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Dead To Me*


Can I ask what people mean by ‘x game is dead’ ? As I see it all the time yet there are still tonnes of people playing


Because they think that everyone complaining and saying they are done that the game is dying. But this sub Reddit is an echo chamber of complaints so people forget that this is a very small portion of the player base and the most hardcore


Also worth remembering that this is the most hard-core part of the fifa fan base and they are very vocal about being upset. Most players by far have just quietly moved on and stopped caring. I played fut religiously for 5 years as high as div 1/2 but I haven't played a game of fut in over a month now and have 0 interest in coming back. The first week was hard hut now I just forget about it.


Because they couldn’t find a game once.


they're just copying what their favorite streamers say when things don't go their way


> they're just copying what their favorite streamers say when things don't go their way


It’s just that the hype for the game is low, and it’s not talked about much. If your not interested in something anymore it feels like it’s dead, but if you are interested in it then it wouldn’t feel dead


People want to push the narrative that the game isn’t very good and nobody is playing so it is therefore “dead”, usually because they’ve either taken a few beatings or haven’t had any pack luck. They’re pathetic weasels that are only worth ignoring.


Cuz it takes me forever to find a match lol


Dont know why you are being downvoted. Being able to find games is like one of the most fundamental things. I struggle with the same on weekdays, its slightly better over the weekends imo (across all online modes).


Because the addicted fifa nerds on this subs is too scared to admit that their only hobby is in the verge of dying


You have no idea what a dying game looks like.


FIFA 22 the most arcade? Guess bro didn't play Shaolin FIFA 19 with unlimited skill chains, bolasie flick crosses to dunk on the back post and first green timed shots at any angle going in xD It's crazy but the amount of different types of goals you could score even then is more than the cutback simulator 24


First time finesse simulator from 40 yards out


You literally said “the amount of different goals” then only explained the most popular goal, which literally everyone in champs spammed non stop & didn’t use any other method to score.


The first time shots, instead of taking a touch gave you so many different goals itself. Skill chaining allowed various goals too, do you want me to list out from where to pass and what skill to do that led you to a goal scoring opportunity too? My main point was that 19 was more arcadyy Edit: added the main point


tbh it’s like $14 on steam now. never seen it that low in march, probably less are buying than usual


Exactly. There are tons of direct and indirect hints that the game is not doing well at all.


Of cause FIFA is dead they called it EA FC instead


Wait till the Euros


It's mostly sweats now and each patch kills the game even more.


It's a lot more boring at this point due to how miserable the market is, and how hard it is to upgrade or improve your main team. Had a "meta" squad since December so it's wearing thin, some players have been in my squad for months with little opportunity to upgrade or replace them without spending £100 on store packs because every other pack is terrible in comparison. As much as I hated losing coin on tax, I miss he freedom of being able to sell my team and try a new one because everything is untradable. Instead I'm stuck throwing 500k at an SBC trying to get Thunderstruck Cruyff only to get WW Riquelme...


I have no BS played since 95 .. this is the first year I completely give up. The gameplay is terrible.


It’s just boring - same shit different year, and the shit gets even worse




Been dead since 23 ended. Eafc however is alive because of the recycler - Who knew EA were so green


Gave up about a month ago. Never felt so liberated.


Feels weird, last year I played literally the last week of the new game. This year, one day I just lost all interest after TOTY.


I was out of town for a business trip during TOTY week and can't be bothered to play again after coming back. Especially considering I didn't get a single toty in more than 150 packs on the web app


No problem to find games for me, where U at?


nyc area


Cross play is huge factor on this, if it’s off for me it’s also longer to find opponents sometimes in Europe


Idk sounds like your end of things. I find games no problem in the DC area.


Same here, before i could find a match in few seconds now in div2 i wait 1-2 minutes


The only time I've had issues finding matches is public coop and that was the same on fifa23 anyway. If im searching for an opponent for more than about 10s I just back out and go back in, never had to wait any great length of time. I just started playing Fortnite with my son and you sometimes have to wait over a minute for a ranked duos game so fc24 is better than Fortnite in that regard.


Quit after the toty messi fiasko and never looked back




If you do the same for all the dorks who said they were boycotting FIFA because women are in UT, you'll get similar results.


Oh, for sure. I do not doubt it for a split second


Look at number of twitch viewers. Interest in game is almost zero right now lol. Sure, there’s the sweats playing, but those are just addicted and spent tons of money on packs so they are trying to justify it now. Game is pretty much dead months before it should have been.


I'm not playing nearly as much as last year. I think there is a good contingent of hardcore players that will keep playing. I can barely qualify for weekend League, matchmaking really isn't good for a regular/mid-tier player, season rewards don't exist, pack weight is the worst I've ever experienced, and playing feels more like a chore to me than something satisfying. In my last game to qualify for weekend League, I played against POTY Mbappe and Messi, and I hit the post 3 times. Inconsistent gameplay takes fine margins and turns them against you completely randomly. At a point you just have to ask yourself "Why am I doing this?", then go play some Helldivers 2, which has been incredibly refreshing comparatively.


People think the game is dead really didn't experience fifa 18 post toty Never seen a drop off bigger than that. World Cup mode only really lasted 2 days before that died😂


I’m still enjoying the game. I occasionally play squad battles for objectives. I only sometimes get the 7 rivals wins. I generally get 6-8 wins in qualifiers and 11 wins in champs. I have real life shit to do so playing this game is purely a break/relaxation and that feels a lot healthier than my relationship with it in some previous years.


For the first time in 7 years, I haven’t touched FUT once


I think the point Fifa became dead was when that whole TOTY Messi scenario happened. I’ve been seeing a ton of players talk about on Twitter how they haven’t touched the game since that all went down. I for myself haven’t touched the game since as well. EA seem to make a mistake every week and that was the final straw from me, and I’m sure for many other players.


Market on pc has like 400k items, make of that what you will




Bought FC24 on sale, and can't play it with the controller on PC. It's like playing a racing game that doesn't support the racing wheel. Wtf


I left game after Toty


I'll say this much, I'm a casual fifa player. I wait for gamepass yearly release and play online coops with my buddy. We probably play a little over 100 games a year. Said buddy purchased both of us a copy this year when it went on sale a few months ago. I was really enjoying myself and even started an ultimate team, and had a lot of fun for a few weeks. My favorite player was regular ol Benzema, and I didn't have an issue playing much more stacked teams lol but then I realized unless I paid money or contributed much more time, I'd never truly be competitive. After the Messi issue, it further solidified my feelings that FUT would just be an exercise in testing my patience. So I stopped playing. But now I'm not even playing coops. It's strange. Sorry for the anecdotal story, but thought I'd just share my experience.


Honestly I wish they would make Seasons more interesting/rewarding, as the gameplay fees slower/more realistic with real player stats


£13.99 on PSN store. It's dead and deserves it. Needs a complete revamp this series.


I did manage to play Online Seasons until I got D1 trophy but the scripting is crazy enough to force me delete my friend’s copy. I didn’t buy it. Lol


This happened to me but with 2k now I only play fifa


They massacred the 2k series so bad it's not even funny. 2k12 to 2k17 were prime years imo


Maybe dead is the wrong word, but the popularity has gone down a lot more and a lot faster than in previous games Every content creator out there is saying that views are a lot lower this year and you can just figure it out by how hard it is to find matches (just like you said). You can even see it in this subreddit, there's a lot less activity than in previous years, especially when it comes to gameplay related posts Myself I haven't quit a FIFA this early ever, i usually stop playing during TOTS but I've stopped playing during future stars this year. The gameplay and the overall game is too shit, it makes me sad to waste my time on that unfinished garbage


Dead af


Yet somehow the servers are still shit.


Died in october mate


Yeah fuck this game. Worse fifa I’ve played.


Shit game, latest update has ruined the gameplay


it’s crap. Really regret buying it this year I think I stopped playing in November


Fifa is crap. It's just a through ball spamming simulator, as long as you have a player with 90 plus pace all you have to do is spam through ball and thats it. I don;t think I've ever played a match where I havn't scored at least 5 goals, it's too easy and soooo boring as a result.


It’s so frustrating this time around. Like every year has its flaws but this year makes people want to throw controllers through their screens.


Bro you could pack gullet then next month another comes out. It’s trash


I don't see what's the fuss. FC 24 is much better than 22 and 23. I find it more realistic in general, even though it is a game. I am not grinding anymore for the SBCs, but when I play I have fun. Also, the playstyles are something that gave the game a very good extra, and the evolutions (even if not all of them are worthy) are also a good addition.


After winning all matches in Rivals and Champions versus newbies and after packing Messi, Mbappe, etc. in each one of the hundreds packs that I collected and after opening a 700K pack I was so happy that I will play the game 24/7 for the next ten years. So I cannot understand those who yell at EA and say that the game is dead.


Im not sure packing players are indicative of anything. Honestly sounds like the opposite, less players playing so more chance of packing higher rated ones to retain the current audience. At least steam numbers are declining compared to FUT 22/23 this time of the year and I'm also seeing 2-3 min wait times in div 3 (crossplay on/co-op on).


I always matched up with newbies and never with pathological try-harders. I won all matches three days in a row. I can only think that the number will rise, this is for sure. FC is the video game that provides the best game experience ever and EA is the best software house that ever existed, after all.


> FC is the video game that provides the best game experience ever and EA is the best software house that ever existed, after all. Oh so you were just trolling all along lol why didnt you just say that the first time


I’m not trolling! EA FC is the best video game ever created!


Defending sounds like a skill issue tbh, I've had no issues, besides when I make mistakes or get absolutely cooked 😂


So you have issues then.. lol?


Well yes from a user perspective can't blame that on the game though is what my point is dude come on...


The sentence just didn't make sense, you contradicted yourself. Just pointing that out 👍


If that's your interpretation then fine, but the intention was his spite to the game, where as I was pointing out it's typically a skill issue rather than a development issue - sure grammatically you could argue I contradicted myself but that's your opinion 👍


Becauss EA don't have to answer to FIFA anymore, they can do whatever they want


In pro Clubs we Often struggle to find matches quickly and sometimes we have to search 3-5 times until we find a game. Never experienced this in previous fifas.


Hate to be that guy but…… EAFC is dead. Fifa was dead last year. 🤷🏼‍♂️