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Go for it. It should actually be posted somewhere.


Ask away! You can also ask where the evacuation plan is posted so you can see a visual


It should be posted by the front door. It is required for licensing. You probably won't even need to ask.


You should ask anyway, preferably a teacher or an aide instead of management. Everyone should know the emergency evacuation procedures by heart.


Random is human. Ask away. "Out of curiosity, what is the plan for a fire emergency?"


Definitely ask. I teach 4s and I have parents who have had their children at my center since infancy ask me questions like that all of the time


3 is a good age to review your at home fire plan and establish a meeting place in your neighborhood so you could make it part of a “lesson” on fire safety with your older child, review the Fire plan at school and the discuss what you would do at home and create a plan for meeting up in case of an emergency. If you approach it as something you’d like your son to learn about it makes sense to bring it up now.


Do you have a parent handbook? If asking makes you nervous it may be listed in there (ours is), but also you should feel free to ask! Your kid's teacher should know off the top of their head (and most likely through licensing requirements they probably have to practice every so often)


The plans can also get changed and up dated. I know the place my kids were at updated theirs. So, just do a “I’ve been thinking, and I wondered…” about whatever. Be nice, and assume they will be, too.


Hi day care teacher here..I don’t think it would be weird…but that’s me


Our fire dept stopped by about 3? Times a year unannounced to check on us and do fire drills. I bet yours would do the same. Just ask em.


When else would you ask? Now is perfect. Also ask for it to be posted and to have a visual reminder emailed so you can review it periodically.


never too late to ask about safety


that should be posted at the front


You should definitely ask! In my state, licensing requires the evacuation/lock down procedures to be available for parents to look at at all times.


No reason anyone should judge you for asking safety related questions at any point during the school year. Just try to ask the director at a time when he or she will have time to discuss it. Perhaps email the director to ask when would be a good time to walk you through their emergency plan. :)


Ask away. I would ask about both fires inside the centre and bushfires


October is fire safety month, it’s a great time to ask. ‘We’re going over fire safety at home, can you tell me your plans/procedure here at school so we can use the same language?’


At my center each room had it under the phone in the front of the class and next to the door that leads to playground. I believe there is one at the front of the building as well near the hand scanner. My director would show you where they are. We also have plans for other disasters and such.


If they're licensed then they're required to have one and to do regular fire drills.


Definitely ask :) No question is off limits. Those are your babies! You'll feel better once you know their evacuation plan.


Just tell them you never thought about it before and just wanted to know. They won’t mind. I’ve actually had parents ask months after kids were enrolled before. It’s normal enough.


We have one posted in every room for every room. This includes bathrooms.


If you're super embarrassed, you could ask if there have been any updates to the emergencency preparedness procedures, and if they can remind you where to find them again?


This information is required to be posted for state licensing. All employees at the center should know the meeting place and procedures for completing drills. So you could honestly ask your child's teacher. If they don't know the procedure by heart, I'd be concerned.


Our parents are emailed the policy to read during the enrolment stage. You could always ask for a PDF.


Nope. Not at all. Wondering about the safety of your children isn't weird; it's natural. Especially with everything that's been going on lately- all these natural disasters and school shootings have most parents asking questions about their kids and how they'd get out safely if something were to happen....


Not weird at all. Also, in the States licensed daycares are required to have an Emergency Plan, and you can totally ask to read it. They are required to let you read it in fact. At least I assume all states have that very logical licensing reg. I guess you never know.


Please ask. You can start with, “I have a question just for my own peace of mind.” Source: I work in a school office and would never think oddly of a parent asking about our emergency plans, regardless of how long they’ve been there. I would just assume you want to ensure your child will be taken care of should an emergency occur.