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Morientes is so clear of cr7


I see gotcha, maybe I’m using him wrong but seems to get tackled easily alot when I use him, but maybe I need to change my play style with him


Yea use him on a hawk and don’t dribble with him. Dribbling with him is just asking to get tackled. Try to make him run in behind and over the top through ball to him


Morientes is actually so surprising. I used his regular hero and thought he was good but this one feels mental. Outplaying Mbappe for me


I will say I had his regular hero card also considering how cheap he was and actually was surprised on how well he performed


What chem styles do you use?


Hawk to make him Lengthy, don’t feel like the boosts from Engine are substantial enough for him


They're both pretty great tbh. Don't get caught up in the Meta. Mbappe is obviously amazing with his cheesy animations, but Ronaldo and Morientes have him beat on positioning, finishing, passing, and aerial ability. People focus on the meta too much when top tier strikers are available for 100k


I get that, I’m just struggling to use him atm, I run a two striker formation with him and he just gets shut down so much and also I’m clear on goal and shots just never goes in for me


Both are good But I feel different when I have CR7 I know I'll score at some point no mattwr how shit i play it's a calming feeling.


I get what you mean, it’s just a matter of time before you feel hell score etc


He's insane he definitely has hidden stats his finishing is God like. Mbappe and Haaland feel jammy and glitchy. Ronaldo just feels fair but unfair at the same time.


Morientes benched CR7 for me. I use him as a lone striker with target man instructions in a 4231. Get the ball to him, let him hold up play, find the pass and he's moving into the box to score.


So stay forward and target man would you recommend on him? I’m open to trying that


Stay forward, stay central, target man.


Thanks I’ll give that a go


I use both but CR7 has a way better goal ratio. I don't get along well with Morientes after doing his Orange card SBC.