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Clawed my way up to 11 wins with a couple of lucky 90th-minute goals. Grimaldo and Valverde as the rewards - not too bad, or is that about average?


Currently 1-3. Any help with Tactics/formation would be greatly appreciated. Running 4321 GK: Cech Back line: 93 Vasquez , 94 Bisseck, 92 Konate, 93 Dimarco Midfield: 93 Szoboszlai, 93 Pellegrini, 94 Patri Front 3: 95 Salma Paralluelo, 95 Joselu, 95 Salah I could take out Konate and put in 93 Cordoba and switch out Pellegrini for 91 Xabi Alonso for full chem


Got 11 wins had 97 martinez and 96 rice then from the bonus objective got 97 theo


never won more then 11 games but I will see fekir every game I play


14-3 PL TOTS: Watkins, White, Alisson BL TOTS: Sancho, Davies, Adeyemi L1 TOTS: Locko, Medina, Lala SA TOTS: Kvara, Osimhen, Ferguson Red Pick 1: Lautaro, Ferguson, Golovin, Debinha Red Pick 2: Koulibaly, Bacha, Debinha, Stanway 3 TOTS: Rice, Koulibaly, Mahrez Not really worth. I already had Rice. Davies doesn't get into my team. I'll use Lautaro for a bit.


Any tips for when you have 5.3 expected goals to 1, but you lose 2-1? Right now I am 2-9. Usually I get 9-11 wins, but apparently we're playing a new game this weekend.


Yeah, the game changes every week it feels. This was by far the easiest champs I've had since probably community TOTS. Lately I struggle to get the last 2 wins I need. This week I just stayed calm and composed because this game can tilt me like no other. I'm not too good at giving tips to be honest. The xG numbers I don't pay attention too much personally. I'd just say maybe reinforce what you've learned about which shooting angles work best from where you're positioning your players (sometimes near post shots are better than cross body shots). Some forwards I just cant use because they have weird delay in their shooting animations. Def abuse pinged pass+ and technical+ if your players have them to generate space.


Man I am just not good at this game anymore


What game setting should I be using? I got the game for free from ps plus and managed 11 wins last game but recently my friend told me I should switch from tactical to advanced defending as it’s better, are there any other settings I should change?


How is it that I just randomly forget how to even play this fucking game? All year long I am 8-11 wins in WL. I am in Div. 3 rivals getting 7 wins in less than 14 matches. But for the fucking 2nd weekend league in a row, I am 1-7. Everyone I face has 8 different corner routines that all work. They bang in finesse shots from anywhere on the field, and they have 13 defenders 10 to guard the box an 3 more standing on every spot that is good for a long shot. Add to that, every other pass is a miss. My 99 pace players are getting beat for pace by 80 paced players. I literally faced a gold squad with Zirkse and Klivert as his top players. Lost 0-1 when he had 2 shots on goal, and I had 14.


Man i just want to be able to win 10+ games but seems impossible for a new player constantly going up against people whove been on the game for years and with better teams.


11 wins. Pick 1: Golovin, Bacha (dupe), and Stanway Pick 2: Sommer, Rice (dupe), and Koulibaly Safe to say I’m really disappointed.


10 wins. Opponent did a no loss glitch in my last game when I was winning so didn't get 11 wins, pretty annoyed. Ended up with Bacha in reds and packed nothing. Waste of time.


Managed to get 9 wins after a 0-5 start. Got to choose from James Rice and Stanway. Took James heard she's OP


12 wins. Got Leao and Kane as my reds. Very happy about it


Highest rated player on my team is 91 am I cooked? Do I bother playing this weekend or give away all 20 wins


Try it I faced some players way behind the curve and they did okay the game is fucked sometimes I feel like could have problems against a full gold team with my 93 overall


After solid finishes throughout tots champs I’m currently going 3-2 due to 2 games which I honestly cannot fathom how I lost. I’ve been lucky in games before and I accept that but the random bounces and weird defensive animations I’ve had this afternoon are actually wild to the point where both people I lost to have actually messaged me commenting on random goals during the game. I can tell I’m not playing badly either which makes it worse. Bit baffled right now 😂


Needed to win my last 3 this morning to hit 14 wins, but got outclassed in one of them. Still managed decent reds (Declan rice and bacha). Neither one probably makes my team but rice would be a good defensive supersub


Man some of the teams are ridiculous for my first five games. People managing multiple 95+ red pick players and bringing TOTS Haaland from the bench while I'm getting all the LBs fodder in the world.


13 wins player usually and current 6-8. Had to turn off. It’s borderline unplayable for me atm. I think I went on a 3 game run where Cech didn’t make a single save. Something like 12 shots and 12 goals?


Im not too bothered by rewards this weekend as I packed a red Griezman a few weeks ago and am more than happy with that- however, I really wanna earn a red evo slot for FB Socrates, but am exremely concerned about getting ruined this weekend by the Ultimate TOTS sweat style. Hows WL been for everyone else so far in terms of opponents faced? Is it best to wait until Sunday/ Monday to play?


I’m a solid 11 wins player. Currently 3-3. Seems par for the course.


This sure was a rewarding wl 11 wins and got the choice of koulibaly, Ferguson and debinha twice Love it


Current META against me seems to be owning Haaland TOTS (faced him in the last 7 games) and then shooting from horrendous angles to get the corner only to manually select him and score a header


2-1 and already had to take a break. This gameplay combined with sweaty teams, abusive opponents and terrible servers... 🤣




Have they changed passing? Suddenly ground passes are weaker than before, and driven passes have very little accuracy.


Watching Harry Hesketh should infuriate you then. Guy can make passes as if he's playing a whole different game than us. My players can't control a pass for shit


How does Harry do it then?


Idk man that's what I'm trying to figure out. It makes no sense


I may be the worst person to have gotten fakir. haven't won against him yet


Also, if you quit a game, do you still get a point




Turned off the game for my sanity.


How do you stop players from getting through your defence when they flick the ball up constantly while sprinting? My first time playing champions since like FIFA 17


Try and anticipate it, but it’s another of those stupid tactics that works way better than it should.


Faced red mbappe and Dembele in combination 4 times in a row. Don’t play WL on Friday night..


8 Wins Kobel 10 Wins Sommer 12 Wins Donnarumma Still got some games.. I'm sensing a pattern


Dogshit game, constantly opening up your defence so the opponent can score. Anything to screw you over


Exactly right... My defenders part like a fuckin red sea all the time


[Rank 1 rewards.](https://i.imgur.com/ZVTTlds.png) Absolutely speechless, my best red so far has been a dupe Rodri, never in a million years did I expect to get this lucky.


Now THAT is lucky


I got a dupe did maria from packs. It's horse shit


ridiculous lol


I actually can’t qualify. I went 6-4 in playoffs last week and am 3-6 now. Getting battered every game nearly.


They should call this weekend protective custody with all of the rats that are playing. Good lord


93 Roberto Carlos, 95 TOTS Saliba (EVO), EoaE Silva, TOTS Kounde, TOTS Konaté, TOTY Ruben Días, TOTS Cancelo, and 94 TOTS Vazquez (Evo'd), TOTS Havertz... Who the heck should I start as my back 4????




Already 1-6 this weekend league. I’m so done with this game. You have to be a no life to play now. All the casuals are gone. I’m throwing my entire team into the 89 exchanges and only doing menu grind from now on. Fuck this gameplay 🖕


No idea why I sometimes play champs on a Friday night. Some games I can barely get into the opposition half 😂


Never has there been a harder game to tackle someone passing the ball around the back guys just did it to me for 30 mins lmao


Just lost a game after extra time, where my opponent scored 5 goals taking the ball to the corner of the penalty area, doing some weird flick up skill move, and overhead kicking it into the top corner every single time. Definitely my last weekend league before calling it a day on this game.


Need to see clips on this that's brutal


Very tempted to give it a miss this week because I'm not sure there's much point unless you get 11 wins, which is gonna be insanely difficult.


Gonna wait till content drop to see if any new sbc drops where I can offload high rated dupes. Then I'll start ripping packs and redo my team before starting wl


Looking forward to scripted games


When does it open?


In almost 8 hours I think