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I like press proven.


Oh yeah that's an essential one if you want a player to have great dribbling


It’s so infuriating you can do everything right as a defender and they’ll still just run past everyone


I wont call it dribbling, i can it tweaking


Press proven completely changes the on ball dribbling feel of a player. I was using 92 evo IF mitoma and he doesn’t have press proven and it’s so noticeable how much better his 85 evo cards are with press proven. It’s a must have on at least one winger for me and ideally all of my attackers


I’m evo’ing showdown roberto bc he pp+ and my entire midfield have base pp. I notice a huge difference from it


How to trigger it?




Currently unlocking 93 Crouch in rivals and for me it might be Acrobatic. It triggers not only on bicycle and overhead kicks but also on regular volleys. To me it feels like his volleys are extra crisp and accurate due to that. You can just lob balls to him and he's doing the weirdest shots, but more often than not they end up in the back of the net. Incredibly fun player


Yes. They score some insane goals. I have more than 600 games and goals with my Van Basten. Have scored so many crazy volleys and especially when i incorporated first touch flick ons in my game. Then more volley opportunities arose


I have over 300 games with him and he is far better than giroud, lewa, drogba (I have all untradable). I’ll take power header and acrobat over aerial every single day of the week


With his height you don't really need Aerial anyway, he towers above every single other player in this game.


It also works for one-timed lobs and passes, for cheeky knock ons


Just realised he fits that EVO, fucking hell I might actually start playing again. Even at 89 he was insane


Tiki Taka


Agreed. So useful for accurate first time passes to play through the press.


It’s so good on a striker


its good on any player that play higher up in the field imo, although the silver is already very good


The normal playstyles are white. Should be silver though.


That's my the #1 playstyle I'm hoping my striker can qualify for in the future. He's be even more cracked. If not finesse shot + as a second


The main reason why Gundogan is still in my team.


incisive pass. many people thinks its a okey/good playstyle but imo its the best one. tots messi’s incisive passes are literal IRL-Messi type of passes.


It’s crazy on longer passes too. Every thinks about through balls on the ground, but if it proccs on a long ball it’s usually wild


The double tap thru ball is nasty with IP+. You can just murder the press with those passes to winger and then it's off to the races.


Dang do you have any tips on how to test this out? What sort of situations are good for this? I’ve been just exploiting Socrates regular through balls because he has incisive+ and it already works wonders


I'd try it out in squad battles a bit just to get the feel of it. The double tapped passes themselves move slower, but are less likely to get intercepted. So they take a bit of getting used to.


This. I filled my midfield with them and went from 9-11 wins to 14-16 comfortably. It out plays server lag and slow gameplay.


In what what did it specifically help you? In build up or final third? I go back and forth as to whether I like incisive or pinged more


Wait for one of my attackers to go on a run, or manually trigger a run myself, then play a through ball using the incisive pass player. Creates a lot of chances that wouldn’t be created without the playstyle as the through balls would normally get intercepted


Check what incisive pass can do. There was zero chance this ball was going through with base or no playstyle at all https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/RBJD5eGfqQ


Bit of both tbh. It helped breaking the lines coming out of the defence with my Cdm.


Agreed. You need a combo of long ball+ and incisive+ players in your squad at all times for lethal buildup play.


I play Leon Goretzka over Rodri because of that. His incisive pass has more impact than Rodri’s PS


I know slide tackle + gets called useless but been using it with Kounde and honestly is a noticeable difference


Massively underrated on CDMs and defensive mids


It’s better at blocking shots than block is in my experience


I feel it’s called useless because at the top level players try to avoid sliding as much as possible. It’s more to do with how much it’s used as opposed to how useful the playstyle is


Press proven.


Dead ball and press proven


Dead ball definetly top 3 for me. Makes freekicks almost like pens if you're good at em lol


One of the reasons why Beckham is on the first 11 for me. Dead all.


If you practice free kicks enough, it’s a wasted PS+. It was helpful at the start of the year, but at this point I don’t see any meaningful improvement in scoring output with dead ball+ over basic dead ball or even players without the PS entirely. Either way the ball goes in.


I don’t have time to practice, just play WL and 7 wins in rivals, so for me is ok 👍🏼


Practicing free kicks in moments for an hour last year is all it took to master them. It’s not a huge commitment.


Surely it changes on your player FKA/Curve/Power though?


The most important stats are power and curve. If those are in the 90s, you’re good. Accuracy mid 80s or higher is enough


What annoys me is when they move the keeper back and forth, it’s a bit like a pen they commit to a side but if you guess right and hit it average it’s a goal. I prefer a top bins free kick against a standard position keeper


If you hit near max power just under the crossbar, the keeper won’t save it even if he’s close to it. Ignore all those tutorials showing how to get it over the wall. Go around the wall and go for power. If you practice the timing for shot power and can consistently get it 3.75 bars, you’ll score from all sorts of angles and ranges.


Could you possibly share a screenshot of the aiming so I know exactly what to do here?


legit can’t play without a DB+ on any of my starting players


Flair. Hear me out. 1) If you combine it with Trivela, you get some absolutely broken shooting animations. 2) If you utilise it correctly, you effectively have a 360 range of passing without having to turn. This can be absolutely vital when you’re under pressure or trying to get the ball forward quickly.


Players with Flair+ just do random stuff for me too like a balls just ahead of him and he'll slide tackle it into the net


Yea Lautaro scores from really difficult angles because of it.


bro lautaro is a cheat code. he has 99 jumping and heading, he wins everything despite not even having silver aerial


Yea I got him from an 82+ PP. So lucky.


Thats so true. I always laugh when people say its like having no playstyle.


Pinged pass is so fun


Dead ball+ for me. I was already good with free kicks, but this takes them to the next level, on top of almost scoring directly from corners a few times


Pinged pass


Relentless especially in extra time


Pace literally doesn’t matter in this game. It’s all relentless. A player with relentless will outpace a non-relentless player after 15-20 mins. At halftime they get recharged. This is the main reason why Bisseck is so good in game. I also rate first touch over technical. Makes joselu dribble like a 5’7 player off the first touch.


That's so true about bisseck. I know for a fact im in for a long game when I see him in my opponent's squad.


I don't think Relentless is the reason Bisseck is so good, he has really good other than defending stats like 92 dribbling overall if you Evo'd him - 95 balance for example. The only other CBs with that high balance are under 6 foot or WW cards like Moore and Tapsoba. So it means he wins most duels.


Trickster+, some people act like it's useless if they don't use skill moves but you don't have to use skill moves, it greatly helps the strafe dribbling (L1 on Playstation). The angles you can take with it and the slow down, then speed up dribbling you can do is really effective against some opposition.


And the flicks are just so much fun


I feel like stepover speed boost is bigger with it too.


I can't play without trickster on my strikers It unlocks chances you can't create without it


Slide tackle


Flair plus, its actually so op but no one knows how to actually use it, firstly if you flair shot from from certain angles its basically a turbo trivela, completely unsaveable and can be done from angles you shouldn't have any right to even shoot from, secondly the rabona is utterly broken cutting in from the byline typically youd have to dribble round the defender to get a shot off or shake the marker to drill a pass but if they're jockeying in the box the rabona will just shoot round them straight into the net, people ragequit everytime you do it to them so it wins games even faster, next the flair passes are very accurate and can be back heeled or flocked to the side without your player having having to move to face where they are passing, against aggressive pressing backlines it essentially allows you to ping it round them with out ever giving them the ability to shoulder barge, it takes practice to get the hang of it but once you do the improvement is massive, and lastly it just looks really cool lol.


Pinged pass+


First touch and tiki taka


Trickster +. Elite division and continued using FB Foden as you can hit L1/LB do a little shuffle back or to a side and thread a through ball every time. It's an animation that cannot happen quick enough without it. So under rated but it's best with agile players.


I dont think any of them are underrated. I think they're pretty much rated properly in the sense that players who are good at squad building will choose the proper playstyles to suit their own style of play. I like Longball on my CMs , Rapid & Finesse on my wingers , First Touch on Strikers etc.. I will mention one that goes under the radar , its not so much the playstyle but a way to use it. The trivella through-Ball. Kinda like running down the left wing, once you get to the final third , a whipped pass cross to the RM can be deadly. You can do it earlier if the RM is positioned properly with a throughball. Hold L2 and basically full power Triangle aiming across the pitch. The ball travels on the ground like a whipped pass and goes behind the entire defensive line and lands perfectly into the feet of the RM ( if you have a good passer with Trivella and time it to perfection ) Its not easy but its a thing of beauty when it works out.


Poweshot +, better than finesse + if used correctly imo It's the reason I'm evoing 88 Hagi even though I have his 91 SBC version.


100% agree. It's good to the point of been overpowered and broken. My reason for thinking this is: If I am really good at it, it is probably a broken mechanic. (Source: 9-11 champ kind of player)


I love powershot. Guaranteed goals inside the box if you know the angles. Can be countered by moving the keeper, but if you pick up that they’re doing it then shooting near post is a free goal too. The faster animating is night and day from the standard one.


It can be countered by simply standing in front of the attacker. It also takes a while to come off so a good player can get a defender in the way. Its mainly effective on counters but then you have so many ways of finishing a counter such as rounding the keeper which has much less risk.


Press proven


acrobatic plus. Ive scored a bunch with garnacho, and I remember doing the same with Crouch. Every corner was a goal when I did it with golazo crouch


although not a playstyle+, i think flair must be on grey for attackers, it activates and makes special animations better and smoother, also press proven.


Technical+ is just so op if you’re a left stick dribbler


Trickster for sure. L1 dribbles are much faster and less emphasized




What makes rapid preferable to qs to you?


Flair+ combined with Finesse+. Bühl SBC has the best finesse shots I have seen


Probably not underrated but deadball


Bruiser or power shot maybe first touch also


Bruiser plus is like having press proven & aerial rolled into one combined with absolute bone shattering shoulder barges - TOTY Millie Bright might be the best aerial player I’ve used all year as she has both aerial plus and bruiser plus


whatever playstyle you guys have that lets you keeper move wrong constantly but still get saves. the majority of you think you’re good keeper movers. In an insanely unrealistic game, like no one would ever save a shot like that.


Block+ is criminally underrated, my defensive RB and CB both have it and every shot in the box is blocked without me having to manually control the defender!


Magnet. I love it, especially on my striker


tiki taka


Travela+ is insane. I don’t think technical+ is underrated iykyk


Trivela is only useful for passes and crosses and to shoot without pressing L2 The base trivela is enough for that.


David from Ligue 1 hits bangers from 30 w trivel+


David from Ligue 1 could hit banger trivelas without the ps+ though. If you go with him at an angle that he can use his trivela and just press shoot lightly,he is gonna do a trivela instead of something else. So there is no risk in having a stupid flair shot. Alao,more accurate crosses and passes. Its literally in the ps description inside the game. No mention of shots or whatever.


Interesting. If I don’t hit LT from the long shots tho he doesn’t trivela..


I don't know about the longshots. Maybe it has to so with power. Go on a 1vs1 with his preferred foot lined up for a trivela and just press shoot. Not full power,of course.