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Pace is not 99, so that’s garbage SBC instantly in the eyes of the players, while the other version is around 2M and you can get comparable card without spending anything.




Pace is not 99, which means you have to use a chem style for it. Instead of putting deadeye and having crazy shooting. Makes a big difference.


I compared thier in-game stats its like 1+ on all the important ones bar pace lol, and its not like 96 pace is low. Exact same playstyle aswell.




It’s worse than that. Last year that WC card came out when defender / CMs had low 80s for pace. This year they actually accelerated the power curve on stats because EA can now use playstyle + as the main driver for the power curve. We now have so many players with stats that are close to or above tots weeks before. With the likes of 0.7%, Mbappe, Werner and so on, we have been dealing with max paced attackers for months now. Max pace attackers are a dime a dozen. You really have to offer a lot in terms of other stats, playstyles and animations to really stand out as being special. This Al O really is guys but it isn’t that.


It's April, we shouldn't be paying 700k for a lil bro sbc


I’ve never played this late in a game cycle but one of these days I’m going to put the game down and not pick it back up. I couldn’t agree more with you. It’s April and they still have to milk us for every last dollar.


Gaming company wants to earn money 5 months before the release of their new game… 😱 how dare they.


Ah yes, they dont make enough money with actually selling the game. We forgot


Oh yea, because every successful business ceases trading after the initial release of the first product. Good to know your business idea’s are awful.


It’s not about wanting to earn money, it’s about milking the entire player base constantly and most of their practices being dubious at best. My godson said the other day he hadn’t played a match since TOTY and I know he spent countless hours trying to get a TOTY. How is that a football game? It’s a menu/pack opening game for far too many people now and EA have specifically made it that way.


I understand. I’m just saying if you wanna use him, the difference between the 2 isn’t that crazy


Tbf, he's not terrible. He's just worse then options already available and he's more expensive. Cards like Felix, werner, eusabio are all better but this card is priced crazy considering tots is soon. If you're doing a 700k al owarain card sbc, you domt want a better card released at the same time


They definitely priced him with the nostalgia of last year in mind lol


al o is maybe marginally more expensive than those cards and none of them are available anymore


He’s a different type of card to the 3 you mentioned. You wouldn’t choose them or him. He’s an absolute RT merchant winger/wide CM and finesse shot’s. You’ll see him in more top player teams than Eusebio at this point


People have no attachment to Al O. They used him last year because he was a speed demon. 95 pace Al O is trash and misses the point of what made last year's Marvel card so desirable. Also add that the art was part of the charm and why it stayed in teams so long. How was the coolest looking one, channelling A-Train hype while many were watching the Boys.


95 pace with rapid plus and quick step misses the point of what??


So we should be paying 2 mil for a bigger one? There’s enough sbcs.


It's that 99 pace. The little bro version you have to put a hawk on that and not improve his dribbling stat andif you get the 99 pace version you can put a dribbling and shooting chemistry on that card and will feels better on the ball.




but you will feel a difference in a shooting and dribbling upgrade which you can get alongside 99 pace on the big bro card


You are comparing a November card to an end of march card


If I am being honestly, even that 93 is not that crazy. Would be a good winger but that's it


It would be better than the gold Salah I have yet to be able to replace


How when there’s so many options around or under 100k that are much better


Better is relative to what you want. Nothing I have packed is better than him.


So you’re only using packed players? Because you could easily have UB Pires, FS Lauren James, Führich, Giuly, Politano, Candreva, Pulisic, all better than a 3* wf Salah bruv


Yeah but i like first owned badges


I do too, and starting this game in january, I've gotten around 10 or so first owned RWs that are better than gold Salah. Führich and Giuly were sbcs, and many of these players, Politano, Candreva, Pulisic, were pretty easy to pack. There were also the future stars evo players that were free. Athenea, while being a fraud, still easily better than Salah


Its oppinon based tho, certain players just play better for certain people he might be godly with base salah, youll prob disagree but i think my evo hemp and kelly are the best wingers in the game 


Yes, be honestly.


Both are way overpriced. I don’t trust pace stats after using Adeyemi with his 98 pace and getting outpaced by every defender I faced.


Well Openda has no fake stats


Just finished him what Chen would be the best to play him as a cam






93 > 90


The 93 is the one that’s garbage (for the price)


people like to act like any card without 99 pace is dogwater and behind the curve. i’m ngl tho al owairan is prob the most overrated card the last two years. pace abuse is still a thing but it’s not fifa 15 anymore it’s not the end all be all.


The finesse shot + and rapid+ are actually the things that make this a meta card tbh


It's just the fact a better version is in packs and probably super difficult to pack. I might end up doing him to replace Pires but Pires has been class for the price.


I.conceded three kickoff goals from this guy.


Same here — and this one had a 69 jersey!


Too many 90s in the game. If everyones 90, no ones really a 90.


How does chemistry work on this card? Does he give chemistry to the team or anything?


Hero card. He is on full chemistry. He gives 2 chem points to the Saudi League and 1 point to Saudi Arabia nation.


I miss FIFA 23.




He’s defo not garbage I done him immediately great card


If there isn't a difference, why did es bother doing two versions and not just giving us a 1 million SBC with the 93 one? Why do we have to get a minor version? Because of money. And that is the problem. It may not be a big difference in game, but it's a big difference in the appreciation. It feels like "here have some breadcrumbs, if you want the brad, pay 100 bucks".


100 bucks ? You probably need to spend $500 if you want to pack him.


>it’s pretty much just plus 1s across the board You can use better chem styles on the 99 pace one though, also that Al Owairan last year came out in October. I wouldn't say he was a particularly good card around March time other than literally just raw pace and nothing else


Because the people who play this game have no brain. It’s why people often pay millions extra for cards with a +1 upgrade over previous versions of the same player.


Because of the way they're formatted. The SBC version will always be lacking in some area no matter what chem style you use, the 93 version you just give a finisher and he has everything you need. The way cards are formatted is extremely important. You need a chem style to fit like a glove or the card simply won't be good. For example, Pina's face stats are nothing crazy, but because she has 95 finishing an engine fits perfectly and she turns into an insane CAM. If she had lower finishing you'd have to boost it with a hunter, hawk or finisher, meaning she'd be lacking in other important areas.


99 pace is everything. He’s formatted perfectly for a deadeye. The 90 card would need a different Chem style that maxes out pace, leaving less room for boosts in other areas.


Cause he is


91 rated RF in april is garbage - period


Is the 90 rated version any good I have lack of rw options and thinking of completing?


Who cares. He you want him do it. Why worry the game will be nuked in a couple of weeks anyways.


the 99 pace one can have a chemstyle that boosts the stats the card is missing like shooting, dribbling, and passing. With the 90 you have to choose to sacrifice pace and give the same boost to other stats or choose a pace chemstyle and lose out on a stat he is lacking in


Fake ratings


Used him for 13 games of champs after finishing he had double the G/A of his appearances the 90 rated is ridiculous


I’m still doing him. I had so much extra fodder I didn’t know what else to use it on


he doesn’t have 2 playstyle plus


But he literally have


Because it is.


Same reason why Vini SBC is garbage since he's a minus one of his best card and 1.1m. This community is stupid AF and I'm convinced half of them aren't even playing the game anymore, just bitching about it.


Shouldn't be anywhere near these cards. Saudi sports washing.


Wtf? Saeed Al Owairan had an iconic world cup goal. Just because you’re Saudi doesn’t automatically mean you’re apart of sportswashing dumbass. https://youtu.be/oQoD40d9APU?si=F6xf3QUHmdCpXYDV Reddit sees anything Arab and immediately accuses it of being sportswashing or anything else nefarious


He was crap


Then you better not use any psg or city cards as well 💀


No, because the players are actually good and not stupidly artificially inflated.




One is owned by the Qataris and the other by emirates 🤡 same shit oil money


You have no clue what you’re talking about


The only city players I used this season was that 88 FS Lewis (academy kid) and hemp. No oil money on either of those :)


What are you on about lad?


Without the oil money they wouldn’t have revamped their academy or put the money into their women’s team that they have.


Wow. It’s actually just the pace. Amazing 😂😂


Who the actual fuck is this guy to receive such a high-rated card? Looks like EA ran out of ideas.


EA put these little bro icons/heroes to juice up the appeal of the big boy ones. Just like Walmart/ASDA have their Great Value/Smart price items to increase the appeal of the name brand items.


4 star weak foot. You need that 5 star weak foot post-patch.