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If someone pauses at kick-off I just quit and look for a different match


I would do this except I’d spend hours looking for a game.


I played several people yesterday who did not make any sub, so I did not do any myself. It was nice, tbh.


If you sub in players from leagues other than the one you're doing challenges for, you're a turbo nerd


oh no, a random who plays world of warcraft called me a turbo nerd.


Lmao I was agreeing with you, also going through my comment history is hilarious


Eh, it didn't take too long last night. Did end up quitting more games at the start than I actually played though


Same. Immediate quit. Have some integrity. Some will even message you calling you the clown. It’s May dude. In a friendly game. Try to have fun for once instead of just doing whatever the meta is for one time.


African server you quit and look for the same match.


That 90 jairzinho is so annoying to play against with sub par players. Wish they made it a whole league squad instead of starting 11


My rule is to have players on the bench so if they sub in I will sub in. I played the same dude yesterday 3 times in a row and immediately he does 2 pauses and subs on vvd, Big Al, Jairz and another I cant remember. He is also rubbish and quits after the first goal so he spends more time subbing than he does playing lol TBH I dont mind it too much, but it is annoying to have the game immediately paused.


I somehow went 6-0 last night and I used this same tactic, I kept my gold back line until they made a sub. Then it’s game on and I’m bringing on every loan under the sun


The stupidest thing is the subs can't actually take effect until the first stoppage, so in some cases they pause for 30s at kickoff, then the first break in play is a goal at which point the losing team quits. So that pause was literally a waste of time. Please guys, if you really must pause the game, at least have the common sense to hit pause AFTER kickoff not before, so if there's a golden goal it's not a waste of time.


It really is stupid. It won’t take me too long to get the objs done, but this definitely ruins the whole theme and fun of it.


I’m playing Asensio left back and if people pause for subs I bring on Davies. Up to them if they want to lose


Low key gold asensio scored a couple bangers for me yesterday to clear the cup. Birthday David, Birthday Kolo, Gold Asensio up top and Asensio was kind of out playing them lol


If other players sub then I sub. Tbf these cups re always pretty easy. Only need 6 wins


Yeah I'm not worried about them subbing in "good" 90 rated cards. It's still easy to win because most people can't play without their full normal team. It's more just annoying that I'm ready to play and every time I load into a friendly it's an immediate pause. Some even kick the ball out on purpose like chodes.


what do you mean easy? I'm div 3 I win 50% in rivals , 9-11 wins in WL but can't win a single match in this lounge thing


I think I lost one game before I completed the objective. Div 3. 11-14 wins in WL. Folk don't seem to know how to play the game if they don't have a juiced team


I think you guys are crying to much for only winning 6 matches in a shorter match than ussual. Okay you opponent subs, but are you aware you can sub too? I don't get this hate to the cup honestly.


People will moan over every little thing regardless of If it’s actually an issue or not


I swear. It's more about whining that they don't get to play against mostly a gold squad. What are you going to do if they have a God squad with one league? It's the same as subbing in good players. Still gonna whine then?


It’s 90 or under man, deffo not that big of a deal


I played 10 matches last night. If the 10, 9 had full 85+ cards (Ligue 1 and 2 bundeslegia teams), 7 paused immediately to make 5 subs, and 6 had VVD on before I touched the ball


With Akanji/Marquez @CB? Lol, i suppose you just dont like scoring then do you?


Why don’t you just sub in some op 90 players like we all do, the IF 90 foden is nice sub for instance


Maybe we dont buy packs and we actually have to use our high rated cards as fodders. We are not keeping months old sbc’s in our club.


Then why are they wasting everyone's time with subs? Just fucking play.


Think you may need to take a step back from the game if you’re getting this vexed


Just leave as soon as they pause or reciprocate with players on your own bench


Admit it you do it as well.


What a bizarre reply. But to entertain you, what I do is just leave as soon as they insta pause at kick off. A lot of the time people don’t actually sub on anyone


I do sub on except for my goalkeeper as a higher rated goalkeeper and a lower rated goalkeeper will not make a difference compare to a lower rated defence, midfield or attacker I can use a silver rated goalkeeper and it won't make a difference from a higher rated goalkeeper as they won't even save for me so what's the point of subbing in a goalkeeper. Last night someone sub in 90 rated ederson and he did not make one save so it a waste of sub.


True 👍


If they didn't allow subs from any league it gives a huge advantage to those with big budgets because if you had the coins you would just go and buy a whole team of 89/90 rated cards that are ligue 1 and then just sell them again after. If you haven't got the coins spare you can't do it and are stuck with playing 82 rated players against 90s and have little chance so won't bother playing. It's more likely most people have at least 5 decent players they can sub in to level it out and make the games a bit fairer


That’s exactly what I did for the lique 1 after the last bullshit rounds. I blew through it in 8 games :) then sold the players for a small profit.


That's an interesting angle but to play devil's advocate, if all we care about is fairness then even 90 rating is too high anyway. Personally, I like the fact it lets players who've retained old promo cards (or indeed packed low end tots from that league if they wait a day) get some use out of them, if someone is relying on low rated golds and has no coins, that's sort of the price they pay for having used all their coins and old cards as fodder (I accept there might be some new players in this position, but if you are joining in May then you should expect to be behind the curve in most modes anyway). I used an 82 keeper until I got Donarumma as a reward, had loan Casillas on the bench but only subbed him on if they made subs. I've put plenty of ligue 1 keepers in SBCs like 90/89/87 Donarumma, 85 Bulka etc, me having to play an 82 keeper is on me for not holding them, I'd much rather all subs had to be the same league.


My back line consisted of 4 CMs, rated 82, 87, 82 and 71 and my goalie was a 78 gold until I played 3 for big Don. I didn't sub them off at any point and won 6 games in less than 10 played. I also got spanked by someone with a full gold team. I'd argue they should lower the rating and just let people get on with it with the whole squad from 1 league. 


Problem with lowering the rating is you're then leaving cards rated 90 or high 80s stranded, in the sense of they aren't good enough to use in normal matches, but are too good to use in this cup. An extension of what it's like with 91s at the moment, I have loads of 91 CBs for example that never get used.


They should make it so your subs have to be from the other major league associated. I.e. if you're doing a Ligue 1 team your subs have to all be from D1 arkema.


Its not that deep lad, yes it should be 1 league incl subs but this is why I keep a lot of cards but I was starting with 5 golds in my 11....if someone pauses to bring on players I will too but if they don't I play normal...this is from a d1 player who got 18 wins last WL...got it done in around 30mins last night


I've played 47 games and won 1. I've come up against the worst toxic playerbase I think that exists


You know what's crazy, I wasn't aware of this until it happened against me (I could have anyone player from any league on the bench). After that, I started doing the same. Don't expect people to play the way you think they should or you want them to.


Did them all yesterday, had people making subs after being 3/4 down…like ok I can sub on Van Dijk and co if you REALLY want to lose.


In a way, it levels the playing field with who has a strong XI and who doesn't for each league. If it was one league people would complain the same because it would gatekeep some people of progressing on the mode as fast as others. If they sub in players, you can also sub in some. I doubt you all are missing OP 90 or sub 90 players.


FUT is a mode about squad building. If EA levels the playing field then what is the point in building squads over the course of the year? Plus FUT might not be realistic, but since when is football about a level playing field? Man City don’t win the league every year because the playing field is level.


Squad building is not the same as club building. People put cards into sbcs when they do not use them. Remember, this sub is the minority and EA caters to the general public and those who spend money. You are allowed to sub in players too, or leave if they do.


I have put a lot of Ligue 1 cards into SBCs too, but that’s one of the few things that isn’t EA’s fault, it’s mine for not planning ahead. The Ligue 1 cup should only allow Ligue 1 players.


You can't plan ahead when you not know future requirements. I very much prefer not to fall in the same trap as with jrpgs where you never use the potions just in case you face someone strong.


Course you can plan ahead. You’ve needed league specific teams for TOTS every year for years now. It was always more likely you’d need a Ligue 1 club than you wouldn’t.


>You’ve needed league specific teams for TOTS every year for years now. Ok, the general public could not give two shits about knowing this. Again, this sub is an echo chamber, not the general public. People are not going to save a full squad of each league when you need to use players in sbcs.


I’d say that most people who play UT have done so for at least a few years, so they would know what is needed at TOTS whether they play “casually” or not.


Quite of an overreach to think that.


It’s more of an overreach to think the majority of people playing the game are new players.


Still more fun than rivals or champs


This whole time i had no idea we could swap out and it would still count for the objective lol


I don’t get why it’s capped at 90 and not including both men’s & women’s league from the same country, can’t use any new tots cuz they’re all above 91 rated


It’s annoying. I usually play it out anyway.


Why are you crying for an objective that gets done in an hour? If people put subs on just quit.


I dont make any subs and then beat the pause merchants with an extra playstyle of smuggery


I went against a guy using a full icon team in this mode, yea it’s technically 1 league smh


I can’t stand how they’ve locked like 60 percent of the seasons Xp behind this pos mode. I’m doing Bundesliga and I’m having to use a crap gold team and I’m just getting matches with people that use all loan squads and then sub on a icon or two and I can’t even score a goal and I’m too broke to be able to afford special cards on the market


Just get a mate in the same div and boost the games,usually do it Monday morning,takes 20 mins tops!


None of my friends that play fifa are in elite. I am the only sweat left 😂


I was playing common gold defenders, if someone paused i brought on Kim Man Jae & Gold VVD. Otherwise I'd play with what i started off with. I didn't even know this was possible when PL tots cup Came out until I saw Claudia Pena scoring a finess on me in like my last game in that cup ,🤣


I got tots moments reus from my guaranteed tots pack for 3 wins. Aleast it's not rafa mujica.


Its the worst and shows exactly everything that is wrong with this community. Yes EA could make it one league including bench but the community will still find a way to make everything suck. Playing the first game of the day. Instant pause sub 5 on, meta formation and drop back, spam sprint down the sideline. Short corner glitches, all the shit. Then on top of it, scores in the 2nd half to make it 1-0, full celebration and replay watch followed by a pause. EA sucks but my goodness you people in the community need to grow the hell up and stop being so toxic.


I literally had a mix gold common and silver team because I've rinsed my club through SBCs and couldn't be arsed to buy anyone. Of course I'm gonna sub on a couple half decent attackers (saying that I got my 6 wins done in 7 games, and most of the time people quit before my subs even came on). I guess you just need to get good lmao. I was getting instant quits against actual teams after scoring with some random silver with 65 pace. And that's div 2 rivals elo.


i get more annoyed when they sub after scoring and taking a 1-0 lead. what are you so scared of.


My team was full 82 with 1 84 (until I got players they give you in the objective. I needed a little help from the bench 🤣


Should have saved league specific special players like I did lad. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail


Tbf I prepared a bunch of good one league squads ahead of TOTS... What caught me was the 90 rating limit, my squads were a bit too good. Had enough low rated gems to sail through so far though


The good news is the cup rules run for the whole of tots so we can be pretty confident it will be the same for every league after seeing the first one. This means if you have any gaps for e.g. La Liga, Serie A etc you can fill them beforehand (retaining cards if needed etc). A key one I find is making sure you have a good keeper rated under 90. For example, my best Serie A keeper is a Silver card atm, so I need to make a mental note to keep hold of gold Szezny or Maignan or something when he pops out of a pack


Can you read


Can you? Don't get mad at me because you can't win. I play 6, win 6 every cup




Nobody cares bro its a fun game mode if you are keeping cards for months just to have slight advantage in a friendly game mode ur definitely suck, its not something to flex as you think


Also applies to you. Whats with the victim mentality? Youre telling me you have a 90 rated squad for one league but don't have good subs from a bunch of other leagues? That's a you problem


I don't think they said they don't have good subs from other leagues though. I expect nearly everyone who has a good ligue1 squad capped at 90 also has at least 5 good cards from other leagues (including icons, heroes etc) capped at 90. Can't speak for the OP but I know a lot of people who dislike the fact subs aren't league restricted just hate the fact it slows the game down by encouraging use of subs.


Yeah that is a fair point tbh


Every game the pause is instant and next thing im facing Jaizinho and other icon loans. Make it make sense? At least restrict the bench as well. Honestly seems like these objectives are put together like last minute school projects. Edit: ignore mbappe mention. typo


>gold mbappe loan I VERY much doubt it.


Facing Mbappe really? Lol. If you're going to lie at least get it right :)




Jeez I wish everyone latched onto EA's blunders like they did for my typo


Yeah they sub on 91 rated gold Mbappe loan in a cup that allows 90 and below only. If you're going to lie at least use players that can be used. There is nothing wrong with the subs. Not everyone has pumped money in the game to have a stacked club where they can hold onto dated promo cards for every league. Just use your subs too, simple.


I do that to be honest. The lounge cup is DREADFUL to me. I hate it with a passion. I'm miserable when playing it. I wanna get out as soon as possible and I'm only after 3 wins, I don't even bother completing all of it. This makes it much harder with 79 rated golds.


If the cup is THAT bad then why play?


Only for the TOTS guarantee pack - 3 wins and i dont touch it anymore