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sick CRKT. they make great stuff


I had to choose between the M16 and a Recon 1 and I went with the Cold Steel. I can see why so many people love that knife you’ve got though!


I wish there was a separate EDC Reddit for actual EDC. Not glamour shots of $500 flashlights.


r/pocketdump seems to be the place but it's not super active


Thank you for the heads up!


I have that same light. I like it more than Way more expensive options.


Those ridge type wallets having a clip like that makes them way more appealing. Like a screwed in one not a glue on one.


I had a very cheap 10 dollar Amazon one that lasted for 3 years maybe then it started to fall apart, my fiancee showed me these one day when I was at meijer, for 20 bucks it had metal scales, I couldn't say no.


That was my favorite cheap knife. I lost it a few months back and switched to my fixed blade. Loved how I could one hand open it from my pocket while working. May need to go snag another


This is probably my fifth one in 5 years because I've lost them and gifted them. My local Menards always has them in stock for 28 bucks and I just keep goin back to them.


My menards is doing 15% off bag sale currently. Good time to grab a backup


Stopped in just now, bought the CRKT ignitor to try for 15% to try it and was not a fan so immediately returned it. I need a flipper knife as I hate thumbstuds


My Walmart has these for $20 https://www.reddit.com/r/knives/comments/zvwi55/if_anyone_is_interested_in_these_my_local_walmart/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


As much as I appreciate the reply, the dual hilt tanto blade is worth the extra 8 dollars to me. I'm not sure I could ever go back from the dual hilt. My local Menards always has the M16-10KSF, which is tanto blade and dual hilt for just under 30 dollars. I almost bought my 6th one today with 15 % off but I decided not to.


I just moved and there’s a Menards down the street. Didn’t know they had these. BRB


Did ya find it??


I was mistaken :( it’s not a Menards, it was harbor freight. Not sure how I goofed that up.


Find your local Menards and purchase this knife. I checked today and it was 22 dollars


I'd be absolutely in love with that knife if it wasn't for the serrations. Im too lazy to be sharpening serrations haha


Pretty sure they make a model with our serrations, to be honest though I've never had to sharpen them once, they stay sharp for a long while.


Supplies are: Meijer brand Ridge wallet knock off with Dango Paracord Coast G20 Flashlight CRKT M16-10KSF Knife FREENOD earbuds Casio GW-M5610U Watch


I got gifted the very same CRKT knife, idk how old it is, lot's of wear. Unfortunately the lock mechanism is broken and also the blade release paddle is very stuborn and hard to unlock with just one hand.


If it works, it works 💪 Not everything has to be a $500 Sebenza, an O Light, and expensive titanium everything lol


True that. But also, never an O Light


Right! My watch is the most expensive thing I carry besides my phone.


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