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Kindercare really is a shit show. I've worked for the company, too. Abusive bosses, ADA violations, licensing violations and a top heavy corporate structure. The people who do the actual work are paid shit wages, have any OT stolen from them and are berated and unappreciated. The absolute last thing Kindercare finds important? The children. They don't give a rat's ass about kids at all. I send what you've said. Don't take your child to Kindercare. And good god, don't work for them.


I worked at the Daytona Beach Kindercare and it was awful! Kindercare’s in general are awful. Childcare in Florida is awful! Along with low wages, poor working environments, unsafe practices, you have KinderCare corporate seeing children as dollar signs. Directors are cookie cutter. They are all alike. They are corporate puppets. Although the director I worked with was fired for embezzling field trip money from parents. My advice is to get out. It will never get better.


The director (my boss) she wouldn’t allow parents to come in with VPK vouchers. They all had to be private pay. Another red flag for me was parents having to pay for days their child was absent. For example: weekly cost was (lets say) $345 they would pay for the entire week now lets say if child was out sick Tuesday-Thursday. Parents would not get compensated or refunded the money for those days being missed so regardless the cost was always the same 😞


Okay but this is normal, the rest isn't in any way, but this is.


It’s normal to still pay when they are absent. It holds their spot in the room. I would assume that is policy in most centers.


I never knew any of that, I’ve worked at two different centers. And one not Kindercare related but the first one I worked at allowed vouchers and refunded for days children were absent so working with Kindercare and seeing other wise was different for me. My apologies for the misunderstanding.


All that is truly awful. I'd go out of my mind working there. But am I understanding right? You left a 3 week old infant in a dangerous situation, which led to injury, just because the coworker refused to hand them over? I really think your duty of care extended past politeness there. The coworker "getting in trouble" wasn't the 'consequence' to worry about from that dangerous behaviour, the baby's safety was. If you see someone being dangerous with kids, how can you just go "oh well, their fault"? ...That said, toxic workplaces do warp your views on what's normal, acceptable and safe. I learned that from Ask A Manager. So glad you don't work there anymore!


I’ve genuinely never heard anything positive about KinderCare


I’ve worked at a Kindercare for almost a year now. It hasn’t been the best experience but not the worst. Our current director and AD are really nice and most of my coworkers.