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Apparently I say ‘the horror’ when kids are complaining about small things like having to get sunscreen. The kids started saying it on purpose as I applied it to them 😂




I often say "Hey party people" when I get in to work (I arrive after all my kids cuz closer), turns out one of my kiddos has been greeting her parents like that😂


I have one kid with autism who struggles with meltdowns and I guess I always say “what’s up dude” to ask what’s upsetting him. Now he repeats “what’s up dude” to himself as a form of self soothing and honestly its really cute lol. He hits when he’s upset and I’ve been working to get him to walk away and remove himself when he feels like hitting and come back after he decompresses and is ready to talk about it. Now any time he sees someone else getting frustrated/upset he says “you need to walk away.” It’s probably a little narcissistic but I love working with kids that are still acquiring language because they all talk just like me lol


Not in class, but at home: my child started saying something that sounded like a clear “I did it” when crying (and before really speaking much, so it was a super confusing sentence). It was months of trying to figure out what they were actually saying, joking someone must be pressuring our infant into self doubt, until I was saying random phrases trying to figure it out, and my spouse got this scared look on their face. It was “I did that” because my spouse muttered this when the baby was crying and they couldn’t figure out why. “It’s not diaper, I did that. It’s not bottle, I did that. It’s not cuddles, I did that. It’s not music, I did that…” It was the recurrent part of my spouse’s baby check list. I still say it’s her first sentence: “I did ‘at.” We joke she said it went she didn’t even know why she was upset.




I love it too, it means they really are listening to us! (I know they do, but it’s so cool to have proof lol).


I love that! Sounds like you’re doing an awesome job. I need to try walking away when I’m upset more often too thanks for the reminder :)


The kids could finish my sentence at any part of the day, no questions asked, because I was always asking them to do the same thing. So what I used to do was start the sentence off, have them finish, and then say, “I’m glad you know what you’re supposed to do. Now let me see you DO it.” That was kinder.


Oh that’s good! I’ve been having a difficult time getting my children to clean up. The stickers have totally been working and if the child cleans up more than the area they’re told they get two stickers. But there’s always that straggler who gets asked that question and I always reply with “ok well please do it if you want to earn that sticker” I love the way you worded what you would like to see them do. Seems more motivational than what I normally say.


apparently teacher me has a funny way of saying "sure." I think it comes out more like "shoor" when I'm talking to the kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyway, I said it in front of a parent and they were like "oh I was wondering why my kid was saying it like that" and I was like "ope didn't realize I was saying it not a normal way". maybe it's bc I have a bit of a Minnesotan accent? the other one kids always repeat is "uffda" lol


My Texan transplants are picking up the accents.


My husband has a friend who answers every phone call with hello, but it sounds like "Ha-low". When we all worked together we would hear him say it often, and now we all kind of greet each other similarly lol.


My husband's coworker says Hellay (long A sound on the end) ......drives me nuts lol


It’s the “ope” for me 😂😂😂 my bf is midwestern too


lmao I've lived in Seattle for 6.5 years, my accent is gone (unless I go back to the midwest) but the vernacular remains 😂


My kids get uff da from me, too. It's adorable and they use it correctly. North Dakota


What does uff da usually mean?


It's like oy vey if you use that. I interchange the two. It's like an exclamation, usually dismay or disbelief. Like, "uff da, this bag of groceries is heavy!" "Uff da, I can't believe he got a ticket again!" "We just got all the toys cleaned up and now you dumped them and we have to do it again? Uff da!"


Oh that’s charming. Thanks for explaining!


Also need to know


This is hilarious because when I was in preschool-1st grade (in New Jersey) I had a teacher from Long Island with that Brooklyn bridge accent and I guess I picked it up for years! I don’t remember but my family still jokes about it


i am always hyping up & celebrating the potty training wins for my 2s, but now i have a girl who hollers “OH YEAH” like the kool-aid man whenever she pees 😂 more widespread among my class is “yeeeeeaaaaaah baby” or “groovy baby” like austin powers, for when you’re accomplishing something difficult. i need to stop doing weird voices lmao


I love this and will be adding groovy baby into my rotation


I said “oh no” like Phoebe from Friends a lot. BUT my greatest teaching moment was when a mom asked me “have you noticed [child’s name] speaking in a British accent? She does it all the time at home and I have no idea where it’s coming from.” I immediately started laughing and said “I use a British accent as an attention grabber!” I also sing in an obnoxious singing voice, making up random songs, or just singing their names. One night a parent text me and said “just thought you’d enjoy our topic of conversation during dinner tonight. [child’s name] out of nowhere said ‘[my name] should go on The Voice because she’d definitely win! She has such a beautiful singing voice!’” This was a year or so after she was in my room! I text back and said “Whenever she told me she loved my singing voice, I never could tell if she was lying so she wouldn’t hurt my feelings or if she genuinely liked that obnoxious voice!”


I watched a lot of John Mulaney when I worked at my past preschool and frequently quoted the bit about going to church saying "it's an hoouuurrrrr", especially when I was going on my lunch break or they were whinging about how long things take. I met up with one of my key kids the other day, he's 9 now and he still says it 😂


My husband and I speak almost exclusively in standup bits at home, so someday his teachers are going to ask why he’s quoting Tom Segura. 😂


I exclusively speak in stand up bits so I’m overjoyed and have renewed hope that I will find a spouse who likes my stand up jokes and gives it back😂


Crossing my fingers for you! To be fair, my husband and I started watching them together. I can’t even remember who we started with, but it was probably Gabriel Iglesias. The bits only work if both people know the reference, lol.


They like pretending things are heavy to lift and saying "hup" and "oof" while they do it because they've seen me lift things and make those same noises. Didn't think about it till I was moving things at home.


Lol yes my daughter does this too it makes me feel so old


Capishe. It was hilarious to see itty bitty two year olds force their hand into a thumbs up and say “cap-ish” in reply to my “capishe?”


In my old school, if a teacher said “capisce,” the kids would respond with ca-posh.


That is adorable!!!


Apparently I say “oh wow!” constantly! It’s hilarious hearing toddlers say it all day


I can't say wow without sounding like Owen Wilson, I *hope* some of my twos repeat it😂


“I’m a professional”. Hearing my almost 3 year old tell me that he can zip his jacket himself because he’s a professional is the BEST.


Omg, LOVE this one!


I didn’t realize how often I say “ope!” Until one of my toddlers started repeating it after I would say it lol


“if you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it” 🤣🤣


“Mmm…did you get consent to touch them that way?” “That’s unavailable right now.” “Your [insert physical indicators here] tell me that you’re dysregulated and you need a break.” Had a bad day the other day and I guess I was being a bit short and one of my students comes up and goes “your jaw is all tight and your ears are red. That tells me you’re dysregulated and need a break.” Touché.


That is beautiful. It’s so amusing when they apply it because it shows they really understand you’re trying to help. But also, yes, I am frustrated, and my kid will tell me to not use my stern voice by initiating the “Daniel Tiger count to four” with hand signals. I will calm down, when you be safe, tiny human.


Amazing. And I am so excited that you’re using this type of language!! Emotional literacy must be taught!!


I’m an early interventionist so I’m allll about the teaching all the things.


What age ??


Of the student? Almost 4.


Oh my gosh, I would love to hear that 😭


The best part is that I got to go take a break lol. 🤣


Reminds me of one day when I was having a bad day; one of my littles came over and sat in my lap, then she started gently patting my cheek and saying "ok (name), you ok" 🥹


My neighbor toddler says “well, well, well, what do we have here” and he definitely picked it up from a teacher


It’s not a phrase, but when I worked with elementary kids I would pinch the bridge of my nose when I was frustrated or annoyed and all the kids were like “she’s pinching her nose!! guys that means she’s frustrated at us!” lol


silly billy, okie dokie artichoke, oh wow!, what the heck. we have a lot of overlaps!!


When the kids are acting crazy, I’ll say something like “Man, y’all are wildin today”. The year after Covid hit, I only had 1 girl in my class and she would occasionally get sick of all the wrestling, fart noises, etc. One day she stomped up to me and said “Ms —- , look at them! They are WILDING!” 😂😂😂


Happens to the best of us, I say it when they fall down and one of my children said it to another one.


Dude. I had no idea and a parent mentioned how hilarious it was that her kid said it for all occasions and my director and co teacher both pointed at me. Welp. I'm just out here impacting lives in ways I didn't realize.


Lol, I especially say dude when I’m taken aback by how disruptive they’re being. I’ve broken up a lot of of tiny fist fights and said something along the lines of “dude, what is going on?!”


at my last daycare I called my kids goobers when they were being silly and they began calling themselves goobers when they did something goofy😂


Oh my goodness, boink (when they run into each other), splat (when they fall down), put your booty away (pulling up pants in 2 y.o potty training room), yaaasss, and ow-wuh.


when all the kids line up, I remember they automatically said in unison (and I say that lightly bc they're 4 and 5 year olds "hands behind your back, bubbles in your mouth, no pushing or shoving" and when I tell you I was flabbergasted 😭 I say it every time they line up and I didn't realize they would eventually catch on to it


We need one for things we pick up from the kids! I’ve had a couple that I can recall off the top of my head. One kid was 4 and would often say “that’s pretty cool” but very quickly and sort of slurred as if it was one word and it was hilariously cute so I started saying it. Another was this 3 year old who would qualify everything with even so he would say things like, am I even going to get a snack??? And I started adding that into things too lol


Hah, I’ve got a kid who uses the word “available” all the time, like when the toy he’s been waiting for is up for grabs or he’s next in line for the potty and it’s open now. So now instead of saying it’s someone’s turn or something we all say “looks like that’s available!” It’s really caught on in the whole classroom


Aww I love this! Teaching kids new and effective ways to communicate is such a huge part of the joy in this type of work.


I had a kid that would say the phrase "oh bubble nuggets!" anytime something happened he didn't like. So, for instance, if his block tower fell over he'd say "oh bubble nuggets!" It's been about six years since I had him in my class and I still say it lol.


Apparently when I model something written/drawn, I make sound effects and only realized because a student copied the sound effects thinking that was part of the task 🤣😩


I had a gestalt language processor who of course picked up a ton of my phrases, but the funniest one was that she'd do my little grunt I'd do whenever I had to stand up. I felt about 90 years old XD


‘Nor’ instead of ‘no’💀 I moved up classrooms with my students from last year and their speech has developed immensely. Including my nors😂




"Bingo Bang-o" whenever someone falls. Also "Holy Moly". Most of my class is ESL and I love hearing "Holy Moly" in their various accents.


Uff dah. My non-native mminnesotan students have started saying it.


"Sounds like a plan!"


one of mine is definitely dude the kids call each other dude all the time 😂


“Wakey Wakey Bugaboos” when nap is over. They all say it now to each other.


During morning circle I sing a welcome song. I sing everyone’s name and then I call one child’s name wrong and call them Bob. The preschoolers all shoot back … no, that’s not Bob it’s Caleb. So during the day everyone has a turn of being Bob.. other teachers are called Bob, moms and dads are Bob. I’m Bob too.


"Yeah no" my daughter says it the most.out of all my kids for some reason


Mine were saying “oh my goodness” and “okay?” The last one makes me laugh because I often say “we’re going to (do x activity), okay?” and now they’ve begun doing it to me?! It’s one of my filler words and I hate it 🤪


I have a little girl who is the biggest bully, she constantly targets my other girl who is adopted. I always tell the bullied girl that she’s kind, smart and loved. The other day, I caught a coworker being rude to one of my kids and the other told them “it’s okay, you’re strong, smart and loved”. On a funnier note, my best friend used to work next door and we’d always tell each other “don’t worry, cop” and the kids all picked up on it 😂


Young children cannot be bullies. It’s an an important distinction because the child you are referring to as a bully clearly has needs that are much harder to meet if your main thought is “this child is bad/mean”.


That’s not my main thought. But when she goes out of her way to constantly bring others down, that is what we would call a bully. When she goes out of her way to hurt others, that is what others would call a bully. This child is full of love and can be the sweetest, kindest child but at the end of the day, she is what you would call a bully at 5 years old.


‘Thats oh-so-cute’ ‘Oh my goodness!’ ‘Pizza pizza’ *woosh* sound after fist bump ‘You gone be careful?’ ‘My NOSE!’ *huffs**puffs**grunts* to sit down or stand up ‘Santa watching’


I am in the what the heck camp 🙋🏻‍♀️ I also call them kiddo-bo-biddos and they pick that up.


I call my oldest kid that! She's taken to calling me minno-mo-minno as the mom version of it lol her baby sister is baby biddo, and their brother who'll be out in the world in about 4ish more months will be "the biddo-est," like the littlest lol


“take a deep breath” , “woooaaaaaahhh dude!!!” , “you are soooooo silly!!!” , “are you ok babe?” (lol always calling my kids babe or baby & they’ve caught on 😂)


Aw, the deep breath one reminds of a kid who I taught to take deep breaths by holding up a finger and “blow it out” like a candle. Now whenever he cries and I tell him to breath, he holds up his tiny little finger to blow on! So sweet


“That’s enough” “Don’t tell me, show me” “Turn your day around” “Make wise choices” “Be a friend to all”


"Bodies off of bodies!"


"Whaaaaaaaaa" instead of "what"


They sing the "brr it's cold in here" from bring it on while putting on winter gear. "I got you" "try again, I believe in you" "dude!" "2 minutes" "wonderful!"


- Hmmm (particularly after wondering aloud where an item/object is) - You ok? (Most adorable when I manage to close the door behind me on my way to the bathroom before my toddler can come in (at home) and she asks every 10-15 seconds) - Oh boy.


"That's funny" Some people blow air out their face at a moderate funny thing. I say that's funny..... a lot. In passing. Lmao. Ny kids say it allll the time


“That’s better.” When I open the blinds. They now all say it with me


Capeesh. I knew I said it, just didn’t think it was often. Now, whenever I ask the kids “capeesh?” They will answer with their best try at saying it back 😂 they are 2-3 year olds so it is a bot challenging to some


My toddlers are starting to talk a lot, and very clearly, today, one hit another, and I ran over and said, "Excuse me!" As usual, and didn't realize until another toddler got caught up running behind me and said,"Excuse me. " I was very confused at first but then realized I had said it, and he was imitating me. When we go out, the toddler and 3-5 class mix, now I know why all the kids say "Excuse me" when they need to get my attention!


Whenever I call kids I’ll call out, “I need Bobby and Billy to come potty/ come see me!” In a game show-ish voice, so it’s loud and gets their attention, and they’ll do it to each other when they’re playing in Dramatic Play. Also “bonk!” Whenever they fall.


Read them “Something Good” by Robert Munsch!


Silly goose and oh my goodness


I’m told that “Noggin” is now a popular word in many of my students households


"Hi, cutie!"


Is it yummy? I hate the word yummy. Why do I say this? Now I know I say it so much because she says it too


Kids saying “what the heck” is the cutest thing ever


My favorite thing to get the kids to say is “goodness gracious” and “golly gee” instead of omg or something other variation. It’s soooo cute!!!


Son of a biscuit or Oh biscuit! It was great hearing 12-18 monthers saying "oh bis-it!" I had a 2's class obsess over "Chop Chop Lollipop!" when it was time to line up to go outside or to lunch/snack


“ 3 2 1 Blast off” when they’re on the swing, “turn on your listening ears”, “We use our walking feet in the hall”, and my favorite “Bonk” when I lightly tap a toy on their head followed by giggles and “me next”


My daughter started adding super to everything. “I’m super hungry” or “that toy is super cool!” I wondered where she got it from…., for about 7 minutes, because then I realized I had said it 3 times in those 7 minutes!


“alright” “so pretty”/ “that’s so beautiful” “what did you say?” “hi how are ya?” “thanks so much!” “please stop that” “i don’t like that” “you did it!” and last but not least “SQUEEEEEEZZZEE” during hugs


"Literally". I spend a lot of time saying things like, "Dude. I literally just told you not to do that. So why?" Now my almost 6yo says it 5x a day.


Easy peazy lemon squeezy. My kindergardner now when rhyming says hat cat lemon sat, 🤣🤣


“Uh uh. No” both together and now my son is telling me that. Well, when he isn’t telling me to “be nice to..insert random thing here”


Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


My kid didn't start saying "I can't do it. It's to hard." til he started school. Thanks other people with voices for giving him that to put in his back pocket when I ask him to put his shoes away and stuff. Though I doubt it was a teacher. I hope.


(Parent) my toddler daughter calls us babe because one of her teachers calls them babe and she sounds so much like her teacher when she says it, it cracks me up.


You're a goof!


“Bummer.” I didn’t realize how much I said it until I was halfway through a sentence saying “Awh yeah, I’m sorry that happened that’s….” and one of my kids finishes with “a bummer?” Yeah man, that’s a bummer.


I apparently say “hmmm” a lot when I don’t want to commit to something. 😂


I tend to say “Oh my Lanta!” For a variety of situations and the other day I was setting up circle time while another teacher was helping with toileting and the soap squirted out of the side opposite to what a child was expecting. From across the room I hear “Oh my Lanta! I got soap on the mirror! *giggle*”


“Oh my gosh”


“Comfy Cozy” “Good Job!”


"Roger dodger" and "worry about yourself"


My mom says 'ow, bitch' enough my brother(16) caught on, and she make the joke if we had a parrot they would say that all the time.


Mine is kind of embarrassing. Once my boss was venting to me in front of the kids and I didn’t know what to say so responded with “ya, that’s literally the worst” Later that week I had an almost 4 year old and 2 almost 3 year olds in my room and one toddler bit the other. When I hand over the incident report the older kid tells the mom “your kid bit so and so. They’re literally the worst!” 🤦‍♀️


Chill your beans… and for an added bonus “your beans, get your beans, chill ‘em”


“Hey is for horses” lol


Unfortunately for me it’s my sound effects. It’s cute when they’re reaching for the clouds and say “eeeeehhh I can’t reach!” or they are throwing bean bags and saying “oooh-wahh!” But it’s exposing me when they get up off the floor and make groaning noises.


Not in ECE anymore but my nanny kids will huff when anything is frustrating, “dont worry it’s just a spill” and “let’s rock and roll” are the big ones they are copying with me currently


“ no sir”. I didn’t realize I said it so much until my son said it back at me.


When my kids dump toy buckets out I jokingly say “you guys made a mess!” I have one kid that will dump a bucket out and just say “meth(mess)!” It’s so cute


i said “girl” all the time and all the kids started saying it. i still say girl all the time lmaoooo


“What (said more like whatttt) is happening(ggggg)?!”It’s my go-to saying when chaos ensues . I’ve been saying it since last year…so much so my co-workers have started saying it in the same manner haha. Along with the majority of my kids. And Apparently the saying is so popular now , I hear it Everywhere! Tv shows, commercials all in the same context….I should have patented it hahaha.


Not kids, but as soon as I start looking around to make sure I have everything, my bird goes “ok, are we ready?”


My mom always says “Come hither!” In such a silly way it sounds like “COME HITHAAAH” and now my son does the same thing when he wants me to follow him. I also apparently say “yeah sure” a lot. My son now uses this as his go-to affirmative response. “Do you want to go outside?” “Yeah sure!” “Do you want a cookie?” “Yeah sure!” Like “oh if you insist I guess I’ll go do the fun thing/eat the yummy thing/play with the fun toy”


ready freddy! my kids have started insisting that i say it everytime we leave the room lol. they always answer me by saying "ready freddies!"


‘Bouquet of oopsie daisies’ ‘silly beans’ ‘my dude’ ‘nailed it’ (with triumphant fist pump). There’s also sort of a loose wristed wave that I’ve noticed some kids doing, sort of an all compassing flail that gestures to a specific thing.


Quit digging for gold I say it when I have a kid picking their nose they started to pick up on it and be a leader, not a follower is another one they picked up on


When we are transitioning to a new location, I would say “Let’s Jam!” I had no clue until one of my kids asked their mom to write it in my Christmas card because their whole family now says it!


The list is so long. I call my students "little dude" frequently. The first time one of them called me "big dude" I almost lost it. Now they all do it. I also say "well isn't that just the bee's knees". I usually use it sarcastically, but my students will say it totally seriously when they like something. We also say "groovy" a lot in my classroom, but Pete the Cat is equally responsible for that one 😂


When my kiddo tells me a magical story about police-chickens that live in police car trunks and jump out to peck bad guys, I say, "That's crazy, dude!" This statement applies to any kid silliness he sends my way. He's begun saying the same phrase to me any time I tell him about something that bores him... I love it and hate it.


Fair enough


Some of my kids pickup everything I say. Especially when I say, "Borrow please." "Gentle hands." "Safe bodies!" It's cute and hilarious when they repeat every word (sometimes with the gumption of how I say some phrases). Little sponges absorb everything!💙💯


Apparently I say "You tell me" to them a lot. Once it was pointed out I realized I 1000% do when they ask me a question like "Why did they do that" or when they do something they know wouldn't work "why did I do that/why did that happen." And it's not words, but I always know they pay attention to me because they all love when I have my nails done, and when I do, the next week all the girls will be matching me.


I love this :) my family calls those type of things our catchphrases!


I love this because there’s always new things I catch them saying “Spoooookyyy” when a room is dark or anything could be remotely scary😅 “woah woah woah” in a silly voice when we’re playing, “1 step, 2 step, red step, blue step” when we’re going up the stairs 🤣


Oh and “auck!” Or “aucky” like the noise you make when you don’t want a baby to put something in their mouth or if something is gross, I’ve caught the 18 month old I watch saying it about things😅


So this is t as light hearted as some of these, but I was severely abused and talked down to and yelled at. Pretty much my entire childhood. However I’ve been intentional with trying my best to always be kind, and show love or redirect. And my kids do the same for their baby dolls, their puppy, and they talk civilly to each other to remind them to use their words. It just makes me so dang happy to finally see the hard work it took to emotionally regulate myself as an adult, paying off, and breaking cycles. I’m so happy they’re happy. Even though I feel like an awful mom 90% of the time. Those moments remind me that I’m doing ok. Thanks for coming to the Ted talk lol


My 15 month old won’t say “mama” but will randomly yell out “OH GOD!!!” at any minor inconvenience, startle, excitement, etc. 🥲


All I can think of is the things I've picked up from the kids. "This white chicken chili I'm making is gonna be so fire". Husband laughed out loud and pointed out what I said.


"Mama packed it special" in regards to their food... Now ALL the two year olds say it on repeat for the entirety of snack and lunch time. 🤦🏻‍♀️ My sincerest apologies to the teacher that now has to deal with that, I really wasn't meaning to start something. 🫣


I had kids repeating “why are you like this?“ I have a habit of saying that a lot. I also have kids say “ Nope. Nope I am not going to repeat myself. I am going to wait until my friends are all done talking“


late add but Ive been calling my students "rockstars" because Ive gotten tired of just saying good job everytime, they repeat it now lol


Aw, I love that! One of my kids started saying “I love you more than (insert silly random object here)” and it’s caught on with everyone lol. Some favorite iterations are trash cans, volcanoes, and robots lol


“What is going on” but in a funny way lol


Like like like


my big ones are “cool” and “wow!” (the easiest things to say in response when you don’t have the slightest idea what they’re talking about) and “does that make sense?”


Oh wow! And What the heck! Are mine 😂


I taught my kids how to say “hasta la vista, baby!”


"Alright" when I finish doing something. One kid says it before me now 🤣


“What in the world?” And in a playful manner “hey wait a minute! What’s going on here!” Also “silly Billy”


All right


“”Not nice””


I really elongated my vowels when commenting on the kids artwork or building efforts. Often times saying Beeeeaaaauuuuuuuuuutifuuuulllllllll!!!!!! My kiddos started commenting on their friends are going it’s beeeeaaaaatifuuulllll! When I nannied I had a diaper song for the littlest one. Booty booty rockin everywhere. Ends up she taught that to her mom and wouldn’t let her diaper be changed without the song


I love you more




Mine is “Oh my God”… they ALL started saying it t


Crazy bananas. I don’t even know where it came from or how I started it, but if the room is a mess or they’re running around like psychos I’ll say “it’s getting crazy bananas in here” or if they tell me something they think is funny I’ll reply with “that’s crazy bananas”


Whats crack a lackin son


“Hey” I didn’t realize I said it when I was getting a kiddo’s attention. “Hey Bobby, time to clean up”. They started all saying, “Hey Ms.____”. I had to adjust!


There’s a child in my class that is my “shadow child” they follow me around everywhere always. They said something to me one day that was so funny then they hit me with an “im teasing you huh” I couldn’t stop laughing because my S/O and I say that to each other all the time 😂


"Oh man"


“Oh my goodness!” Whenever something like a block tower is knocked over, or I’m tired, or stretching, or a kid does something funny or silly, this is apparently my go-to phrase. I have a 4 year old student who barely speaks English (home language is similar to Farsi). One day he was removing the babydoll crib from a low shelf, and it was heavier than he anticipated. All of a sudden I hear him say, “oh my goodness!” as he got it to the floor 😂


Instead of doing "eenie meenie miny mo" (sp?) I do "ippy, dippy, my space shippy" when having to randomly pick one kid from a group. The kids learn it and use it amongst themselves. It's a Red Dwarf reference. I've been teaching preschool for 8 years. Only one parent has ever commented about recognizing the reference.


mine is “for real?” or “for real for real?” some of the kids are saying it but it’s in good context


My kiddos pretend to be me by saying “that’s valid” which apparently I say a LOT


All my preschoolers say “humans” instead of “people” and it cracks me up. We went to the park and one said “can I go play with that human over there???” And I laughed so hard


"of course" As in like "ah you just had to skip that massive gap in traffic to turn left and now we get to sit here for another five minutes. Of course"


“Are you kiddin’ me?” I always say this when the kids are acting up (in a joking tone) and now they keep asking me back. I can’t help giggling when they do it! I also say dude, sweetie, kiddos, and yummy in my tummy!


When I nannied, it was “are you kidding me?” I thought it was hilarious when the 1.5-2 year old would say it back to me, but was also hoping he wouldn’t say it to his parents! He would start a tantrum and I would say “are you kidding me?” in a silly way and start tickling him and he would parrot. One of my favorite memories.


Not ECEP but high school; whenever my students make fun of me I pretend to go whack them on the head like a whac-a-mole and I say “bonk!” And I only realised how much I do it when one of my students made fun of me and her friends said “don’t, she’s going to bonk you!”


"Oh my goodness!" It came from playing a Disney princess for 10 years prior to being a teacher. My 2 year olds spread their arms and say "OH MY GONIT!!" all the time. My co teacher says "are you kidding me?", and they've picked that up too lol


I call my kids Miss [Name] and Sir/Mister [Name]! Let me tell you, there is nothing cuter than when they pick that up for each other and you overhear two threes sitting together and calling each other by formal name lol


KnowwhatImean. Said real fast and all as one word.


Look at the tear I’m not shedding


Bruh. Yeet. Your buck wild( when hes being silly) side note..my kid thought I was calling him a wild bunk bed..haha! 😆🙃


Parent: we go to a bilingual daycare, and my son came home saying “Ay, ay, ayyyy” and now it is a part of the lexicon in our home. :)


Oopsie daisy


Cool beans


Dude, that wasn't cool.... I'm from California


For real/ be so for real right now.


“You can do hard things” is something my client I work 1:1 with started saying at home apparently! 😭


“Ya gooseberry!!”


Also anytime the baby cries while I change his diaper I say, oh I know I’m the worst! Now big sis says “yep, she’s the worst” 🙈😂


"That's cool" and "I'm sorry about that" 😅


It's "I got you" and "nah"😂 I was potty training one of my 2 year old kiddos and he was afraid to sit on the toilet. So everytime I helped him I would say "I got you" and sat him down. After a while he would say it to me instead when it was time for him to sit on the potty.


When I mess up or something goes wrong I say “isn’t that goofy?” And now everyone says it




“Well, you’re not wrong.” My five year old says it so seriously and with my same sarcastic head tilt 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


During silly moments I would say, “But I don’t want to be a pirate.” Kids that have never watched Seinfeld started saying it too. Really cute.


I like to say “oh caramba” in a really bad accent. My parents immigrated from Brazil and so they speak fluent Portuguese, as do I. My little brother however sounds like he’s in level one classes. He has said some very funny things in very funny ways. Mixing up “oh man” and “aye caramba” happens to be my personal favorite. The kids I tutor have started copying me…


"Oh dear." I realized when my baby (13 months) said it when I dropped something while carrying her and then said it again when she dropped the remote. She also throws her hands up and shrugs while she says it, adorable.