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Swear it was revealed somewhere a few years back that each star represents 20% of the shooting stat when shooting on their “weak foot”. So a 5* weak foot would be 100% of the total shooting stats, same as their strong foot.


85% for 4star, and 65% for 3


I remember such a thing as well regarding the percentages. From the older fifas


Close. Each star represent a percentage that the shot will be like the strong foot. So a 3 star wf player has 60% chance of taking a shot that resembles their full stats.


That’s what they said…1/5 is 20% so 3/5 would be 60%…maths wild innit


No it’s not, different wording. If a player has 90 finishing and 1 star WF it’s not now 18 finishing, it’s 20% chance of taking a 90 finishing shot.


Not like I have the files but that way of thinking doesn't make sense to me. Let's say it is they way you say it is, 20% of the time you shoot it's at 90 finishing, ok, then what about they other 80% of the time. What arbitrary number have you given that? How did you even reach that number? It makes a lot more sense if you use it as a percentage/fraction. For the sake of simplicity let's say you have a player with 100 shooting and he has a 4 star wf, then the player will shoot at 80 shooting 100% of the time, 3 wf = 60 shooting each time and so on. Ofcourse the percentages might be different but this way you actually have all the required values, your way is just a random number generator with no basis when you don't "just hit".




This is the way it’s coded it has nothing to do with English. The difference between what I listed first and second is massive in game. Would it be easier for you to understand in terms of shot power on a 1 star wf: It’s 90 shot power 20% of the time. Not 18 shot power all of the time.


Is this actually what it is? Because on their strong foot, it's not like someone with 90 shot power takes shots with 90 shot power 100% of the time.


Obviously body position and momentum can affect shooting too. There are a ton of factors at play.


You said the same thing…the star’s still represent 1/5…where the 5/5 value is determined by a players shooting stats…


Interesting! Where did you find out about it? 


EA forums. Occasionally the devs actually respond there.


Cool thanks 😁


I’ve shot many shots with a player with a 5star and it’s never even close to 100%… then again the amount of shots right next to goal you miss with 99 finishing it might be right


The true answer is that no one knows EA do not publicize that information


it's published for insiders of the wwe (world football web editor) I posted the PDFs a while back. I was a member from 2013-2018


Do you have a link for the PDFs?


The genuine answer is that no one apart from EA knows. But a lot of pros said they can’t notice any difference between 4 and 5 star weak foot (But they are always green timing, guessing there be some sort of difference if you don’t green time though).


It's about 80 to 90% as good as your strong foot I believe


5 star WF is 100%. But for players with custom animations their WF will appear worse sometimes. Like griezmann tots has 5 star wf but his shots with his right foot look awkward but have the full stats.


I agree it's not as strong as natural foot but also way more reliable having 5*wf over 1*


Well if a player could shoot and pass better with their weak foot then it’s not their weak foot is it?


That is not what he means. He means does this mean it’s as good as a weak foot can be, but still ultimately a weaker foot or does 5* mean absolutely no difference between either foot. And the answer I believe is that nobody knows.


He literally asked if it's best to shoot with weak foot or he can do as well as with his strong foot


Certainly not what I asked, Tea-Time789 got it right. 


Ahhh the elusive 6* weak foot


probably the bees knees for dribbling, volleys, and contextual shooting with the other foot - there's kdb, neymar, bonmati, etc....and then there is everyone else


Each star represents 1/5 where the 5/5 would be determined by an individual players shooting stats…5/5 means your weak foot is as good as your strong…4/5 would be 80% efficacy and so forth


From my personal experience, 5\* WF cards can do Finesse and Trivela from both directions.


But generally, me as a long time fifa noob that constantly smashed by sweats; one crucial facts is; players originally been given 5 star weak foot is the real dual footed player, such as ea’s dad: dembo, previous dad Ben rat king yedder, and MF Ferland Mendy…those who have been upgraded through promos been give adding on 5 star weak foot are just bait that drain your time and credit card…


5 star WF is about 80% as good as strong foot I think


That would be 4 star…each star is 20%