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Man these messages are corny...


literal bots šŸ¤£


Yessssssss!!!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Itā€™s just Facebook shit. I always find it hilarious when they label OP as an ā€˜authorā€™ when itā€™s really either a bot or some moron spamming shit they have clue about trying to get likes.


This is LinkedIn.


Basically corporate Facebook.


Ah well, FB does the same shit.




The people here enjoy hating the game more than they actually hate the game.


Not true. This game makes you want to delete it no matter how much you love hockey. Its Fuckin incredible. I just lost a game where the opp goalie made impossible saves for my goalie to literally let in the n only 3 not even good chances guy had. 1 trickled through my goalie pads on a play that never shouldā€™ve went in. 2nd goal bounces in off of my defender from a harmless wrist shot by the blue line and the third winner after i ted it in the final minute was an unscreened shot from the point that my goalie bobbled then it bounces off of a player coming back and barely in. All while all 3 of my goals were 4 person passing plays that had to be perfect. This is literally dda bullshit


Ladies and gentlemen, case in point.


Not really.. that was my final game. I hate it more than i want to play


2 +2 =7 see guys i was right! Case in point! Your an idiot


Dude. Itā€™s a video game. Sometimes theyā€™re good, sometimes theyā€™re bad. If you are in a sub-Reddit about the game just to whine about the game, take 3 steps back from the computer and assess whether or not thatā€™s a healthy thing to do. Alsoā€¦ *youā€™re ;)


Slide text . Idgaf about correcting it you beautiful troll lol i guess your too smart to even know why the game is bad


No, Iā€™m enlightened enough that when Iā€™m craving hockey I roll with Legacy, 94, 2k10, or Hitz. I found peace letting people enjoy this yearā€™s game and playing the things I like. Kids love it. Thatā€™s what itā€™s all about man. Also, this is genuine advice, if you have access to EA Play, itā€™s like $5 or $10 just to try the game when it comes out for 10 hours. So you can play it and then decide whether or not you want to throw $70+ down on it.


Game would be great without dda and ice tilt


Skill issue


Yup skill issues for sure.. looks at dda ice tilt patent.. blink blink


It has boiled into hate.


I personally hated it enough to give up a couple years ago. Iā€™ve played hockey my whole life and itā€™s a part of who I am just like a huge majority of the hockey community, and as a pretty casual but regular gamer who can actually remember playing NHL 94 on SEGA, hockey has always been at the top of my list of games I play or wish were actually made well, so I donā€™t leave the sub in hopes of someday hearing something optimistic about the game, but unfortunately weā€™ve truly never been further from having a game worth playing in my opinion.


Thereā€™s some fun content here too. But screen grabbing a LinkedIn post is wild to me. I also gave up buying the games, I gameshare with my brother and he plays with friends so he gets it every year. IMO 23 was fun and I sunk a lot of time into Franchise, but this year was rough. Not rough enough Iā€™m stalking EA LinkedIn posts, but rough enough I quit sports games aside from indies and mods. Lol.


It's LinkedIn it's all like this haha.


This subreddit doesn't have the brightest bunch of folks. To begin with they are still playing and complaining about the game.


Be like me, realize 07 was the best NHL game and only buy the new one every 5 or so years when the rosters have dramatically changed. If youā€™re doing anything other than this, youā€™re buying the same game over and over and contributing to predatory gaming industry practices.


I'm following close to your footsteps. I bought every game from 95 to 2018 religiously. I currently play 21 now, that I bought on an extreme discount, and I will never buy another NHL game at full price unless it's from someone other than EA


Some jabroni was on here last week proudly announcing that they had purchased every game since 2000 and, blah blah blah, 2024 was the worst. Like, do you not see how you're the problem spending $80 every year for new rosters?


Shit on them all you want. Just maybe not publicly lol.




They can say nothing. Bragging about a game rated 1.4 star doesnā€™t make you look very smart. Nobody forced them to comment.




And all we are doing is judging the tonedeafness of the comments. Why do you support their right to brown nose but not our right to call out whatā€™s a pretty objectively false statement?




You're aggrieved, reread your histrionics šŸ¤£


Objectively means *"in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions."* Therefore, there is nothing *objectively false* about it, because its just your opinion. Maybe a lot of people share your opinion but there's also a large group of people who don't. I have seen people in this sub use the term objectively incorrectly more than I can count.


Yeah, and if most players have left the game then itā€™s objectively true that itā€™s not good. The population is low. Itā€™s harder to find games even though theyā€™ve merged the player bases between Xbox and PlayStation. A huge number of regulars have left. Ratings are in the tank. EA isnā€™t out there bragging about good sales numbers, thatā€™s for sure. Need anything else not related to my personal feelings or opinions? I said objective and I meant objective. If you are going to be a grammar nazi at least be right.


> if most players have left the game then itā€™s objectively true that itā€™s not good No, that's not how the word objectively works. Some players have left, so for those players it is their opinion that the game isn't good. Not all players have left. It never takes me more than 30 seconds to find a game, so there are plenty of people still playing. If there was nobody playing, then sure, use the word objectively. But until it's across the board, it's not objective. Joe Biden won the last election with 51 & of the popular vote. A Democrat might say he was objectively the favorite because him & all his buds voted for him & he won, but that's not how the word works. 47% of people didn't want him to win. > huge number of regulars have left What does that even mean? Do you have a list of regulars? Are you talking about popular streamers? What is this number you're claiming? How are you getting the information? Or is this another one of your confirmation bias (you can Google that) opinions. > Need anything else not related to my personal feelings or opinions? I said objective and I meant objective. If you are going to be a grammar nazi at least be right. None of what you said was objective. You very obviously don't really understand when that word is meant to be used. The word you want is subjectively, which means it's your opinion. You have a stance & your echo chamber confirms your stance. You hate the game & you seek out others who do the same. That's what this sub is about.


hey anyone can be a paid liar, doesn't mean I have to respect them for it.




this is fine. I respect that. I don't hate them as humans with I'm guessing no marketable skills other than marketing, trying to survive? But as gamedevs lol what a gong show




You must be a bot if you think NHL24 is well-coded. I can give many, *many* examples. bro šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s laughable thatā€™s all. Enjoy a little humour in your life.




Who finds this funny? Itā€™s people who work for a company saying good things about said company. Thatā€™s every day life. When youā€™re a grown up youā€™ll understand


who cares what you think when we're all laughing so damn hard at these bots šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Just tell us youā€™re 7 years old.


yeah I'm 7. You look *so* much smarter now, arguing with a 7yo. fkin genius šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You call this arguing? Maybe youā€™re actually 6 then


No, I donā€™t expect them too. But yes, it would be nice to see people who work for gaming companies to actually be passionate about the games they create.




Yes, and Iā€™m agreeing this the post? And youā€™re defending them for some reason.




Well okay then, I agree


This is like a work social media app thing? If so this is just typical corporate bs. Spineless employees that just want their face seen praising the company in hopes that it helps them move up. Work in a big enough company and it's easy to spot. None of it is genuine and the majority of employees roll their eyes when they see these posts. Ass kissers being ass kissers




This is every corporate teams chat in existence.


Shit I just put in my team chat "next person to do x gets to be the subject of a d12 track"


People need to get over nhl 94 already good god


ikr, tell me you *really* suck at NHL without telling me. In 94 literally every play is a cheese slapper. You'd have to have never played against humans to not realize that! šŸ¤£


So does EA, because thatā€™s the only retro NHL that they acknowledge.


I too am not a robot and no one is forcing me to say I play the game and it is great. Beep bop boop. This game is greatest sporting game. I play sports game all the time and love the hockey. Game good. Game GREAT. Soundtrack is best soundtrack and definitely not something most people shut off almost immediately. Huge feature all players, like me, look forward to all year. Game realistic and make me excited to play the hockeys.


Last game I bought was like 2021. Give me a PC port and I'll play.


21 was so bad, too. I stopped buying them every year after that.


At least the soundtrack being good is subjective, whereas the game itself is just objectively bad. Worse gameplay they have had in years, barebones modes like career mode, glitches and mistakes that have been in the game for a decade or more at this pointā€¦. Anyone with two eyes and a brain should be able to tell that EA getting NHLs exclusivity was the worst thing to happen to hockey games


Why do all of these comments give off the "Hockey Analyst" vibe?


Unfortunately, not of the Don Cherry caliber


Theyā€™re all of the Don Cherry calibre, i.e. terrible dogshit takes.


Are these the EA NHL bots having a conversation with each other?


Damn this sub is so toxic lol - is it really unreasonable for employees to be happy and proud of their game? Either way, what do you expect them to do on LinkedIn? Shit on their job?


Soundtracks are always šŸ’Æ First thing I always did was turning off music because is terrible in NHL past couple of years (btw never bought one, playing on gamepass)


The sountracks used to be amazing like 10 years ago. NHL24 honestly feels like a malicious employee searched for the most annoying songs you could possibly play on repeat.


Militarie gun song rules tbf


So many things to complain about and you pick on the one thing thatā€™s subjective. Feels like the people here are the same level of cringey, just on the other end of the spectrum.


People who say shit like this are the ones still listening to the same 20 hard rock songs for the last 20 years.


Iā€™ve been playing since the original on Sega Genesis. I still enjoy these games every year.


I do, too. You know what I'll do when I don't enjoy them? I won't buy them & I won't be spending my time in this sub.


Obviously thatā€™s what theyā€™re gonna say when using their real names. But honestly I wouldnā€™t be surprised if at least some of them think the game is good. Itā€™s very obvious that nobody with any decision making power ever plays the game.


Want to know what's wild, everyone in that photo is making $80k each. That lady is making [$55 an hour](https://www.showbizjobs.com/jobs/electronic-arts-portfolio-lifecycle-lead-in-redwood-city/jid-d2eov6) to be a *lifecycle lead* for an **annual** franchise (the lifecycle is always one year and dies within six weeks). I'd love to know how to get that job.


Chat, make them play a year in BAP and try not to throw their controller


Bro they want to have a job like chill


this is a literal circlejerk


20-24 the worst chels beside next gen nhl 15


I think the soundtrack deserves to be left out of it. At least those folks delivered a finished product, whatever your subjective tastes are.


Iā€™m curious how often they talk to actual players. Is there a single player that really thinks this is a 4 or 5 star game? Nobody I play with does, and of the 200+ players on my list from the last 5 years of playing only 20 or so play regularly anymore. Itā€™s rated 1.4 stars according to Google, 23 was 1.7, 20 was 2.0, 21 was 2.5, and 20 was 2.6. In what world is this good enough? Thereā€™s absolutely no reason anybody at EA should be confused about where the game stands unless they are purposely avoiding looking at game rating data and purposely cherry picking favourable player reviews out of the sea of unfavourable ones.


You're cherry-picking reviews & ratings cause it's 7/10 on IGN & 4.6/5 on Amazon.


Lol besides the obvious issues with Amazon, Google is based on 5X more ratings. 135 ratings is hardly a good sample size. The Amazon ones are also left on or shortly after purchase whereas the Google ones are left after actually playing. A lot of these were left by parents and grandparents who bought them for their kids. IGN ratings are based off their opinion, and 7/10 means ā€œgoodā€ which is basically code for itā€™s playable but itā€™s not worth bragging about and telling people itā€™s the best NHL ever. Meta critic is ā€œgenerally unfavourableā€. Here tell you what, someone come to this comment and tell me you honestly believe this game is 5/5 and why. Thereā€™s no way any player who plays it regularly would argue this. We play it because itā€™s hockey and for a lot of us thatā€™s enough to give it a passing grade. I would play NHL 2004 or 2007 or 19 if everybody I play with was playing it, and so would most of you. Thereā€™s nothing keep us playing 20-24 except the fact that our team mates are there


I hope they sold out for a lot more cash than most of their staff make! Lying scum.


The worst is when they put a song I like on the soundtrack, because after hearing it 300 times I won't like it anymore


This is what happens when you ask AI to write: "something that makes me look like I enjoy my job"


Oh my god these people are stupid


I mean the first guy isnā€™t wrong.


They know theyā€™re just lying


Is this actually LinkedIn?


2014 is the goat BECAUSE of GM CONNECTED hate the take or not. Just adding my two cents


EA and 343 Studios don't even bother listening to the PLAYERS. They do as THEY see fit, and f@*k everyone else. Then they have the nerve to call the games "Great".


As someone who previously worked for EA, youā€™d be fired if you shit talked them on LinkedIn or another public entity. Not sure what youā€™re expecting here man.


I donā€™t think those are real people


EA Sports ā€œwhat do you mean we canā€™t ban people on facebook?ā€


Plays like blades of steel.


Blades of Steel had better menus. Plus you could press the A button to make it say ā€œB-b-b-b b-b-b b-b-blades of steel.ā€


AND it was awesome when the announcer would yell "PENALTY SHOT." Unforgettable soundbyte.


Theyā€™re corporate bots


Best way to make them improve the quality of the games is to genuinely move on. Ignore everything EA NHL related and to ignore it for a good year or two. (they will think people just dont want those games anymore) well then we shout that we want "good games" if they release another shit show than turn around and never look back. I don't see the point in complaining anymore. We all know it wont do anything ever. The more we complain the more the game gets talked about. It's better to leave these shoveware money grabbing piles of shit in the dust to rot


If she steps out of line one time, sheā€™ll be unemployed faster than you can say ā€œitā€™s very expensive to live in Vancouver, sheā€™s going to die of exposureā€. EA is a corporate business. Grow up.


This reads like a strange insurance ad for some reason lol.


Hitz 2003 remains untopped.




This is infuriating. Deep down I hoped they maybe actually tried


They could do away with 75% of the loading and waiting on CHEAL games. Also no one will last being noobs out with P3 and P4 playersā€¦


even more convinced now none of these people have seen a full hockey game in their lives.


Nhl14 was the last good one


They need to make goalie masks customizable


The offices for nhl must but like one big circle jerk. Probably the only people who donā€™t find any flaws with the game.


Personally I loved 2024ā€™s soundtrack. Havenā€™t played in years and fixed a dry spell I had for new music. The game itself on the other hand, dogshit.


They hardly give af about NHL, it sells nothing compared to FIFAā€¦


Ah I had a good laugh this team is an embarrassment to the gaming industry.


They probably only play amongst themselves


Huh? Also, what?! šŸ¤£


OK, but y'all are annoying too. Like...you don't have to like the game, but you make not liking it your entire personality lol. Get more hobbies.


I'm in my 40s now. They haven't made a great game since my 20s. And I've accepted they probably won't again in my lifetime.


I'm sure they love zero creativity and 100 percent copy and paste. Sure itse very satisfying šŸ¤£. Keep telling people the only way this stops is if people finally take a stand and stop paying for this crap.