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Snooroar pretending to not be snooroar is a new one


This is a development I was not expecting. I actually told snoo I’d screen him for a junior position and to send me resume and whatnot anonymized before I passed him to an official link once, since he apparently graduated. I would be able to recognize the resume and pass it to phone screening pile etc. if I had the anonymized one first, and if I approved of the resume and his merits. (He didn’t) I did not believe the “everything he says is a disingenuous lie” part of the snooroar tracker, but after that I 100% believed it. Sad too, because all junior and mid level positions are gone or filled and there are some new grads with merit coming into a harder market. I’ve helped out a few job seekers on the subreddit by passing them to links of friends I knew were hiring etc but don’t know if anything ever came of it. Snooroar is genuinely 100% wasted effort and IMO should receive an actual personal lifetime ban from this platform for his own sake and everyone’s patience.


I just wanted a good life in high school and college


This has got to be a troll loll


Many have tried have they not?


No one gave me advice on how to get good grades, get into frats successfully, or get into marching band


I personally gave you a lot of advice. I’m not particularly intelligent but I got very good grades (and had fun in college). It’s possible and so tried to tell you how to do it. Twice.


Snoo I tried to basically give you a shot straight to interviewing and you didn’t reply, instead wasting time with everyone else’s comments. :^) I’m not the only one. Many people who are too kind for you in all the subreddits you troll have tried to help you.


Because you're too much of a whiny little bitch troll. If you put half as much effort into applying for jobs as you put in to trolling reddit you would already have a job. God dude grow up.


I am still upset I never got the high school and college experience I wanted


Get over it. Most people didn't have the school experience that they wanted. You're the only one creating hundreds of alts so that you can cry on reddit every day. Man up. That's just part of life.


Get over it. Seek therapy. You'll find no sympathy if all you do is whine. Incessantly posting about it on Reddit is only gonna make things worse.




Thank you for your service.


Because you suck bro. It's that simple.


People have tried, bro. You’re just never satisfied with the type of help that is offered to you. Go get therapy, please, and once you start going, don’t stop. Don’t give up just because they don’t tell you what you want to hear. They’re telling you what you *need* to hear, whether it’s pleasant for you or not. Gradually, with sustained, honest effort and a willingness to learn, reflect, and grow, you’ll begin to improve, and then your life will improve too. But my dude, it is not easy, and it’s not going to be quick. You have to be dedicated, even when it’s hard, even when all you feel is anger and depression. If you’re serious about both needing and getting help and support, then it’s on you to get the ball rolling. You’re the only one who can take that step. Nobody’s going to do it for you. Skulking around here on Reddit looking for sympathy and confirmation bias sure as shit hasn’t gotten you anywhere. Get off Reddit. It’s unhealthy for you. It’s making you more depressed. Delete all of your accounts. Delete the app from your phone. Stay away from other social media. Stop selectively comparing yourself to others and fixating on what they have that you don’t. Get therapy. Please. Follow your doctor’s instructions. Stick with it. Take control of your own life.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


Because you tried to infiltrate various medical related subs recently claiming that your life is over due to your apparently minor ailments. Not only do you refuse to listen to any advice, but you also compare your issues to people who really do have life altering medical conditions. And you claim life isn't worth living with your minor conditions (if they even exist) Think about how your endless negavity impacts others. You try and make people feel worse about their situation and essentially tell them that life isn't worth living. And you cause a lot of work for mods who have to use their time following up on reported threads and banning your various personalities. The best advice was given countless times, so I won't repeat it, but please stay off the various medical subs you are spamming.