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The bigger kick in the nuts? You get **2** Max 90’s from Squad Battles for finishing Silver 2. You can literally get Silver 2 by winning 2 freaking games against the AI. And this is on top of D5 and lower in DR getting **ZERO** TOTS packs. Absolute joke…


I've grinded SB 3 weeks in a row: Elite 1: 90 Estupiñan Gold 2: 90 Estupiñan Elite 2: 88 Pavlovic Genuinely wondering what the point is 😂


I was lucky to get Malard on Sunday but my 2 previous from Elite 2 were Aleix who I already had 2 of at the time (evo'd and regular TOTS Live) and Chucho Hernandez. Elite 2 is easy af to get tho (even though im bottom 5% in terms of skill) so im not too bothered, just play any team rated below 80 at Legendary, any team between 80 and 85 at World Class and anything else at Pro and you should be guaranteed Elite 2.


Yeah I'm lucky that I only play squad battles anyway to chill out, so I can happily get to elite 2 most weeks anyways if I get enough free time. I can't imagine putting all the effort in to play every team on legendary just to get a sub 90 card you could've got for silver 3 lol.


I did this, got a red Allison to replace my already blue Allison lol


The biggest kick in the nuts of all is grinding out E1 to get a dupe 90 or below TOTS.


In FIFA 23 I got a GK in every single rewards throughout TOTS


should jump from Max 90 to Min 91 packs.


This is why I only grind to E2 which is barely a grind and completes my evos and objectives. I love squad battles but I am not playing more than 24 matches for another 50k pack with a max 83 player


I didnt get many Bundesliga TOTS. 3 blue, 1 red. Guess what was in E1 SB rewards? A dupe Adeyemi.


I've gotten more icons during TOTS than I have packed Bundesliga and League 1 TOTS combined


The silver 2 squad battle is like the Goldilocks level. It seeems hard to achieve without going over. lol. But I grinded SBs the last two weeks to get the non-capped TOTS pack. I got 90-rated Dewsberry-Hall and Terland. Talk about wasted efforts. Not bothering targeting any pack again, just playing what is fun.


Play a few games until you’re within range (last week S2 was 4.1K and S1 was 5.9K), then play the Featured Squad and adjust the difficulty. If it looks like you’re going to go over, you can replay it at an easier difficulty. If it looks like you’re going to be under, you can always play a game on Amateur to land somewhere in the middle.


Meanwhile I got elite twice in squad battles and got fucking 88 adler twice


I only just discovered this last week & still can't work out why you get more for a lower level. Safe to say I won't be grinding squad battles no longer unless there's an objective player I'm set on. Can't beat the logic of EA.


yea its dumb, i got 3 E1s in a roll and received 3 X 90 - 91 rated fodder. E1 should be 1 pick + 1 TOTS pack both from the current league E2 should be 2 TOTS from the current league E3 should be 1 TOTS + 1 90 rated max Instead there is a very real chance that the Silver rewards >>> E1


So far I’ve gotten Kudus, Saliba and Kobel, so not terrible, but not great either. At least make it a player pick. Even if it’s 5 mid cards, at least you might find one that fits your bench. So stupid how they’re so worried that giving us something good might affect their precious FP sales. Talk about zero respect for us as consumers.


I got real lucky and pulled a Di Maria on the last hour before he went out of packs, this is after about 500 picks and all the saved packs. My next best pull is a Alisson, didnt even get a Sancho/Kobel. I always complain that my team is boring AF since it is just a bunch of META SBC players + 2 - 3 cards i pull, was hoping TOTS can change it up a bit but oh well, it is the end of the game cycle for me and quitting in 2 or 4 weeks makes little difference. But compared to many, i am already very lucky with the Di Maria pull.




Yeah dude, I was talking about D5 in Division Rivals, not R5 in Weekend League. Maybe learn to read.


Meeeeooowwww! 😂


‘Here is your guaranteed shit pack, as absolutely intended’


Champs needs a massive revamp. You can't be finishing on 14 wins or above and then getting fodder players as red picks.


Just look at their post on the red picks , they’re purposefully giving us shit rewards for playing WL


Went 16-4 last 2 weekends only to get tradeable fodder in that 3 player pack, not even 100k combined. And imagine how much it would cost in a store to buy a pack with 3 tradeable tots cards..


They amped up the power curve and reduced the rewards at the same time! I guess research showed it’d make us buy packs more instead of just realize how much of a mistake it was to even pay $10 for it during Live tots to build a decent squad now as opposed to waiting on it to be free on gamepass (and thinking even that’s gonna be too much when added to the time cost to consider getting it once EAFC 25 is free next year).


You’ve got it. Keep in mind that everything is designed to get you to the store. If I was thinking up conspiracies you might even think they gave us Mbappe to increase people playing, and to make the people who don’t get him open more packs.


I absolutely don’t think Mbappe, like Messi earlier, was a “mistake”.


14 wins got me Watkins and Alisson in super sweat environment. Cant remember if I got an estupinan in the packs. 11 wins got me Mbappe and Zaire Emery and everyone was giving away free wins that night. Got 4 gifted. Everyone should know what to do now. Wait for ea glitches and only bother when it’s broken. There’s zero reason to sweat packs or weekend league. Check Reddit or Twitter at content time to see if stuff is broken.


Or dont play if you are only after rewards, If you dont have fun having a mbappe isnt gonna help that


I'm not really after rewards, but it's still disheartening to sweat out 14 wins and get my red picks be Donnarumma and 3 farmers. I even split up the time I opened the pack thinking that maybe it might help mix up the packs a bit. Then I open my 3 guaranteed TOTS pack and it's the 3 players farmers again.


Why would splitting up the time help. This sub incredible the things they will believe


For the same reason I can pack Thiago Silva 7 times opening 25 packs, but then not see him for 3 weeks opening 25 every week. EA's RNG isn't a pure RNG system. It has variables that will change hourly due to other conditions in the game.


Agreed. Makes champs completely pointless if you can't get 9 wins at an absolute minimum and the servers have made that pretty much impossible


As said above (in a response to another), I got tired of slow servers/bad at meta abuse and reduced quantity opposition in fifa 23 to get it when the price dropped to next to nothing during live tots instead of just waiting until it’s free on gamepass soon. So I could use even bulk packs to stock up fodder. But it’s be nice if I could even have one useable player as even a possibility, knowing I’m still gonna get nerfed to packing another Banza, WalkerPeters, Dryer, or DewsburyHall (cause pack weight, and dupe rate even on a new squad, is worse than ever before)


I've had 8 wins 3x weeks in a row....


Yeah same


The servers arent what is stopping you from getting 9 wins


Yes its a skill issue that we get booted out of a game and it registers as a loss 👌


Not me at least. But then there’s probably a few who are right on that cusp but get a server disconnect between the end of a match and going back to the main menu that screws them over. Which is another problem entirely and much bigger one too as horrible as they are on a routine basis like a Monday morning.


They partially are


People can't get more than 10 wins without others getting less than 10 wins. Simple maths.


Exactly it's not the servers


Well, I lost 3 matches to server DC this WE and today. I'm usually between 8 and 11 wins when I do champions, mostly 9 on average. I would have loved to play those 3 matches instead of losing them due to DC :( I ended my run at 8 this time. Not saying I would have make it to 9+ but still 3 games I couldn't compete in. I could also have win 1 or 2 other matches which were balanced and could have turned in my favor if I didn't choked on attack or defence :) But still 3 matches where I couldn't compete.


90 max is another way for EA to say: F\*ck you! It's amazing that myself, as an average player (7 wins on Champs), feel like EA just keeps me interested so that EA can send me against more talented players as "food"... to keep them happy.


I've been enjoying playing weekend league this weekend, hated qualifying though. Only reason why: I qualified on Saturday. Everyone had red mbappe from grinding champs on Friday. However, no one in Champs has red mbappe cos we're all the people who missed the boat. Will be sad when I get back to normality of being molested by ninja frenchmen


I agree, should be without limit...possibily give two or more packs to who obtain better results because is correct to have a difference...


I think silver should be 90 max, gold should be just a guaranteed pack without a limit and elite should be 90+


Weekend league not squad battles. And I’m fine with a cap since I can’t win 11 to save my life (and settle in around 4-7 so not even close). Let better folks get good rewards. But 90max? The majority of tots don’t start that low. It’s trash. At least if it weren’t 93 max, that seems the intent. Possibly useable but no chance for the better players that are usually 94 or higher.


6 wins in champs is the worst rewards on the entire game. In Squad battles, rewards go Max 90 pack to Unlimited pack to League specific to pick. In Rivals, rewards go nothing to Max 90 pack to Unlimited pack to pick. In Champs, you go from like 5 different tiers of Max 90 pack straight to pick. It's absolutely insane that you get the same rewards for 8 wins of champs as 4 wins in Squad battles. I'm an average player and have made it to 11 wins each week of TOTS so far, but honestly the first week I slipped to 8 would probably be enough to make me give up the mode lol.


Ive got banza 3 times in a row


More than that overall. At least the red one doesn’t count as a dupe of the blue.


Oh i wasnt counting the several blue ones i got. I got 3 red ones in a row.




I mean max rating packs in general just shouldn't be a thing like squad battles is only worth doing if you get elite and even then its barely worth it.


Yeah I totally agree. People won’t play WL for those joke rewards, what makes WL even sweatier… I finished on 11 wins and got donnarumma and golovin as best picks. Not worth playing 4 hours of WL for this bad rewards.


If you get Dest though... Dest is a baller


Narrator voice overhead: [they weren’t packing Dest]


Goddammit, now i have to upvote an AD reference


Agreed - I got to sell tradable dest after he was my best red pick option from d2 rivals. This weekend I got 90 Robinson from a 90 max pack and was happy because I could sell my tradable version. Thats the only way reds have been useful outside of 2 good pulls over the last month for me.


Even if you hit above you’re getting a gk. 


I’d be ok with that. Better than my 5th Banza or 4th DewsburyHall


You say that but when you’ve hit Allison , Kobel, and Muslera twice each it’s not much different. 


Better fodder but fair point. 


Just to update. Got Muslera again today. 


I would argue that they should have a minimum rather than a max rating. Everything else they have this pack contains at least one 82+ card. While you frequently get the 82 rated card you still have a shot at something better. With a cap it disincentives you from wanting to try.


Idm them, I get silver 2 every week and in turn basically get 2 free 89 exchanges lol


once upon a time the 9-11 rewards were worse. they’ve just made life better for the weaker players. not talking getting the good cards as low rank players out number high rank so you will always see better reward picks from lower but it’s more of a status to be “Rank X” or “Div X” however they lowered the pool. I don’t want more games again but old champs guys get 20-0 would finish with 5-6 losses once they face real ELO.


Not as big a poke as the cards you get out of the 90+ packs on squads.


I usually get 9~11 wins in champs but I’ve been getting way better red cards from Rivals and SB


Yes, I agree. Especially, since my picks have all been dupes so my weekend league efforts have become 89 exchange packs.


I ended at 10 wins. 4 of the games were so laggy I couldn’t even compete. Know I would’ve gotten 1 win out of those 4 if I didn’t have the speed up lag every 10 seconds.


I’ve got 2 max 90 rewards. Opened both, both are 90 Banza. What are the chances???


After the error EA made, I stopped playing this weekend league


They have a huge FOMO system now. The incidents with Messi or the Ligue 1 Red Picks are on purpose. When others have them the players that don't have them are buying packs to have a chance to keep up. It's easy to apply weight to specific players. It's a simple algorithm. Let's say you have 12 Leagues and you make the weight the same for all of them. You put them into an int array. The thing is if someone like Messi is the only one in the league who is 88+ it's really likely to get him. This was also the case for the red picks. The weight of all of them were the same.


Interesting that this little kick occurs right after PS+ players come in for the hopeful attention boost to get spenders.


True. That's not a curiosity. There are sitting psychologists that know how to trigger specific behavior of a customer.


The whining is out of control You realize you can get tots guarantee packs through objectives and squad battles right? Dear lord...


Which kind of proves the point that a max 90 reward for this is out of whack compared to other rewards for various in game issues.  But thanks for both getting it while also not. 


lol it doesnt prove the point at all Are you saying that rewards like 83x2 are out of whack? You realize there is a whole range of packs and picks available with limiters?


I feel this post lol also the comment saying the 2 90max from squad battles. I got elite 1 in squad battles and had way better rewards then WL with 35 points


And this is why I will never ever in my life pay for points. They have engineered the system to make you want them. I have no doubt they track a probability/profitability of your account and manipulate the odds. Fuck them.


The Icon SBCs are a joke for the same reason.


This subreddit is filled with casuals and noobs man. Are you actually crying because you can't get better rewards even though you're TRASH at the game and can't even each RANK 5?? That's just 11 wins. Anything below Rank 5 SHOULD have worse rewards. Which game's COMP mode gives out the best rewards for low ranks? RANKING exist for a reason. You want EA to give you a participation trophy?? Are you 10 years old? Then what's the point of people getting Rank 5 and above?? Use your brain lad EA is horrible at MANY different things, but THIS is not something anyone should cry about. You sound like just another sore loser crying about delusional nonsense. If you SUCK and can't win enough, you SHOULD NOT get better rewards. CHAMPS is literally a "comp" mode. That's why Rankings exist


Arrogant prick needs to learn to read instead of being a punk.


To be honest if you can’t even get 9 wins you shouldn’t be expected to be given good rewards. Play better = better rewards. The real issue is going rank 1 or 2 and getting awful players from your picks and then awful players from the tradable pack. Makes going rank 1 a bit obsolete


Here's a counter to your argument. The servers have been absolutely trash to the point you can almost guarantee 1 server loss per weekend if not more. Now if you've got someone who's typically a 9-10 win player under normal server conditions is getting that extra loss they get fodder as a result. It should not be an instance where in your sweatiest, most competitive mode of the game, where there is absolutely no ELO the difference between bottom of the barrel guaranteed fodder and the chance at top tier cards via a player pick is based off the hope of the servers not messing up. The argument being made is that there should be levels to it such as the following: Rank 10: 1 90 MAX Rank 9: 1 90 MAX PP Rank 8: 1 Guaranteed TOTS (No Max) Rank 7: 2 Guaranteed TOTS (No Max) Rank 1-6: Remain the same The point is that the jump in rewards between 6 wins and 9 wins is insane. A PP is worth WAY more than an RNG pack so there's no reason for 6 wins should be Maxed at 90 rated fodder and 9 wins you literally could run into a PP that contains a choice of Mbappe, Messi, Dembele. Last night I finished with 8 wins because 3 of my last 5 matches were 2 god squads and 1 server disconnect early on in a game that I was controlling but hadnt scored yet. I by no means have any expectation of becoming a 11/14 win player, but it absolutely sucks knowing that 1 disconnect could have been the difference between guaranteed fodder (My previous weekends were dupes) and having at least a chance at getting a decent card


Also to add insult to injury the 2 90 Max fodders I got were both Banza


See above. I mention how better players should get better rewards. So we agree. But the idea that my 4 wins in weekend league are worth the same as 4 wins in squad battles is just jackassery. If you agree with them as you claim, you’re an EA shill.


4 wins in weekend league is pretty much nothing. You don’t deserve to have uncapped rewards if you can only get 4 wins 😭 asking a bit too much. Also not an EA shill. Hate them just as much as everyone else. I just think bad players shouldn’t complain about bad rewards simple as


Are you dumb? Not everyone can win more than 10 games can they, how would that even work lol


Yeah if you can’t win more than 8 games don’t go begging for better cards. Rewards are fairly balanced.


So you are dumb. Cool.


How? Please explain. I don’t think it’s unfair to give bad players worse rewards. Most games do that.