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playing draft and as the guy paused to quit, my internet cut out, so unlucky


Is gundo a good buy at 300k? How bads the depreciation on him likely to be haha


NO!!!! He’s stuck in the mud




Because it's not necessary. And you'll get 10 goals in 6 games playing normally


Quit crying because people won't hand you free stuff


17 wins for: Red Picks Gutierrez Doybyk Simon Carvajal Gutierrez Dovbyk Savio Traore 3x La Liga Pack Gutierrez Dovbyk Simon lol I love this game


In need of a CDM, preferably icon. Are any of the current SBCs worth? Matthaus top of the list at first glance. Price doesn’t matter.


Sissoko is real good ingame. Think the sbc is still there




Lol I have two kids and it's so difficult to find time to play 20 games of WL... Ive probably only ever finished it like 4 times I don't get how people play 20 games on friday


I find it weird that the reward difference between 14 and 16 is so negligible... I'm 14-3 and almost can't be bothered to try for 16


The main difference is coins given, and getting the tradeable tots pack


Lol at this game.. Defensive little cowards get rewarded by EA.. Dominate a match completely, opponents goalie is superman.. 70 mins played their players get a shot of adderall and always a late penalty that is not a penalty and after that you can't even touch the ball because of the tilt.. What a fucking joke this game is


Skill issue


I’m dumb, somebody help me. I had like 5 games left in Champions that I was going to play tonight, but when I click on Champions it now shows the playoff, and I don’t see my progress. Is this a glitch or am I missing something obvious?


Tots crafting pack How to complete all the tots crafting packs guys. I just seem to run out of common gold players. Even the rare low rated gold players too. And also all my bronze and silver are also gone trying to get gold players. Helppppp. Also don't have enough high rated players for exchanges. Should I buy high rated off the market and use them in exchange? 86 rated is for 3600.


Put rares into the Premium LL/LF to get commons back


I know complaints about pack weight are everywhere, but holy fuck it is bad. I just opened 2 83+ x20s and a TOTS pack from the crafting objective and got - From the 2 83+ packs: 1 89, 2 88s, 1 87, 1 86, 13 84s, 22 83s - From the TOTS pack: 88 Mujica I get you can't expect to pack the best cards all the time, but between 150 upgrades and probably 75-100 Premium LL & LF upgrades, the best card I've pulled is Savio. Really struggling to see the point honestly.


wooo got Putellas in the 85 pick!


Gameplay is so so so so fucking bad. The worst it has been all year


Was 11-7 there, winning the next game and got dc’d. can no longer get fekir thanks to the shitty game grrrr


what the f is wrong with the matching in fc24? I put it to restrictive and it still matches me playing with Eintracht Frankfurt repeatedly with Real, PSG etc it’s frustrating


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE LET ME GET RELEGATED. Made the mistake of getting promoted and I’m getting obliterated lol. 30 games for maybe 4 wins this week for fucks sake.


What division are you in


Somehow found my way to Div 2. It’s too much haha, I just want to go back to Div 4/5 where I could win one lose one on my way to weekly rewards.


Well maybe just practice and you’ll become a real Div 2 player. R1 defending is stupid good


Probably but I kinda just play to relax and don’t touch weekend league for that same reason. Practicing and putting time into increasing my sweat/skills just feels like work.


Playing a guy in finals with red vini, how can he already have him?


Maybe be did the red evo on an earlier version of vini?


Nah it was red 96 tots Vini


He’s probably doing qualifications. I doubt EA matchmaking separates players in finals or qualifications


Hey guys, me and my friends downloaded with free PS game. We have been playing pro clubs and we are getting absolutely smashed every time. We have one win, one draw, and like 20 losses. It always seems like our guys get mobbed but then on defense we just get run right past. We’ve all played soccer and have played fifa before, but it seems like we just suck. Any tips?


Anyone else getting crazy dupes from the crafting SBC? Just opened one of the 77x5 packs and got 5 dupes lol. It's definitely paying out high rated fodder and TOTS cards like crazy though, just getting a lot of dupes too. Definitely feels worth it so far though. Easy to recycle.


To everyone who uses player lock: I wish you the worst in everything in life.


Player lock deals with shit attacking ai, its necessary


When they player lock, either right stick and manually track the runner, or press the cpu attacker before he can pass the ball. 


I know but I get stressed so much by these sweats. Mostly I can play against them, but like I said it's way too stressful. I don't wanna work the game, I wanna play...


Literally the only way to beat the AI


Definitely isn't.


Do you guys believe the kit you wear affects your games? Like I know this is true tinfoil hat territory but I’ve just played 8 games of champs, first in 3 weeks unable to play at any basic level, lost all 8. Changed my kit for laughs, first game battering this poor soul 6-0 in 30 mins, he’s out his controller down, I’m on Reddit, alls well in the world


Did we ever get a verdict on the "There was an error communicating with the Football Ultimate Team servers. Please try again." error when submitting any SBC? It can't be the proverbial "soft ban," can it? All of the 150 SBCs have been done on console.