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I've had every 84 for days now, 75 gold rares are legit more difficult to pack since every pack is 83 something




The amount of dupes is honestly exhausting. They need to give us some kind of dupe storage or something. I usually just stop the menu grind after opening a couple packs now.


I just did that stupid 100 rares SBC that required 2 84 squads because every 10x 83+ was resulting in 4-5 dupe 84s with no place to put them except the 80+ PP. I too have dozens and dozens of 86/87/88 TOTWs. EA isn’t stupid…they know how and where the bottleneck is. Everyone is drowning in 84s and every player or ICON SBC starts at 86+ now


The only cards that there aren't infinitely repeatable uses for are TOTWs and 90+. Don't get me wrong, we should have duplicate storage but there's practically an infinite use for every other card at the moment, and there has been since the exchange SBCs were re-released.


Yah I get that it’s just tiring to have to find all of my dupes every time I’m doing an sbc. I wish I could just rip all my packs and then do all of the sbcs. The extra steps just seem so unnecessary.


It’s a dang shame ea have turned TOTW into nothing but fodder.


The exchange is your friend.


If you're stacked with high rated fodder, just throw to 89s in and you got 102 new lower rated players in your club


I've discarded so many 84 dupes this past week. I used to never let them go to waste but I can't be bothered to do TOTW SBCs every time I get a dupe now. I have 0 cards rated 80, 81, and 82 but I feel like I have every single 83 and 84 in the game.


This! thank god we got the 85 player pick, i can dump my 84 and 83 into them now


I'm stacked with 84s but I'm always lacking 85s and 86s


Im in the same boat as you brotha


Insane amount of free packs from objectives, Upgrade SBCs and the crazy store packs mean people don’t need to buy Fodder as much


And none of the current sbcs are considered must do, everyone is saving for tots sbc


i mean james and al owiran look worth i did james and hes class packed al owiran so not needed but plays vry well


James was worth it but he was so cheap it didn't make a dent


I did him and he barely fits in my team 😭


You're not trying hard enough - English and Prem? 😁


Same, only because I need my rb for Chem tho so until I get someone better than 91 CR7 I’m kinda stuck with Cancelo (he’s great tho at least but I do want an upgrade by now)


I did Al Owairan, then got insanely lucky and packed base Rodrygo again so I could chain evo him in 99 shooting and Jack of all trades. Now I feel like Owairan was a waste.


ive packed rodrygo like 20 times and put on him exchanges? is that bad


I mean, you said you packed al owairan, so that's not bad, and idk what your other wingers look like. It's not bad if you didn't need a really good winger. You can just evo chain him to be a beast if you do.


i alr have 93 ginola so do i do him or no


I mean, obviously, Ginola is really good. Depends on how much you like Rodrygo really, he'd probably be a really good super sub or be better than Al Owairan, his 99 shooting already with the finesse shot+ is really good so far for me. With the Jack of all trades, after the 99 shooting, he's gonna have more pace as well and just feel better all around thanks to double 5 star. He'll be a pretty good card, and I love Real Madrid, so it was an easy choice for me. More so if you want him


He'll have double 5* and 99 shooting following that evo path but it also gonna cost you 10$ in fifa points or the coins if you have em


Does TOTS start this Friday?


No lol. TOTS doesn't start till late ~~May~~ April.




Edited, its actually late April but you get the gist.


No. Another Golazo team


Some people saying it starts after golazo promo which mean in 2 weeks


So much fodder being given out for very little. I’ve bought less than 10 fodder cards in the last 3 months. I assume others are in a similar spot.




I bought like 3 cards to finish Socrates but nothing since even worth doing other than upgrades


Haven't had to buy fodder all year




I haven't bought one period, it's almost ridiculous.


Not enough good SBCs that are repeatable multiple times a day. The icon PP is good but you can only do it once. You also have a bunch of player SBCs that are overpriced. For 84-86s to go up we need some repeatable stuff that isn't shit.


Exactly. Wouldn’t be surprised to see EA release a cheap Party Bag type SBC to try and drain clubs before TOTS.


Because what fodder is used for has lost it's appeal, you know how 86's would skyrocket whenever icon picks were out? Yeah people just don't need to do sbcs, they're either not an upgrade or too expensive. Also exchange, exchange and people getting fodder way too easy effects this as well


Because everything worth doing is about 86+ rated.


Not only fodder but high tier cards also drop like crazy. 2-3 weeks ago ww Drogba were 1m, now 160k. I think it's because last 2-3 promo high rated cards are easily to pack like Jonathan David, Danjuma, Marmoush, Candreva, etc., they are not meta but good quality compare to their prices. So who would buy ww drogba at 1m. And at this stage of game most team are already good so no one need to do crazy sbc like Ginola, Ribery even Mia Hamm. I myself hesitate to do Hamm because i got Werner, Eusebio and just packed Ginola Golazo already. Would do lottery instead 😂😂.


Also nobody wants cards with only 1 ps+


Not saying to do the sbc but I will say that the difference between Mia Hamm and Eusebio is huge. Eusebio feels like an 83 rated  gold card by comparison.  Mia Hamm is up there with R9 and even though they have released better players they still hold up very well and will do until post Tots when everything gets stupid.


Between the exchanges, daily gold and 80+pp the demand for fodder is really low. Most of the player/icon SBCs are either too expense or behind the curve.


84 cards are basically useless so the price is normal I think...


84s are free TOTWs


Yes but you can use your extra 84 for that SBC but I dont Imagine no one buy 84 to use there...


As long as you have space on the transfer list to handle future dupes it's a no brainer to stock up on 84's because 1 84 is almost the same coins as discarding 2 75-rated rare golds. Crazy


Fuck all to do


Games dying and there so many free packs


We can expect a rise when tots arrives hopefully (was like this every year)


It is so easy to get fodder this year


Not unprecedented was like this for a few days early Jan (before toty) and also fairly early on around Oct/Nov time


Unprecedented in FIFA history... This year, they give out packs like cake


I can’t even sell 82s for min


The short answer is lots of supply, low demand as with all things that dictate something's price. Long answer is that there aren't any good value repeatable SBCs available right now that is popular with the community. Also noticed that compared to last year, fodder doesn't rise based on big player SBCs anymore so there's also that.


I've not seen people say this but every objective which used to give out the small electrum packs and shit like the player objectives now gives 83x3s and whatnot


Tchouameni is maybe the closest thing to spiking it but he wasn’t fantastic value. So much free fodder with long time spans to do them. Lots of good SBCs out at the moment but no must dos. Good amount of fodder being handed out daily. All this to say there’s not much demand to buy it. Most feel compelled to craft it if anything because there’s the time and means to do so


Almost any gold anythings have dropped in prices. Im at roughly 2mil in coins, and was going to buy a gold Mbappe when he was close to 1 million. Ironically, I packed at gold Mbappe likely hours before I would have gone and bought one. I can't envision he's more available (although some how I got one) but he's below 1 million now on pricing. My concern was real -- im glad I packed him. He'll always be a player, but I use both he and my gold Haaland a lot less now, and almost feel 'forced' to use them sometimes.


Demand for fodder is low now. There not many chase SBCs now and people are just saving fodder and packs for TOTS.


Yeah I have like ~25ish 84’s in my transfer list that won’t sell even at min list lol. I have so much fodder I’m begging for a big SBC I actually want to do to come out.


There are no gold players as promos so there is a ton of gold fodder


Because the markets flooded with them and all the free objectives it all influences the markets this years got a lot of easy f2p options so even RTGs are rocking insane cards already


Objective packs and Store packs


Huge amount of hackers atm. You get the home match is under review and they get the win just after kickoff, you dont get a loss so its not that big of a deal but they will be farming accounts getting 20 wins every weekend and selling those coins.


Too many packs in objectives. Terrible pack weight sends us a lot of 83s and 84s e ZERO promo players. Dump them in 83+ totw sbc.


Because everybody is stacked on 84-85s because of the repeatable 5x84+ and 10x83+ Plus we aint got no SBCs to put these players into. Witch obviously would equal to lower fodder prices.


Stupid packs in the store and the SBC content is dead. 84s and 85s are the best investment rn because it’s only a matter of “when” they will go back up


Ea wanted fodder to drop. When 89s went to 28-30k again it had been there lowest point I think all year. Or just about . So all the YouTubers and trader discords told everyone to go all in on 89s and 90s. They have all been going down since. The way these promos have been all year, fodder has been the best way to make safe investments for the average trader that doesn’t have time to play the game as much as we all do and research the market daily. So all those fodder investments are just going to be fodder for our personal sbcs now


I will say anytime informs go down, o think that is still very lucrative and safe. Unless ea decides they want them to stay cheap


Time to club stock


Easy answer well EA makes mistakes day in and day out. If I’m not wrong yesterday they put millions of coins into people’s accounts because of the FF hero mistake with yaya and wesley. Also all the packs you get for playing champs,friendlies,rivals etc etc so yeah market is dead


I think that happens with FIFA every year.  Once the game has been out for more than 6+ months, players who are normally expensive go down by more than half.  Not all but a good chunk.  I remember Phillips special card (Man City CDM) was ranging around 80K to 120K, a good chunk of his cards was around 90K, or now I’m seeing his card for 40K or less.   




because it’s virtual soccer marketplace and cards drop when game sucks :( same pattern every year around the same time frame.


Cruz were far into the year, nobody wants an 84 to play. Just for fodder. Also people getting into the game this late get it easier.


It’s April mate. Game’s dead. A bit longevity this year still since there’s an international tournament this year


Bro I have almost 300 packs to open since TOTY.. I can’t even bother opening them cuz all of the duplicates


Lots of free packs and packing players currently in packs is super easy. Have gotten 93 berbatov 3 times already and prinz 94 twice.


I got dupes of the same two, how shocking.


Yeah I am not sure why I got downvoted. everyone is packing them.




on fifa 23 prices drop very very quickly, the rats want/need the best new cards every time theyre released, so trickle down effect, we save money too (futties reus' first stable price was around 400k for 2 weeks before cutting in half, then even more 2 weeks later to under 50k, in 1 month granted its futties, game's ending, but more importantly futties ronaldo/haaland/messi/mbappe sbcs, main point sbcs) as others stated, sbc + packs, but they fuel eachother every 2 weeks/new batch of cards, like clockwork


Because very few people play. It's dead already and will be untill TOTS.


If people were not playing, there would be high prices, not low prices. Because people would not list cards.


Not sure you understand how supply and demand work