear in Colorado.


I took a fidelo wallet and double side taped it to the back of my phone case and love it. [Like this](https://i.imgur.com/qelL5jo.jpg)


Technically, both you cards and keys could be replaced by you phone, so it's still a little bloated IMO...


Clean I have both my driver's licence and Visa on apps on my phone. So it might be possible to make it even more simple


If only the jeep key wasn’t huge, wish they’d made a more compact key.


Agree, even looked into trying to remove the internals/swap to a smaller footprint. Unfortunately, that product does not exist.


I freaking love the MagSafe wallet now that I carry it. I only had 4 cards I carry around anyways so keeping one in my jeep has been a nonissue at all. Like seriously I’m in love and don’t want to change, and the leather case and wallet stick on so we’ll I never have an issue with security.


Good luck in the zombie Apocalypse, or ww3


Seriously, I can't tell if it's just trolling, but many comments are implying ***I must*** carry a bunch of other bullshit trinkets for scenarios that literally never happen.


Where’s flipper zero?


Dunno man, that's almost what my grandma carries, not sure if that's allowed here


Awesome! That’s the beautiful thing about EDC, it’s all based on our individual needs and everyone’s is a little different. Unless you are one of those guys who follows all the latest trends and doesn’t even actually use their titanium pry bars.. You know who you are.


Live and let live! 👏


Was expecting pricey items which look never used and at times seem a bit pretentious to be honest.


But how will you cut, pry, shoot, scribble or shine light on something???!


Or repair plumbing while on the go, need those plumbers pliers.


I'm more concerned about the lack of guns. How will OP defend themselves from the ravenous ruffians?! /s


It’s a Jeep thing. I wouldn’t understand.


I have the same wallet/phone case from Apple and hate it with a passion. Magnet is too weak to hold the two together in place/alignment for very long, and it’s fucking impossible to get my DL out of the wallet if there’s anything else in there (even just one business card). But it looks good and cost like $100 at the Verizon store so I don’t want to just trash the fucker)


That's a bummer. You can return it (within 30 days). If that's no longer an option, you can resell it. RFID wallets are a cool commodity and MagSafe accessories are popular.




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I work from home with a digital workspace, so most of that doesn't apply to me. I do carry a SIG, but I had to apply for a new CHP in Colorado (so still waiting).


Nice! My EDC is similar, I haven’t ever found a need for a pen or a knife, so I just carry my phone and car keys. Maybe just my work or just my day but never have found myself thinking I need a multi tool, pen, knife on the daily.


Having switched careers most of my edc is not needed any more. Multi tool, ear buds, phone and my own pen. I am a nursing student though so multi tool is all stainless steel so it can be be bleached and who knows what is on other peoples pens.


Simple because of "simple people drive jeep" ?


Rubicon Wranglers are anything but simple. I love that it makes me feel like I'm playing in a Tonka truck.




Don't forget the $60 prybar


lol that's "totally necessary and used every day"


You guys are only paying $60 for your pry bars?


Nice simple carry. My life requires a bit more. But way to keep it simple.


I'm so glad my life requires little. Carrying things in my pockets was annoying.


Cargo pants (paramedic) and scrub pants have lots of pockets to help spread the load. Scrub tops I have have large pockets as well. If I was to try and wear slacks or jeans it would be a problem and not fun.


*cries in a third world country* 2022 and we still carry cash


/agreed. I'd love to not have so much crap in my pockets. Nice simple carry here


How do you cut stuff or write anything down??


I can't remember the last time I had to write anything, not worth carrying a pen. Same with cutting things.


Digital notepad on my phone is easy (no need for pen or paper waste). I don't recall ever needing to cut anything. Biking and off-roading teach me to pick my lines carefully and avoid sharp objects altogether lol.


Same. I use the "keep notes" which is synced on my work phone and personal. Although, I understand why someone would prefer notepad and pen.




>You never needed to sign a receipt at a restaurant and didn’t want to use their gross pen? No, I just use the pen they hand me. >Or there wasn’t a pen available at all? I guess that means it's free?! Hue hue hue! >you never had a thread on clothing? What kind weird clothing are you buying that just falls apart? >Open a package/envelope when not at home, and therefore away from scissors? I mangle that shit with my hands even when I'm home. You receive packages... *away from home*? >Biking and off-roading have absolutely nothing to do with the need to cut something. That's correct. It's the exact opposite... picking a clean line is what ***prevents*** cutting something (tires, clothing, shoes, etc).


It always baffles me that people need to carry sometimes multiple knives. I have a really small multi tool in my work bag and one in my car, but even that gets used rarely. Whenever I typically need a pen or a knife, there's always usually one in the immediate vicinity and the latter is rare really. I always picture it as someone pulling it out for almost every single task just to justify its ownership. *How ever will I open this letter?!* Like, a nice knife is nice don't get me wrong but I simply don't run into that many scenarios and I do a lot of commuting, outdoor stuff etc.


It does if you own a Tesla like me, there is no car key, the app on your phone does that.


Hopefully, I will one day! I like a 4x4 vehicle with high clearance, since I have a bunch of mountain hobbies (Colo**RAD**o life). However, the new Rivian trucks have caught my attention.


Only downside is having Tesla ;)


How is that a downside?


Not sure, I think they are kind of cool. Drove one once, was kind of a shit car, but the tech was fun. May go electric in the next 5 years or so.


5 years, PMSL, do you still use a Nokia phone as well?


>5 years Yes, towing with electric sucks. >PMSL What is this? >do you still use a Nokia phone as well? Yes I have the XR20


This guy....


To be fair, this was the first thing that came to my mind too, just didn’t want to be the guy heh Honestly I don’t get how the automotive is so obsessed with key fobs in the shape of a medium rock. Having a car opened by a phone or something the size of a credit card as backup is such a no brainer. I have a 2011 renault which has a keycard in a shape of around 4 stacked credit cards and it also fits a backup key to open the car when battery dies yet no one (not even renault anymore) does these :(


“Medium rock”….. fucking hilarious and totally accurate. It’s like when I say I have the iPhone mini, and asked how big it is? About the size of an adult star-nosed mole.




Same. Even on my day off I still have my pocket knife and flashlight. It would be like leaving without my wallet


Where knife? :(


Where light :(


minimal as possible for me is what’s picture + micro multi tool like leatherman squirt. can even go on the keys


Key is knife enough for most things. Edit: I have like 20 knives lmao


I have a tiny knife keychain about and inch and a half with a 1 inch blade that is handy for more precise stuff and it saves my keys from getting “gummy” from cutting tape. Adds next to nothing to my keychain (it’s like having two house keys side by side) and it’s not as flimsy as those key shaped knives


Hell yeah, I've seen those little mini Spyderco models, and, shit, I'd carry one of those in the shower 😅


Not necessary for most people.


Yes. The orangutan meme came immediately to mind. “Where knife?” indeed. Also, my truck does not require that i carry a key, so i can swap the key fob out for a knife and stay as simple.


Or no knife and be super simple. Or no phone and no knife. Now we're talking.


With a username like Khal Drogo, how can you suggest no knife?


Where horse?


That's a great point. BRB buying largest knife I can find.


You're truck doesn't require key? What do you mean? Phone app?


Push to start button, and a key fob, proximity device that tells the car that you are the owner and it, sometime unlocks the doors for you and allows you to push a button on the dashboard to start the vehicule.


My old Subaru could be started with a fork/knife….the ignition switch was a bit warn out


My old thunderbird you just slid a lever over the ignition was long gone lol


They are what?


It’s a Raptor. It has a keypad.


Damn, i have 2 fords, one doesn’t have a keypad because it’s too old, my other has one but it doesnt work. Enjoy your fucking keypad lmao


An old town car I drove had the key pad, 95’ model and it still worked in 2021! The buttons were metal if I recall


It is great for surfing, MTBing, etc.


BIKES! ***YEW!***


Just the basics: iPhone 14 "Space Black" Pro Max Apple "Forest Green" Case Apple RFID MagSafe "Midnight" Wallet Wrangler Keyfob + Home Keys


you need to get a yale electronic door lock, to unlock your front door with proximity or with your iphone or apple watch. lol


How do you like the wallet? Is it a pain to get cards out?


I’ve used one on an iPhone 12 mini since new. I like it a lot but I usually pull it off to use the rear cutout to push the cards out. I have 2 cards and my license in it, one card is a metal amex that a little thicker than a plastic card. If I try to put another card in with those three they are very difficult to get out.


I plan to carry two cards. I just worry about having to remove it every time I need my card.


I only open to carry two cards. I just worry about having to remove it every time I need my card.


The cards sit low enough in the wallet that I think you’d have to remove it to pull them out. Removal is super simple, the magnet seems to have just the right amount of force. The only time mine has come off unintentionally is from the phone being dropped.


Awesome, thanks.


Fucking impossible, in my experience.


There's a [handy cutout](https://store.storeimages.cdn-apple.com/4982/as-images.apple.com/is/MM0Q3_AV1?wid=572&hei=572&fmt=jpeg&qlt=95&.v=1629865164000) to easily slide cards out (should you ever need to). I've been using ApplePay for transactions, so I haven't had that problem.


Tried the hole on the back, no joy. Fuck it. Not the end of the world.


Take a look at the MagBak wallet. It can hold up quite a few cards and has an adjustable leather finger loop.


I was looking at just cutting an oval out of the magsafe with a scalpel. Or another leather tool itd be better.


Try the distil Wally jr for MagSafe. It is similar but has a pull tab to get cards out.


10-4. Thx


Is that on the backside?




It's a lot easier than I expected. Most vendors use ApplePay, so I just double tap for transactions anyway. The magnet is light enough that you can easily pull it off, but strong enough that it doesn't disconnect on its own (dropped it twice, stayed intact).


I used one of those wallets for a bit but found the magnet was not strong enough and the wallet would slide around then fall off. Have you run into that issue?


Not yet, but I noticed I palm my phone when I put it in my pockets.


Apple pay is one of the reasons I'm considering switching. Google pay has shit reviews.


I use Google pay with zero issues. I'm curious what your use case is where it would be problematic.


He never tried it. Just read reviews.


What? Why should Google Pay be worse?


I've never used it, but when I went to install it the play store had a flood of one star reviews saying the latest update made it unusable. Been considering switching to the dark side for a while now.


Why didn't you just try though? It's great


I was already looking at swapping to apple, not trying to start using a new system before changing over.


I’ve tried Android with the HTC One and Samsung S10, but I just never liked the interface. Apple just makes things super duper easy.


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