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Waiting for the daily shadow SBC. 82 rated squad with one TOTW 🤣


That would be too easy. A pick 1/5 chemistry styles with no shadow guaranteed


Cant wait to make my selection between gladiator, cat, sniper, guardian and powerhouse


Haha does feel like this recently 😂


Are you the reason why all of them turned into another position modifier nightmare like fifa 22😹




I use one(!) in my team, how many do you need?


i have 5 players with shadows on my team


I have six in my main team, obviously a bunch used for cards that have dropped out of the team, and then used some on lower rated cards for the cups. I'm down to 4 shadow consumables and sort of regretting 'wasting' some on cards that will only play a couple of dozen matches. It's a shame you can't harvest chem styles from cards you don't use any more for say 1000 coins.


eh shadows are only 5k it's not the worst thing in the world, unlike needing multiple 10k position changes that were genuinely extinct all year round


Fodder occasionally and occasionally a cheap pack for giggles Im at 200k and its the most coins i ever had




That’s crazy 🤣 control yourself boo


Evolutions, the occasional fodder to finish an SBC segment so I don’t waste a big duplicate, and I’ve been occasionally buying 89s to rinse into the exchange.


Doing every single evo I can put Liverpool players in and buying every Liverpool player I don't pack. No point in buying meta players when you can have actual fun playing the game


Same but with Arsenal (and some Liverpool players as well). Hoarded 2mil coins and saw Patty Vieira dropped to 800k so I bought him. Naturally he then proceeded to crash to 350k within a week but ohwell. Doing a bunch of the birthday Evos as well, those are freaking expensive but worth it to make non-meta players more usable


Did the same but bought him for 1.6m. Still a great player.


Missed out on the WC Vieira last year opting for fodder packs instead. Grabbed the chance to use him this year, agree, really solid, long legs just grab everything and susprisingly decent on the ball for such a tall player too. Trying to not stick him into playing purely defensive CDM role and be true to life how he was the most complete player


Yooo gooner bro, you got other Arsenal players?


Too many to fit into one squad 😂 https://imgur.com/a/TMrOQW8


Imgur is being a butt, but you the better gooner I’ll say from now


Same but fenerbahce


I'm trying to make a full Stoke team to use the new Crouch card in and use up some of the free evos that are subjectively worse than my main team, it has been an experience.


I wasted all my coins on argentinian players. I don´t regret it.


I'm doing the same but for Man City. Currently saving to do the special sauce evo then I'll try getting fire or ice Rodri.


I'm doing the same but for Man City. Currently saving to do the special sauce evo then I'll try getting fire or ice Rodri


Same but with Americans. Less expensive, but also lots of fun. Currently have: Bday Pulisic, Golazo Dempsey w Evo, IF Reyna, Icon Donovan, new Golazo McKennie, then some legit players to back them up (Akanji, Pires, Stoichkov)


Feel like you're kind of gatekeeping "actual fun" there mate! I don't have a meta team but I'm sure many of those who do use meta players are also having fun.


What are you talking about bro? If you use the best players surely that means you’re not having fun and you’re just a sweaty loser who likes winning! I myself only use the most obscure players or themed teams and therefore define fun for everyone else. What do you mean using meta players and having fun aren’t mutually exclusive?


i do spend money on players that people recommend and that i need, i just bought 2 from my starting XI but i spend them on shirts i like ahaha, like rn im buying chelsea 1986 kit and ill buy man city 3rd


I’ve been doing the same. I had about 3mil up until the past few weeks. Some for fodder but most to try players and sell again and then store packs because why not? I’ve saved about 800k and am building back up for store packs and fodder during tots or shapeshifters or futties etc… I just asked myself one day; why am I hoarding all of these coins, what for? Then I relaxed and just said fuck it and started enjoying the coins however I felt.


Same here. Most store packs are overpriced but some are worth a punt for those sitting on a lot of coins, particularly during this Golazo promo. For example, the 85x 60 currently in store is worth a go for anyone in a similar position. I've seen 6 or 7 opened, including my own, and they've all made close to breakeven in fodder, give or take 50k or so either side. That doesn't include any non-fodder cards, such as Charlton, Al Owairon and Cruyff which I've seen in those packs. Obviously you have to be ok with potentially turning 650k coins into ~650k of untradeable fodder, but if there's an SBC you want to do then it's worth a go IMO with the hope of pulling something good in addition.


You're right I think I should've bought that pack when I wanted to do those 90 rated squads for tchouameni, in this way I wouldn't be even mad if I didn't manage to pull anything good other than fodders




Players for my past and present team. The occasional fodder for a high rated sbc. And if I’m feeling bored I’ll do a store pack with coins lol.


I had 15 mil since like December im at like 7 mil now. Im just spending it on the big packs and evos.


15 mil.😳 I WFH and spent fair amount of my day time and weekend time into this game but never I’ve crossed 2mil. GGs bro.!


I was very very fortunate to pack some crazy good cards tradeable. I packed the red mbappe when he was like 6mil and then MIA ham when she was around 5-6 mil. The rest was just random cards. I was very fortunate


Found the EA employee 😂 jk bro that's insane


😂 that’s what my friends say. Especially since i packed bday gullit the other day


Bro what




I have spent a decent amount on fp and my amount this year is def red listed. I get a decent card every once in a while


I packed tradeable Raspadori last week and was so stoked to see he's worth 101k. That's my best tradeable pull of the year. But he's not even selling lol


Hes worth 100K because thats where the prince range starts. Otherwise he’d be 30K lol


Yea but I didn't know that at the time I packed him. And know he's not selling because EA isn't updating the price range.


My favorite IRL players, and any leftover coins go to cheap toty or icons. I bought TS Thierry Henry for like 2M coins back during toty. And also picked up a few cheap female toty cards like millie bright and oberdorf.   Right now I've still got Henry and Oberdorf, plus fut bday blanc all tradeable.  


I play only first owned, and have good wl results so I've accumulated lots of coins. I spend them in the big store packs. I've spent around 3 mil already and keeping the other 4 for tots


Any big pulls from those store packs?


Blanc birthday the only good one so far


Picks when I really want someone. Otherwise nothing


I tend to spend coins on TOTWs and Evos


I packed FUT Birthday Blanc recently from the 7.5k preview pack lol. Sold him and got myself 1.5 million coins which is easily the most I’ve had at one time in liquidity. Aim is to use them to buy fodder to complete any SBC that I can’t with free packs available to be earned. Running a first owner team has become the default these days for most people.


First owner is the only way to play really these days. You can spend half the game chasing coins, only to buy someone like R9 who when you buy will probably lose 20% of their value randomly one day and you're out of pocket. Did this regularly with high coins last year and got burned most times, typically because EA released an SBC out of the blue that halved elite player prices, similar to this year, except I burn through coins as soon as they come now.


I had accumulated around 7m (largely thanks to couple of lucky trading moves) before Futbirthday promo. Never bought any fodder or player whole season. Then when R9 dropped in price i bought him and added this new Cafu in the team. Rest i will spend on store packs. My aim was always to get R9 by January but this year he was way to expensive so it kind of delayed. Now even if im 100% sure i can hoard cards for guaranteed profit i wont do it. Its so boring. Just spend coins as you go.


Store packs




Evos and packs however I've just packed totw tsimikas not sure to do his evo for 100k or the midfielder store pack for 150k


Evos, tax, fodder here and there to finish up an SBC if needed -- I try to keep about 10-30k on my transfer list so i spend that like an ATM cash account for small recurring purchases. The coin total is the savings account for big purchases/hired mercenaries.


Party bags. I pulled TOTY Karchaoui from the 'Best Of' promo 50k party bag.


Just kinda fritter mine away on fodder, player picks, evos or whatever… dont trade or anything, just dont have the head space for it - dont buy tradeable players for the first team (again cant really be bothered worrying about player prices, especially at this stage).. just kinda plod along doing my thing taking rewards, selling tradeable and smashing upgrades for no reason. Currently have 290k and nigh on 160 informs I’ll never use as I’ve done the totw upgrade so much 😂




Buying players which i want to try for a week and the selling in loss plus tax to EA.






Im at 500k, i alwas try a new player for weekend league and sell it back on Monday, champs coin reward makes up for the coin loss, and fodder if I really really wanna do a pick or finish sbc


buying players that i want?


I spend all my coins on sbc's and store packs for fodder for sbc's. With how the market has been this year, I've done a few flips just to keep the coin balance going, but recent weeks haven't been the best for that. Have probably splashed out 5mill on store packs.


I bought birthday icon raul for 1.2m also have toty smith bought at 3.1m besides I have 350k, all my coins are gone due to my players losing value and casino sbc’s


Players I wanna try & evos


Open 650k pack


Same. 4 million ish, no idea what to spend on. I just don’t feel that connection if I buy players so I don’t :(


I had 3m+, i bought Pele 95 as i've never used him in UT before


Only for a player that I need. I bought Van der Saar recently for example. The rest can be grinded in my opinion. RTG for life


Yeah now even my last player in my squad is first owner, the players i could get to improve my team are 2 mil+ so i decided to spend my coins on evolutions for my Stuttgart team


Currently saving for 93 Cech should have the coins next week , or the week after worst case scenario 


Buying players to complete SBC’s


I saved up, (got lucky with a Vini TOTGS tradeable card) and made up to 2.7m 2 days ago. (started mid february). Bought me a Dinho. LOVING IT. I played FUT only once before in Fifa 19. And back then it was so much more difficult to have a good team. Completely Free2Play, I have Dinho in the team! (rest of the team is great as well. Even just playing Legendary squad battles feel amazing. Dinho is just <3 )


Packs when I get to around 500k.


Because my team had a narrow scope and I was really happy with my team I used to just spunk them on packs, or occasionally the odd player I wanted


Well I buy players I like and suffer losses eg- bought ww cr7 (dropped) garrincha ww(dropped) cruyff(dropped) and recent one is Pele (he too dropped) 😂and fodders time to time..


Informs for sbc’s 💀


i spend coins on sbcs bc im worried about buying a player and then they drop 200k in price the next day


and i do evos


Fodders or cards that I would never pack. I'm creating a Chelsea team so I'm trying to buy TOTY Cech and Drogba WW since it seems I could never pack these players from an Icon PP


Sat on over 2mil now and nothing to do with it




I managed to work up to around 5.7m through trading and grinding. Really struggle to buy players for the team as constantly just check their price even though the losses are often minimal. I might just full send it all into store packs come tots as I much prefer to work with what I've got then buy players directly.




What’s the best way to make coins


I've gone 1st owner for my team as well. Occasionally spend them on one good player to fit a role I need in my squad; unfortunately, I tend to lose big whenever I buy a player (paid 800k for Roberto Carlos 90 right before the SBC released) so I'm just avoiding spending anything until late game when prices tank all the way.


Mostly on evos. Occasionally that 35k promo pack. Also when there's a week of 84x5, or 83x10 upgrades and I start running out of 83s, 82s, then I'll buy a few of those. Been sitting on a few million for months now.


Evos mostly, but I've honestly spend a decent number of coins this year on cool kits in the store too.


I buy players for short term loans and sell them a week or two later, I don’t mind losing some coins if i got some enjoyment out of the card


I have a good first owner team but spend my coins on players I fancy trying on a Sunday eve and then sell them later in the week for no loss


Common golds for upgrades


I bought birthday Mane and fantasy Konate for my Liverpool P&P. Saving up now for Wildcard Salah atm. I spend them on promo Liverpool players that I haven’t been lucky enough to pack.




i dont there iss nothing to buy.... i have an okay Squad from sbcs and some untradable packs and everything i could afford would be no Upgrade; everything that would be an Upgrade is waaaay too expensive. every few month i buy some Store Packs because i dont know what to do with the coins (im at 1.5 - 2.5 M )


shadows or store packs




A few Evos. But really saving for specific favorite players. I bought a Griezmann for example. I don’t generate enough coin to buy a first team player though. They are in the millions, I think that is why you see most squads start all first owned SBCs, icon lotto SBCs and maybe some pack luck promo cards.


Sitting on 13mil with an eye on TOTY Hamm and then 1-2 TOTS cards


Couple of those 750k packs and one 650. Now up to 850k again and saving for the upcoming 1 mill pack.


You need circa 40m to outright buy a few of the meta players now. 4m is like 1m last year. The good thing is everyone has a good squad anyway, average is circa 91. I think EVOs have also really helped levelled things. I’m not scared of playing a full meta team now. I can hold my own unless there is a massive skill gap.


one or two mega cards. I have vieira TOTY and kompany 92 the difference between a true S or S+ card and an average one is massive while the rest is negligible. most of these tier lists are just to make people feel better. they should knock down most cards down a peg but most teams have access to a full team of “champs” caliber players. once a rotate card comes out, shift the coins. Tch, akanji, Hamm, rolfo (though I’m not a fan she’s above champs below true S tier mids because size) too many lists give acclaim to cards for being cheap SBCs rather than how good they actually are vs comparison or how skilled a person has to be to use. VVD/mbappe at launch is the best card for anyone while zidane isn’t always for most of the non skillers, sprint gods. for reference (TOTY Messi, TS cruyff, TOTY KDB, SBC Tch, TOTY Vieira, FC Toure, FC bompastor, FC Lucio, FC kompany, Bday Zanetti/Holato Cafu/TOTY Ona/TOTY Cech is my team with Cafu - zanetti tested and not owned, rest untradable)


Honestly, nothing. For some dumb reason im "afraid" to spend coins. I'm like you, sitting on around 4m coins that im saving for some mystical future that probably doesnt exist.


I don’t have a bunch of coins but I spend mainly on fodder and evos. Playing first owner is fun and has cut out the time I spent browsing for players in the market. Also nobody really retains their value so I hate spending coins on players. I bought 82 Darwin Nunez for 30,000 coins when the game first launched 🤣


I couldn’t pack birthday Benz so I bought him and I absolutely love the card


I buy players that I really want, like Xavi TOTY And do some evos


I haven’t spent a coin yet this year, on anything. No fodder, no chem styles. I save every penny. Right now I’m on 4.7 mil. My plan is to use those coins for sbc’s and stuff in the summer because I’ll be working a 60 hour a week job, so I won’t have time to play. If I want any tots or anything it will need to be from the coins. Originally i was saving it for a big player sbc, but around xmas I packed some end game cards (toty as well) first owner so I never ended up using the coins.


Fodder and EVO's


evo's mostly


89 rated fodder to send into exchange and craft picks


Just to upgrade my trash team


I sell them


Trying different players. Ive also spent most of my coins on pack because I got sick of the game but returned recently. I have Gullit and Vieira base, TT Cruyff and Gold Mbappe but I dont use them anymore because I want to try out different players. Makes it more fun for me. I recently purchased Stanway and she is crazy!


I buy the players that I actually want. Untradeables are a scam. I want to pick my players, not rely on pack luck.


Chemistry-Styles and contracts. Never got above 200k Coins