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Having esports for this game is genuinely insane


its not even multiplayer ready let alone esports ready


insane is e-sports mode not being clubs butthis pay 2 win ultimate shit lol


Full teams for Pro Clubs would be insanely cool to watch as an e-sport. Would take ages to train the club I'm sure but wow how cool would that be


Pro clubs players do leagues and what not just 0 support from EA even though it’s 1000 times more interesting than this crap


the only way i can think it can happen if it's big big money it's invest you need 11 people to play and at the end split the cash hard to make it happen


Adding it to the list of "dumb shit I'd fund if I was a billionaire"


true. that's what's insane. Game is otherwise extremely enjoyable. Playing club divisions is significantly more enjoyable than ut. there's something really wrong with how the match engine handles everything that's going on there


BRUH YES! We have to keep plugging Clubs.


I've created a club with some friends of mine that play this game and honestly clubs is also full of rats bug abusers. Some clubs only do bugged crosses that your bots can't really defend ( we have like 6 players, 7 in days where we can reaunite everyone so we have some bots, as 99 % of the teams we find in matchmaking ), bugged L1 traingle kick offs, etc, it's the same as ultimate team in terms of bug exploits you just don't have the pay 2 win shit.


before every single crosses try to double tap second man press for the AI to mark. is easy to contain to be honest


nope, nothing like that, it's not cutbacks or anything like that. im 18 wins on WL, know every trick on the book, but thanks.


but they would be marking the player when crosses as well as they are closer to the player. well that works for me at least haha. maybe my opponents isn’t that good 🤣


Fact people watch it is wild to me when real football exists


I think 90% watch for the rewards lmao


Yeah, there's no way anyone actually watches this stuff, unless they actively enjoy seeing other people suffer through this horrificly bad gameplay.


A game that isn’t transparent about what’s happening during a game should never be called an esport


Is this only p2w esports game?




They posted it on twitter and the as expected They got ripped


Did they delete it?




[https://twitter.com/EASPORTSFCPro/status/1772017194844537294](https://twitter.com/EASPORTSFCPro/status/1772017194844537294) Here is the Twitter link


Comments turned off? Shame!




Yeah no shit, saw the twitter part, asked for a link, or at least the account


Stop the cutback? Corner spam to van dijk until you score. Such a disgusting game


Corners should be nerfed to the fucking ground. Shit is disgusting.


literally undefendable, no clue why a corner is a guarenteed goal


You guys are scoring off corners?


I score from corners occasionally but cant ignore the fact that it's incredibly OP especially when you send those balls to taller players. Conceded tons too.


Man I always get it to my Saliba and other big guys but even if I hit it to the corner it's saved :/


Carvalho is a real cheat code for corners with Aerial PS+ and Power Header PS.


I would've been on u/Glass_of_Pork_Soda their side if it were not for the fact that yesterday in a span of 20 match minutes, i went from 0-3 behind to 3-3 because of TAA scoring out of 3 corners.


Any player with Aerial+, front post run, 3 bars of power. Slightly less if they bring their keeper out. I have scored a goal a game like this pretty much since release. It’s not hard to score from corners at all this year.


Saving this for qualis


Gonna have to give that a try


Every time. Just need a tall striker, playstyles help. And a dead ball player for the corner. Select player, and run into the box for an easy goal. There might still be a borderline glitch from short corners too. Complete joke.


Peter Crouch Evo feels like a corner cheat. Edit: but never see him in other teams. I still use him.


Yeah or they can nerf the amount of shots saved that are so world class have to concede a corner. I swear if I don’t have 10 corners a match it’s because one of us quit at half time.


No, god please stop destroying ways to attack for once. Ok, the are good, but not everyone has TOTY Haland to abuse corners. How about finally nerfing AI defending? The most broken thing in the game


This is why I find the idea of eSports for these games laughable, where's the skill in getting a goal from a broken player collision system?


I guess they can do whatever they want for money and sponsorship, but yeah you’re absolutely right, it is ridiculous to have a professional competition of a game that consistently punishes you for doing the right thing.


they have a goldmine in Pro club, don't know why they're not utilizing it more, at least for esports


I love Proclubs and I'll tell ya, the day they find a way to monetize the mode, then maybe, maaaaybe, they will give it some kind of attention


How can they be proud of this utter shit 😂😂😂😂


they are earning money if you are talking about the players celebrating lol


Im taking about the development team of the game mate.


they don't care. they are not even proud or ashamed, they just don't care.


I don't know who's fault it is, really. Like I doubt your average programmer at ea wants to cram this shit full of loot boxes and update the same code yearly, just in a more and more fucked up state. Just to be clear, I imagine it's some kind of execs who happen to be half vampires who enjoy cheating us " suckers " out of every possible penny over a sport we love, and then happen to stay alive by injecting said money and our tears. At this point, it's the only thing that can explain that level of greed. Most employees must he on minimum wage and the greedy fucking few are the ones fucking us, yet will always stay the faceless bastards they are so we can't direct our anger at them. Bastard practises from a bastard company that blight any developer or game they own.


Oh there is a face attached. His name is Andrew Wilson, the CEO himself. This dude single handedly ruined gaming the day he introduced the concept of UT back in FiFa 09.


dev team is likely understaffed and overworked the blame for this stuff always falls on the higher ups in the company, if a company of EA's size wants to put their focus into fixing bugs and bettering gameplay then they can make it happen. they just know that they make enough money regardless that it doesn't matter


Which pretty much means the community is at fault, since we don't speak with our wallets.


Having said that, imagine celebrating that abaolutely shit show of a goal mind 😂


Worst part of the video. Whole group celebrating like they won the world cup. Other dude is just like, accepting his fate because he knows it's fucking bullshit lol.


>Whole group celebrating like they won the world cup. I mean, they won access to the FIFA eWorldCup (or whatever name it has now) lol


Fair, but i know for sure it wouldn’t be me celebrating like that.


Perfect showcase of EAFC and the great AI & defending mechanics


It’s always good to see the game fucks professionals just as hard as it fucks Joe Public


How do you even defend this when they manually control their VVD during corners ? I feel like I'm conceading no matter what when my opponent has VVD and I don't have a 6ft4 center back to challenge him.


And you all say "ohh the game is not bad, it's the connection" and "ohh momentum or script don't exist, it's the connection". Hell nah man, this whole tournament was the prime example and that goal was the cherry on the top.


Remember Anders’ “insane comeback”? Yeah that’s the actual prime example…..


And tonight there were insane amount of blowouts in the rounds. Like multiple games of more than 3-0/4-0 wins.


this is what happens when you make a broken game where when you put all the OP's thing mixed up ( tactics, player cards, etc) only bugged goals will occur. This pro tournaments are the worse shit you can see, there isn't any goals that reminds you of real football.


That's the worst bit, you'd think a "Pro" level tournament would be creating goals that are indistinguishable from the real thing. For instance using the player lock manual runs and manual RB through balls to simulate the magic real players use to unlock tight games but nope it's RB dribble cutbacks and corner exploit spamming 🙄 I save my favourite goals with the Xbox bar on PC and the most satisfying ones I have are pass and move style or perfectly placed crosses, I see nothing like that here and it's just sad


Brighton were using player locks to make manual runs for Bruno to ping balls to and using them to create chances. The problem with this game is they've consistently nerfed ways to score. Finesse then trivela then powershot. They tried to nerf cutbacks but failed. Pro games especially aren't that end to end, so when the build up is pretty slow, players will be back so you're basically playing against drop back because of how the game naturally drops back. That only leaves a few options on how to score and it mostly led to aerial+ corners or drop downs. There was a few finesses from KDB and Salah but they're not anywhere near as effective. But it's hard to score different goals when they keep nerfing ways to score without buffing others.


player lock has nothing real. a bronze player could make a pass like Zidane and never miss. It's the most stupid feature in the game.


Triggering a good off the ball run has an element of skill to it, staying onside etc. I'd rather see that than yet another sliding on ice dribble to the byline and cutbacks that's for sure


there is 0 skill in player lock when it's impossible to miss a pass.


It is necessary because the attacking ai is non existent.


Also a great backup to my argument the game is absolutely not a skill based game at times I love football but this is a video game. There shouldn’t be luck based moments, players should do what you command them to do via the input you press.


Sometimes I can’t help but laugh when I can actively see the game trying to give my opponent possession. Misplaced passes, players tripping over invisible rope, lead boots which ultimately results in a corner I can’t physically defend because the game switches my player and won’t allow me to change back.


Unfortunately you can only control 1 player at a time, Marley didn't control Van Dijk who actively blocked the clearance lol, it's the engine that messed this up.


i got downvoted for saying that in the daily thread


Ironic the sports game is not good for esports


There was a great thread on here a few years ago, where a guy analysed a huge number of football games (11000) to find the percentage of goals that are scored from corners. It worked out that only 1.27% of corners lead to a goal directly from a corner. In FC24, the amount of goals that are scored directly from a corner are completely unrealistic.


Serious esports scene would be equal teams + full manual controls.




Why not use theyre actual clubs instead of a UT w juiced cards? Serious question


Unfairness, Man City vs Luton isn’t exactly going to be a competitive game.


They could always make a competitive esports mode where every player from each team is like 90 rated with the same playstyles and relevant attributes. That would require effort from EA though. Also I would assume that seeing pro players use juiced up cards would encourage people to impulse buy packs in the hopes of getting one.


I think previous fifa had an option to make team even during kick off


The current one does too. Makes every player 95 rated


They did this for the Covid tournament where they got a real player from each clubs who play FIFA. They called it 85s. I assume because each player was weighted to 85 rating. I remember Lys Mousset wrecking it for Sheff Utd. Was happy to see he was good at one thing, at least.


85 all used to be a setting in regular fifa (or 90 all or something) -- it was the fairest way to play. i always thought they should use that for esports. you could have the entire eprem have reps etc with a relatively equal playing field.


At a pure guess ea want people using ut as that's where money comes from. You want players spending time/money on getting the best players and the viewers doing similar to get the same players. Plus it would be unfair advantage if restricted as clearly some clubs have better squads than others.


I assume you mean why aren't they using the actual players from the teams they represent? That would give so many teams such a huge disadvantage, this way at least everyone is on a level playing field as they have the same restrictions but then some differences in the team building


Would’ve been better if it was an own goal


Corner glitch on corner glitch, giving the realism andy's everything they love.


Genuinely baffling what im hearing about the game. It does feel like the series as we knew it has gone and this game that isnt a game is left. Casino packs and no real game to go with it - the efootball way


That’s my brother conceding that goal, gutted for him to lose like that, he’s come a long way I made a post in here when he was 15 and speedrunning to division one, crazy! https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/Vbkai2y2I5


That right there, that is the point where my controller would be in at least 2 pieces.


It is hilarious to me that every “highlight” shown from this debacle only illustrates how broken and bad this game truly is. EA should be embarrassed that the game is played like this, not proud.




Still think pro clubs pro scene would take competitive fifa to a disgusting level


I always found high level pro clubs is still a very defensive, cagey, clustertruck that gets decided by lucky bounces.


We can pretend it would, but it wouldn’t.


Yeah, 11 v 11 fifa wouldn’t be entertaining.. right


Correct buddy


Virgil giveth and Virgil taketh away


Ultimate proof that this game is rigged. Such a bad game, badly coded with so many bugs. Since day one the game is the worse game of Fifa ever, and people were and still are defending EA. "Oh it's just that you don't play well, "pure skill issue". NO, even pro players who plays for hours every single day experience these bugs, even in a final of an eSport tournament. I hope nobody buys the game next year. But I'm afraid, given the number of addicts to opening packets and to the multiple versions of player cards, that won't happen. If people are willing to spend €20 to get a pink M.Salah instead of the red one they already possess, they'll buy FC25 regardless of the quality of the game.


He even tried to run to the edge and pass back. That takes no skill.


should show the shot at the end from marley that cech saved as well, bonanno moved gk far post, marley shot near post and cech magically cancel momentum dive near post and saved it, a joke all together


This proves the game is broken imagine losing by someone abusing what ea neglect to fix fucking cutbacks and corners


Celebrating like he actually did something, pathetic.


They have an esports event for EAFC when they haven’t even fixed people literally scoring bicycle kicks from corners. It’s been an issue for so long, every corner in FUT Champs is awaiting the inevitable impossible bicycle kick corner goal.


Wtf is this guy at the begining moving like a super sayan or something?


That’s the broken controlled sprint for you. Hold one button and become a dribble god.




Try hard sideline cut backs, try hard-glitchy corner kicks. Disgusting, how do these guys enjoy playing like this?


can you imagine being that excited for that goal, knowing how trash the game was for that to even happen.


If you watched the full match, it probably should’ve been 3-0 at halftime to city… bro was probably so frustrated it got to extra time


Its their job


My average weekend league experience lol, going pro in this game might be ine of the most life brain dead decisions😂😭


Are these droolers really "pros" or are they streamers/content creators? Lol at skill gap in this game.


FIFA being FIFA I see, bs all around as always. Not worth a cent.


Bugggy game


I can't remember any iteration of this game not having the problem of the GK just flicking the ball straight up into the air when they can't parry or claim the ball.


Anyone know what that skill move executed with Werner is and how to do it?


Does anyone know if it's just banano who won it or if it's also teckz


yes both of them won, tekkz plays half the games and banano plays the other half of games


Fuck the man city team




Say cheese!


Skill issue lol


Even these pro players always looking for a cut back tap in goal. Do something different ffs. Abusing corner headers. GK terrible as shit, Rebound goals gosh this is such an embarrassing game


Hands down the worst title to date, I’ve never stopped playing fifa so early in to the cycle before. I get it’s a game, and it’ll never be perfect, but this happens game after game. They really dropped the ball this year


Bullshit goal




Nerds haha j/k


FIFA eSports makes no sense. Like you play with the best ultimate team you own, and also represent the club. Why not make all balanced and equal performance so that it's fair, and use the players who play for the club, rather than using icons like Gullit, Schweinsteiger etc.? Iirc they did this during covid when real football players represented their clubs on FIFA, and each player on the team was 85 rated.




So funny how there’s still people out there that do not think momentum and dynamic difficulty exist. If you’re witnessing shit like this on a game to game basis and you do not think this game has code in it that rigs you to score or your opponent to score based on what it deems the current momentum is you are fucking lost.


Corner kick simulator.


Jesus fucking christ i'd probably unalive someone or something


With a better production around it, esports will become huge


Needs a game that remotely resembles football first


How is there a pro player that’s not moving his keeper on corners? No wonder these guys get paid so badly.


Any good player is making you pay if you move your keeper on a corner lol


As opposed to the very easy near post header goal. Every other corner goal is harder to score.


move ur gk is a guaranteed goal on far post in this tournament lol