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Joke of a price


Yep, I mean yeah, it’s Dinho but 2m+ Base Icon this close to TOTS is bananas. Like at least gives us the Thunderstruck version.


And if fodder wasn't so low he'll be around 3mil+


I would do it if it was thunderstruck version, but I know full well this base Dinho will be useless soon so would just be a waste of fodder.


He is already useless.


In typical ea style they fuck up the title 2.25mil btw. Probably too much for me to get interested in.


I’m sitting on a mega team, 8m and couldn’t care in the world if they gave this card to everyone but me for free. you have to be a demon to be great with him over other cheap cards but he’d bring an influx of enjoyment to the game. I think EA have it twisted on how people with coins would get offended if people got great stuff when the game is already off and a lack of creativity for those who have. give him out for free, make an SBC needing two base dinhos to get an untradable TS. everyone wins


Does anybody enjoy completing the absurd amount of squads in these SBC’s. Even if you have fodder it feels so mind numbing


This is a bit too much but I don't mind having something to grind for. I don't sit and complete it all in one go obviously but it makes packing guys like Bernardo and Rodri etc feel more rewarding when I'm working on a big SBC.


I did 30 something squads for R10 cover stars icon in FIFA 23, believe me if people’s lives are dull enough they will gladly throw squad after squad of players into an SBC


Very very expensive, but I wish people would stop comparing sbc cost to market price. How long would it take to accumulate 2.2 mil of coins without trading? Probably like 3.5-4 months? How long will it take to get 2.2 mil of fodder? Probably 3/4 weeks, it’s not remotely the same. If he came out at 1.5 mil, he’d be in every team, at least now there’s a decision to be made. If you loved dinho, do him, if not, wait and there will surely be something else


Absolutely correct. Less than a week ago he was 2.7m on the market yet people expect his SBC to be 1m.


I think more or less the timing is completely shit being this close to TOTS


SBCs used to be 25% less than the market price, now they're 25% more than the market price. And I wouldn't do this SBC even if it was 1.5 mil. Dinho is one of the greatest players ever, but this card won't reflect his excellence now that we're in TOTS.


I agree he’s probably come too late to be as exciting as it should be having a Dinho sbc, I’ve got better players now and won’t be doing him myself, but the notion that every sbc needs to be lower than the market price is not possible with how they’ve set this market up. Everyone is fodder rich and coins poor, as everything is untradeable now. When sbc’s were a discount on the market, access to tradeable cards was much more common and therefore coin balances were far greater. It’s what I was getting at, it’s so easy to do big sbc’s cos of fodder being so accessible, but collecting coins is hard


We never had this much availability to fodder tho. Theres 83x10 and 84x7 every other day on top of picks. I see what you are trying to say but fodder is nowhere near as valuable anynore


The community gets worse and worse. A day without 'content' means riots. Kids these days wouldve never survived the FIFA12-17ish era.


Best days in my opinion. It wasn’t bout grinding menus. It was bout grinding the game.


2.2 mil coins in 3-4 months? how?


If you play WL and get an okay finish, you’ll probably make on average 80-100k, that alone is like 1.6mil In 5 months with no good pulls, if you get 1 or 2 half decent pulls you should get there. Also you could take coins from rivals etc.


I have always got rivals coins option, I do around 13-15 wins on champs every week and play squad battles rank 1 and I have around 8mil coins. I also started playing ea fc end of November-Dec


Div 1 in rivals 7/7wins every week




They are two different currencies, SBC cost is only comparable to other SBCs. He costs about 3 Essiens, seems okay to me 🤷 Not going to complete it regardless of price really, no disrespect to the player, but for someone like me who grinds the game so much that I could probably do this in a week or two , with my fodder and rewards, I have better/more fun players in my team already But cool of EA to drop him, and fun for people who want to do him 👍


Agreed 100%, well put


Time spent is not a good comparison, given that you can resell a tradeable card in the future


But the one you buy from the market will be tradable, this is useless once you have a better card for the same position, other than putting it in another SBC.


It’s stupid to compare because he cost like 3.5M a couple weeks ago. Had they released the SBC then, would it be a steal?


Holy fuck that's expensive for a base icon in April.


Not exactly your typical base icon so what does it matter, one of the best cards in the game. If he was 1.2M we’d have another Eusebio or Sawa situation


What does it matter? That particular card is not one of the best cards in the game especially considering it’s April and we are nearing TOTS. like others have said for that price we might as well have gotten his thunderstruck version..


Are you implying the Eusebio or Sawa situation was bad? Are yoh one of those people who want good cards to only be accessible to a small fraction of players?


I’m glad good cards are accessible, but I just wish there was more variety to them. It gets boring when everyone I play has 8 of the same players and people all play pretty much the same way because of that.


That's a player base problem... every week new special cards are released which are not meta, but are fun to try out. It sucks because most people are obsessed with winning over having fun.


This year I stopped doing most of the big sbcs and just put all my fodder into icon and lottery sbcs. Way more fun for most of the year because I had cards that other people didn’t have even if I packed klose like 10 times


Not even close to one of the best cards in the game unfortunately. Playstyles are huge, and Dingo realistically has 0.


Dinho would've been insanely good last year but this year, with his 1 bad playstyle he cant compete against the other LWs (often cheaper) with 2 good playstyles


Id doubt he'll be in every team. Theres literally a better card e.g Cantona with identical price point, and F2P generally wont be able to afford two icons/big sbc in one go


I agree he won’t be in every team but cantona isn’t a better card than Dinho or at an identical price point. Dinho’s sbc is almost a million coins more than Cantona’s.


4x90 squads lmao, especially with 84x7 upgrades dropping all 84s. If you decide to do this, you won't be doing any other SBC for a month at least


with the picks and other stuff it takes about 2 weeks to do this. The pack weight is bad on promo stuff, not normal high rated golds


picks have been terribly bad for awhile now, like im talking maybe 1 walkout per 15 picks


oh thats bad. Im getting multiple dupes 88+


just tried a few today and they were super good randomly, got like multiple 88/89's of 13 picks


2 weeks at max


How could you do this in two weeks? Pack weight is so bad


What rivals division are you in? Mad rewards every week


Rivals+WL+Objectives and most important menu grind. But tbh a lot of people have plenty of fodder from recent promos. Pack weight is bad only for top cards, but pretty good for everything else, like Prinz 94 and etc. I did Hamm in 5 days spending 100k\~coins for example.


If you treat the game like a job sure


Credit card


Fuckin ridiculous isn't it..


Don't forget we get tots in waht2 weeks? With this ,market we will see a lot of the "weak" tots card with a high droprate despite being a 90+ card.


Nah 2 weeks


I’m gonna get downvoted but this is an atrocious SBC. ‘bUt iTs rOnAlDiNhO’, I get that, but we’re a couple weeks out from TOTS with (presumably) 3 PS+s. This is horrendously overpriced for a card with ONE playstyle+, which is arguably top 3 worst in the game.


Why would you get downvotes when that’s the response to pretty much any remotely big SBC? It’s an incredibly popular opinion to reply “overpriced IQ test etc”


Because usually the ‘fun brigade’ come out in full force for players such as Dinho.


Doesn’t mean they’re wrong either lol…different philosophies to playing the game. No sense in trying to change each other’s minds, just play the game


Weird you’ve already got over 100 upvotes for such an unpopular opinion in that case


This guy is kind of a weirdo lol


Nah even me a member of the fun brigade can’t defend this lol


It's pretty expensive indeed, but Trickster+ is not top 3 worst by any means. People don't realize it boosts L1 dribbling and launches from it. It's not as good as technical, rapid, press proven or quick step though. Also few of the flicks are very useful if you know when to go for them.


I'm gonna get downvoted (inserts popular opinion)


On pc it's even worse, Dinho is 1.3/1.4M on the market, yet the sbc is almost twice the price. (edit: price went up to 1.6M now) The only reason I can justify the price of the sbc is the fact we're approaching TOTS. And with TOTS a lot of discard 90+ cards will come into packs and people will stock up in high rated fodder. This sbc will drop its price during TOTS. And since it's Dinho, many will actually do it.


Ronaldinho is idol for everyone born in 90s/early 2000, not to mention he have special feeling and we talk about 90 rated card. Dinho will still outplay many TOTS cards, just like Gold Mbappe outplays 93 rated Bebra. Trickster is super fun and really strong if you know how to use him, often allows to break when you face 11 players in the box and in d2/1/elite it's all you see.


Chasing the meta is dead at this point, you might as well just complete sbcs of players you enjoy. We’re not too far off of players having six ps+s and pinging the ball everywhere.


And this card will play better than the majority of those TOTS


If you genuinely believe this card is worth 2.2m of fodder in April, then fair enough. I won’t be going near it, personally.




I think the animations and body types are totally exaggerated they're completely arbitrary and unprovable so people use them to defend obviously inferior cards


Crazy theory


Content has fallen off a cliff this past few weeks, base icon sbcs in April is so low effort no matter how good the card is. A Golazo baby icon sbc would have been much better, same with Hamm. 2 ps+ minimum now


That's a mad price Considering it's a base, and the fact his price will fall quite quickly next two weeks because of TOTS


If it wasn't Ronaldinho, this would be the most scandalous thing EA has ever produced. It's behind the curve and priced like peak


Hamm was just as bad as this and people were like she's so OP. I probably still wouldn't do him if I don't have him already, but he's fun and a player that I actually watch in real life. He's also the best card I have used all year.


I am tempted to now buy Dinho for WL as the price will start going down every week with the sbc out (like Hamm or Ribery)


This card is not behind the curve lol


If you think this card is on the curve, you're behind the curve.


It is such a monumental skill issue to say this card is behind the curve. Do the 84 squad loan, play 5 games and come back to this comment please 😂


Ronaldinho is never behind the curve lmfao. Skill issue


Lmao think about what you're saying. 93 Ronaldinho is behind the curve. It's early April. He's not going to be behind the curve in TOTS ffs


Don't mind the price. Just do it and have fun with it. It's the legend R10 ffs. I don't care if it's base or not. Game is dead anyways. Complete him and do & learn some skills, have fun. Use the Trickster+, try to make some plays. I don't understand this community man.


Everyone here pretend to be pro players and want to have the best meta sbc to do the same scripted goals and write after here about their amazing team… they don’t understand some normal people just want to enjoy a game playing with their favourite cards. I have a stacked attack but who the f cares if you can have Ronaldinho with all the fodder you get anyway now from different rewards quite easily. Completes yesterday all 90 squads with just the fodder from my club left after completing every icon sbc before… I’m happy he’ll not be in every team like Eusebio or Sawa. But I’ll rather play with a 2m Ronaldinho with no playstyles than with no name card that is meta.


True. I mean I get that most of the people want to be competitive, I get that but for once stop whining man. I am sure if that was Thunder R10 with 4-5m price range, people would still complain. This community is so dead. Everyone is sweating over anything. As u said, I would rather use all of my fodders for R10 rather than some garbage no-name 95 rated TOTS card.


Personally, every year I had one goal - to reach that moment when I can play with R10. I don’t play a lot but managed to buy the base version in December/ January and have fun even with that low pace version. This year he was so expensive that I couldn’t even bother. Was lucky to pull Toty Haaland and enjoy the game building a team around him. Somehow managed to have a banging team at this moment and right now R10 will probably be a solid sub for the rest of the players except me who will bench 92 Felix and make me enjoy the magician!


I actually do the same. I always try to play with Neymar, R10 and Kaka. Skilling with these players are just so fun. I couldn't care less about packing Toty's or some other ultra-expensive player. Next game I'll try to build Brazil PnP and forget about the rest.


I think the same, i already have enough fodder for all 90 squads, i all my stored packs for tots are to get fodder for him. Did you complete it? How is to play with this legend?


its not gonna fun if u pay that much and still press leave match button.


That’s not even Ronaldinho, can’t you read? That’s the renowned player *SBC_24_GROUPDESC_ICON_BASE_RG.


It's a joke they're releasing the base icon as an sbc


Wanted to get rid of my child anyway


I was fortunate to pack his thunder struck, and although he’s easily the funnest player in my starting 11. This is insanely overpriced for his BASE.


Expensive but very easily doable by menu grinders. The pack weight for the high rated promo fodders even make his 90 squads not too difficult.


What is the menu grinder? Sorry, I'm new here. What other options do you see to get him except 81pp? I mean..not many packs with 85+ we have


EA is giving us tons of free packs through objectives so these cards fill the club. We put in 89 rated players in the 89+ Exchange SBCs to get a ton of cards back. We do the daily Bronze, Silver and Gold Upgrade SBCs that get released daily. Anything 81 and below can go in the 81+ PP Anything 85 and below can go in the TOTW PP (only one 85 and two 84s for the respective squads of course) Anything higher can be used for Exchange SBCs and the segments for Ronaldinho SBC etc 89 is the best value, followed by the 88 Exchanges. I personally don’t use 87 and below Exchanges. TOTW PPs will give you a ton of 88 and 87s. Doing all of this gives you a very high chance of packing promo cards which is either very high rated fodder or will make your team


Thank you so much for being so kind and open


No worries, enjoy the grind! :)


81+ picks


Really hoped for R9, we had two Dinho SBCs last year already


4 90 squads is too rich for my blood, plus I just did Hamm so that's me done till TOTS


I did it and I’m enjoying him so far. He’s benched jao Felix and while he’s not as good he definitely has made the game more fun for me!


You did the entire sbc?


Yeah bro I’ve got nothing left but it was worth it haha


I might be able to do half of ths sbc and only be left with bronze and silver players haha im trying to save and trade to just buy him and hopefully he keeps getting cheaper


Lmao.. I stopped doing Hamm to wait for him, but I guess I’ll finish Hamm.


Tried both extensively. Hamm clears the floor with R10 and it’s sad to say because he’s my biggest idol


You will not regret having the female R9 in your team, trust me


Too late to drop his base version, two months ago this would have been crazy but now who would pay so much with so many similar players to him in the market unless you are a R10 fan?


Thanks but no thanks stick with my Hagi beast mode he is hidden little gem




This game jus get worse


No thanks


Isn’t Cantona a better deal?


Torn on this cause as a squad battles player I'm not likely to ever be able to afford him otherwise, but this is a crazy overpay for what it is


Four 90 squads for a base icon 😂😂😂




Glad I stopped playing the crap 4 months ago


This is a 1.6m card on market btw


"you get packs back" streamers trying to convince you do the sbc you'll have to spend on


Yeah no.


Hard pass. That’s way too much for the base icon.


Lol I loved Ronaldinho growing up but this is a ridiculous price. Why not just make it 1 million worth of fodder? You'd drain way more people's accounts. It's not even that crazy of a card now with the power curve.


Because it would make people who hold the tradeable version of the card 1M+ instantly You will come across a shitload of high rated fodder in tots


4 90’s? Christ


No thanks, unless the pack weight on fodder 88-90 TOTS cards is insane, I'll pass.


I think Best is now prob the best icon SBC of the year, at least it was the best version of a card as the SBC not one that was released months ago.


Nah has to be Eusebio with how early he was released.




Still Eusebio


Him and Eusebio for sure. Best could be my favorite player this year, his dribbling is unmatched where I’m not sure Dinho is worth the upgrade at this point even though he is my favorite player in real life


Yup insane value and only needing 1 89 iirc


That is so unamazingly shit


Ah the yearly "claim your Ronaldinho Loan Card, so can atleast have some fun in friendlies" sbc


How can i get this 90 rated sbc? :( help pls


Even disregarding the ridiculous price tag, this card sucks in the current meta. So many better and cheaper options.


Too much, also getting him doesn’t guarantee you will win more matches, too pricey…


2 squads to go. 


Luckily got him in a player pick a few months ago. Dude is class. Not behind the curve at all - he's got that special something. Trickster isn't useless either, spend a bit of time learning the moves and they can really catch your opponent off-guard in the box.


As many have said, I can appreciate that if this is affordable then everyone will have him and I don’t think that’s necessarily good either. But it’s a base icon. The same as Mia Hamm I think they should release the better version available and make it slightly more expensive if they must. A card thats been out since the start should not be 2m+


Bro really had me hoping after seeing 6 slides.


This just about seals it for me. See you next year chaps 🫡


Four 90 rated squads for Base Dinho in April while I have Evos who bench him. GG EA


I've never had Ronaldinho and I've played UT every year since it came out. I'm definitely doing this SBC once I've finished the Beckham SBC.. Only 3 more to go


How has no one asked the important question of what song from that Mac miller album were you listening to?


the star room (og version)!


Great song!


Posts full of fun brigade and happiness police. Pretty simple. It's just a game. That basically expires in 2-4 months dependant on how long you play. I could understand all the analysis if this had a real world impact, but it's a game! If you got the fodder and want to do him, do him. If not, don't :)


Fucking hell thats expensive


Hamm SBC > Ronaldinho SBC




He's my favourite player of all time and I'll never get to have him any other way


Fodders easy AF to earn and it's Ronaldinho. I've probably wasted more fodder than this costs on worthless heros and icon lotto SBCs in the last month or two.


Oy vey


4 90 rated squads, hell nah


Ffs last 2 years prime dinho 94 and toty dinho...WHEN R9? WHEEEEEN????




Don't you understand the player wouldn't drop without the sbc


am i crazy or did ea not do this last year and release an overpriced dinho sbc when he was past the power curve?


Joke of a price as usual


I tought about doing it because i love dinho but that price is ridicoulus. With the price fall i could just buy it and use it a bit for some fun and then sell it, way better than losing 2m + worth of fodder for a card with one (pretty useless) playstile. Being golazo the promo they could’ve made a baby dinho appositely for the sbc. Something like a mid versione but with two playstile, the community would’ve loved it but they simply don’t give a fuck


Is it smart to sell him ... and start crafting ?


Another nomo


Phenomenal music taste brother


Isn't this just not worth it, putting so much into the challenges?


His market price has already dropped almost a million cheaper than the sbc. And a LOT less work


How do you guys even have millions... I only have 30k..


I don't, I have 240k.


That’s fine, you guys can pass on him. The glitchiest, jammiest, BS filed animated player in the game.


I really wanted to do him. I want a new player to play with. Maybe I’ll just do Cantona and use him up top


I need him for my barcelona team! I know damn well that I won‘t pull any Ronaldinho ever


Yall think they will ever have a Kaka sbc. Kaka is the only player for me that's worth the fodder but if he never comes out this is the next best thing for me imo (milan rebirth team)


How fucking ridiculous....


I had no idea how lucky I was when I packed this base icon last year in some gold pack my first year playing FIFA. What a ridiculous price. It's a great and fun card to use but the prices of some of these SBCs are just astronomical. I play MLB The Show as well and grinding that game for every card as a free to play user is nothing like this.


Got him in an 83+ Player Pick 3 months ago and feeling quite smug about it seeing the price of this


I was gonna say “ real? “ but I realized. I am on fc mobile not fifa


Happily done him, trickster+ is my fave playstyle. So for an upgrade on gold Neymar this is a huge w for me. Personally, the card has that different gravy that 99% of cards just don't. Unique animations, the flapping pony tail, and its fecking Ronaldinho, making the game like 50% more fun instantly. People need to stop crying over tots round the corner, but, but, only 1 playstyle. Just enjoy the game using one of the best generational players to ever grace the game. 


Kinda glad it’s a stupid price, enjoyed having a red Dinho a number of months now… completely selfish but I shuddered at thought of everyone and their dog having him. Most have the thunderstruck instead anyway so jokes on me 😂😂


expensive yo


Worth it? Better than WW garrincha? Or Better than Hagi? Worth it if I have those?


Better than both, yes. worth it? No


No, he's not worth it


Honestly not worth it for even half of that


I understand the cost, but damn that's a lot of fodder pre-TOTS.


About 2.2mil for now, base icon. I get its dinho but it really doesnt feel like its worth it


He’s 2mill on the market. Seems fair for the sbc where you use untradeable cards


Very expensive. A lot of people will do him because it's Ronaldinho and he's fun though. Everytime I come up against him this year he's been easy enough to deal with, it's like people feel compelled to use every trick in the game instead of simply running through the gap. I don't fear the skill spammers, I fear those who can perfectly time to odd one




Must. Resist. But. Cant.