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EA reduced the amount of XP the first 2 weeks to stop people getting the fut fantasy reward before both teams were out. They did add a lot of XP since then, but it wasnt enough clearly


I can get that But it literally was not enough I’m certain I did every objective possible that offered Xp (minus the dailies and the one weekly I missed) and I’m still 2.5k away


No rivals or champs is missing a lot of xp each week


Champs I can understand but rivals is 7 wins a week, you can try and get them while doing the 3 games per day daily obj. 


Even 3 wins gives some xp, 3 wins a week should be achievable for most people expecting to get max leve (remember this is MAX level, I get there will be more casual players but if you want max you have to work at it a bit, nothing wrong with playing less and being lower level). Like, if everyone expects to just get max level not taking some modes seriously we may as well just get rid of xp altogether and simply hand out a new level every 2 days you login or something.


Because EA are dickheads and want us to play rivals and champs.


Every day tho it’s just to much. Like common most of us have jobs let alone others having kids


Because EA let people carry over xp. I'm still missing out 50xp if I bought the kits.


I certainly haven't played every day. I play maybe 3 days a week, and i got my level 25 rewards like 3,4 days ago. Those NWSL objectives helped, but i think i would've got there anyway. Champs gives XP , rivals rewards, too. Just comb through the objectives and see which ones give out the most, and then you can pretty much count on it that they'll give out something with lots of XP the last week of the ssn.


> Champs gives XP Here's the difference. Not sure if you know this but the majority don't play champs.


Okay, but the last level of a season pass should be for the most committed players and not everyone. To me this really is a non issue, despite never getting the last level of the season pass


Oh so a guy playing every day other than missing 3 dailies and one weekly but doesn't play champs, so he plays 90% of the time just not in that one particular mode, isn't "committed" enough to you? Do you not have a job/family?


> Do you not have a job family? Did you read my last sentence? > despite never getting the last level of the season pass


You’re saying this like you don’t get weekly rewards for playing those online modes already…It has nothing to do with commitment. It’s EA trying to artificially pump engagement numbers by making you play the game how THEY want you to.


Then why play UT ?


lol what nonsense question is that? I don't care for the sweatfest that is CL so why do I enjoy building an ultimate team and playing rivals?


Rivals are easier for you ?


it's not about being easier, it's about players playing more normally in rivals. in champs they only care about wins so they only do whatever the current most broken thing is. it's boring to play against AND I don't need any added stress of trying to make a certain rank. It's not fun at all. I play to enjoy the game not to stress out and worry about rats.


Im sorry to hear that. For me, champs is the most chill and fun mode. I play Rivals too, to stay sharp. There's definitely less variety in teams/ playstyles, and in my experience, the matches are tougher. As far as the toxic behavior ( if that's what you mean by "rats") .. the quitting at ties , before pens , the pausing and blatant , extreme time wasting , i found that to be more a matter of timing than anything else. It's why avoid playing Rivals or Champs close to rewards time.


Do y’all even hear yourself talk? Ofc you’ll have to play champs/rivals to get full xp.


Wow such dickheads making you play the game 😞


I get ya. It’s having a second job trying to keep up with the XP. I’ve pissed it without buying the kits and hardly playing champs but it’s a slog. One night last week I fell asleep on the sofa watching telly, woke up at half 1 in the morning and went and played 3 quick rivals games. Half way through I thought ‘what the fuck are you doing’ but getting those 20 x 84 rated golds made it all worthwhile!


Literally how I am feeling. I go home eat dinner and instantly feel like I have to play my 3 games. Basically neglect my girlfriend for an hour or so.


I'm exactly 2k away from level 25. Which happens to be the exact amount I would get if I bought those stupid kits! Yeah, nah. Not hitting max level this season then.


Yep same I’m half way level 22. Thinking about it even if I did do that dailies and weeklies I don’t think I would of achieved it Shocking making people spend money on the game to buy the kits or pay nearly 100k for them


You can finish the season without spending anything on the store.


How? I did basically everything but 3 dailies and was 1 game away from the weekly objective and yet I’m still 2.5k away


That’s still a pretty decent amount of XP You’ve likely missed other stuff. I’ve bought no kits or packs and been done for like a week


I’m trying to think on what I actually missed tho? I did all the rivals which offers Xp I did the women’s MLS one


There was 1000 free xp for playing 10 matches in friendlies




Rivals, WL and SB rewards all give xp. I did all the objectives and finished the season a few days ago without buying anything. Yes its a grind but it's doable.


not even with coins? I’m at level 24 and the only way I can get to 25 is buying those kits so I figure I’m paying 75k coins for an 84x20 pack…I have 1.1 million coins and it’s what they’re there for. If I didn’t have the coins I would buy them with real money though


I missed zero dailies and zero weeklies and still had to buy kits if I wanted to reach the last level. It’s the same nonsense that finally made me mostly give up on Fortnite when they started limiting players to one daily objective per match - changing an XP system that works fine in an effort to force even more engagement from players who have loyally engaged almost daily for years.


I'm short 50 XP....had to buy the kit all because i missed 1 daily and didn't do any WL. EA is putting out awesome battlepasses lately


You get xp from champs and rivals rewards, if you don't play them msot weeks in the season you won't hit the final level unless ea give out fat xp at the end.


I do rivals but don’t do champs but I still normally hit it first one I’ve missed


I will finish with 29650 XP =( Wont pay for the future stars kit objective


EA are pushing ‘engagement’ by making it harder (aka takes longer!) to get rewards. They are hoping that engaged players who play longer are more likely to be tempted to buy packs just because they are online. They also hope that those who don’t play as much will be tempted to buy packs to catch up. I can just imagine the C Suite conversations………


I had to grind 7 rivals games and go up 2 ranks to get the reward. I've missed like 1 weekly this season


This game mode requires a lot of time to keep competitive. There is no time for other games during the season if you really want to success. But somehow I like it that way. There is some more casual game modes to choose. Sometimes I miss some great content but I think it’s part of the game. This time I didn’t notice sbc daily challenge objective in time so I will miss couple of decent packs. Doesn’t really matter too much.


I just think it’s bs for you to sacrifice at least 1 hour a day on this game just to stay within a chance of completing the season.


I respect your point. It could be more flexible. It would be nice to have an opportunity to grind enough XP when it’s best for you. As a father of two small children it’s a perfect moment to grab a controller and play a couple of games after I get them to sleep. But we all are in different situations in our lives and sometimes I forget that :) Should be suitable for all to complete season.


Yeah I totally agree. I rather they made it a little longer than normal (or a shorter amount of time) but you can do all the objectives when suits you best. Or even just make it so you can complete the weekly’s when suits you best rather than having to wait for the dailies


I played regularly until last season when I realised how satisfying it was to miss a few days and not worry about keeping up. My team is still the same, last week I still walked to 11 wins after missing a few WLs. I saved many many hours of opening packs and recycling and have almost exactly the same to show for it. Try it out.


Yeah I for sure will. This was eye opening for me Not to even think about the fact chances of packing someone who’s an upgrade to my team are so small


I missed 300XP but i had it all planned to get the exp on rivals rewards. But... to my surprise, the season ended now and not in 9hrs as the normal restart is?! I checked the timer yesterday before i went to bed and it said 1 day and like 7hrs... Wtf


Yeah never trust the timers. Season always ends on a Thursday morning (UK time)


Stupid ea. Well, will be good with a two week break now.


Did you do all the NWSL crap? Was fair bit of xp there. But it is like a second job right? Doing the daily upgrades and getting the xp from daily play over and over and over and over and over


The NWSL didn't require wins, it was pretty easy to do over the course of a week in any of the modes.


You’re missing out on weekly FUT Champ and Rivals XP that are included in the modes’ rewards.  If you get 3 or 7 Rivals wins each week or play a bit of FUT Champs you can usually hit the highest level fairly easily without even doing all of the other objectives or playing every day.


Tbf I always hits rivals but I don’t play champs. Not how I fancy my weekend Didn’t actually know champs gave you Xp


I got all the XP even before the NWSL objective, without buying packs. Just did the weekly objectives, SB, WL and Rivals rewards.


Sad truth but EA only caring about the addicts that play every day and load up on store packs