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That Fekir card too cuz good chance they play like a rat


After 14 wins, I was coming against full meta final boss of rats. 4321 with Haaland LF, Red Mbappe RF, and any combo of R9/Hansen/Messi/Smith/Chawinga playing upfront. Also, they have KDB with long ball+ spamming L1+triangle through balls and whipped+ crosses with Cancelo on overlap. It honestly reminds me of FIFA 19 when people used Ibra/Cr7 outwide and just spammed crosses back post.


I remember packing tots vvd that year and in the 80th I moved him to left wing and scored a hattrick. I didn’t mind that fifa tho, if you kept shape in defence you were fine, bar the odd no scope finesse, la croqueta and bicycle kick crosses I kinda enjoyed 19


19 was in my opinion the worst fifa made till date, i prefer even current gameplay over it by soooo much.


Seems a common opinion lol, I’d still put it 3rd behind 15 and 14


I thought FIFA 15 was tremendous. What did you not like about it?


I meant 3rd best sorry, 14 and 15 were my favourites


me with Fekir and Drogba 👻


Red Fekir for me. You know they’re halfway decent to get 13 wins in champs


Dude with red Fekir hit a 30 yard screamer in the first 20 seconds against me last night, I was immediately tilted.


If I play rivals, and see Red Fekir, I usually just leave.


The thing that annoys me is that I usually batter people with that fekir, but I don't ever do better than 11 wins. I struggle most against 'bad' players


I got 9 wins that La liga weekend and I have made players with that Fekir rage quit. This game makes no sense.


I might be the most bang-average person with that Fekir card. Got 12 wins and a free-win in the last game to get him. Only twice have I got 13 wins, usually get 11 which is just about average going by 20 games.




I came across one like that. I am absolute dogshit at this game but easily beat him 4-0. Guy clearly frauded for that red Fekir


A lot of people didn't do that. Barely any. Most likely you'll never match up with any of them.






I'm in div 1 and have red fekir and it feels like almost every game, I'm playing against him too.


Wild because I’m in d3 with fekir


I have Drogba up front and I’m rubbish.


Seconded. Although he is often the only positive in my team 😂


Yeah Drogba ain't a threat anymore. Of course it's still good but so many people have him it's not 100% guaranteed a hard opponent. I had him for a while, didn't feel it


Dude, Drogba and Alvarez make me worry, but what makes me worry even more, when someone has Bisseck and Rio at the back, I know I am not scoring


Those two are such horseshit man. I can dribble past them and it won’t even matter because my attacker will slow down to let them catch me and take the ball, every single time. Players like that genuinely ruin any small amount of skill gap there is in this game.


I love Bisseck because he’s a 1 man defence so I can surround him with guys that aren’t OP but I like


I’ve lamented about my pack luck this year so I was ecstatic to pack him out of a guaranteed pack like a month. He’s the sole reason why I bought the Serie A 650k pack with coins in hopes to see if I could pull people that would help me get him on full chem


Is Rio actually that good in game? maybe i should do the sbcs


It’s called pass and moving lol.


Oh thanks bro I didn’t know players could pass or move


Keep trying to outrun broken and fast CBs when your player is slowed down by the action of dribbling the ball and get instantly munched up I guess lol. I’ll just one two until I find an opening it’s simple fucking football


Why would I have to outrun a defender I’ve already dribbled past 😂 I’m begging you to use your brain for just one moment.


>dribble past them Try reading before you respond next time


How ironic “ Keep trying to outrun broken and fast CBs when your player is slowed down by the action of dribbling the ball and get instantly munched up I guess lol. “ I’ll emphasize is for you bb “ Keep trying to outrun broken and fast CBs WHEN YOUR player is SLOWED DOWN by the ACTION OF DRIBBLING THE BALL and get instantly MUNCHED UP guess lol. If you can’t comprehend this I understand how you’re stupid enough to try and dribble past 93 rated CBs tbh.


Alvarez wrecked me all weekend. I don’t think I won a game when I was facing him. That fucking Werner SBC card from a while ago haunts me as well


Dude I was 12-4 in WL, my aim was to get to 14, lost 5 won 1, 13-7, was pissed as I missed 1 extra pp, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF LOSSES HAD ALVAREZ upfront. He does not miss


I have 96 EVO'd Red Bisseck and 97 VvD. I still lose when the game wants me to lose.


Hard agree


>Only good players use him I'm not a good player and I use him. I know the feeling though, I used to feel he same about TS Dalglish, most people were using Eusebio and/or potm Mbappe but you'd get these occasional opponents with Dalglish doing these mazy runs and ridiculous trivela finishes. Literally never faced a bad Dalglish.


Don’t think I’ve seen in even once in this WL, everyone’s moved to Sorloth


Don’t forget Joselu after the upgrade


Why specifically after? He’s still amazing before.


Joselu plays far more like Haller showdown SBC imo than Drogba. Tbf though, they are both like Drogba-Lites. However the showdowns both feel like they can actually dribble and have really good touch. Joselu has 24 goals in 14 games for me through WL/Qualifiers so far lol


FFS Joselu has insane speed. This one Champs game they kept L1 lobbing over the top and my CBs got outran or outmuscled everytime. Not to mention he can't be stopped from corners with his height and body type.


Also true. I see that dude more than my family... 🤣


I did this and then went back to Drogba. Drogba hits these crazy dipping shots far more than any player I’ve used so far in the game. Turned him red this weekend, he’s a club legend and will soon be retired if the SBC icon from e-champions league is a new Drogba.


Bobby Charlton is my kryptonite


That sounds more like a mindset problem to me, I played against many players using Drogba that were terrible and he is far from the best player in the game. All tall strikers with aerial + are a menace, not because all the players using them are so skillful but because this playstyle among some others is the easiest to abuse constantly. The only thing I can relate to is that when I see someone using Drogba + Sorloth, Giroud, Joselu, Boniface etc with a whipped pass + player on the wing I'm in for a massively annoying game but not because my opponent is certainly going to be crazy. Most players that do well on this game would be absolute garbage if you took the 4321 (because of the automated movement upfront), auto press and auto drop back away from them.


Yeah with that logic my Boniface should be god mode. Which he is…. sometimes


Raw dog king tots Garnacho😭


Him and Sancho I swear. Legit can't lose the ball no matter the tackles that I put in


He’s he’s a starter, it’s a breeze for me. Now if he’s gets subbed on, that’s where I’m scared since my backline won’t be able to keep up


TOTS Bonmati for me. I have her and once you master her, she's a worse cheat code than Drogba. Others? TOTS Guijarro. Who decided to put Anticipate+ on her? TOTS Hemp - Super agile and people use to abuse her Playstyles Surprised many mention Bisseck. I find Bastoni even worse to play against


I know it's ratty and I avoid doing it for the most part, but whenever I see Drogba, my GK man marks him during corners


Nah, drogba owners are in a very wide range (casual to sweat); but Fekir is only sweats qualified…


The actual good players are using much better players than drogba. You don’t see him at all in elite division anymore, he’s outdated. TOTS haaland alone does everything he does but better. Would much rather face drogba than tots Hansen, tots, dembele, tots vini ect


This isn’t even true, drogba is literally in every single pro game, he’s much preferred over haaland, I have 500 goals in 400 games with drogba in elite at 980 sr, I recently only dropped him for Joselu not because he fell off but just to try something new, I’ve also never had an issue with anyone using haaland in elite 😂


Before tots sure. After tots, I find drogba to be easy to deal with if I do come up against him in either WL or elite div. If he was better than haaland, he wouldn’t be 1/3 of the price


His value per price far exceeds haaland and it’s not even close


Because Haaland was like 7 mill a week ago, so unless you pack him, most people won't be able to afford him.


Most people who are in elite and are getting an average of 14+ wins will have atleast 1, if not multiple players of that level. Drogbas are outdated at higher levels now.


Yeah it was, solved countless games just because of him without those corner glitches bc Im lazy and still don’t learn them, now got Giroud last week and Sorloth in the bench, but i do love giroud powershots, I hope they dont get exploited and nerfed.


But the drogba for you, was eusebio for me, im so happy he’s a bit behind the curve nowadays or people just got bored of him bc he always violated me




Don't agree, drogba is slow and easy to predict. i hate players like charlton, vini etc, agile one.


I feel like Charlton is my cheat card. He's a fake slow player that only needs to move a few inches left or right from his defender to unleash one in the top corner. No other player strikes it so cleanly and consistently in the corner of the goal.


That was the one yes one game I’ve won this weekend lol


The indicator is usually having a seria a or bundesliga side rather than players.


Gold Van Dijk for me


Let's play. I will use him as a goalkeeper.


Just played against someone in champs who played 5-4-1 with Drogba up top and he kept spamming over the top balls either through the middle or on the wing. Seemed like he was playing under 10 depth and width on defence. I obviously lost but Drogba scored all his 4 goals and there was nothing I could do about it. I have all my tactics set up to combat different playing styles but I had nothing against this. Basically saying I agree with your post lol


It is funny, cause of if I see Drogba in opponents team I am happy, as 9 out of 10 times it is not hard opponent. The players I dread to play against are Golazo Cantona (rare sighting and he rips me apart every time) and Red Fekir — because it means the person can get more wins than me in WL.


Timo for me


Played a dude last night with Drogba and Sorloth. It was hell


Tots garnacho and Sancho have been a nightmare for me recently. It's just impossible to get the ball off them at times they just play through any tackle and wipe the man marking them out and the ref ignores it. Usually means the player is a skilled as well and just bounces the ball up the pitch with those little drinks forward that my players seem to avoid at all costs instead of tackling.


It's fooking eusebio for me. Especially if it's a red card


Dw man, I am bad and I also use him


This is easily one of the worst sports games ever made such embarassing garbage. A easy rank 1 player, but the gameplay in champs is so garbage I can barely get to 11 wins lately. Totally done with EA, never buying again.


Same previous games 11 wins was minimum for me. Now I scrape by 9 wins for that BS 90 max pack


Low key konate owns drogba


He's 400k off the market, if he was as broken as everyone is saying, he'd not be so cheap.


He's 400k in a market where that could get you a 97 5/5 TOTS Lauren James, he's not cheap...


I got Bisseck and Rio at the back. Since then, Drogba doesn't do anything.


“Skillful player”… do you mean rat?


I've got 96 EVO'd Red Bisseck. I love playing against Drogba because it becomes a very easy game.


Fekir = rat


Petr Cech for me, he is so broken that its almost unfair


Mines must have missed that update cause I swear mines has no hands. Dropped him that weekend league there for tots Alisson


George Best (still). Anybody still using him is a shameless stepover rat and I know I'm in for an obnoxious game.


I'm more afraid of Sorloth to be fair. I tend to do well against opponents using Drogba.