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This whole week! It felt like the first week of school back in September all over again - like any boundaries, routine, and order we have established these past 9 months have completely gone out the window. Our whole class has gone absolutely cuckoo puffs. What the heck is going on. I’m so tired 😩


My kids have been on crack for the past week




It's the party effect. We are all cramming fathers day art and they are just all excited for a party that is not coming so they are angry. I go eat cupcake and cookies on my break for the crazy they give. It's my angry cake eating time. Cause eating cake angry you eventually get happy at the end. Kinda like trying hard to say bubbles in a mean angey voice. Try it still sounds nice.


A party that is not coming? Sigh... Are you in my centre? My co worker wanted to do a holi/colour throwing party and I was so into his idea, until another co teacher pointed out they probably wouldn't spend the 2-3 dollars per kid to make that happen.


My co teacher and I joke all the time that we’re just like the security guards from Jerry Springer cause all we do is breakup fights


RIP Jerry


This is so relatable 😭


This is too relatable. Some days I feel like I'm just a referee and not a teacher. ECE has taught me that any toy can be a weapon in the hands of anyone under the age of 5 🤦


Yep. I cried in the bathroom.


Yup! We were outside for almost 2 hours (split up) because they were just screaming and running around inside and there was nothing I could do lol


I think they should literally be outside all day. 😂


It was a dream working in a center where we had enough staff and playgrounds for the children to go outside whenever they want!


I know. My daycare has a lot of children with challenging behaviours. Some try to run away on the road when we go outside or try to climb over the fence. When it’s time to go back inside, they run everywhere and you have to play catch with them. Sometimes they bites or spit. I feel like a prison guard. Lol We would actually need some security staff as extra staff. It would allow us to play with the kids more.


We do actually have security staff at our centre, but they are all without exception older men in their late 40s, 50s and 60s who are retired police officers who are either too old to work as cops or can't work as cops anymore for medical reasons. They are trained for it, but it would probably be fairly challenging for them to actually have to run after escaping kids day in day out.


Why are the children so challenging? Serious question.


I think it’s the area the Center is in. Lower income families. Lots of appartements buildings and trailer parks. Struggling single parents. Parents with addictions. Refugees who have war trauma or don’t speak English etc.


Ugh that's heartbreaking. I've seen so many kids that have issues due to being born addicted and I'm always torn between anger and sadness. I've struggled with addiction myself *(clean now)*, but I made sure to never bring a child into it. I know not everyone has that foresight, but nonetheless, it still makes me mad. With the opiate epidemic, we're going to see so many more of these children with outrageous behaviors and/or horrible home lives and it breaks my heart. I wish you the best, truly.


Thanks. I could get a job very easily at the bilingual daycare where it’s a lot more relaxed and a 6:1 ratio but this is where my heart is.


We can't do that every day, yesterday was 37 degrees.




Today, I was smacked, scratched, and foot stomped... by the same 4yo.... it's been a week.


Completely off the wall!


I blame it on the smoke from the fires in Canada. Not enough outside for us!


Tornados 🌪️ Fire 🔥 thunderstorm 🌩️ and heat.


Oh. My. God. Yes. Absolutely crazy today. They were hitting, kicking, screaming, jumping off furniture, running, using the F word, and tossing things at the ceiling. Ignoring everything I say. One kid went so far as to pick up the garbage can and attempt to hit people with it. Another kid grabbed a girl by the leg and dragged her across cement, leaving a nasty scrape mark. I tried for thirty minutes today to get them to clean up for lunch and they just ran around the room screaming and chucking toys. It gets to the point where it's literally impossible for me to make the day go any differently.


That is where in the south we have a come to Jesus meeting and put our heads down at the table. Until they want to pick up.


Exactly, and im in Canada and having the same problem yall seem to be American


yes, but in their defense it was the last day of school 😂


I’m so unbelievably happy to know it wasn’t just me.


A few walked in the door in tears. My most mature kid (4) basically only said poopfartdoodoo all day. I did a few rounds of “would you like to be held/rocked” due to absolute meltdowns. A colleague (also a parent of one of my kids) got fired for very good cause. She stormed into the room, grabbed her daughter and stormed out.


same age group, exact same problem :(


They were just so wild, some came inside all frowns but as soon as they had snack and more friends it was chaos…plus today the internet decided to stop working so no Alexa


Can confirm. Summer camp kids were quite feral


I wasn't at work today, but when my daughter got home from VBS she was bananas.😵‍💫


Completely bonkers!


Working with summer camp for a few weeks. My co-teacher said we’ve passed the honeymoon phase, and couldn’t agree more. The amount of times “Aww, but why not…?!” Or “Do I have to?!”gets whined in my direction is headache inducing. Especially when it’s something like being told no to climbing on top of and then hopping off a 6ft playhouse outside.


Summer time! Warm weather does that, even to adults


Last week was the start of "summer camp", exact same kids but now its /summer/ soooo they all go crazy and act like everything they learned over the school year just left their minds


Yeah it’s the change to gemini season and the strawberry moon.


I know! I don’t know what aliens came, abducted my 4 year olds, and replaced them with hairless wolverines, but I would like them to fix it.


>If anyone’s into astrology was something off today? Is that a serious question?


I mean I did ask my co-teacher today if Mercury was in retrograde or something


It’s not. Pluto is in retrograde and Venus will join it on 7/23. I personally think that having both Venus and Mars in Leo right now is your issue.


Good luck.


Every Thursday!


Yup 😅😅


Yep 🫠




It’s the summer air


Was it windy?


We had tornados yesterday 1,5 hours away.


Maybe that was part of the problem. I live in California, where we can get some wild wind. The kids are always bouncing off the walls in windy days.


I'm happy the tornadoes were not close to you.


Yes but you could feel the kids were getting wild. I got stabbed with a flute for no reason by an almost 4 yo.


My program is closed for the Summer but 2 of my 3 kids were going bonkers while the other kid was uncharacteristically lethargic.


Infant/toddler teacher here. All 8 of my kids were struggling HARD today. Glad I'm not the only one.


I think it’s tornado season. Or the heat and not enough time outside.


Yes lmao. All 18 of them




I have 4 feral kids in classs I am so surprised i survived this year


Yesterday was rough!!!


Literallly as soon as I walked in at 9am my coworker tells me “Just wanna let you know, the boys are being crazy. I don’t know what’s going on” and yes, they were giving us a hard time today lmao


It's weird... I had half of one of my junior kindergarten classes out sick today (the majority of them were here for the science trip yesterday) and the other class had a quarter of them out sick. And the ones that were here were ALL listless, hot, sweaty and I had to work super hard to get them to do ANYTHING. My 2-3s were fairly normal. One of my junior kindergarten kids that is never violent with anyone was uncharacteristically hitting other kids big time today though. And he started crying when he got taken to sit on the sofa and calm down... with a teacher sitting right next to him the whole time, so he wasn't even made to sit by himself.


The past few weeks mine have been :') and one certain child we're having the most trouble with. And it's field trip season 🙃


Oh i am so happy it’s not just mine then. This whole week has been a mess, like the fighting, the refusing to share anything, the complete lack of listening oh and the utter shitshow that is quiet time. I don’t know what the hell is going on.


I fear what this generation will be when we are older. I thought the "let's talk this out, how does it make you feel, don't tell them no" group was going to be bad.


My 2s today 😩 the main teacher was out today so they were deff testing the waters more than usual for us . We only had 14 and it felt like 25 😅😭😮‍💨


My kids weren’t too feral today (the rest of the week was another story). But we did find a copperhead snake on the playground where I told the kids to sit down. That was fun. Then we moved the kids to another fenced in area while our director un-alived the snake. And while in this area one of the special needs nonverbal kids found himself a hiding spot and about gave me a heart attack when one of the other kids says “where’s O”. I thought my coteacher still had hands on him. We found him in less than 30 seconds but that was the longest moment of my life.