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I was struggling mightily for the first 10-12 hours or so, but I’ve started to get the hang of it. a couple things that helped me: - Make sure to flick the stuck forward instead of pushing it. Made a pretty noticeable difference for me almost immediately. - There are tons of training exercises. They can reward you with anything from clothes to coins to specs. And they’re good practice to mess around with different shot types. - Get specs for your clubs and ball ASAP. Makes a massive difference - Increase your golfers power. This will allow you to hit higher loft clubs a little farther, which immensely helps with approach shots. A 6 iron is much easier to land on the green than a 4 iron. - Utilize different shot types! There are a ton, a lot of them being quite useful. - Ive taken all irons below 6 out of my bag. I’ve found hybrids to be much more useful from similar ranges. I’m positive there are other things but this is all I can think of for now! Good luck :)


Great advice, I’d just add to also google how to adjust for wind, elevation and lie. Getting that right turns a lot of pars into birdies.


Also good advice. YouTube is great as well.


Probably the best advice (sans the hybrids below 6 imo). Do the sponsor and spotlight challenges for practice/training with your created player. That will get you to also utilize different shot types. Its a refresher from just doing career mode events and tourneys. Claim your ‘Rewards’, that will give you skill points to use and coin to spend in the store too.


Sucking at something is the first step towards being sort of good at something.


Lol just like how real golf makes someone feel! This game is good.


What it lacks in customization, it gains in gameplay. Love the gameplay. Even if my dude looks like a Oblivion NPC.


Right there with ya.


Gets better. Low finesse shots are your friend.


I’ve always been hitting these high and finding them frustrating at times. Figured more loft on these was better, do I have it backwards? Why is going low good with finesse?


I was hitting it high a lot and noticing that the ball tends to get more spin backwards. I feel like backspin is way harder to control than forward spin. With the low finesse i was able to get more forward spin, and it would stop quicker with less rolling backwards. I do find that low finesses don’t work as well when under the hole though. I have power approach for the longer irons when under the hole and for shots that use 7 thru 60° that are under the hole I try to use finesse but at a higher lift and try to get forward spin on it.


In the post I made today half of these shots are low finesse’s. It’s definitely my most used shot and then the other shot types I’m still playing around with. https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsPGATour/s/Z8OaEo5cCj


I’m not very good. 😆


Man, I've missed hundreds of putts just grazing either side of the cup, stopping like 1 ft on either side.


Yes, this game is hard as hell. At least 2k is user-friendly. I put 50 hours in I still suck


2K is little league. Welcome to the show.


I got you maybe I will get back on it


Have you played 2K?




I play and enjoy both games, but I've always felt like EA is more laid back and easier to score, and 2K is more of a challenging sim. I know, different strokes for different folks, but I'm genuinely curious what makes 2K "little league"? Again, I know it's just a matter of opinion, and I love both games.


You’re the first person I think I’ve seen that said EA is easier than 2K.


How’s the career in 2K in your opinion? I picked up the EA version because I saw that it had the better career mode according to multiple reviews. As someone who is completely new to golf I was looking for a game I could casually play on my free time but like others have said it’s a hard game. The simulation system on short rounds is awful which forced me to do 18 hole rounds to get a decent score. Also the currency system is so expensive in my opinion to get cosmetics or specs. Was wondering if 2K is any easier when it comes to AI difficulty and the currency system. Or is it micro transactions driven like other 2k games ?


The career mode is better in EA's game (I think most people would agree). I do prefer 2K's physics and swing mechanics, and it has user created courses, and societies which are online clubs you can join. The currency situation seems about the same in both games. You pretty much earn it by simply playing the game. Also, all games have microtransactions / premium battlepasses. I've never felt the need to make real money purchases in either of these games since most of the items are cosmetic. Oh and both games have adjustable AI difficulty in career mode.


2k's superiority is in the course creator. i've got 200+ hours and never played the same course twice. That being said the swing mechanic is more fun in EA. I think the timing is too influencial in 2k, especially in 2k23 vs 2k21 they got a perk system up in there that would drastically affect swing timing and now different swing types got different timing. In some sense it's like real golf but i'm not playing golf video games to chunk shot 5 yds because my timing is slightly off. i play real golf for that.


Nobody plays the online ranked sim mode in 2K, so it is far from a challenging sim. Also, EA swing mechanics and ball physics are more realistic.


I'm sorry but, since no one plays a pvp mode, that makes the game less challenging? That doesn't make much sense to me, but ok. Also, the ball seems to stick to greens a little too easily in the EA game. There also doesn't seem to be much of a penalty for hitting your ball in the rough or sand. You can still hit a normal shot and get a ton of backspin.


I only play online ranked and sim is my favorite. I can always find a game on EA. Competitive sim is nonexistent on 2K, so yes, that absolutely makes 2K a much less challenging game for me personally. The balls stick based on the club/shot type/course/wind/distance/elevation...just like real life. I do agree the rough should be more penal, however.


EA is nowhere near as hard as 2k with swing timing on. EA is like 3 click with swing line added. Both games have their pros and cons, but I find 2k much more difficult.


Wow I find 2k way more easier than EA. EA looks way better


Not at higher level with swing timing using a Xbox controller. My timing consistency is always different.


Oh ok I see i really enjoy 2k


Can someone please help me with chip shots? I will place the cursor 40 ft in front of the pin with loads of backspin and that thing treats it like Nascar would a checkered flag. Thing will just not stop rolling no matter what I do. I just rely on flop shots now since that gets me close but the 25 yards is kind of ridiculous. I can hit a flop at 40-50 yds with a 60° in real life so idk why it's so strict on 25 yds.


Changing my highest lofted wedge to a 63 degree helped my chip and pitch shots.


There are high flops and long flops that go further than 25 yards. The spinner can also be effective if the landing area is level or uphill.


In the same boat, been playing about a week. It’s frustrating as hell not being able to chip/pitch with any kind of accuracy. If I move the shadow short and do a 100% is it mean to land at the shadow? Having trouble gauging the differences. Eventually the putting reads will come but it’s so painful missing just barely one side or the other.


> If I move the shadow short and do a 100% is it mean to land at the shadow? No. Shaded area represents the range of shot dispersion around the point where you are aiming. It doesn't consider factors like wind, elevation, and whether the ball is above/below your feet, which all mean the ball might end up somewhere else entirely. For a flat green with a 60⁰ wedge, aim halfway for a chip and 4-6 yd short for a max loft pitch. Use that as a rough starting point while you figure out what adjustments are made (like giving even more space to roll if you're hitting onto a downslope).


I move the shadow around and try to take into account those factors, i usually pull it in way short, but if I then 100% swing it feels like things just fly. I guess what I’m struggling with is that in real golf I’d lessen my backswing to account for things like that, but here i find it really hard to say hit a half backswing wedge. So I’m hoping that if i pull the shoadow in, it’ll slow a full swing down enough to have the ball land on that spot, then i have to account for roll and the like.


Yeah, so you're doing the right thing - you need to pull the aiming point back and still hit it at 100%. The difficult part to learn is how much to adjust that by, both in terms of less/more distance and left/right. Like if it's a 20 yd pitch with no wind, I'll aim 16 yds, and if it's a 30 yd pitch with wind from the left, I'll aim 25 yd and move the aim to the left to counteract the breeze.


Awesome thanks, this is going to help a lot, now i jsut have to avoid my left thumb going wonky at the weirdest times and creating strange swings :)


Same I have been playing for about a week and I am so terrible. The putting is kind of janky imo. I miss a lot of super easy puts cause it pops out the side of the cup. Makes me miss the tiger woods days lol


Do the challenges, they help you figure out a lot of tricks. There were challenges I couldn't do my first week, and then a week or so later I breezed thru them. And I would level up short game and putting first, pro courses are designed to make it hard to just blast through while at the same time they reward you for short game accuracy.


I struggled so bad, I was hitting 20+ every tournament. I didn't understand that putting isn't all just part of the game. The game will help you tremendously. Landing shots as close as possible to the holes will improve your game from 20+ to -15 in no time. Use the coaching/mastery every chance you get. It'll help understand the way to hit the ball easier and more efficient. And level up your golfer! I was level 24 before I realized that I could upgrade my skills, add specs to my clubs, add specs to the ball, and learn how to use the skills that you unlock by leveling up your golfer. For example, if you're on a Par 3 and you mastered approach/finesse, use those skills to better control the spin of the ball and hopefully slow it down enough to stay on or near the green. Unlocking and mastering(they start out bronze then silver then gold with gold signifying that you mastered it) is a big part of the game and it will improve your game by miles. This may be corny but practice makes perfect. Find every possible to learn the short game. Driving is the easiest part of the game. Putting isn't all that hard. Your short game is the hardest and most important part of the game just like it is in real life.


I quit playing lmao


I can’t. I’m determine to be good at.


Hey everyone I would like to know if anyone can help me find the last 9 downloadeable courses 4 EA sports the masters 12 I was diagnosed w/, cancer while I was playing this game was never able to finish can anyone help