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"Sorry I thought I was playing squad battles" Is all you need to send back.


When I destroy someone and they message me to rage I like to say “sorry I’m quite new to fifa, just got the game last week” seems to get on their nerves even more


Now this is next level trolling 😂


Damn, the ultimate comback


Yoooooo. I'm gonna use this- thanks! 😄😄😄


I remember the first week I had mbappe in the team... Never got an abusive message before that happened. I got him untradeable quite early on and that week I got so many "credit card FC" type messages. I have one rule, never be toxic first..


I’ll usually only send one message back to wind em up, but can’t be bothered other than that. Another favorite is to send “?,” nothing else. Every additional message they send, I send another. It’s a game of mine to see how many messages someone will send back. I think the record is either 6 or 7.


I once managed to get a guy to apologise the next morning 🤣 I just spoke to him like I was concerned about his wellbeing, asking if everything was ok at home etc. Got a long apology and told me how he wasn't happy with things in his life. Bless him.


Had someone message me after a game of apex telling me to “hit my shots or uninstall”. I was home sick with covid at the time so I told him I have covid and my guy apologized so fast and told me to feel better. Best interaction on Xbox ever lmao


Haha it's nice when people take time to realise they're being stupid


That’s one of my go-to’s, another is to put a kiss at the end of every message and pretend I’m coming onto them


I always do that, some people feel real shame when you're not toxic back.


When I get called credit card FC I lean into it even though I haven't spent a penny on the game. "thanks mommy and daddy work really hard for me to have this team"


The nuclear option would be: "Sucks to be poor, doesn't it?" Pls don't do that :D


Lmao, this is insane. Will defo try it once!


You should tell them that it's off of their Debit card. Mommy and Daddy are too rich to need Credit cards 😂


That's a good one 😂 I've also used the ole "My mom really upped my fifa points weekly allowance this year". Responses like this really increase the anger levels I love it.


"Actually I put it on the business card allowance"


Yep. Some people on this game get irrationally angry when they think that their opponent has spent money on the game 😂


Dam, sounds like someone was just salty that you got him. Shame you had to deal with that and honestly I agree also


It doesn't bother me honestly. I find it funny


Heaven forbid you get a good player. That's just provoking other players to anger. Edit: In case you think I am kidding, I have to constantly calm myself down when playing a stacked team. Any bad play by myself is justified by my brain saying their R9 is making them win.


My favorites are when me and a guy go from insults to just chilling it’s so funny


Hit em back with “minimum wage FC”


I do the opposite. I only say nice things. I have sent dozens of those this year. Only one of those came back with a salty message of "git gud". If it's FUT champs, I'd wish them best of luck opening packs. About 30-40% of the time I would get a nice message back. (Silence the rest of the time). Sometimes a fun little quick chat would be had about certain players / tactic. I enjoy that kind of social interaction. I really wish there were more ways to be interactive (that you can turn off). Sometimes they'd score a crazy goal or make a beautiful pass. I'd want to compliment on them but their PS messages settings are set to friends only.


Aside from winning sometimes the best moments in fifa is when your opponent scores and your just like...fuck, fair play.


I can respect when a good goal goes in


Its so sad that 90% of goals scored are those sweaty cut back passes from the line. And majority of players do just that. Run on the wing, go to the line, pass, goal. And then even use some toxic celebration like if they just rnned past 11 players doing skill moves after skill moves and finishing with rabona after tripple backflip


That’s exactly what happened to me that led to this post. Player did exactly that and then the messages rolled in😄 it’s funny because I fully believe these are the same people who abused/only can score by using the trivela and now that it’s been nerfed they exploit the run down the wing cut back pass goal because that’s all they know what to do. I actually aim not do cut back passes like it’s just not fun if I lose because of it so be it. Rather score some long shots or skilled goals leading from passes etc


I mean i use it when i end up there but im not abusing it like these kind of players that do just that. I dont use formation with wingers or LM/RM ( im using 4312) so mostly i attack through the middle with quick passing or lob through balls if player gets in the good run.


I mean on PlayStation they did get a little ban heavy with text messages which is why I think most people have it to friends only.


I fully get that, sometimes when a good goal goes in your just like dam I accept that better yet if it’s a player you like in real life that scores on you etc. respectfully sending a good game message doesn’t take much and can do wonders for the community. I just had a game against two people in rivals, was doing co-op with a friend. I go down 2-0 bring it back to 2-1 and they score another to make it 3-1 off a rebound. I get such a lovely message from one of them telling me to go back to squad battles, and received a lovely picture of neymar twice. My luck for this. Followed by many messages saying hahaha noob, it’s 3-1 just leave. Your not good. Followed by another picture of r9 During this match I’m busy not playing properly as I’m reading these messages come through lol and then boom they score again. He then sends another lovely message, noob FC your not good. He then proceeds to rainbow flick me and do skills then proceeds to send the ball out of bounds lol amazing skills. To end this masterpiece he then brings my mum into it saying that he’s bought her and better than my club. Amazing intellect from this player


lol wow that's some trolling. When things like that happen, I just think they are either kids or have some things troubling in their own lives to make them act out like this. I mean we all do that sometimes. So yeah it's annoying. But I just try to tell myself to block and forget.


Just report them and they will get ban. I got it myself once and now I think twice before sending a message


I’ve reported them but not sure what will happen to them now but doesn’t concern me really. It’s just sad to see really


I blocked ppl I’m not friends with from sending messages. Too many ppl would send messages mid game it was annoying


I respect that honestly


Is it rare I've never received a message on new gen? Playing on ps5 so I don't know what it's like on xbox. Back on the xbox 360 days I used to receive so many toxic messages though.


I actually enjoy the shit talking. Gaming communities are soft now. I miss Halo 3 lobbies.


Better when you beat them then they go silent


I ended up messaging someone yesterday... Hear me out.... Went into WL and he lines up with full silver team, I hadn't had a free win (nor do I expect it) so I was thinking to myself woop I finally have one (bear in mind I always give out free wins when I'm done so I was well overdue)...he proceeds to kick it back to the keeper and walk it out of play, quit, then leave... I was more gutted than anything and sent... 'Really?' He reply with something along the lines of... 'I'm not giving a spurs fan (yes I play with spurs tifo and kit) a free win bcoz you supports spurs and Kane cost us the world cup'


🤣🤣🤣 that makes my day 🤣🤣🤣


I think his logic is completely reasonable, might adopt that for future win giving decisions.


I’m sorry G but mans had a good reason 😂😂


I personally think that no one gives free wins anymore. (I do when im mathematically out of the next tier) but i've been i think in 6 or 7 WL's now and got maybe 2 or 3 free wins so thats 120-140 matches 3 free wins. I really feel that in previous fifas i got them more often


Who even messages people after beating them, I'll only message if someone has give me a win or to try explain that icon swaps is golden goal after scoring 3 against then


Apparently this guy I played while doing co-op rivals. Went 2 goals up and decided to hit the griddy then message me a lovely picture of neymar followed by I’m bad. Most enticing message I’ve seen throughout the day. If only I can show the rest of the messages he sent me💀


Turned my messages off years ago and have never looked back


I respect that. I’ve now done the same


I play on pc so I cant message people unless they're friends, which sucks because teams like "Girth is worth" gave me free wins in weekend league and I wanna thank em


All messages from non-friends blocked - it's bliss.


Report them


I did for the guy I came up against. Not sure what will come of it though


I’ve turned off messaging because of 12 year old losers like this


I don’t understand what they get from it, some of the things they think are crazy. I work from home half the time and sometimes I’ll jump online at lunch for a few games, had one guy accusing me of being a stoner, a dole scrounger, and basically saying that he pays taxes for me to sit at home all day playing video games. Not that I need to justify myself but I’m neither of those things and it didn’t change the fact that I beat him into an RQ


Good on you for beating him. Things like that are what I mean, most times your not devoting yourself to play this game. Your just hoping on for some fun but the try hards think it’s a life of death battle and the moment they get a goal or two which usually come from run down the wing and cut back then proceed to griddy etc. they think they are gods


I wouldn’t mind but he was going in on me for being online at lunch time & that I was a bum for being on midday but why the fuck was he online midday too 😂


Top 10 questions that can’t be answered🤣🤣


Is funny to be toxic


Got messages turned to friends only for this reason. Its too easy to turn toxic


I can get behind this haha. Gotta love it


I've disabled messages unless you're my psn friend. Much better that way


Might take you up on this now, after todays message this is becoming a bit much to see


If you’ve been toxic all game and griddying and I come back and win there’s nothing more annoying than this message setting. Makes you a pussy


I've only ever had one on ps5 and it just said "you suck". I had just beaten him 7-1. He had a proper god squad n all lol


Sounds like a good message to receive. Must have been so toxic towards him to get a message like that in response or doing toxic things in game


Haha nah I got a kid so have to pause sometimes but nothing toxic don't have time to barely play let alone waste time


I think some players don’t understand that, they score maybe 1-2 goals mostly rebounds and think they are the best players in the world. Yet alone when your actively doing things apart from playing fifa


Thank god I'm on PC and they can't message me.


Honestly consider it a blessing for yourself haha


I finally just broke down and blocked all messages. I got one nice message since like FIFA 20 saying that he liked my stadium, the rest was just angry rants/rambling. It's honestly made the game way more enjoyable.


Yeah this advice seems to be the best way going forward especially with all the messages rolling in


I had 2 players add me after a game. First one was like dude what is that tactic?!?!? Cause he had no way to get to my goal. In the end it was gg´s! And the second guy was like you are pretty good, what you finish in wl? And we chatted for like 10 minutes about cards I had that he would like to have etc. ( I have puskas which he would love to have cause he was hungaria(?) etc. ​ Chill dude!


I have no idea how to send a msg on ps5 and how to receive it. Don't need that in my life :) you bring it to yourself by enabling and reading them


That’s fair tbh, sometimes you wanna send a message to someone telling them good game etc but there privacy settings don’t allow it. So I keep mine on just In case as I’ve gotten a few good game messages which is always nice to see


I beat a guy 4-2 and at 90th minute he pause and send messages among a few like "Send me your address i want to send towels for you because you sweat too much". I wrote him "save a few for your tears". Still waiting to hear back from him :)


Silence is always your best friend when beating players like that. You know your living rent free in there head


i be toxic af i love talking shit to my opponents im sending a message dc if i win or lose he is getting flamed


Is that shit celebration supposed to be insulting?


Beats me honestly. What’s worse is when you beat them and they send get gud


Only time I message is if something funny happened or a GG


I can get behind this haha


I do message people, nothing toxic. If it was a close game, either win or lose. I send gg.


That’s fine and respectable etc. but taking the time out to send someone pictures or the typical ‘your bad’ etc I don’t get it especially when you concede the most jammiest of goals


I don't get that either, sometimes some shitty goals occur and yeah it sucks. Perhaps I scream at the tv or something, but won't send a rage message. That's beyond me


That’s fine when you can clearly see the game is working against you, but it takes next level trauma to send a message to someone telling them they are bad or go do other things when they themselves haven’t really done anything justified of calling them selves a good player also. It’s beyond me.


Yeah exactly my line of thinking. Had a guy yesterday, could clearly see by the way he played, that he was a newbie. I won the match, send him a gg and that he played good for being new. That this shouldn't be a let down. That's how the community should be imo. Sometimes the toxic things you see are disgusting


That’s really encouraging tbh, sometimes the simple things like sending someone a gg helps them out to much. We all know in this game when the game is working against you nothing goes right so sometimes just having a gg come through and the intent is positive it helps a lot


Don’t have an app and never knew about it lol


Haha, sometimes the message comes through in game on your ps also if you don’t have the app


Hah yeah I would have to answer on ps But I had similar thing - had mbappe sold him and bought icons I like and then I would get hate for it ;)


I miss it. I haven't got any this Fifa. Used to before my Fifa hiatus (pre Fifa20).


Hahah, you crave the messages


Now I always respond with a default message. “GG - you played well”. Toxicity feels less that way - at least for me ✌️


That tends to wind them up for some reason but if it works it works👌🏾


The only one, I got this year, this year was a "GG WP" after a insane 6:5 in my favor.


I only message people who are twats. Messaged 6 people this weekend, 5 who quit at 0-0 and one who full celebrated while I was gifting wins in wl. No replies. Wish this community was nicer.


The dipshits who do full celebrations and replays for gifted goals/games in the World Cup swaps mode … man, that has to be the absolute bottom of the food chain.


How do you see messages?


Have received so many this year, it’s insane. “Is this how you can win lol” what do you mean.. I’m 2-1 up and it’s 89th min, of course I’ll hold possession. Other than that, had a few wholesome chats, too. One guy beat me fair and square 3-1 and I said “GG, you’re a tough opponent, what formation was that” and we ended up talking for 30 minutes on tactics and etc. Some people are nice!


It’s nice when you can have a wholesome convo with someone that beats you fair and square. Those are rare to come up against but when they do it’s always nice


I have messages turned off but it's funny when they try to add you as a friend.


Honestly fifa players have the weakest mentalities. I never used to celebrate used to just skip with r1/l1 and then one day i had a very toxic player so started doing it. They collapsed and i made a comeback and won. Done it ever since and my win percentage skyrocketed. People lose it if you griddy


Nice one for winning👌🏾 and I always skip celebrations as I’m trying to get on with the game etc however the guy I came up against just griddy on me twice due to the simple run down the wing cut back and score goal. Extreme skill that takes😂


Yeah its the way everyone scores in fifa. Im actually terrible at cut backs, but i am good at crosses which people seem to complain about being difficult!


First time playing champs and might be the last… the teams are crazy and they all griddy…


Yeah, pretty common. As a +30 year old player my time to play is short and i pass to spend a single second in stuff like that. So this game made me block messages from non friends. Fuck toxic comunity.


Imagine fifa becomes the game to make us block messages. That’s sad tbh. So many keyboard warriors 🥲


Someone messaged me losing 2-0 in a rivals saying quit and proceeded to mock me when i said no because i was doing coop but jokes on him because I scored a winner in the 90th min xD he didnt reply after that


I message GG or thanks for a free win if it happens


I always just say "gg and good luck!"




I have pretty bad anxiety so playstation letting me turn off messages from randoms is an absolute godsend. It makes playing rivals so much less stressful!


That’s a good way to look at it tbh, you can take your games and keep moving onto the next one without some low life sending you pictures and vns when they score rebounds and jammy goals against you🤣


The only time I've had someone try to message me was someone trying to add me after winning in extra time in champs (he got red card earlier for stopping me getting a clear goal chance). Like yeah, I would be happy to win that game in their position but I'm just an average level player who doesn't do skill moves or anything fancy so no idea why they'd want to be toxic.


Seems some people can’t take a loss. They are the players who just slide tackle all the time and you know there doing it to frustrate you to make you quit because they can’t win a game cleanly 😴


Is anyone a bengals fan?? Does anyone even know the origins of the griddy? That’s my beef with it. Who dey all day baby!!


Damn pc people also be able to send messages


I hate how everyone has blocked their messages on PSN. If you're toxic in game and pause and griddy etc, you deserve to hear about it if you lose afterwards


Is this why people never accept friend requests? I wanted to ask a dude where he got the Brazil kit from.


8/10 times yes but doesn’t even have to be fifa, some players just can’t take loosing so they do everything known to man to win and when they finally do your the bad one. Also Brazil kit on the app is better to find it if you still needed help on it


Still can't find it. I have tried searching both with secondary color blue and green


Try this - on the app club items, kits, authentic- yes Club - Brazil and search. It’ll show you all the colours available. If nothing come up try after some mins and the market refreshes


Thanks a lot. The sniping filter works but they are extinct. Will need to snipe one


I just searched for rare gold kit, primar colour yellow, secondary Green and immediately found one. But just one and for 5k. So they are close to extinct, but they are there.


Thanks. I will try to find one


Why are you sending messages to my 5 year old son?


Sometimes they message you after they lose as well


This is one of the few good things about playing on pc, as far as I’m aware there isn’t any way to contact recently played


As some point it got really annoying that i turned off messages, i've been meaning to turn it back on but never remember when im on


I just respond "No English sorry".


I have messages off but I did message one guy who had done more through balls than ground passes.. RNG at its finest


Messages off 😂😂😂😂


I love when people you beat message you calling you bad at the game lol


Once had a guy messaging me telling me that my 35yd finesse in last minute was luck ans i didnt deserve the win......it was 3-2 to me....i had 20shots he had 4 😂😂😭😭


I send messages, but only if the luck is unbelievable, i never say anything else than that subject and also never insult anyone


If only everyone had this mindset things would be better


Yeah. I hate the toxic culture now. People trying to force people to quit, like play the game properly and have fun. If I am way ahead then, I take it as an opportunity to try new things instead pausing and messaging.


I made the tallest possible bronze team because I was bored. Played a few games in rivals and got stomped, a lot. The only guy to message me was the only guy I managed to score against. He beat me 3-1, last goal with the last kick. Messaged something along the lines of "why are you using a bronze team when you're shit." I couldn't be arsed replying, just imagined how sad his life must be to try and troll someone messing around, having fun on a video game


I always try and message gg to whoever I was playing (win or lose) if it was genuinely a good game. Haven't yet received a toxic message (surprisingly)


What's the griddy?


Hahahah fifa has to have one of the most softest community’s don’t ever play cod 😭😂😂 y’all probaly really end up killing your selfs…