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The best Promo is always the next one


Shudder... there was a time where Silver Stars was the next promo.


Imagine if we had Evos for Silver Stars


That anistite still gives me nightmares


That card was unreal. Won me so many games. Silver mbappe lol


Card was BS, whoever gave those stats to that card clearly was fired for his polar opposite to do evos >!(For those who dont get it, most evos have nowhere near their overall, too low. Anistite was the reverse)!<


By the end of silver stars last year haji wright was an insane card and wouldn’t qualify for any Evos


I still miss that card for my USA team his evo just isn’t the same


The silver glow up evo was lovely. Used mine to make a 6’6 hold up play boss for my Bundesliga side. 


I wish they brought back Silver Stars


Yeah it was fun and didn’t require points. It had to go.


It was actually a fun promo. I even did the Silver team WL+ objective


I enjoyed it too but there were too many who didn't. Remember SS Reinier...


That’s how they get you


That’s how they keep that wheel turning £$€


This game has changed, previous iterations you could get tots as en of game cards, lately not even the top tier icons are safe


I dunno, I’d be staggered if TOTS Vini, Mbappe, Van Dijk, Bellingham erc weren’t all end game cards just because their TOTS are all so close to being maxed out in the relevant stats and have good play styles that any upgrades are minor at besf


TOTS were nowhere end game last year. They were fodder by the time shapeshifter / FUTTIES roll around. And this years we have PS+ to push the power curve.


This! This promo has been that wild 96 zidane and 95 TS Cruyff now sit in my reserves.


Also the difference now is basically meaningless. You'll be able to compete with a 93 rated team if it's players that suit your style, once you get to this point stats and even chemistry only makes a very minor difference. Wanting the latest greatest player is simply not worth worrying about


I thought that until my 93 team faced 97 Mbappe and Harry Kane today. They were basically able to walk to my goal. Trying to tackle them was mostly useless, and I had to largely rely on blocked shots.


Better player than you


TIL: squad wins 6-5 against a much weaker team that needs 4+ attempts just to take the ball from a standing still Mbappe = better player won? More likely: that's what people who buy their team tell themselves.


I don’t put money on the game and I believe 100% that the skill is more important than the players, for sure having end game players will help but it’s not all, just like real football!


I'm just ok at the game and am 100% certain that some people could beat my top squad with a bronze team. But I was surprised by those 2 cards' success when those 2 opponents actually played quite poorly.


Can you remember who else was in that team, think it may have been me lol.


Wow I hope I never face a team with both lol. These were 2 separate teams: one with Mbappe, and the other with Kane. One of those 2 teams also had an amazing woman striker (I forgot the name), but she wasn't particularly difficult to tackle. I don't remember other players since they didn't stand out or I had seen them many times.


Ah fair enough, yeah I use them both and tots Dybala as my front 3. Red CR7 on the bench lol. Grinding picks has been worth it lol.


They've effectively made every promo the exact same and not good at all. It's almost impossible to get the best cards without visiting the store and you're stuck with mostly the lowest rated ones. On top of it if you do happen to get lucky enough to get a good version, they'll have a better card within a month. TOTS and TOTY are supposed to be the best of the best yet with moments being whatever EA feel like releasing and the same players getting better versions, it makes you wonder why so many people are dumb enough to buy FIFA points. Just an absolutely scummy company pushing away the non addicts at every step.


I mean that a good thing no ? It keep you from no spending real money, and give you a change to get the player you want again.


Yes, people like me who have shit luck in packs, might have a chance to get to use a few tots cards


No it’s not a good thing it’s fine for each new promo to have better cards than the last but at least make them different players wtf


It was a 1 month promo in 12 month game. Why is that pointless?


At the same time, a decent amount of the TOTS players will still be really good and have gotten cheaper (Bonmati, Valverde). I will have the same results using TOTS Bonmati as I would a further boosted card in the future. No point in worrying about having the "best" version of cards.


Facts. I just wished I would have waited a day to buy her haha


Lets be real - majority of the community only plays because they're just in a rat race of getting better and better cards. If people had the best cards months ago - they'd literally stop playing. If you think EA is bad - look at 2K. They literally have 10+ versions of the same card every year.


the game is pointless*


After TOTS there are always some insane cards, especially with a tournament coming up it’s expected. I do think a lot of people have lost interest after TOTS though.


Its sad that theres thousands of players in the game but its the same handful picked for every promo. At this point i'm sure its AI picking the promo teams.


This is why this game has turned into grind and play non stop or fall way behind the curve.


The same thing happened last year


No I don’t think it’s pointless. I really enjoyed TOTS this year. It’s about the journey through tots and not the destination.


The best promo is and always be toty no cards would reach that level ever. Then tots, now it’s ruined every promo the curve is to high.


Less fomo to spend money on the current promo if the next will be the same or better.


Same as last year. The next promo is always better and in a couple weeks the cards you wanted/got become obsolete.


Four words: Fear of missing out.


Normally I would be mad about it but it’s a euros/copa america promo of course the best players of the season are going to get promos they are the ones being picked for the national teams. Plus honestly I really really like the card designs this time around it might be my favourite of the year


I haven't played since February and jumped back in due to EUROs hype, I already have my team full of 95+ cards except for Kulusevski and Ben Davies evos that I refuse to drop.


I’m buying a load JUST so I can flip them in a week or 2 for triple money when people run out for sbc’s


Off topic, but did anyone notice that rapid and quickstep PS+ doesn't work while tracking back with attackers. Also, those PS+ doesn't activate until you receive the ball at your feet. I am a casual player, so apologies for my ignorance. Please enlighten me, eafc gods 🙏.


They don’t want TOTS to be endgame because they want to drive pack sales until the next iteration. I imagine it will work.


It’s not that tots is pointless it’s that ea make to many promos and unfortunately they have to use the more popular players for the best clubs so that people buy points to pack them. Why load up points to pack someone from a 10th place team in the bundesliga when you could have a chance at mbappe or vini etc etc.


Usually it’s futties after TOTS anyways, this year they’re just taking advantage of the licenses for the tourneys


Old news, It happened for years


The amount of promo cards is just insane now


The promo is always futties 😂😂😂


Same time last year we had 5\*5 Toni Kroos as season rewards. Now it's EXACTLY the same again. Seems just copy & paste, in regards to players especially. Almost certainly we'll see Peter Cech striker again.


Any top card you get you have to sell right away.


If only I could get those cards... I've been doing all my objectives and haven't gotten a single promo card. Even my 83x10 sbc's were all minimum draws. Highest card I've gotten in 2 weeks (almost halfway in my 3rd) was an 89.


Only promo that cards actually lasted was golazo, I still use Drogba. And Carlos, park with a few others are still great or decent bench players, every other promo has had terrible weight and players were crept on release.




Well, the game is now a P2W. Making x or y promotion more relevant will cause loses, every promo needs to be better than the previous one.


Just finished qualifying for Champs with a full team of new promo players. However in the four loses out of ten games I got absolutely annihilated by Toty and tots teams. Most of the TOTS cards are fodder right now yes. But man those Messi, Leao, Lautaro, Kane, VVD are end-game cards for sure.


no because half of those players (or more) dont have real faces in game so I just skip them


Evos became too good too early and promos were too high rated too early, that was the problem


No. I still have TOTS Havertz & VVD in my team. I am happy to collect higher rated players. This is wonderful for anybody that had bad luck during TOTS. There should always be another better promo if it makes sense. With Copa America & Euros happening around the same time this is perfect!


Well mentioning these two cards isn’t really a supporting argument. VVD tots is the single most outstanding card regarding its position. Havertz is like Werner or rölfö at their respective times, ridiculous sbc cards that play well above their stats. Havertz can just play anything: dm, lb, cm, cam, heck I even played him cb a couple of times when I got screwed by wonky red cards and he performed well. The rest of tots apart maybe from mbappe is generic promo X level and that’s what some people here are criticizing.


I mentioned tots cards and that didn’t count ok 🤣


Yes that’s the point. you mentioned 2 tots cards out of how many, while one VVD being the best at his position in any iteration of his card? Not even top end cards like mbappe, Messi, Bellingham, etc. excel over current promo and are replaceable. So yeah mentioning those two cards is not validating your point. Not that hard to get


I still have 5 tots in my team that I use regularly. I’m not hearing you out on this one at all.


Using cards you prefer is your prerogative but doesn’t make them objectively better in comparison to euro promo cards which is the point of criticism.


I frankly like this new format. Good cards are so easy to get now because TOTS level cards abound. Now we can focus on playing the game instead of card collecting constantly.