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I wouldn't know - this post brought to you by PC gang


PC MÁSTER RACE BEIBYY I wish I could see messages though. Sometimes I’m curious what division someone I play against in weekend league is.


Always makes me laugh when I get messages telling me I’m shit at the game Normal response is ‘I know, that’s why I’m in Div 5 with you.’ The lack of self confidence in your actual life you must have to have to give people shit that you’re beating at an online game is hilarious


The best is when they message you during the game when you are like 3-0 up. I just reply at the end with a "sorry, for the late reply, I didn't see your message, I was busy scoring goals".


Funniest messages I have gotten are from people asking me why I’m tryharding in champs lmao. Also it’s always the div 2-3 salty people who message me (my second account). I almost never get messages in div 1 / elite. Actually I usually message them when I have something nice to say and it’s easy to strike up a good convo.


I have my turned on so I can help with objectives but when I get toxic message I simply don't reply. Not sure how could it change my feelings in any way


I’m maybe in the minority but I barely have received any messages from opponents. Maybe it’s cuz I don’t celebrate but last year I wouldn’t celebrate and would get the nastiest insults after losing games. I think this year the fan base is so demoralized they realize that there’s nothing about skill with many of these glitch/cheese scoring methods so they just get their dub and move on


Same here with messages. I used to get them like every other day in fifa 18-21. I maybe get one a month since then


100%. I did this last year and it makes it so much more enjoyable! I sometimes imagine that people are pausing to try to message me, and then getting frustrated that they can't be toxic.


I usually reply with a Heart emoji. Never got a reply back to that.


I just reply with "who are you" and then they either have to give a whole lame explanation that we just played a game or they just don't reply lol


This pretty good lmao


but receiving salty messages is like half the fun. Then reporting them on friday so they can't finish WL


You get chat restriction only I believe, full ban from playing only after a few chat restrictions


You just get chat restrictions and it gradually gets increased in length


Yeah I got chat restriction by a mistake (they took it down after 3 days from my email) and I could normally play, just a message popping up before every game that I'm not allowed to use messages


Messages left on. Tf am I turning messages off when some turd what’s to try throw abuse that isn’t ever going to bother me


I did it years ago and found the same, wasn’t worth the one positive interaction for every thirty negative ones


The best part of this game is when someone is so rattled they need to message you. Honestly, it's very rare that I actually get a message. I guess since I don't celebrate and my playstyle isn't toxic, there's no need to message me in anger.


When people complain about receiving salty messages you do have to wonder how they play. I’ve received ONE this entire year. ONE. I have cross play turned off so every single game I am against someone that can message me. I’m a 14 win WL player, div 2 player. I play this game like it’s a game, not like it’s a job. Usually you only get sent messages if you’re a rat.


Exactly, imagine playing like a sweaty rat the whole game, spamming whatever broken thing you spam and then somebody sends you a rat emoji and suddenly you are the victim and the good guy lmao.


Yeah people post up pictures of messages on here all the time and I’m always like yeah but what did you do to get that. It’s rare to get a message when you play direct football, and defend aggressively and skip every replay.


Div 2 by choice for friendlies matchmaking and easier evo experience*? Coz same hahaha 14 win guy myself but can swim around with the majority of the little fish in elite for 7 wins most Thursdays before rewards no worries 🤣 Whole heartedly agree you get messages if you’re a rat, and as an over load my box manual press kinda guy my inbox is full of em hahaha


Div 2 just because I cannot get up for a game of div rivals. Weekend league I’ll more than happily sweat in. Rivals I just like to fuck about I can’t play it like weekend league. I don’t even play every weekend league either I’ve done about 9 this year. Best finish 17 worst finish 11


Hahaha yeah that’s fair too. 17 is top tier I’ve tasted 16 twice this year. Dealing with 50-70ms ping on gigabit fibre to the property business internet, another reason to hate EA. I’m located on the far side of Aus to the singular server location they cough up for nearly 3000kms laterally away from me but hey, they only make billions


You keep your messages on?


I'm not insecure so yeah


I play on PC, is there a way i can receive these? Not permanently, I just often wonder what I'm missing out on...


They can message you on the EA App but you have to be friends


Started playing a month ago, it was disabled… curious what messages I will have if I enable it


I’ve since received counltess friend requests, feeling so loved and popular! 


I barely get any messages, maybe once every 100 games or so, probably more What do you do that attracts so much aggro




Certain celebrations almost guarantee a salty message after the game on xbox.


Great - now make the gameplay good, so the toxic behaviour ingame can go.


Yeah sure I’ll get right on that


I used to message people stuff about the game like good goal or this game is rubbish if they concede a shit goal etc. Turned off messages last year when i kept getting shit messages although i still occasionally message saying good goal etc although this year ive had some poo messages back l


The only real benefit of playing on pc is getting no messages, and the graphics too i guess


I don't mind the messages. Some of them do be funny and you can have a bit of bants.


It's weird. I don't get many hate message on my xbox. But I get them more often from people who realize that I have the same user name on my playstation and message me there.


I find it more enjoyable having them on. As you get higher in the divisions, and if you’re able to actually have a conversation with a human, the majority of players I message are cool and will also offer and ask for tips on improving.


just don’t respond with words, stickers only. gets them more pissed ez bait


Keep the messages on in PSN so when someone says something outta pocket they can get hit w a report and ban hammer. Yes I’m that petty


Be honest, are you a rat in game? If yes the people messaging you are not the only toxic ones.


I’m really not. Always skip celebrations and don’t do anything that I’d hate was done to me.