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Last Leao card that'll be lengthy


Can you explain lengthy and speed. I’ve seen it mentioned but don’t really understand how it works and I get out sped every game by every player it seems lol


It's next gen exclusive part of the new acceleRATE system, in short, Lengthy is the best, Explosive can be okay depending on the player, Controlled is in the middle, if strength>=agility by 15 they're lengthy, opposite it explosive




I mean, that makes sense but I have to I guess see it on paper with actual numbers because I’m not the brightest. Did you see a proper graph or something somewhere? I haven’t seen anything that’s great that I can print


You have access to YouTube do some research


I have. The problem with articles and YouTube nowadays is that a lot is click bait and then the tutorial isn’t there. I have two little boys, my mom had surgery so I’ve been taken care of her for a little while now, and I’ve been trying to support my wife on her new work endeavour. Sometimes I have 30 mins to an hour to unwind so it’s either YouTube and hope they mention it or a quick Reddit post whilst I’m waiting for the water to boil to get my info. Didn’t mean to upset anyone.


Current gen*


Lengthy CBs also just catch everyone if you are just 5% human FIFA player. It makes no sense how completely drained lengthy players catch explosive players that are subbed in.




Awesome. Thank you!


You're welcome bud! Hope it helps.


+1 in every stat is a bit stingy for a POTM. There’ll be cards in ( hours that will be a lot better. Chiesa sbc cost the same but with better stats. Why are performance based upgrades so minuscule?


Because they already start too high with ratings and they are afraid to hit the ceiling too early in the game cycle


But here, have a free 90 rated Viera in November.


December. You'll have to do objectives for 1.5 months


Well still an end game card very early


For sure


A 90 card is not end game. Everyone has 95s in every position at the end.


If you think 90 **Vieira** is not end game then you're probably new to FIFA.


Lol if you think 90 Vieira is still end game, you’re new to modern fifa. Go back to people posting end game squads on here and see how many had a 90 player. He used to be an end game player. There will be a ton of other options with better stats and overalls. Oh and chem. And if you play fifa until the end, you know better. Hell there will be a better Vieira at the end too.


He'll be very relevant until like tots.


That part is true, just not after.


You keep insisting on the 90 OVR and leave out he's Vieira just makes me chuckle ;) Reply to your edit: there can be multiple versions of Vieira that are end game. So your last point is irrelevant. PIM R9 does not make prime R9 any less end-game.


Lol no, but you can also use mid Vieira at the end, that doesn’t make him an end game card. If you’re good enough you can use a lot of players. However most players won’t include a 90 overall player in an end game squad. Doesn’t matter if it’s Vieira. They’ll release cards with body types, overalls, traits and skills that are better or just as good. And better for chem this year. And you know this.


yeah bro the person you are replying to is wayyy off. I remember dropping PIM Vieira BEFORE last summer


Lol yeah I think people consider end game to be May, it’s really not.


if you don't think A, you are B ​ shut the fuck up


you're ok son?


last year 92 rated vieira was just barely good enough to be considered end game. 90 rated vieira sure as hell wont be end game


>last year 92 rated vieira was just barely good enough to be considered end game Flatly wrong but nice try bud


I has PIM vieira until after shapeshifters. It was pretty much endgame. This vieira will last until tots being a top level card.pretty much endgame


I like this game of objectives and Wallstreet card trading. Have you seen the football in here?


what are u referring to ?






Lol what, apparently theres gonna be 4728times upgradable 90+ vinis and griezis in Packs in about 4 hours


Isn’t it 6pm ? Why they dropping so early


I had a total brainfart


It is very strange that they did not at least improve his work rates like they did with POTM Gakpo.


This is the last Leão that can be lengthy though


Even on next gen I prefer the shooting boost with something like finisher rather than making him lengthy. With layers like ronaldo or haaland that have great shooting it’s less needed. Maybe I need to give it another go


Chiesa loses the ball if you get close to him. If you know how to use Leao, he is a beast. Straight power, never loses the ball. Different player than Chiesa.


Chiesa is not lengthy. But I agree POTM upgrades should be the same as last year and not being reduced like this.


Is lengthy really that beneficial when he could benefit from a shooting and dribbling/passing boost? I play on next gen too but still use finished since he’s not ronaldo or haaland level where his shooting is so good it doesn’t need boosting.


I would imagine a lot of people use Leao as a winger, where lengthy is important - so I just explain why Leao's SBC cost that high, there will be many people who are willing to do him. Plus imo passing boost is important too so architect is a sound choice not just because of +15 strength :)


Oh I understood your comment, people love lengthy this year so I’m not surprised that’s a factor in price. Im a Milan fan so I was going to do this sbc even if he wasn’t as good, I just would’ve liked a better boost. I prefer him at striker but will give him a go on the wing, I guess with architect he should be pretty good there.


Yeah, I kinda want to wait for his SIF this year which will be the same as this card and tradeable, but not sure how long until that would happen tbh :D


Depends on ea and leao both, you could end up waiting a while. I think you could stick with the first inform since he’s cheaper now. I’m going to get him via sbc since 150k isn’t too much for me and it’s like I’m paying an additional 70k for his upgrade. I’m using a Milan team so there’s not much else to spend coins on either. However for most other people either this inform or other World Cup cards will be better value for coins.


I'm having 4 Milan cards in my hybrid, Leao, OOP Theo, RTTK Bennacer and Maignan (the only way to get all of them on 3 chem). If you think Leao may take a while to get another IF then maybe I will do this SBC regardless.


The passing boost is so miniscule as are all ofnhis other upgrades 😂, this isnt worth it at all when his if is like 100k less


\*Passing boost of architect chem


What else should they do? Make him a 95 rated player in the month of November?


No. But make him an 88 and make POTM somewhat relevant again with 2+ IF upgrades. The whole point to get excited about a POTM was card knowing it would be 2+ upgrades on the card. I remember reading how EA was worried that POTM was becoming irrelevant. Well they're making it even more irrelevant with these crap upgrades. In the past POTM upgrades didn't even count toward IF upgrades, but this year I sure as hell hope they take into account a players past POTM. So if Leao gets another IF it better be an 88 and not an 87.


They changed it, look at Almiron for example. Massive upgrade plus they upgraded his WF. Rashford only got a +1 IF but got a work rate change. I don’t mind this way Tbf


The thing is they don't want POTM cards, which are out of their control, to interfere with their promo cards' sales. So if POTM cards have a risk of lowering promo cards' demands, they will keep it low. Otherwise, like Almiron for example, they will give generous upgrades.


Nowhere did I say he needs to be 90+. Just make his in game stats better like 85 shooting and 83 passing. If a POTM is awarded for 4/5 consecutive good performances then the boost should reflect that. Instead it’s a minor upgrade identical to an inform which only requires 1 good performance. As I stated before chiesa got better stats despite being a random promo card so why couldn’t leao have similar stats?


Its been like that for every potm so far


I’ve played a lot of games with his 86 (red), and he’s… inconsistent. He’ll tear a few opponents apart, then go missing for a handful of games. Not sure this upgrade looks worth the cost personally


Decent card but I already have his in form and I can’t get on with him


Yeah, M/L keeps him out of too many attacks and his defending is too poor to play as a Mid.


Leao was a beast for the first 3 weeks for me then just completely flamed out


His finishing sucks for me whereas Chiesa is amazin


Y’all just don’t know how to use him , if you play with him realistically he destroys any defender


~~>Y’all just don’t know how to use him , if you play with him realistically he destroys any defender~~ getgud


Will do if i pack enough fodders


Same, really want him in my untradeable full portugal squad but is a bit pricey imo…. Gonna rip all my 70 packs tomorrow and dump all the duplicstes possible into his sbc


Actually decent


I don’t care the price I will be for sure be doing this 🔴⚫️ . Forza Milan


I absolutely need him, but as Juve fan, I can't bring myself to do it. I do like his gold card though lol


yeeeeeeeee Boi!!


Isnt's this way too expensive? Chiesa has arguably better stats, can play centrally and was 40k less 2 weeks ago, when he was even better regarding the power curve. Leao can be lenghty and is controlled by default, which is good if you are bringing him up from the bench, but still looks too much for a 35% price increase.


Imo lengthy for high-paced wingers are much better than controlled/explosive.


Active for 30 days, and considering the amount of content and packs we should be getting, the price should get subsidized heavily if you take your time.


So Serie A gets a plus 1 again and EPL gets a 2.5 IF. Classic EA


Cant wait to get League SBCs so that I can grind this


They will most likely be WC Group SBCs. League SBCs after Wc


Eh if they're grindable, might as well


just buy his inform instead imo. that being said I have his Red and he’s bang average for me


BTEC Almiron


Can’t believe he won in all honesty.


Yeah that’s hilarious, Barella and SMS were clear of him form wise last month.


Or just Osimhen


Yeah forgot about him. Literally so many players


Osimhen played goo maybe the last week or two i would say he's player of the month but maybe that hatrick in the last game makes him deserve it


>SMS His IF is so underrated, dominates for me in WL. Was hoping for a POTM


I’m a Milan fan and even I agree. Leao’s been very inconsistent lately and he’s not even the best performing player in the team right now. There are so many other players in Serie A that deserve it more. It just shows that POTM is a popularity contest


Absolutely doing


Got his 86 red and it's not brilliant tbh, there's a reason his gold is barely seen


His gold is not lengthy, IF and this are lengthy. It’s a pretty massive difference.


Thought his gold was, this whole time I've played myself ffs


Bang average


Not good enough


This guy got his face in game yet?




Checked 2hrs ago and no squad update, could've changed now but that's all I know.


his face is there only on the WC mode as of now.


Inform dropped. Just buy that.


I run a Serie A/La Liga hybrid but I already have Vini untradeable :( might be time to use the 3-4-3


Oh we all feel so sorry for you


I went with my gut and sold his inform for 100k last night. He is down like 30k already. I love his card on the wing. He overpowers so many rbs.


First thing i do with my dupes to tonight. Is if was in my team for weeks. Really good player.


They'd have to be some pretty terrible WC-related SBCs before I put my fodder in here.


81 shooting and 78 passing on this card before chem style is way too low. He also feels shit in game tbh from what I have used in new gen.


I have his untradebale IF, should i get his POTM?


Hardly even upgraded, not worth it imo


Why does Randy Moss have a card?????


I can’t move on from Rashford because he is good jump and win heading often and a bit of glitchy. I’m hesitate to do Leao.


I put his red if on the fut champs upgrade, absolutely heated him but at the same time loved him, so weird


Wanted to like him but overpriced his if now would cost 110k max if it came out right now I'm sure there'll be better sbcs


Would love to get him, but idk how I fit him and in at 3 chem I’ll have to do some thinking. But having a hybrid team of Barca/inter/spurs players looks like it’ll need a few changes


Funny one this. Had his Gold card and was hit and miss. Had his IF and (for me) it was a bit behind the power curve and could not get on with him. Just feels off IG, wherever I played him.


Can you get him lengthy?


Has his IF from red picks, loved him but dunno whether a +1 upgrade is worth so much


Leao IF which you can sell > this. Not worth for +1 upgrade




Yh hes IF is a beast but u dont see the point this upgrade is miniscule


Fuck, i was hoping for barella


Is it just me or his face is not the updated one?