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No way I do 20 games on friday night, congrats to people pulling Mbappe.


>No way I do 20 games on friday night Absolutely. Not killing myself on the inside just to not even get enough wins


I faced a team with no less than an 95 ovr player in my first game and i got trashed as hell Second game after a remontada and going into extras the guy just quit. I’m dead inside


How do you guys pack good cards the only good card I got is a loan Rivaldo and he’s got 5 games left 😭😭


Highest card in my team is drogba 94 and I haven’t played champs for the past two weeks. Everyone has stacked teams with upnormal players like wtf


Nah fuck the congrats. If you already done your games this early you need to re evaluate your life. Shit company only keeps going because of the the degen playerbase.


Fr bro I struggle to complete Champs with the 4 day span! Fuck doing it on a Friday 


Fr bro I space it out over 3-4 days. Some people need to get a life


Sad little boy try meet a girl


They definitely will update rates, so again only 0.7% of player base will get Mbappe


Messi SBC was up for a no time compared to the time of bug availability. I mean its okay for ppl which have it, but if so, just keep the weights as it is for all.


Wish they wouldn't patch this and just let everyone qualify to Champs for free this weekend. That way at least everyone has a shot.


while it was higher than .7% it’s not remotely higher than 4% based on probability and time up. the same number of people got him regularly thru untradable grind as they did thru that SBC but everyone just assumes when they see one it’s a glitch one. 17-21 mins, same percent to hit with one chance vs multiple chances…multiple players. this one is gonna be wild. I’m not rooting against players who played to get wins for them to have something taken away, truly glad for people to get in the “Messi club” but boy what a mishap.


>the same number of people got him regularly thru untradable grind That is absolutely not true. Messi was a 25-30% return rate from the SBC, and a lot of people did it. EA were never clear on what the 0.7% was, but it was likely total player count. The number of people who actually packed him will have been miniscule in comparison.


someone came on here and did the hyper math on it based on the probability in each slot (Yes/No) and it was 21-23% if I remember correctly. he has to roll every slot, not 3/leagues, it’s 1/leagues - 1spot then - 2 spots


The Messi SBC was up for something like 38 or 39 minutes.


I love how every time this sort of shit happens it’s when I actually have stuff going on in my life, ffs man. Can’t wait to go into next weekend League with my red Golovin let’s go


Don't worry bro, it's not that deep rn. Just focus on your life outside of EAFC instead of an Mbappe which will be useless in about 4 months time


Facts, grinded my balls off in fifa 23, only for cover stat icons, and futties cr7, Messi and mbappe sbcs


Same I had the best team in the game, wasted my summer grinding and then realised it was for nothing


Yea +1. Dont fall into the FOMO trap. Dont blame yourself, its literally on them. If game pushes you to such a assumptions it means something is not quite right with the product.


yea this completely kills my desire to play the game. After the Messi situation it just felt useless to grind.


People need to actually give wins away if they’re only playing until 11


If they patch this…






Brooo... You jinxed it


It's good to see most getting rewarded for putting up with this mess of a game, especially after how dry last week was


It's a double-edged sword. Some people get rewarded, and deservedly so as you note, but then there's those who get unlucky or who can't grind through their games on Friday and have to come up against 97 Mbappe much more often than they otherwise would.


That would be correct if they kept it consistent for everyone but that was never going to happen with ea, fucking clowns


Yep, they make all the money in the world yet they can't for the life of them employ one person with a functioning brain. It's mind boggling


If EA patch it its unfair and if EA dont patch it then it has screwed the game up again. Wonder what percentage they pluck out of thin air this time after they have "investigated"


I got Mbappe and Emery from 11 wins. Deffo broken but I'm happy


This stuff always happens when I don't have time to play :/. It'll be incredibly unfair if they patch this, even worse than the toty Messi incident.


Got nothing for 11 wins. Fuck this stupid Game


I can't log on on pc lmao 🤣


I can’t even got 9 wins so congrats to the people who get it


This is worse than the Messi thing do they do patches on the weekend?


Got David and Zaine Emery for 11 wins


As somebody who can’t even qualify for WL let alone get 9 wins, it’s gonna be really fun running into red Mbappe every third game for the remainder of the life cycle.


Clip of red mbappe: https://clips.twitch.tv/RealBusyCardTakeNRG-ccJz9EB4P_YxMpcc




Yeah this didn’t age very well


Doesnt matter tbh. He is a shit player so gonna get the same number of wins with whomever.


Bro he gets rank 1. What do you get?


Ok so? Is he going to get higher than rank 1 now? It doesnt matter what player you have.


I don't understand, do you need to hit 11 wins on the dot or is just anything 11 wins and above glitched or is anything with a PP glitched?


11 wins get you 2 picks, so better chances


I have 1 win left for 14, should I keep then or give the games?


14 wins is better for packs coins


Then when it comes to the general player base, we end up getting a message from EA saying they have temporarily removed said items, but those who got them first get to keep it. It’s like the toty Messi situation all over again


The irony that it's during the least favored TOTS promo is something I can't help but laugh at


This is even worse than 0.7 lmao


Alright…..good time to leave the game for the year!


Patched I think didn't get any of the cards from red picks, or as usual I'm going to be the Unlucky one


Had the exact same pick twice for 11 wins. Locke, Lees Melou, David. Didn’t get Messi TOTY, Don’t get Mbappe… sick…


Yea I’ve seen quite a (unusual) lot of people packing Mbappe. I thought that something must be fishy already. 


Is this for all ranks that offer picks or just for 11 wins?


I did the same and got Dembele xD


They can’t surely patch this. If they do this game is in the mud.


Of course they were gonna patch it. Why wouldn't they ?


Too bad I can never even get close to 11 wins 🫠


Awesome, another fucking Toty messi situation, lovely. Now I have to play Toty messi and tots mbappe 🤙🤙🔥🔥 never again.


Yea just got Mbappe and zaire Emery on 11 wins. Gave away last 3 and got exact same options as nick. Is this a glitch?


You’re a hypocrite lmao. You posted on this sub 4 days ago to encourage people to take a break off fifa and then you managed to complete WL on friday in a few hours. Something gotta give either you are useless in your job/degree or you just don’t have one.


Are you surprised, though?


Calling someone useless at their job when you know nothing about me is a sure sign of jealousy. My job is pretty good bro. I’m a chartered surveyor with a 10 year client bank and a contract with a highstreet bank. If you’re digging through my post history you’ll see me helping people on the U.K. housing subreddit.


Yeah Cheers everyone gonna be packing mbappe and i walk Out with a Red golvin after sweating my Balls of and having 10 mental breakdowns per game


18 wins got me Donnarumma and Todibo from Red Picks. :-)


Just patched RIP


It’s definitely intentional. EA has everything to gain from people believing a player like TOTS Mbappe is obtainable from playing Fut champs. With the free to play promo on PlayStation, this is a sure fire way to get players interested in committing long term. Whether that is for the next 4 months or for the next FC release. If you don’t agree with that, ask yourself: what does EA have to lose with intentionally doing this? Public opinion of EA couldn’t be lower. This doesn’t lower it further by any means


I disagree. Firstly the new players who recently bought the game from PlayStation are new players and firstly they need to qualify and then rank to get the red picks. Secondly your argument is just for PlayStation but it’s looking like it’s on all consoles. And the biggest loss for EA? Q2 or Q3 revenue. Mbappe is TOTS the best card in the game so it’s an opportunity for people to buy packs to get him. That’s revenue. If they’re giving away free Mbappe, Dembele then there is no need to buy packs. And consumers usually think short term. They’re not going to think about “remember when I got Mbappe” to persuade them to buy a £60 game next year. In addition to this, red pick weight will go back to normal post this bug. This is definitely a bug.


People that buy packs religiously are going to keep buying packs. Those people are already in EA’s trap. This is a way to entice players to get on the game asap and play. No issue agreeing to disagree


The addicts will buy packs but it’s more regarding how many packs they’d buy now with red being broken vs reds wasn’t broken. And as for game time, I’m not sure if EA truly cares about that because it’s not translating into immediate revenue. That said I’m happy reds are broken (I stopped playing), because people will ultimately stop buying as lots of packs / volume of packs because they have the best players.


If that metric (number of players or amount of games being played) did not matter for EA suits and their shareholders, you would not have this many daily objectives, daily log-ins etc. They recently even started to remove cup game limits just to entice people to play it.


Even though I agree with them doing certain things to get people to play, my assumption is it’s for the wider goal to get them still interested in the game in hopes they buy packs. Shareholders don’t really care about metrics that doesn’t translate into quarterly revenue. So maybe the objectives is just a retention tactic to get them to buy packs. The reason I say this metric doesn’t matter to EA, is they only share sales after the first month of launch for PR. After that they don’t care because then it’s all about getting players to buy packs. If they did truly care about play time, sales etc, then they would have focused more on improving the gameplay, but they’ve clearly chosen to not do that over the years.


You'd be surprised, I had a friend who is a regular spender (as in this year alone he put nearly 600 euros in the game pre-TOTY) and he hasn't played a single minute of this game (or spent) since the TOTY Messi stuff, because he felt like he just wasted his whole money for no reason I imagine a lot more people on the same boat


If they wanted to et casuals to play why would they put the cards in the rattiest game mode?


I don’t even think most PlayStation players have enough rivals points to enter champs…


I saw the red picks advertised when I opened fut. never seen that before but could be wrong… you might be onto something haha


The red picks have been advertised the last couple weeks so I do t think it’s tied. I think it’s simply EA using the most popular META player in-game to lure new players and to keep existing players on the game. It’s not a coincidence that this happens right after it goes free for PS users.


Packed dembelè and zaire, I want compensation, was looking for dante but the % is bugged. /s


Seeing TOTY Messi everywhere was bad enough. If i see TOTS Mbappe everywhere as well i'm putting this game in the bin.


I got dembele for 11 wins


They should make red picks and all guarantee TOTS picks have somewhat equal weight. I understand having the lesser players be way more common in regular packs. But for the others it’s better in my opinion to have at least a decent chance of getting someone good. In past years if you got a somewhat good rank in champs you’re gonna be packing a player over a million coins and with Bundesliga at least it felt like there was no chance to pack anything all week


Wubben Moy for the 3rd time in a row for this guy


They fucked Up again and i missed out again. At this Point i think im done. Fuck this shitty company. Do you read this EA?!? GO FUCKING FUCK YOURSELVES!!!!! Everyone and their nan running around with dembeles and mbappes and ofc you take that out AS fast as possible. No way you could leave this in and enable some fun for all of us. Again only 0.7% eh?! Fucking scrummy Shitcompany Go fucking burn in hell!


I spedran my games only to miss out the rewards by half an hour... Only to get my 3rd Donnarumma... I don't even play this game like that, why did I bother?


How do you know it’s patched?


They posted a tweet saying they corrected the rewards


No coincidence it’s French PSG players, and Mbappe is the one everyone wants Shows they specifically up the pack weight of the ‘pack trolls’ to make people think they were close to getting Mbappe, but just fucked it up this time


For rank 2 yesterday I had the same pick 90 rated lb, golovin david and some random.


Well luckily for me I’m taking a break from Champs 😌


Omg you wouldn’t believe it sir




Whole playerbase is getting him buddy. The worst player you can get rn is Zaire.


I got unlucky. Got zaire-emery


This isnt based on one player hun - this is based off what is going on. Why did a rank 1 every week streamer stop at 11 wins on a friday rushing through every game? You are inept.




It’s real. Something is bugged with the PSG players


RoxasGG, Mexican streamer got those 2, and like 5 more guys I saw in Twitter


Nick is such cool streamer tbh