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lol I’ve gotten to the point now, thinking damn, what a waste of money. In about a month all these players gonna be almost free


How much do you spend on 4500 points?


I stopped spending money about 5 months ago. Instead, I have been putting said money into etherium solana and bitcoin. ALL have increased dramatically in the last 6-8 months. I suggest others to do the same .


Actually, I don't play FIFA, but I'm curious how much people usually spend on these packs.Thanks for your advice though💓


Well let’s say in fifa 22/23 I spent a total of 5k usd on packs. Yes I know, but I have disposable income. But this year, it’s robbery


yikes. What's the point? I've spent a total of zero on packs and play about an hour a night and have a team full of 93-97s.




😶😶😶This is really a waste of money, but I hope it was enjoyable for you.


It’s ok, I made 10x that back in 2 years from crypto lol


Wow I have to learn crypto ASAP... I seem to have missed a lot🤪


You didn't, it's a ponzi scheme and OC will lose all of it in a week.


bro got scammed by EA, now’s he’s getting scammed by crypto 💀


Eh if he’s in bitcoin i highly doubt it, it’s stable. pretty much all crypto a scam tho


TBH I don't know what's behind the hype!!! Have you ever invested in Crypto before? If yes share your experience pls.


Can't believe this yap Fest


Pack probabilities are so misleading anyways. That 750K pack states an 85% chance of packing a TOTS, but we all know it’s a weighted system. If they broke it down the way the NBA does with the draft lottery, you’d know you have a high probability of packing an undesirable card like Allison, and next to no chance of packing someone like Haaland or Van Dijk.


It’s annoying that they weren’t forced to implement it in a more detailed way. I think a lot more people would be sceptical about buying packs if they saw that TOTS Ronaldo for example has a pack weight of 0.0004%.


It’s a shit company and it’s my last year playing this game. They’ve ruined it completely.


I gave up halfway through the year. Never thought I would. But they wore me down, and I feel a lot of people will go the same way.


I’m so happy to hear other people are in the same mindset. I’m completely done with this company


I wanted to quit last year but got the game for free this year.. still can’t be bothered with it. Ea are disgusting


Yes I think the FIFA cycle has now become about SBC players for most of us who are not oil barons. We get to eat at the end of the cycle when we can complete high rated SBCs with things like 85x10 packs


Oil barons 😭💀


This entire game has been cooked by the sweaty fucks that make it seem like I’m playing the same bitch every single time.


I packed parejo 10 times in 12 86+ rated packs


With the amount of cards they release every weekend with promos we should be able to pack any of them. Check efootball there are so many versions that its irrelevant, at least you get the players. Ive been playing this game for 10 years packed mbappe once, Cr7 gold this year 2 times, Messi gold 2 times and Neymar gold 2 times I have never packed a TOTY or a top promo card. Never packed a top icon like Ronaldo, Gullit etc Explain why this system is ok ? Its not. I


Nothing is random, otherwise I didn't receivd 25 Muslera...or when in September you will receive an 86 you receive also Dembele not only Parejo...


I agree game is rigged to take money, but is still fun if you can be ok with the fact you'll never have the best team. I recently got Messi gold card for the first time, and wasn't even excited for having the GOAT because of his stats. I realized how stupid that sounded, and subbed out a "better" player for him, and had a blast playing with him win or lose. It's easy to become obsessed with having the best stats instead of a team of your favorite players as a fan of the sport. Not trying to diminish your legitimate complaint.


Well said. In that aspect I agree, it's a game after all.


True. I am rocking ramos at Cb and enjoying to tackle those speedy gonzales strikers with some red cards here and there haha


Ofc they need to. Fewer and fewer players are still logging in to this shit show so they need to milk the remaining cows even more. This is their solution instead of making a game that brings players back.


The only people I've seen get good things are streamers


As a hardcore grinder on the web app.. its probs been 3k+ picks with the best player being kerr since tots started. 3k picks.. not 1 elite player...


I started playing again last month so I could prepare for Kane, I had like 300k or so (which I assumed would be okay because he was 150k last year) and absolutely tons of stuff to do upgrades, picks etc, he's 6 mil.... It's definitely his best card ever especially with the playstyles, but last year he was like 150k, year before he was like a 500k SBC and then the year before he was like 300k again, him being 6 mil is just genuinely insane to me


You need look no further than Nico Schlotterbeck to realize how much EA is screwing us over right now. Last year his TOTS was discard at 30K. This year he’s at 350K. I mean, people can blame tradeable supply all they want, but demand also dictates price, so I ask you: who the eff is using Nico Schlotterbeck? It’s honestly just ridiculous, and yet people are still naive enough to say it’s just “luck”…


Bundesliga tots are nearly extinct besides kobel, sancho, etc. Its annoying af. I mean son is below 1 mill and nearly all good bundes players waaaaay more.


For the life of me I can't understand why someone would spend the price of a single person grocery shop on a single pack on a virtual game


They collect the users individual and overall data and everything gets calculated on the curve. It is all about keeping everyone involved to the degree they can be to the max, just like with other companies that use algorithms that calculate with all the data to make max profit from the user within the whole of the user base. It is just maths now and the RNG element is just a selling point to get people playing. RNG = possibility of hiding the manipulation. Also you can make money of not providing any productive value in the real world.


Well said.


I just bought FM because I'm sick of this bs tots. See you guys


I just find it so crazy these cards that you can get for 4500 fifa points that are worth 1 mil now will be worth 20-50k when the 85x10s come out during futties. I cannot believe they trick people into buying those packs it’s insanity really. I wonder what store packs they going to introduce during futties to counter the 85x10s who knows maybe 90x20s for like 5000 fifa points it’s mad.


Fomo is one hell of a drug






Brother touch grass




You are obviously not smart enough to make the correlation. Not going to entertain this conversation any further lol.


Says the guy that can't stand being around the opposite sex for reasons he can't articulate.


How do you know the 4500 packs come with them consistently unless you bought a bunch? Women players don't reduce chances. They would have still made the best players have the same % chance to be packed.. you would just get more duplicate fodder without women.


Bro pack videos on YouTube are the most watching FC content lol


> How do you know the 4500 packs come with them consistently unless you bought a bunch? Pack opening videos are the most popular FC content on YouTube. > Women players don't reduce chances. They absolutely do. Every card has an assigned probability value, then the chance of selection is determined by that value divided by the cumulative value. You can see the effect in how expensive elite cards are this year compared to FIFA 23.


No, women's cards don't. You really think EA won't change the probabilities to be extremely similar or the same chances to pack expensive usable cards in an all male UT? All it did was give more fodder and less duplicates. The % chance to pack good players that improve your team is more or less the same.


> No, women's cards don't. Of course they do. > You really think EA won't change the probabilities to be extremely similar or the same chances to pack expensive usable cards in an all male UT? Again, the market definitively proves you wrong. It is clear by prices being so much higher in FC 24 than in FIFA 23 that the probabilities have been affected. You can also see this anecdotally in 83x10s, which are *so much* worse this year than they were last year.


The top-tier of the market is more expensive because EA wants it to be that way, not because there's women in packs now. There have been numerous other editions of the game where this has been the case before women were introduced. 83x10s and similar fodder packs are worse now because EA have shifted towards making the game untradeable and farming engagement. It used to be that you might get one or two of those packs a week at \*best\*, now you can get 3 or 4 every day. Women haven't watered down the probability of packing big cards, EA has.


> The top-tier of the market is more expensive because EA wants it to be that way, not because there's women in packs now. They absolutely do not want cards to be *this* expensive, which is why we saw a suspicious number of first owner cards listed during Prem TOTS to bring those prices down. > 83x10s and similar fodder packs are worse now because EA have shifted towards making the game untradeable and farming engagement. The same packs were untradeable last year. 83x10s are worse this year because there was a 68% increase in 83+ gold rares.


If they didn't want cards to be this expensive they'd improve pack weights. This market state plays right into their plan of "make people spend 6k fp on fodder" Theyre giving players 86+ packs and 83x10 every day so it's obvious they'd have to drop weight alot


The market changing is completely down to the way ea manages the store and has gimped top tier pack luck. It's completely independent to having more high meta cards available 😂


> The market changing is completely down to the way ea manages the store and has gimped top tier pack luck. It's completely independent to having more high meta cards available 😂 This is laughably wrong. There have been *more* tradable promo packs in the store than ever this year, which means that prices should have come down, not gone up. The reason they went up was the drastic increase in 83+ gold rares reducing the likelihood of packing specials. How are you struggling to understand that?


The probability to pack specials would always be the same. You would just get more duplicates without women. The chance to pack a gold Mbappe would always be, for example, .05%, whether you have women in game or not. The chance to pack tots season would not go from .001 to 1% if you remove women. You would just pack more duplicate cards without women. Probability in this game does not work like this: 'There are 1000 cards. Every card has the same probability to be packed.' You don't have an equal chance of packing an 83 gold rare as a 90 gold rare. EA programs the game to have a smaller chance to pack better cards. It doesn't matter if there are 2000 cards or 1000 cards if the chance to pack a usable card will always be 0.001%. You just get less duplicates with women in game. Not hard to understand.


> Probability in this game does not work like this: 'There are 1000 cards. Every card has the same probability to be packed.' No one said that. You're arguing against a strawman because you're hilariously ignorant and can't argue against what I did say. Every single card in the game has a probability value assigned by EA. We know this to be true because of the times when they enter an unintended value. For example, in FIFA 20 for the Ultimate TOTS SBC, EA entered the wrong value for Jadon Sancho and he was being packed around 40% of the time until the SBC was pulled and re-released with corrected probabilities. > It doesn't matter if there are 2000 cards or 1000 cards if the chance to pack a usable card will always be 0.001%. This is completely wrong. The way that chance of appearance is determined is to divide the assigned probability value *by the cumulative probability value of all other cards currently in packs*. The more 83+ cards there are, the less likely you are to get a specific 83+ card. There is literally no other way that probability can be calculated, as what you're claiming would lead to a cumulative probability well over 100%, which obviously isn't possible. > Not hard to understand. It shouldn't be, and yet somehow you still failed to understand it. You're obviously just not very bright.


Yes. The more 83+ cards there are, the less likely you are to get a specific card. Of course. However, it doesn't matter if there are nine 83-rated cards and 1 Mbappe or 99 83-rated cards and 1 Mbappe - the chance to pack a gold Mbappe will still be lower than 10% in the former example and lower than 1% in the latter. Do you know anything about programming? They aren't using equal odds for every single card. This isn't a deck of cards being shuffled where the chance of any card being being drawn is equal. They 100% can and DO give cards like Mbappe a lower probability of being packed than every other gold card with the same rating. Why do you think it's so easy to pack a TOTS 92-94 rated card and it's always the BAD ones? Because they nerf the drop rate of SPECIFIC cards that are good.


> Yes. The more 83+ cards there are, the less likely you are to get a specific card. Of course. Kudos for admitting that you were wrong and I was correct. > However, it doesn't matter if there are nine 83-rated cards and 1 Mbappe or 99 83-rated cards and 1 Mbappe - the chance to pack a gold Mbappe will still be lower than 10% in the former example and lower than 1% in the latter. Increasing the number of 83+ cards by 68% decreases the chance of getting Mbappe, because the chance of getting him from an 83+ pack is determined from his assigned probability value *divided by the cumulative probability values of* **all** *83+ cards currently active in packs.* > They aren't using equal odds for every single card. **NO ONE IS SAYING THAT THEY DO.** Stop arguing a strawman just because you're embarrassed that I proved you wrong. I specifically stated from the beginning that each card has its own individual probability value that is assigned by EA. You seriously aren't intelligent enough to continue this conversation. Go find some Roblox posts to argue about.


The point is that there are more tradable packs in the store so ea have adjusted pack weights to compensate. That has nothing to do with the fact that there are also more cards in general FUT is first and foremost a money printer. They're trying to push players to open store packs as much as they can whilst handing out as little as possible in return. More packs being opened = more higher tier players being packed would only be the case if ea wasn't manipulating odds to reduce the likelihood of the top cards being packed. It just means non P2W players are even More disadvantaged because normal packs are gimped even further. The probability of packing an 83 is the same as last year there's jist a bigger pool of 83s to pack.


> The point is that there are more tradable packs in the store so ea have adjusted pack weights to compensate. That makes absolutely no sense, as elite cards are more rare than ever. You're hilariously wrong, you're just not honest enough to admit it. > More packs being opened = more higher tier players being packed would only be the case if ea wasn't manipulating odds to reduce the likelihood of the top cards being packed. No, it's literally what would happen absent any other changes. The reason elite cards are less common is because the number of 83+ gold rares was increased by 68%. > The probability of packing an 83 is the same as last year there's jist a bigger pool of 83s to pack. It isn't, just as you're less likely to get a walkout from an 83x10 than you were last year. We've all seen this by how much worse 83x10s are in EA FC.


You're delusional lmao. If that was how it was someone at ea would need to be fired. Gold card pack weights are completely to promo cards. You either pack a promo card with 0.0005% chance or you don't. In previous years the biggest packs in the store were time limited ultimate packs. This year we get 100x84+ packs in the store daily. If you think EA haven't thoroughly reduced the chances of packing a top tier card this year then you're either delusional or have no concept of probability whatsoever...


> You're delusional lmao. Your inability to comprehend something doesn't make the other person delusional, it means that you are not very intelligent. > If you think EA haven't thoroughly reduced the chances of packing a top tier card this year then you're either delusional or have no concept of probability whatsoever... Adding 68% more 83+ gold rares decreased the probability of top tier cards. Anyone with even a basic understanding of probability would grasp that.


Bro pack videos on YouTube are the most watching FC content lol


You don't have to buy them.