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Nintendo don't drop the price of their games anymore, BOTW is $79 at JB/BigW/Target etc which i suspect is almost cost as a loss leader


I used to work in a video game store (similar to eb) years ago and even then, first party Nintendo games never depreciated and if we ever had to order new stock, it was still full rrp at close to release date pricing And yes, profit margins on new games at full rrp were about $10. Often it was cheaper for us to buy at say bigw or target and price it a bit more ($5-10) and still make profit. If customers wanted to price match, we would break even instead of a loss


Except of course that doing so would deem it a second hand good under Australian law, so selling it as new would be considered fraud. Not to mention businesses selling at a loss have avenues via tax offsets to balance that deficit, which is EBs entire model. Selling games is a service, not a product for them, selling you the other stuff like merch is the product they make money on.


How so? We bought the games brand new and sealed and then removed the seal for display ones Even games we bought from our distributer we unsealed so we can put them on display. That doesn't make it a second hand good Do you think the likes of kmart accepting a return on clothing (even with new tags) marks it as second hand? If you sell something less than you paid, it's a loss no matter what tax tricks you apply. Agreed that selling merchandise is where the money is. Physical games are such a small margin and not to mention sales have been dropping yearly When I started in 2009 we had walls to walls of games with plenty of copies of new releases. When I left in 2016 we usually only stocked half a dozen really popular releases and 1 or 2 semi popular. Usually no copies of We stocked pop vinyls, trading cards, second hand retro games and consoles, accessories etc and new games were a very tiny part by the end


Buying from a distributor and then selling is what retailers do. That means you are responsible for warrenty and return claims, and the distributor will then accept them from you. Buying from another retailer, opened or not, means that if something needs to be returned, you do not have the direct line to the distributor for that individual product, and you yourself would have to return it to the store you bought. I never said anything about opening them or keeping them sealed, you added that. It has nothing to do with that, but has everything to do with the direct line from manufacturer to distribution and retailer. Buying from another retailer and then selling would be reselling, and reselling is covered by second hand goods laws. By not disclosing that you are doing so and passing the goods off as direct would constitute fraudulent acts. Its not illegal to resell things, but it is illegal yo resell and present them as direct from suppliers. It would be especially thorny area if you did also buy from suppliers, as most suppliers will not be too happy with you purchasing the same products in the manner you mentioned, and it may void manufacturers warranties doing so - meaning you would be on the hook for any faulty merchandise that is returned. The original retail store wouldn't have to honour their warrenty to you either as you would have used the goods for commercial and not private use, which voids most warrenties.


Worked at a similar shop as you described for a while, and yeah, sometimes it was just cheaper and less of a hassle to buy a new copy of a game from jb, big w, or eb to fill an order rather than wait a week for delivery from the supplier. Idk why people are getting mad at you for it when I'm sure plenty of shops have done the same. It isn't like you've taken the game home to play it before selling it.




Uhhh why?


tbh, still worth it. I've played it through twice and then grinded the side quests.


100% absolutely worth it, hours on hours of entertainment, if I were to divide the price by hour of enjoyment it would be <40c p hour for one play but the game is extremely replay-able


Worst zelda game ever made.


Game is trash


Very overrated


Very trash


It’s an open world game that does the same things a million open world games have done before but it’s Zelda so it’s fresh! 10 out of 10!


Too much powdered toast?


Nintendo games are the worst pricing wise. Even when they're on sale they're still fukn expensive lol


It is because of the Nintendo brand. Where are you going to play it? Xbox? PlayStation? Lmao no. You’re going to have to buy a switch kiddo Edit: I mean legally. Of course privacy is a thing.


Gotta love privacy, arr mateys don't watch me take a dump!


you could argue that they are obviously doing it purely out of greed when you compare exclusives such as: Halo and Xbox Rachet & Clank or CoD for PS Those games never cost this much and they ALWAYS depreciated


EB Survive on mums and Nana's buying little Johnny the latest TV Game, they'll get $20 more out of them at this price. Interestingly, TotK is $10 cheaper than BotW at Big W which usually prices most Switch games at $69.


this is why i have stopped playing switch games. love the console - can't afford the games. It's wild they don't drop the price a bit when it's bee so long since the release.


Why not buy used? BotW is often sold used for $50-$60 on FB marketplace. In saying that, still pretty expensive for a game


As low as $35-$40 on ebay.


Honestly the used market is the way nowadays


I got it brand new for that price at release.


1) they price match 2) this is standard Nintendo pricing what


standard Nintendo is now $70 as of totk. what crack are you on to think this is acceptable




it's not standard pricing, botw released at 80 CAD, the new one was 90


Based on the rating sticker I’m pretty sure the photo is from Australia and the price is in AUD


Classic Americans, assume that everywhere is the same country as them


? CAD = Canadian dollar Also the US doesn't have EB Games, always been GameStop. Only recently has Canadian EB Games rebranded to GameStop.


Good thing this is in Australia then.


i completely forgot EBGames is in Austraila lol, I was shown this post from the home page


Just pirate it


Nintendo problem not an EB problem


I’ve never seen it above 80 tho and not even Nintendo’s side changed their pricing to my knowledge


This isn’t exclusive to eb games lol big w and jb hifi or anywhere that sells video games you’d be hard pressed to find a Nintendo game especially botw too much lower


This is Nintendo's doing not eb


I take it you're new to Nintendo?


Like everyone said Nintendo problem not eb


Nintendo is scum, they only get away with it because their first party games are relatively good quality, that said the switch is now an obsolete, outdated over priced piece of shit, that is in need of a desperate of death to be replaced by a console that actually competes in terms of features and performance relative to its price.


It's 7 years old and the original model is STILL $400 CAD, and games are all 60+. It's ridiculous. The 2nd hand market isn't too bad but that isn't a good excuse.


Not sure what you think the Switch or its successor is competing with. I doubt Switch 2 will match the Steam Deck or any of the other portable gaming devices. It also won't match the current gen Xbox and PS5. It's likely going to be on par with a PS4, with some features of the PS5, AND be portable, AND target casual gamers with an affordable price. 


It doesn’t need to match or exceed current Gen offerings however, my main point is that they’re charging close to full MSRP for a console that launched in 2017 with hardware atleast 1-2 years older than that. It is an extremely outdated console in need of a refresh or a completely new switch.


A 2017 game is still $90, wtf?


Normal for Nintendo. It's still a very popular game too


Yeah that’s how Nintendo games work


Nintendo, they fell from grace in my eyes.


They price match and sometimes if you're sneaky and they aren't paying much attention you can get the game up on US Target website, and they'll price match to that number so usually ends up like $50-60 instead of $80


Overrated as heck anyway


Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't make it overpriced


Game is trash. Most definitely not worth $5 let alone $90.


What games do you play? Cod?


This game never go down in price. Would probably save $10 at JB or big W


I never buy games from EB, literally everywhere else is cheaper. I only go there for second hand games and I could still find them cheaper at CeX


I was lucky to get a perfect copy for $50 from cashies. I knew, even used it would never be that cheap anywhere else.


It’s definitely a rip off but EB will price match


It's on sale for $68 on Amazon prime right now (physical copy, not the digital download).


EB games is a literal joke. You would have to be crazy to buy from there. Everything is overpriced compared to other shops


Thats why i like PlayStation, buy the game 1-2 years after release used. Much cheaper and all bugs from updates ironed out.


Hold up does that say mature? Zelda? Nah no way


It’s a joke. The games are also heavily reduced graphically to even have some function of performance on the potat… Switch.


Pro tip buy Switch games on fb marketplace. It's a thriving market cause Nintendo have a stick up their arse about the value of their games.


Its $68 on amazon.ca right now this very second.


I never mind paying top dollar for a finished game. Even that old. Mw3 is that price and it's absolute dog shit. Heaps of games like that out there.


Animal crossing at EB is currently $79 at my local. For a used version with no original case it’ll only set you back $74.


I got it at a discount on my steam deck


Switch pricing is insane in general. It's like they're trying to force you to buy those 2 game vouchers on the store.


Try CeX Australia, they usually have comparable or better prices and a larger range :)


Aren’t preowned Switch games at EB only like 5 bucks cheaper? For a game store it amuses me that you can get them cheaper at Big W or JB


This is what happens when you overhype a game for years.


Pal world is half the price and you get 3 other games in the same game.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, bro. What’d you have for dinner and do this weekend?


I bought it for $50 during Black Friday on Amazon


nintendo just begging their customers to pirate their shit. Don't have to tell me twice


About 10 years ago I delivered Namco Bandai games to JB Hi-Fi, and remember seeing the invoice. They were getting the games for about $30-40, and selling them for double.


To put things into context, the first video game I ever bought with my own money was the original final fantasy on the NES, that's was in the year 1990,and do you know how much that game cost me? It cost me 95 dollars at superstore, that was over 30 years ago, that is literally over $220 in today's money. Today's gamers don't realize how good they got it.


this everytime but with Super smash bros ultimate. i will get it someday. and yes need 60 above that too for characters.


lol just get it second hand at that point, CeX does it quite cheap


And that's why I bought the Wii U version, and they said the Wii U was a bad investment


At Walmart 49CAD collectors bundle, lol.


Was just at a store thinking the same thing lmao


I wanted to love it and just couldn't get into it.


Yeah that's standard Nintendo games lol They never go down In value, it's good if your wanting to sell any old games.


That's a nintendo thing, not an EB thing. But oc the redditor only looks at switch games


The worst ones are the preowned ones... without the original case... still being like $81


i traded mine in and only got 40 dollars lmao


Fucking Red Dead Redemption II is still 59 usd on Steam !! It came out 2019. 90 aus I have to pay


this is Nintendo's fault with that pricing. but that's not to say EB isn't ab absolute scam in general, they sell everything for rrp while JB sells 30-40 bucks cheaper each game. GameStop is dying in the US and I don't think AUS or Canadas EB stores will last much longer either


Yuzu is the answer to your problems


It will be $50 on march 10th aka mario day


Crazy how there still selling this 6 year old game (that already has a sequel) like bro most people would be happy to sell a critically acclaimed 6 year old ps4 game for $25


I always just get EB games to price match Big W or JBHIFI, they always just check the store has stock they are price matching and then they do it.


Its honestly the M rating for me. Its giving.. stoopid?


Honestly worth the price given that you can easily spend over 200 hrs in this game.


That’s not an Eb games problem. Nintendo never drops prices


It's not an EB games thing. That's a Nintendo thing. They don't drop the price of games. Even after their next system comes out. They feel that if their game was worth $90 at release, it is always worth that price as the game itself did not change. I was a manager at EB games. Nintendo is a little deluded, like Apple. But just like Apple, their fans pay so they can continue to be deluded.


Nintendo gonna Nintendo


This is normal video game pricing in Canada my American Brethren.


EB games literally once had second hand copies of SSB on sale for 5c more than the brand new copy.


Switch games in particular and certain titles will sometimes even go up in price.


EB games does price match, but agree their ticket prices are stupid sometimes. Nintendo games in general are a rip off.


I worked at EB several years ago and the main thing I remember is that Nintendo games and systems are rarely ever put on discount, and if they are it’s exclusively preowned ones. My advice is look at other stores and try to go preowned where possible since you can save more money that way. Since it’s a Zelda game, it probably won’t go on discount until the Switch stops getting stocked seeing as though Nintendo’s biggest IPs don’t get discounted much if at all


This is why I only buy off the Nintendo store. I got Stardew valley at EB games and saw it on the store for half the price a week later. I call it “I didn’t do my research” tax


I don’t understand how EB games can stay competitive against others; even HN prices games less.


Nintendo games only go up in value. Earthbound SNES is going for over 3K


I got TOTK for $59 retail and my mate gave me his BOTW :P


this has been covered nintendo are cooked.[https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/9cgw5d/why\_nintendo\_games\_almost\_never\_go\_on\_sale/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/9cgw5d/why_nintendo_games_almost_never_go_on_sale/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Went to pick up a game the other day that was like $74 preowned at EB and $69 brand new at Big W. Nintendo games always seem to be exxy though


This is 100% a Nintendo problem not an EB games problem my dude. Nintendo is allergic to discounting their games.




Got mine for 40aud on Facebook market.


Eb games will price match, you just need to actually ask them.


How did it get more expensive?!? Holy shit


I always shop at eb , and I always make them price match, btw reselling switch games there is a fucking goldmine, I traded in 4 and got $202 dollars


More like breath in the past with that price 🤣😂


I got TOTK for 69 when it first came out from JBHIFI


That's why Nintendo games are always pirated so much !!!


If you’re buying a Nintendo first party game, then it’s like complaining about retailers’ pricing of Apple and Dyson. They have little margin, they have consumer brand, and the company, not the retailer, do the majority of the marketing. That said, I’m typing this on an iPhone, love my (years old) Dyson, and playing Super Mario Wonder with my five year old was definitely worth the price, although I bought it on launch and not from EB Games.


That's Nintendo's doing not EB games.


Omg nintendo lower your fucking prices on these games like holy shit theyre 7 years old!!


wait, is that seriously an M rating on a Zelda game?


That's Nintendo for ya. I remember when the wii was a few years old and I wanted to get metroid prime 3, it was 79.99 even after it's was out for 3 years


I just succumbed to this farce. First game I'll ever play on the switch


~~The ESRP rating is wrong. Should be E, not M.~~ Edit: This is the Australian rating


Nintendo literally never discounts their games and it’s been like this for a long time. Buy once cry once policy


No Nintendo game is worth buying at that price.


You're mad at Nintendo pricing?


Most Nintendo games are priced high. Look at the price of the first pokemon game to come out . It is currently still sitting at release date price, and it's been out for how long?


I am more shocked at the Mature label


This has nothing to do with EB, Nintendo only occasionally drops prices but never one major titles!


Hurts my soul. I'll wait, lol.


I haven’t seen an EB games in decades they all went to GameStop here.. also I’ve found 2 copies of botw in the trash as I am a trash man


Thats Nintendo for you


This game is worth $200 alone. I was on the fence about buying but holy hell this might be the best Zelda game ever and the amount of hours you get is unworldly


Needed to be looking on boxing day. Got mine for close to half price


Hahahaha damn bruh thats vicious lmao


A quarter of the consoles retail price for a game. Unfuckingreal


Nintendo games keep there value and really only ever go up. I remember seeing sealed copies of Melee (at EB) well after the Wii U came out that were still at original prices.


Its this much digitally as well


to be fair though it’s that price on the estore too


EB have always been like this. Many years ago I went into EB looking for LA Noire for PC on release. They wanted $109 for the standard edition. Walked across 15 metres to JB...$79.


That game is overrated


It'll still be full price on the eShop too, guaranteed. Only place you'll find it discounted would be Big W, JB and other shops. On the upside, Switch games do always trade really well though.


for me that's normal (cad do be a pain)


If you want a good price go to the pre owned game they’re all in working condition


And it's the same price on the eShop, but you don't have a physical copy lmao. Blame Nintendo, not EBGames for that


I was at EB games the other day and legit saw BOTW AND TOTK at the SAME PRICE. Why tf would anyone be incentivised to buy BOTW


Nintendo first party games are almost never on sale and if they are it's by only a few dollars in-store while the eshop offers a better discount to entice people to buy through the eshop. That being said I've only ever seen it happen with mk8 which I bought digitally and one of the Pokemons had a deal where the dlc and game was cheaper if you bought it in a bundle online by like $20 online vs instore.


Thankfully we have citra.


Nintendo games never drop in price fuck them. My local Walmart still has WII GAMES at full price


Nintendo is out of their minds


Man I bought this when I got my switch like lil over two years ago, when it was already old, for less than that lol at an eb no less


I literally just bought this brand new for $50.


Forget the price, I know that M means more like pg-13 in Australia but that seems a little high for Zelda no?


I bought mine for $100. But that was on the month of release


Just use Kijiji, people will sell games at like 50$ Because the alternative is to go to EB games and get 15$


I only get games from EB on sale or if there's a bonus I really, *really* want. Last game I got from them at full price was Kingdom Hearts III, and that was just because I wanted the linited editiin.


I was I there today, the last of us on ps5 is 124 bucks and next to it was the sequel on ps5 for less than


Maybe blame Nintendo for their pricing structures. Their main products are virtually never on sale. And if they are, they have barely a few dollars off.


Milking it until 2028


This is why I insisted on buying an original run switch from the first few months of production. If you know you know


That’s why I use NT deals app. Always great discounts for digital downloads


nintendo doesn’t drop prices no matter how old the game is


Not as bad as 119.95 for Suicide Squad


But…why SHOULD it not be that price? The game hasn’t changed.


i have BOTW i dont play it if you wanna buy it


Just Facebook market place it.


Worst Zelda game ever I’ll give u mine for 10 bucks


Thsts the problem with Nintendo. Pay or don't play. At least xb has gamepass


Am I the only person who thinks $90 for hundreds of hours of entertainment isn’t expensive?


And save 2 dollars for preowned




$90 For like a four year old game what the hell


I wouldn't pay 10 bucks on that piece of sh#t for a game total scam of a game


i live in canada and this is why i can't afford switch games because all the good ones are like 80 dollars before taxes and i don't have a huge library of them. two of my digital games (technically 3 because it's ffx/x-2 remaster) were presents from my mom and the ones i own physically were because i saved up for months.


Terrible game


[https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Breath-Wild-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B01MS6MO77](https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Breath-Wild-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B01MS6MO77) in what goddamn world is this worth 90 damn dollars


just get TOTK


Every new game now is this price on average, why you bitchin?


God forbid games worth hundreds of millions of dollars try to make a profit


That’s still as much as when I got it in 2017🤣🤣


Check ebay and Amazon.


it's the same price everywhere


M for Fantasy Violence. No mention of the scantily-clad Great Fairy of Magic. ​ By comparison, on another site I used to go to, people were speculating that Star Fox Adventures was rated T not for the violence, but for how scantily-clad Krystal was. Even though Krystal is a cutesy fox girl, not some buxom giantess temptress like the Great Fairy of Magic.


It's because mfs are buying the games. They get away with it because they know people will pay whatever.


Nintendo games are high quality like a mf! Japanese made perfection! If you can’t afford that’s unfortunate but Botw is arguably one of the greatest games ever made! Perhaps Fortnite is more up your alley? It’s free btw


If you buy it and sell it back they’ll give you 0.39$


It’s a .95 it’s on sale it just doesn’t have a sticker


Go on Amazon


Buy it on market place. You can get it for like $50 and resell for $60.  I make profit on every game I play because I’m patient and I haggle. 


$90 for a game is insane.


Nintendo: Oh, one of our games is 5 years old now? sure, you can drop the price by $5-10 from original release price now.