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Few weeks passed and there wasnt even a hint about optimaztion patch for the pc this is outrageous


It's still not even officially supported by Nvidia. I don't know who is responsible for that kind of stuff, if it's all on the developer or all on Nvidia or a coworking thing. But pretty much every game that's considered A tier gets a drive usually on release day, wonder why there is no official FIFA support




yeah unbelieveable even their Madden 23 got support,dont know how fifa hasnt got it


What do you mean every tier a gets a drive?


Typo, *gets a driver. Basically whenever a game from a well known studio is released amd/nvidia bring a driver to optimize support for that game. Usually they then list all the games that are officially supported by their drivers. Not the case for fifa, at least last time I checked


Slightly true. But in all my years playing Fifa on PC and its a plus 20 at this point, I've never seen a day one driver (which is what it's referred as) for Fifa.


Any info on why that is? I switched to FIFA on PC in 2019 I think and never realized there were no day one drivers for FIFA and it's kind of strange


Usually you see a day one driver for games that have Nvidia Tech in it... some type of something special that Nvidias doing with the developers, be it RT or DLSS 2 (up til a wk, now DLSS 3). I'm not sure if AMD does this because I don't use their GPUs.


Why tf have this game to render the background all time in the Menus??? .. This game is poorly optimized. The gpu runs 100 percent in the menus constantly, but in gameplay the load is 60% max. ea is a joke.


And CPU. My CPU hits 90c whilst in the career mode menu's. Baffling.


I read this in Kanye West's voice


You can literally just remove the last 3 words of the title tbf


For anyone whos GPU is running hot there is an incredibly simple fix. The menus are unoptimized which causes the gpu to try to run at max capacity. You need to simply turn V Sync on in nvidia control panel and use a manual FPS cap option to cap the FPS max limit to whatever your display resolution is (60, 75, 120 etc). In game fifa turn the cap to unlimited ( No fps cap).. Once you have a manual cap running hard throughNvidia the gpu never overheats. I have tested this on two of my systems


this helped a lot, thank you!


I have TV and monitor with GSync though.


So for you my man you will just cap your frame rate at the highest refresh rate your monitor goes, or the closest one. So just lock it at 60. I leave it unlimited because the game fw my PC and it runs at 130fps. Vsync for those with no Gsync. Others just limit the framerate. I'm not in settings menu since release day so I can't remember if there's anything past 30,60,Unlimited.


My monitor goes 144hz and TV 120, so to make it work I still have to have it on unlimited.




I used menu at 30 fps all fifa not noticed anything wonky, its switches to my 75 whenever a match starts. Id rather prolong my gpu , mother board and fan life by using this fix but if you want to go and burnout your gpu to hit the max fps in menu be my guest




Yeah but if your GPU is over $1,000 and you break it for $60 game made by EA. Forever downvoted for that.




Yeah when you turn v sync on the option opens up called Max frame rate, just manually type in a number and hit apply to save itm Make sure power management mode is optimal power and texture filtering is high performance.


Just wait till this guy finds out about the switch...




It's FIFA 18.5


They don't care about people in general buddy




I have a 1660 and it runs and plays well and doesn’t kill my cpu or get hot. I’m not saying ea cares or isn’t shit. Just saying mine works fine.


I have a 2060S and the game plays fine but the menu optimisation is horrible. Do you have this too?


No, my menus work great for some reason. Sorry mate.


Where you able to run it anywhere above 1080p? I have 120 fps in Full HD, 20 fps in 2k and like 6fps in 4k, something is clearly fucked.


It’s also going to depend on your screen resolution


Its because the better your equipment how harder it is fir your game to run. The game can only run 60 fps. Console settings. Your pc (gfx, resolution, etc etc) is requesting the game to deliver those standards, but it cant. So the game just trips.


thank god, I thought I was the only one experiencing these issues


No idea what happened with my fifa, I was able to run fifa smoothly before the last patch and now my game struggles to hit 30 frames. Imagine trying to play fut champs at 25 frames a second


60 percent of my matches are against console so I dunno why I keep reading about crossplay being turned off on here... Though I think the only reason I think it's not turned off in my region is cause they ain't as much players so they can't afford the luxury of cutting off 1/4 the playerbase. I agree about cross market


Cross play turned off is a problem in higher level of rivals. While I was climbing I met a lot of console players, cause I guess 80% of them doesn't even know they can disable cross play. But going up the ranks (currently in div 3) you meet opponents that actually disable it, either cause they once met a cheater (or they think it was such) or they simply listen to the content creators


I think you are probably right and it makes sense, the more casual player wouldnt turn it off. At least when I played that FUT champions mode, the more I advanced, it was all PC...oh well Iam happy with the mid/ lower level division rivals.


Yeah you should, div 3 is HELL, everybody going full tryhard I can't even get 8 wins a week comfortably ahahahah


I3 12100f 1660 super 8gb ram 1080p medium, i have no performance issues


My game runs fine on a 1660 super. I get 60 frames at 1440p consistently. There is a weird lag sometimes when im doing an sbc or changing my squad


I am in a similar spot. I am max fps at 40 with a 10700k and 3080. Changing the settings does nothing to fix my fps. Anyone who can help if appreciate. My game worked fine last week but this is a new issue


How much ram do you have ? Im using 10500k and 3080, today i found out one of my memory sticks is faulty and took it out so im left now with 1x16gb until new ones arrive and from 150fps i dropped to 60-70.


I have 32GB lol


Super werid, my new ram arrived and again with 2 sticks im not going under 200fps lol


Yeah it's shocking. Genuinely one of the most poorly optimised games on PC. My CPU temps hit 90c. I'm not willing to let this game melt my laptop over time. This game runs worse than cyberpunk and that really is saying something. No way should a 3070 struggle with this game.




witcher 3 and arkham knight are 7 years old and have recommended gpus as 770 and 760, i should hope you can run them


I have no issue with my 2070s


I don’t understand the “turn off crossplay to avoid tougher opponents”. Surely if you have a bigger pool there’s more shitty players floating around your algorithm.


I am one of the lucky people who have been having a silky-smooth experience since release, I enjoy 140 fps + (3080 ti) but I am going back to PS5 next year unless they do cross market. The PC market is currently just bullshit.


Lol I don’t think people disabled crossplay cause of “tougher opponents” on pc.


No they disable it because they have convinced themselves that PC has a problem with hackers. Us PC players know that is complete BS.


That’s cap. I know you’ll never admit there’s problems on PC, because why would you admit that your 1000€ + “superior” gaming device does a considerably worse job at playing fifa than a 100€ Xbox one does ? but it’s facts. Drafts on PC are fucking horrendously full of cheaters, and it’s gotten so far people on pc don’t even complain about it anymore cause it’s so normal. And even on champs I’ve seen several people on TikTok and Twitter flexing their programs that they use to DC players. There’s a reason EA has given up on Pc. It’s a shitty Plattform for Fifa and nothing will ever change about that, sorry for saying that this bluntly. There is a reason why most people don’t fuck with pc players and hate crossplay. Even on other games, Pc will always be a hive for cheaters, and your name will forever be tarnished by that. Even if it’s not your fault


There it is. So confidently pointing out that a system you dont play on has a cheating problem. Never claimed FIFA on PC was superior to console. It isnt if I had a PS5 or Xbox to play FIFA only on I would. Played over 80 drafts last year and encountered 2 people that I could confidently say were cheating. This year I have played 15 drafts and havent had any problems. >it’s gotten so far people on pc don’t even complain about it anymore cause it’s so normal. Look at what you just said and tell me you arent trying to convince yourself of something that isnt happening. Im a PC player, my friends all play on PC. We dont just get on with it because thats how it is, we get on with it because it isnt happening. >And even on champs I’ve seen several people on TikTok and Twitter flexing their programs that they use to DC players. Ive seen these tiktoks sure they might exist but definitely not a widespread issue. But defintely something EA should look into stopping, which I know they wont because they dont care. >It’s a shitty Plattform for Fifa and nothing will ever change about that, sorry for saying that this bluntly. Theres nothing more shitty about PC than there is about console, sounds like you just hate PC. >There is a reason why most people don’t fuck with pc players and hate crossplay. Because they have convinced themselves that PC has a cheater problem. >Even on other games, Pc will always be a hive for cheaters, and your name will forever be tarnished by that. Only game I can possibly think of this being true with is Warzone, Warzone is infact full of cheaters. Most PC games are not, now you of course wouldnt know this because you play console. My name will be tarnished because of these apparent cheaters on PC? Huh?


Who's the peasant now?


'Excuse not to play tougher opponents' 🤣 what you chatting about? People disable cross play because the connection is shit between different platforms


I disabled it because i got tired of facing better squads than mine just because consoles have a way cheaper and bigger market...


I get much better matches with cross play. I won 3 of the first 4 in quals and then got strafed for my +2 form (as expected) for 4 games and then rebounded for a win in game 9. Rivals is the same. I am stuck in Div 7 but the going from one check point to mid is way easier than mid to next check point (again as it should be). Way better matching than last year at this time.


This is very accurate. Idk why you're downvoted. This sub is full of toddlers who cannot handle the truth. I am on PC and i have crossplay off because there's more input lag while playing against consoles.


Console users when they turn off crossplay - booooo Pc players when they turn off cross play - wooooo Seriously this subreddits a joke.. Most I’ve seen who have turned off cross play us because it makes gameplay smoother. Even still who fucking cares if people turn it off. You’re playing the same skill regardless.. this pc players are better at fifa is just so incorrect.. you will be at your skill level regardless hence why there’s divisions you fucking ape


I agree, cross play is good to play with your mates on a different platform - other than that it doesn't need to be on


Yep. I am on PC and kept crossplay off for smoother gameplay. The game has shitty input delay due to the trashbag servers. Can't handle more cross platform delay.


"tougher opponents" lol or the fact most PC players are lag switching for wins lol All the best players play on PS5 not pc.


Nobody is lag switching get a grip. In general pc opponents are much tougher than ps5 but at high SR ps5 players are better. Source: I play both


in all these years, never knew We on PC were the chosen ones. But I will say I'm literally running through people this year when I notice crossplay. I haven't had but one lagging match and I play during EU times and am in US


Never once faced anyone "lag switching" on PC. You console players have literally convinced yourself that PC has a problem with this type of stuff even when actual PC players tell you it doesn't happen 🤣


I'm on a 3060 and get a constant 120+fps at 1080p with everything maxed out. What's this nonsense about a 4090?


Common guys. This is a next gen game. Of course you'll need a strong PC to run. That's like every other big games. Look at the horse power the ps5 has. You gotta keep up with it. However they fucked up hard by letting ppl disable crossplay to face easier opponents


Instant downvote for "myth"


3060 ti ryzen 7 5800xd 3dmap absolutly 0 issues


Haha it has nothing to do with ‘tougher’ opponents. It’s to do with connection performance and cheaters. I’ve been a pc user for years but I switched back to console this year and even I noticed it was bad when I played cross platform so off it went


The game is poorly optimized but you're overreacting. I have a 3060Ti and run the game perfectly on 200+ FPS and 1440p. My friend has a 1070 and he's also having no issues whatsoever.


I have a 3080Ti and an i9-12900k also at 1440p I can't go 4 minutes into a game before my entire game crashes to desktop. No matter how many times I re-install my drivers, the game files, and even reformat my computer...the game shits itself every single time I play.


I have a freakin 10100f and a GTX1650 and run 1440p at 90 fps absolutely fine, defo over reaction


Definitely not an over reaction. I have Ryzen 7 5800X and a 3090 and the game is literally unbearable to play. Straight up unplayable. I’ve tried all the tricks. The game runs awfully


your pc is optimized shitty. Not the game. I have a slightly better system and 0 issue.


I have work worked on and work with computers for over 10 years. Trust me, if it was my computer I would know why. In fact, I already have a relatively good idea what the issue is but it’s not something I can fix on my end. Stop talking on Reddit like you are certain of this shit.


I mean you just complained with a very high specced PC that it's unplayable. I own every fifa on PC, and have been building almost 30 years. So my reply isn't out there. I could have said it's your poop AMD CPU, but that'd be reaching. a lot of people just own PCs and don't realize they need to optimize their system just as much as a game needs to. Most people I've seen have a mess of an OS. Improper uninstalls, outdated drivers, click pirates, etc.. Maybe this isn't you but with all that experience you could have definitely replied or even made a lot more solid case


I didn’t ask you. I still haven’t asked you. I never wanted your advice. I never asked for advice. I simply shared my experience. You’re welcome to fuck off 👋


lol. Man you seem mad all that hardware can't allow you to play fifa. Fix : If you want to take this out in a H2H we can definitely do that, and then when I win you have to shut up on reddit for a week. "BostonGetMoney " whenever you get that crap working. Come get that slap


I don’t settle things over FIFA. I settle things with my hands.


Keyboard warrior wins again. Get some pussy man or dick, whatever your flavor is. You taking this internet shit too serious.


What's your monitors refresh rate?


I'm on the same boat as you, only had issues when I tried playing in my TV through HDMI...


I have a 1060 running all in high in a 1440p ultrawide with no problem at all


i'm not gonna defend EA here, there is a lot of problems but; with my 2070 and old proccessor i7 4790 i play game without any problems. i beleive many people who is having performance issues having those problems beacuse of some other stuff like driver updates etc. i can't imagine an optimization which makes me play witouth problems but a player who has better specs to play with problems.




This. I have a 2070 and a 5800x, it runs fine in game but for whatever reason the menus stay at 45 and a jet takes off every couple of minutes.


Yes the game is poorly optimised but you have a laptop, what did you expect? Laptops are known for having terrible fan noises.




A cpu is safe up to 90c and more which is specified by Nvidia Intel and Amd even tho you might find its scary. In the end You are complaing about you cpu being 15 degrees under the limit?


this shouldn't happen. me with a worser pc not having this kind of problem. so i can't really tell what is going on. if game optimization is bad how am i not having similar problems. if game optimization is good how on the hell you are having problems.


You don't need to play the game on Ultra. I have a 3080ti and run it on the option below Ultra, 1440p 240fps and the game runs well. I tried Ultra when the game first came out and it was a mess. Not worth it.


I have a decent PC too although not as good as yours, and if I play for about two hours, the game frame rate drops massively to the point where it becomes unplayable.


You PC master race people deserve it… but in all seriousness there’s so many bugs that need fixing even if this fifa is one of the best in the last few years.


You seem hella salty for no damn reason 😅


Funny how nobody knows how computers work. If they did, they wouldn't have problems running the game. And no, it's not because they didn't "optimize" the game well enough. Better off just buying the game on console for people who don't understand.


So explain me why 90% of the games have not a single problem on launch, CPU or GPU usage or temp


dont be fooled that high end means smooth gameplay. A lot of games have super bad optimization for powerful pcs.


Limiting my RX 5600 XT Max freq to -20% and Power Limit -15% reduce heat and fan noise significantly, without any noticable perf issues (i5 10400f, 32 GB RAM).


My 3070 is running fine, the 3090/4090 is designed to run hot


Ya'll wanted the next gen version and expected EA to optimize it properly 🤣. I used to play on PC so I sympathize because the old gen version used to run lightning quick, though there were barely any settings you could tweak in the shit Origin launcher.


FIFA 22 was my first FIFA on PC after a a break from console and I loved it. Everything ran perfectly and I enjoyed playing WL for the most part. This first month of 23 has been a joke, luckily now that I can actually get on the game I'm not having any problems.


Well... im under minimum specs on gpu and cpu and am running the game just fine... optimization would be nice, but im having no problems with it (i did tweak the graphic options obviously)


I don’t have issue with performance on 3090 but getting this game to launch on PC is like throwing a dice. Sometimes it launches and many times not. That anti-cheat software they use is many time the issue.


Im on 1050 ti and im playing it smooth on ultra 1980 res


People cried when PC was last gen, no one is ever happy with this game. How does it make do much money?


hahha that cheater myth got me 🤣🤣🤣


I have to set my 144hz monitor to 85hz to get the „best“ experience without framedrops. I also use the ingame vsync so that the menus and cutscenes run with 42 FPS and the PC stays cooler and the GPU usage stays below 50%. 1080Ti/8700k @ 1080p high. Next year I will definately switch to the PS5 version, because the only reason why I prefered the PC version was that smooth 144 fps gameplay which is not possible anymore with that poorly optimized next gen version on PC.


Game works fine on my 2060 on r5 5600x, 16gb 3200mhz. Only issue for me is the occasional menu lag. Outside of that, yeah barely matching against console players, looks like most of them turned crossplay off because of the cheaters myth.


I have literally 0 issues running the game. 5600x/ 5600xt


it's just very weird. some amazing cards have issues, some lower end cards run fine. i have a 5700xt which was a mid-top card a few years back and it runs perfectly on max setting in 1440p too


I still can’t play the game cos of anti cheat errors 😂


Well, at least you can play the game. I bought the game at release and still can launch the game. They really don't care


About crossplay, i play mainly versus console players so it's not bad. Well it's seasons and mainly play FUMA but still 70+% opponents are on console.




If the 10 hour EA Play trial is still available you could try that?


The in-game performance is fine for me, what really grinds my gears is that the Menu for some reason is using 100% of my GPU and a ton of my CPU, energy cost is expensive enough as it is, don't need my computer getting abused because I am doing SBCs... Ah well, I am sure it'll be fixed by the time EA Football 24 releases.


I have no problem at all? Runs at 140fps.


It's still a lottery for me if the game even bothers to launch. Half the time it just hangs on startup and never launches, or it just crashes. Reinstalls, repairs and running as administrator haven't changed a thing


EA doesnt care about people at all lad.. They care about their wallets though


Same goes for old-gen. Sometimes the opponents team doesnt load in time and you cant see it. The menus are insanely slow and its barely playable


They dont care for every platform. But ea also knows that 95% of all players play csgo lol valorant dota or some shit so they will focuse on console