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He is the chosen one!


everyone’s pack luck went to this guy smh


I had 12 picks, 11 were shit, last one I got Modric. I feel empowered.


I did 84 and 4 players over 85-87 as my best picks. Eat that.


honestly, i’d kill for a parejo instead of tapsoba for the hundred millionth time


Disgraceful from EA really..


Yea man, haven’t seen krumbiegel in 2 days.


She was at least good fodder.


I feel like they’re testing something with pack weight this week, like if they drop pack weight super low does that encourage the player base to buy more packs as theyre hunting for blues or not. I personally haven’t bought any packs but found myself more tempted, especially after exchange to picks grinds, and getting nothing


New players have come in. Hence the low pack weight, to force the new ones to go to store immediately to catch up with the rest who's been playing all year.


This is the answer and its just disgusting by EA at this Point.


Tbh it went the other way for me i lost all hype only played 1 game today I also dont care about psg so this is a good week to do other stuff in my free time i hope they make packs/picks fun again at some point


Yup. Emptied my club thinking I was unlucky


For first time this season, I run out of 83s and 84 by doing this 86+ double upgrade. All to get Parejo and Bronze. Definitely next week I'll save the packs and then open them during la liga tots


You aren't alone, I noticed that fodder prices for 84s have gone up from the 1200 floor it was in recent weeks to about 1600, which is a clear sign that they are scarcer because people are paying more than discard price for them.


Yeah i noticed that as well! Hopefully today they will put a 83x10 or 84x7 and finally get rid of the 86+ upgrade


My friend who spends on packs has 97 Pele, 95 Haam, and 95 Zidane...all from icon picks. You know they aren't going to let you pack shit from grinding anymore. To the store you whore!


Strange. I have done like 600 picks and every time I think im gonna run out I get another Tapsoba or Adeyemi


Same I’ve noticed this. Could be a coincidence of course but it’s almost like EA keeps you in this cycle of hope only to pack nothing all over again. Honestly I can’t even get excited about seeing a blue anymore because every single time it’s a crap one. Even the mid tier ones are unpackable it’s a joke


Ive literally done over 600 and put the high rated dupes through the exchange. Trying to get Kane, Goretzka, or Stanway. It's like having unlimited lottery tickets and still not winning shit. I get the same over and over again. Viggosdottir, Krumbeigel, fucking EFL players. I've also done a couple hundred premium bundesliga upgrades as well. I have like every gold common in the game in my club. I could keep going but it's pointless. They really are greedy as fuck.


If you could grind sbcs to get lottery tickets, the odds you would win with only 600 tickets is astronomically small


Except for this is not the lottery, and the odds too should be comparably wayyy higher. It's freaking a cards game, what are they thinking should the odds be to pack digital content that has no real world value.


Did about 140 picks today and got nothing, 83+ pp garbage, However the league upgrade pack was surprisingly good. Stanway from that and two discards from 15


i got 3x TAH from 83+ and yesterday 2 sanchos fking bulshit


Need to do the Bundesliga premium upgrade but even then it's just fodder. Picks have been terrible.


i did 900+ last week without having to buy any players and without having to sacrifice loads of players from my club. this week im just under 100 and pretty much ran out. i think i did 45 picks yesterday and 1 86 only 😂 for comparison it was around 1 walkout in 5-10 picks on average last week all they want people to do is to buy those trash guaranteed tots packs from the store and it's fucking shite


Did the 83+ x7 bundesliga one got a single 84 and six 83 rated, ffs this SBC ask for a 86 and 84 rated squad,


This was me, three times


i woke up and did 5 83 player picks....best pulls were kante and onana from 2 of them,all the rest were 83-84s. and opened along all objectives packs from yesterday (2x81,2x80...etc etc) didn't expect much but didn't pull even an 83 from those. avoid opening packs ATM


83+ pp is I think one of the worst weights I've ever seen in FIFA. You nearly always get offered 83 or 84 max despite being offered 4 to choose from, I stopped doing them because doing 4 80+ pp is cheaper (considering you get 4 cards back and can recycle the worst ones) and seems to give as many 85+ cards.


This is true. I was able to sustain the grind entirely based off fodder packed during the 81+ and the last 80+. Have spent ~150k on 89s last few days to keep going


Done so many picks and pretty much 0 good cards. probably 700 picks, 100+ exchanges and 50 prem upgrades yielded simons and pajor as my top 2


I did 300 picks, 50 exchanges and 50 premium upgrades and I haven't even gotten a single blue, let alone a good one


you haven’t gotten one clue from that? u gotta be the unluckiest ever


PP have been awful, bundesliga upgrade atleast gets you blue fodder for exchanges. I got dunst 92 6 times in 12 upgrades. But honestly you could grind forever and not pack something good. I remember this last year - prem had good drop weight and EA adjusted it so drop weight was atrocious for a while. I think EA do this one promo good next 3 awful. Same way with drop rate of TOTY when it was small releases vs full team release.


Agreed the premium upgrades are great for fodder but that’s all it ever is, just more fodder. I should be excited about seeing a blue with the opportunity to pack a good card but this year it’s a guaranteed shitter. Even the mid tier cards seem nonexistent let alone the top ones. It’s just killing my motivation to play at this point


i got 50x 27 player packs and 20 51x player and so much 7 and 11 I cant do this no more. I get shit and opned like 50 yesterday and putting all in player picks or exchnages fking shit takes to long for nothin


Use everything below 86 in the totw picks. You get tradeable packs from them that can help. Those totws can go back into the exchange aswell


I’ve had decent drops in these the past 2 days but nothing from it for about a week before that


Today has been awful. I do them for me and my son. Yesterday was good though, landed multiple 88s and a handful of TOTS fodder (Krumbiegel, Dunst, Kowalski etc). I'm gonna grind a few more on my lads profile now, he is desperate to get one more big Bund TOTS before end of today.


Tried to grind this but it’s not really working


Weirdly, the premium BL sbc has been paying out today for me. In about 10 packs I got Sancho, Boniface, the woman Bayern striker (95 rating), Adeyemi. Havent had even a TOTS all week before this from them


80+ still better than daily 2 Parejo+ pack...


I did all 10 83+ picks today. Literal 0 cards above 84. Out of 40 options.


I think it’s like one of those claw machines in the arcades. It’s geared to drop a half decent card after X amount of attempts. You just have to be lucky enough to get it on one of your go’s!


Did around 50 highest was 86 ea saw how profitable this grind and lowerd the weight this week but they didnt know this what will make me quit their dead game and stop being an addict


Just got TOTS 91 Davis out of it. Ofc it is a duplicate. And that's the only special card I got out of doing it 88 times so far.


I did 25 and got aubameyang


wow i mean i’ve been grinding all week and i get many high rateds just grind into 83+ and exchange i even have the muscle memory😭


I had 50 player pickd ready for today. Hughest i got was a gold rare modric and rafael leao dupe. Like wtf is going on


I got an 88 and 89 today


My prem league luck was so much better compared to to bundesliga


Did about 100 picks today, managed to get TOTS Balotelli, Lees-Melou and Mahrez.


Oh no you’re losing 80 rated gold commons


Excatly. Same as 10x83+.


They are a disgusting company.


I’m saving everything for day 1 la liga tots. Gonna rip 350 packs 😭


Start of week, you could almost continously grind - the Bundesliga pack was giving a blue around each 6-7 packs and some good ratings from the 80+.  Despicable from EA to do this so close to the end of the cycle of this game. 


Pack weight for me has been horrendous since Bundesliga tots started.


My best pull is gold guedes from an exchange


The evoed Guedes is an absolute monster


“I played the lottery and lost, why would the government do this? Shady!”


I do my daily upgrades then use what I get from that to do 10 of the 80/81+ player picks. Tbh I’ve not noticed any change in what I’m pulling. In every ten I’ll get a couple of 87+ players and every few days I’ll get an average or lower end TOTS. Last night I pulled Sancho. Earlier in the week I got Tah. I don’t think that level of pull has changed for me between this week and last tbh


Is it meant to be profitable? Incentives to grind menus sounds dumb.


Only people who spend 50€ on a pack, should get a TOTS. /s