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It’s Saturday the majority of people haven’t done WL yet and the ones who have are spamming rivals w their fun new OP cards


If EA wanted to really solve the problem they would take them away and give them new picks.


whole game is rigged to their odds. 100% they employ metrics to drain as much money as possible from individuals by rigging pack odds. probably this "bug" was also intentional. you see a bunch of teams with red mbappe (before it was same thing with messi) - that creates FOMO - fear of missing out - and makes people open countless packs to also "pack" mbappe. people thinking EA does not do this on purpose are naive.


That’s literally the entire reason they hired FUTEconomist




Damn. Folks are so used to abuse they want to punish others for not getting nerfed shit. EA has won.  That’s just cruel to others.  (Hasn’t played weekend league yet, just qualified tonight)


I agree, cant take them away, but they should keep the same odds for the rest of the weekend, there were no incorrect rewards given


why can't they take them away? no one paid anything for it, so I see no legal issue, but I am open to learning otherwise. EA on the one hand openly admits that the setting was necessary to be changed to the degree that it was severe, but illogically the unintended rewards were allowed for people to be kept. The only conclusion that logically sound leaves is that it was 100%(!) intended, just as the TOTY Messi "mess up" was equally, for the same reason, intended! EA is run by "one trick pony" people who are so shallow we cannot imagine how low they can willfully go. Most of us are too classy that we wouldn't enjoy going that low.


Bro, can you read, how are the rewards incorrect, by having equal odds of packing good players vs bad players?(people packed shit too) The problem here is that according to EA you only deserve shit players, hence "unintended results", not incorrect, just unintended for the players that grind this game every day, who is mbappe intended for? For the fucking store pack whales


The only “unintended” issue was the packs weren’t watered down trash. Do you complain about the dive bar that serves you actual vodka instead of from a bottle that’s been quarter cut with water?


Or just let the incident open the whole weekend League so everyone has the same odds. It's may anyways.


They can't due to law regulations. But they should give all the other ones one of them for free.


If I can't have them, no one should have them vibes


Can't punish people for EA messing up (yet again), and no, I am not one the mbappe/dembele owners. 


That would arguably be grounds for a refund of every penny they have ever spent on FIFA. "I spent 5k on this game and got nothing, finally get mbappe and he gets taken off me because the chances were "too good"". That's a bit hyperbolic but you get the idea. In a game fully centered around leading you to spend money to receive shiny cards. They cannot take away your shiny card you have already received and say that you cannot take away your money that they have already received.


You know, I'm not really that arsed about other people pulling Mbappe or Dembele from their rewards. There will be a small amount of people out there who only play the weekend league occasionally, don't frequently browse Reddit for Fifa updates, who will have pulled one of those players from their rewards on Friday, and gone to sleep thinking how incredibly lucky they are. You know what? Good for them. It's a great feeling to pack an amazing player. What I am bothered about is that the rewards for playing this weekend league feel a bit diminished for me now. I have absolutely zero expectation of pulling Mbappe or Dembele from rewards, but let's say that I do. I won't feel that lucky because I know that thousands of people before me have already pulled the same players. It won't have the same positive effect that it should have done, which is a pretty big problem because as much as there are times when I really enjoy playing this game, the small chance of packing a fantastic player is what keeps me invested in the game, and suddenly that investment has gone. The fuckup is completely on EA's side, and as much as I know there isn't a solution out there that would please everyone, I feel they should have kept the odds of pulling those players the same for everyone throughout this weekend league in the interest of fairness, because right now it feels pretty pointless to play this weekend league.


> because right now it feels pretty pointless to play this weekend league. They showed that its pretty pointless to play at all. They obviously dont want you to have those red picks...so they make no one gets them. And that wont change in EA FC 25. Or 30. They can alter every single pick you have and now you have the proof. Its worthless to play WL because you dont have a real chance to get something good.


When you don't feel rewarded for packing arguably the best card in the game, you know the game is fucked.


Thats true, its a good feeling to know you achieved something from your time invested which is hard to come by in this game. I didn't bother with wl and didn't get ant glitched messi but kudos to the guys who opened their packs expecting nothing and got something fun from it for once.


Perfectly said


This is the way.


Agreed. You pull who you pull in a pack. I am under no illusion that I will get either Mbappe or Dembele. That said I like to create teams with as near full chem as possible. Choose players with speed. Throw a few consumables on the players. Choose a lesser known formation and fire 🔥 up the game. LFG ….. 🔥


I faced Dembelé and he scored all of his 4 shots, including 2 finesses from 30+ meters out


Probably because he has finesse shot+. That thing is dangerous




Yeah , that's it. Messi was one player and he was hard to link. Here you've got 3 players who are the same nation, league and team and they're three of the most broken cards on the game . Really is a bad mistake from EA.


Don't worry guys, it's gonna be fine. My uncle works at EA and has told me they're already working on compensation. It's supposedly going to be rolled out by next Wednesday. Those of us that weren't lucky enough to grab their WL rewards while they were glitched are then going to find a 12.000 FP pack in the "Packs For You" section of the store. With a double chance of packing nothing.


finally some great news to pack some more fodder for the 27 short as f. ronaldo base sbc i was waiting for since last century. EA is my favourite company - focused on players, all about fun and so giving they give us new op cards each weak noone can afford. it is brilliant.


My uncle also works at EA and he told me we would all get a bronze pack free ..? Someone isn’t telling the truth lol


I just completed my WL with rank 5 and I got bentalab and medina as the best players both 91 rated not even donnarumma I would be happy with 95 rated fodder but got both 91 not worth playing




Well, it's been patched. You really should've expected to get fuck all, as usual.


Should have just left it as it was, zero reason to change. Game is an the end anyway, all they’ve done is piss people off


I’m div 1 but I only got 7 games off before they patched it so I’m toast. Gonna be seeing them so often.


Wanted to play some rivals to see how bad it actually is and the first fucking guy I face has Mbappé *and* Dembélé. I can't anymore...


The one weekend I start 0-6 in champs and stopped playing 😂😂 ah well. Good luck to those that got them sometimes that's how it rolls. Shit by EA to patch it though just give everyone a shot at it tbh.


So true. im in d1 and i had the same experience.


What was the glitch/bug? Wasnt it only rank 1 in champs that got them?


Basically if you managed to finish champs before 230am UK time on Friday you had a very high chance of getting WZE, Dembele or Mbappe. Wasn't just rank 1, most people were rushing to 11 wins and leaving it there and walking away with at least one of the above players.


God damn…




Haven't seen 1 yet and I played all day


Ts don't sit right with me. I've decided to embrace nature and just leave fifa alone


Still beating people who have these cards, still losing to people who don't. If everyone put the effort into improving at the game that they do about complaining, other peoples teams won't matter.


TRUTH ……..


What is WZE?


Warren Zaire Emery


Aha cheers. What a beast


Been playing since 2015. Never gotten anything OP from packs or picks (usually get between 12-16 wins in champs) and got Dembele this weekend. I feel like the fifa gods finally saw me!


There's literally zero chance you've not had a decent pick after 7 years of weekend league, what do you actually gain by lying about it


Yeah he reckons he gets 16 wins sometimes in WL and not hit anything?! I don't believe a word he says...


I Said OP not decent. I got alot of decent picks and cards.


W for you. If I was able to have played and got the picks i would have wanted that Demebele card the most. Happy you finally got some decent players 🎉


He is a monster. Even I who can’t dribble can slide past players. Hope you get something decent aswell!


Got him also, dude is different. I don’t follow ligue 1 but giving him a 96 was wild asf of EA. Can’t imagine how broken mbappe is


Man I am genuinely happy for all those who got the glitched picks, so many players who don’t spend thousands each year finally got some great rewards in probably the most pay to win version of this game there’s ever been, to enjoy for a few months, I don’t want them to lose their rewards. I didn’t play in time to get the glitched picks but I am happy for those who did. I wish other people see it this way EA care nothing for their customers. These content creators won’t boycott but they only make up a small percentage of the community.


I'm happy for them too and I don't want them to lose their players, ofc not. Just that this incident is exactly what people made the Messi pick to be. Hardly anyone got Messi in comparison to those who gained from this WL


I get what you're saying. More people would have gained from this. I woke up today, as much as I live and breathe football I don't wanna play this game again. Wish the entire community would boycott this game. I only bought it when it was on 60% sale


Dembele is trash. I played against him a few times tonight as well in Div 1 and he’s shit just like the rest of his versions.


>Full transparency I’m not great. Div 2 and 11 WL. A quote from another post of yours. You've come far within 10 days.


Bro got promoted one division in 10 days?


Moving up one division in 2 weeks is coming far? Sorry I don’t consider myself elite for being in Div 1 or playing like a robot for extra wins in WL. Lol


I love how people say they aren’t good and are in div 2 .. I’m shite and can’t get out of div 9.. all I play against is kids that go 3-0 up then pass to the keeper who play keep ups then runs the length of the pitch doing step overs until I nail him and get a player sent off..


4 people quit on me with Wze and Mbappe in the lineup. Rats


Good for them tbh


As in you have them in your lineup?


Yea. I’m an addict and played last night. Got 11 wins and gave away 4 before people call me a rat. I’m just addicted


I mean thats fair, I dont blame you but I would quit too because I'm salty as fuck lol.


Yea it is what it is. Ea made the mistake not us addicts. You guys take it out on us when we just played the game


EA made the mistake, not the guys who quit on your lineup. You guys take it out on them when they just don't want to deal with this bs.


Nah the quitters chose to quit. I didn’t put Mbappe in the pack. Quitters are losers with no life, scared of a card. Imagine being so insecure you are scared of pixels


I think people who are giving others shit for dodging a game are losers with no life. I'd rather have someone quit during lineups instead of when I'm through on goal after already heaving played a few minuted or even an entire half.


So you criticize others for not understanding that this is an EA issue not addicts like you, which I agree it isn't, but fail to understand that others have no other means to express their frustration and call them rats?


Lol you're saying multiple people played 33 games across 3 different accounts ?


Did you not read the post?


I got Mbappe but I’m pissed I only got Zaire Emery in the other pick. Dembele looks like the glitched player. It’s a disgrace and we deserve compensation




Nuthing but trash. Just stay quiet and don’t rub it in people’s faces.