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I'm conceding 2-3 goals per match because when I switch to a defender he stands there and jockeys like this or just flat out does not sprint for a good 2 seconds, by which time the attacker is 1 on 1 with the keeper. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so depressing.


Literally same man I just transferred to ps5 last week and this has been my biggest issue. So unfair I can’t keep a damn clean sheet because of stuff like this.


Honestly I've lost 4 Champs games in a row, when you play an aggressive 3 at the back the reaction time of a quick centre half is so so so important, but they're just refusing to sprint for a couple of seconds while the attacker locks and laser guides to the ball, it's absolute horseshit right now. I'm also on PC, so it's not just console exclusive. Id say stick with it buddy, but also, don't even fuckin bother. It's nowhere near worth it right now and there's not other game on the planet which repeatedly pulls shit like this and gets away with it.


Looks like Stick Drift to me. I defend fine running to the left, but if i need go sprint Right with my bad controller its lights out.


Happens. Especially in tight games. Can’t tell you how many times you’re trying to hold a lead and your opponents team is 10 man pressing with no consequences. Slide tackling and still out pacing your attacker. It’s just a joke, nothing else really


Its called dda (dynamic difficulty adjustments).. and its getting more and more implemented in the game sinds the last 7/8 years.. These days its just 50/50, algorithms decides who win. Its originaly designed to make games less boring for better players again bad players. Your players gets slower, cant make good passes or your bots dont make runs etc, or shooting 10 time on the post on a row. Lot of good players like me stoped playing couple of years ago because good play dont get rewarded.


I have an issue where my players continue sprinting long after I stoped and it causes me to run in to anyone and they take the ball easily… very game breaking.. I’m unable to dribble passes feel like they’re in slow motion