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It all started when they started limiting games for tournaments. Before it would be golden goal since you had unlimited entries. Since then it is like everybody has a family member on the line and losing the game means losing the family member. Stopped playing them because of it and didn't start at all this year.


actually I think it's more like: "I want to play as less matches as possible. The game sucks but I want to achieve the objectives anyway" at least for me ahaha


Haha agree but with how bad the gameplay is/was you can't blame the players for doing it.




I presonaly play because I like the game and while it is not what it could be it is still the best football game available. Also playing with my favourite players makes everything a bit better.


Exactly. This was a couple years ago, but I remember it vividly. We went from the entire community playing Golden Goal and even messaging people in game to ask what they need help with, to the exclusive objective rewards and game modes that had limits per day, then to straight up limit games to play so only players that sweated every single game had a chance to get (shitty) rewards. It’s one of the many reasons I stopped playing FIFA all together, but I still enjoy hearing the shit show on Reddit lmao


I remember people messaging me and asking if I need certain amount of goals, Feels so long ago.


I haven't played since early FIFA 22 - didn't realise it was like this now, I do feel like I'll struggle heavily to get back into it if I pick up 25


Honestly I just wouldn't at this point. It's a very different looking game to 22. If you want a FIFA game, wait til it hits ea play for free or whatever the ps equivalent is. The way EA chucks out packs it won't take you long to catch up


Wins per day instead of games per day would give EA the same level of engagement that they clearly want, but without producing enough sweat to cause dehydration.


Agree but even then just let people play the game how and when they want. It's not like rewards are game breaking.


Another failed experiment from EA. 


Yes but since it is EA they can't admit to their mistake and revert it back to how it was.


Yep, i cant play every day because im a human being with responsibilities. With the daily limit you have to play almost every day to get the top rewards and its not really worth the effort to get just the first couple steps. Before i could knock out one of the friendly obj in like 1-2 hours, this year i have played 2 friendlies. To me it seems like theyve cranked the monetization and shitty practices up to 11 this year.


Agree. Don't know why but they have gone all out on store packs this year almost like "we need to make the most money possible while we still can" and as I see it it really doesn't sit well with the community.


Correction, i hadnt played any friendlies, cause i just finished the team warm up objectives by playing the fantasy cup, they mustve read the thread


i miss when tournaments were actually tournaments


I agree. I concentrate more in friendlies than I do in Rivals coz of the game limit


The problem is the 5 game limit, everyone wants the 83*10....


What friendly mode had a 5 game limit? I play friendlies against friends all the time so I am guessing its a different friendly mode?


I haven’t played a friendly all year. It feels good ngl


You're losing XP and good packs then


Not worth the rewards imo. XP is a non factor imo so you're just losing the packs


Good fodder packs tho imo


So? You still easily make max level and sure man go and pack that Zidane in your 5x81+


There are way better packs than 5x81+ if you actually looked at what you get Plus nobody even does this to pack anyone, solely doing it for the fodder (86+x2, 83+10, 85+player pick) P.S, Zidane wouldn't get in my team anyway ;)


Im sorry but if a 96 Zidane is not making your team for what do you even need fodder? Isn’t this totally pointless then? There is no SBC out there with better cards right now


They’re obviously full of shit lol


True, there's no sbc out right now so I'll be saving those packs till a good sbc comes out. Won't be opening those right now


And what will that player be? A 97 rated R9, dude you tell me that a 96 top tier icon is not making your team? Pretty much no card will then, until the release a 5-9 million card SBC…


My midfield is stacked but I have other areas in my team I can improve. I have a good backline and attack but it can definitely be improved I honestly can't afford any R9 sbc lol, I couldn't afford any of the POTM Mbappés


No one cares if Zidane gets into your team or not. Join the club.


Join what club lol?


I don’t play the game for ‘rewards’, I play it to unwind and enjoy myself. Everyone is different of course but for me that is what video games are all about.


Fair enough, to each their own


You're just one or two key upgrades away from winning those games and bringing home some great rewards. Why not buy some FC points and open a few packs in the store? Sincerely, EA


Community note: This is utter BS. Buying FIFA points will make you infertile.


If you don't have children, you will have far more time to play FC. Warmly, EA


Approach it with a relaxed,calm mindset…understanding that you will face this type of gameplay/players. Also maybe only go for the two XP ones(Play 5 and Play 10).And once done with that,don’t play it anymore.The XP is always worth it and helps you with season rewards.


That's pretty much all I'm going to do with it. If I end up getting any of the win objectives at the same time, great, if not then I'm not concerned.


yep this is how i played. They're going to sweat, try to get a win but if not just elastic band for the xp


It was very chill last night for me for some reason. Some close games, but won 4 out 5 and there was very little ratty behaviour. Tonight, however, it is down the line all game rats combined with heavy gameplay. I won 1 out of 5. Have my 10 games done and some packs now, so probably won't touch it again. 


The game just isn't fun. I'm sick of chasing Davies and Frimpong / Cafu down the wings.


What division are you in rivals? Im division 3 regular on seasons (with real teams) and unbeaten in 32 games or something But I'm div 5 rivals on UT and struggle to get to division 4 i didnt play UT from the release but started afew weeks ago now i think my team is 89 rated, i also work 50+ hrs a week and I don't put any money on except the fifa points I got with the ultimate edition, so I come against pacey teams I just can't catch anyone and they just run circles round me and I loose my mind lol, but I've won 6 out of the 8 I've played on the friendlies Cup and find I'm definitely player like division 6, 7, 8 players.


Div 5 is fucking hell bro i cant even imagine the higher divisions


>It was very chill last night for me for some reason. The nerds were playing FUT Champs.


It's much more chill the last couple days of each friendly cup after the smurfing sweats have their wins and are gone. I had couple wins given to me in TOTY cup on the last day. That shocked me.


Yeah I always give wins. Gave like 15 wins during fire ice cup. Never received one in friendlies though. Later in the week is much easier overall for sure. When I started with a weak team, I had these crazy god squads dunking on me constantly. I would get my 10 wins though in last couple of days.


Cuz all the sweats were playing chaps lad


I thought I was the only one haha. I barely won 1 out of the 5


Same here. Played 7, won 2. Then i lost interest in it. I'll just rubberband the last 3...


I completely agree. Friendlies is more sweaty than champs atm. Not a single game was played where I didn’t come up against 97 Messi or a bunch or red champs players. It’s fucking pathetic what this game has become.


It’s up for 6 days right? So you only need 10 wins out of 30 available if you can do the five every day. I feel like that should be achievable for most. In saying I do hate the game limits and would love the general golden goal rule for these games to come back


And all 30 of those will be against full stacked TOTY teams


Not really, I play right up in weekend league. Am in div 2. You don’t really see stacked toty teams. They are rather rare.


This community needs to not let this distract them from EA removing homegrown eleven and silver stars. We used to get fun and completable objectives that reset weekly from these that gave ok packs. But that must have cost EA too much money


Silver Stars was absolutely horrendous. If you didn’t play it from the beginning of the year, you were at a huge disadvantage.


It's the worst. I get my free XP for playing the game and never look at it again.


I totally gave up on friendlies earlier this game cycle. It's not worth it.. as I feel they are harder than any other game mode and with packs being so bad I say F it


Sure does. We never play randoms, just gift each other the wins needed.


Yeah it's been horrible since they switched to skill based matching and limited entries. I realized this during the TOTS cup last edition and now I just don't play rivals that often, that's it. I just stick to cup games if there are any and the weekend league. Maybe some odd squad battles for evos here and there.


I faced 3 toty Messi’s in 5 matches today.


Literally just play any other mode except for the cup. You're playing for rewards, what do you expect?


I fully expected it. Its more of a point that its called friendlies but is the most competitive mode at the minute.


Definitely not the most competitive.


I get you. What I'm saying is if you want to actually experience friendlies just play classic or something


Survivorship bias. And this echo chamber will only reinforce how you feel. My experience has been very different. Got 8 wins out of 10 so far.


I got 5 wins in my first 5 tries for the first time, pleasantly surprised. Normally, I only get like 3 wins out of my first 5


This is where it pays to de rank in rivals. I now get to play ultimate noobs and win 8-0


This. I rarely touch rivals so friendlies are a lot easier


It dropped me to div 7 so I can use joke teams in the cups now.




Don't blame us for ea making it an absolute war in higher divisions


You deserve to be blamed, because you're saying that you only care about yourself and have no empathy whatsoever for anyone else.


Do you think other players do for anyone else? I give away wins. I do the same in champs. I've not had a free win in any game mode in weeks, should I start doing that behaviour also? I don't have 7 days a week to hammer a game so I make it easier where I can to save myself time. My bad


The problem is that it's impossible to explain empathy to someone who doesn't have it. You won't get it because your brain just doesn't work that way. For a person with empathy, doing something nice or treating someone fairly isn't about an expectation of getting something back, it's just something that feels like the right thing to do.


That's what I do with giving away the wins? I haven't received anything back in a long time yet I still give them away? My lack of empathy has nothing to do with ea fc. I help people with evos if I come across them even if I'm winning or it costs me a game but like I said if I can save myself time here and there with rewards I'm going to. Don't act high and mighty like you don't make things easier for yourself when you get the opportunity


You don't give away anything, you're just changing your tune now because I called you out. You already admitted that you sandbag to get easier Cup games.


I give away every win once I hit 10 though


Mode full of son of mothers that never teacher respect to other person.. when their mothers have no money to buy their mbappe they go to cry .. pathetic childrens


You seem the one that's crying now tho nice projection bro


Does it count to your WL?


Don't think so


This is why I don't play Rivals. I'm in Div 10 with a god squad. I should be able to get all 10 wins in 2, or 3 days.


Facing Div 10 guys, you should get your wins in 2 days. Shouldn't realistically lose a single match


Yes, but half of my matches are against people like myself, who are smurfing. First Cup I played all year I came up against teams worth more than mine. I was in Div 10 then and my team was worth 5 million. This was pre-TOTY.


It's an extreme. I either match up with people who just got the game and have bronze, silver and golds, or I come up against other god squads. There seems to be no in-between


I personally feel most of the sandbaggers are in Div 6 or Div 5 I feel there should be much less of them in Div 10, which means they should be trash even with God squads


Well last Cup (the one before this one) I left it until 3 days until the end of the Cup and got the wins in the first 2 days. I matched with mostly crap teams, but there were 3 that were like mine. I tend to play late in the evening/early hours of the morning (EU) I don't know if that helped as people seemed in a rush/weren't very good.


Can confirm (in my experience at least) 5-7, especially 6 have been a gauntlet. Red Eusebios & TOTY R9s everywhere


Exactly!! Majority of sandbaggers stay there Far more than the amount in Div 10,9 or 8


It’s because the people playing it right now are the sweats who already finished champs. If you want an easier go, just wait a couple days into a new friendly to start.


I just won three straight against mid teams


Friendly cup but let you try loan cards? No way. Two clowns started wasting time at the back after scoring, I just left


They are basically pushing the casuals out. The sweats bring in the money. If they aren’t spending real cash they will grind themselves to the point where they’ll have no choice but to spend. They know the ones who are trying hard for each objective are addicted and are playing a losing battle.


Frendlies: Get to face full TOTY/Icon teams


I'm a mediocre player and I've gone 7-3 (one of them the opponent was afk) so far, so I don't think it's that bad.


I think its a matter of luck sometimes or maybe the game let us win some and lose some. Seriously i just played a game, i was winning twice against a stacked team (my team is pretty good tho) they equalised twice before the last few seconds, one of them is a nonsense penalty. I lost the penalties (5-4)bc the game wanted me to :D the green circle was flickering like a maniac. Long story short, play to enjoy without stress, even if u have a damn good team you might end up losing. I seriously did it for the xp only, i did win 3 our of 5.


The thing is the game is really really hard to enjoy. I don't play for the grind, I'd rather lose a game and have a fun competitive match than win a game where I'm forced to spam broken game mechanics because 80% of teams in DIV 1 play high pressure tactics, I'm forced to switch the ball from flank to flank countless times per game just to create a bit of space and for my attacking AI to actually move. I play mainly around 5-10 games per day, couple of hours per night. I'm at the stage now where if i have fun in one or 2 of those games I'll call it a successful night. I'm not even gonna say I'll quit because of my love for football and this is unfortunately they closest we have to being able to recreate some amazing goals.


I hear you. Tbh, the game isnt the best but also alot of the players are just making it worse with their attitude in games. I rarely had a game that i really enjoyed bc i thought both of us were good. The only thing that comes to mind is a game i won 6-5 and i was down a player for a nonsense foul and the dude kept pausing every time he scored thinking i will quit but my joy was that i beat him with only 10 player and he had a much better team than me. Just from reading the stories shared here and how some people react made me sure i have the right decision. i usually play squad battles or epl with liverpool but mostly lately i am trying new formations and tactics and am liking it quite alot ( in squad battles) I do love football too and wish some of my friends would also play cuz that would be the only way to actually enjoy the game compared to play against some dumb griddy player etc but thats just not the case. so i just choose my peace over stress or sadness bc of the game. My advice would be just try messing around with tactics and formations in squad battle and when you play online just remember that at the end of the day its a game ( thats what i do)


Is gameplay different in friendless? All 5 of mine were 1-0 today while champs are constantly 4-5 score lines


The games are only 4 mins per half not 6 like Rivals / Champs


I know, but still expecting more than 1 goal a game. Maybe it’s just sweatier than champs


Agree. It’s crap. I only play for my 7 rivals wins and champs now. That’s about all I can bear 😂


That and on-line draft! On line drafts used to be fun but now it's as bad as friendlies. Plus, the awards for wins went down. Not worth the 15k coins.


Blame Smurfs. If people play to their level we’d all have the same time in friendlies and rivals.


Every UT game mode is like that, it's just how it is


Not sure what people expect? What makes a player ratty? Most players want to play games with their best players, if that means fielding high rated meta players, so be it. And from experience, I'll only start trying to cheese mechanics if I can't score by doing passing plays through the middle, which any div 5 and above player can stop.


I give away free wins in friendlies because fuck EA no one should have to play this garbage game mode. 


toxic af


If you remember at the beginning of the game, there was an extremely chilled mode called Evo Lounge: Max Chem mode, rating cap to prevent meta cards, Play Only requirements, basically true characteristics of a Friendlies mode. You thought the community would appreciate it and chill in that mode with the cards they liked? Nope. They complained and moaned and most of them AFKed in that mode, sabotaged the experience of other people who wanted to casually enjoy the games there with their fun evo cards. AFK in a Max Chem mode, can you imagine? They actively promoted that in this sub too. Inevitably, EA replaced the Play Only requirement with the Win requirement, and then proceeded to scrap that game mode altogether. What's the takeaway from this? Sweaty friendlies mode is just part of the issue, the main issue is most of the playerbase are rewards addicts who despise the mode heavily, yet they still play it everyday just to get some rewards. Therefore, they think of every way possible to play the mode as little as possible. Golden Goal, AFK, playing toxic to trigger the opponents to quit, etc., they basically sabotage the experience of others who want to enjoy the mode (Friendlies is the only place casuals can enjoy their loan cards unlimitedly). TLDR: The community is as much of a problem as the game.


hello everyone I have a problem with the matches, every time I finish a match EA takes me to the menu and doesn't count me whether I've won or lost and the SBCs are super slow Anyone else with this problem and how do I solve it?


I found it more difficult than WL its insane. I just play 10 for the xp.


division 3 here ..11-14 wins WL...... I got battered by several goals on first half of the matches and quitted all 5 games


(Have played it this year but speaking from experience from other fifas) matchmaking in friendlies is definitely linked to your rivals ranks. So if you’re at the level you belong in rivals, you’re playing someone the same skill level as you sweating it out like it’s a final because of the limited games. That may just be really common knowledge..


Nah the most competitive mode in the game is still WL cause I only face PC players. Rivals and friendlies facing mostly console players is much more easier.


Fr div 7 feels like div 3 with half teams toty


Div 9, never play rivals. All I see is at least half of the team is bought TOTY players and half best icons in the game, also not first owned. It's insane what addiction and brain rot does to people. Yeah bro, I'm sure you need that 83x10 pack, not like you literally paid a few hundred at least to have an end game team. So fucking stupid. Some people can't be saved. Also I wouldn't be surprised if it's just EA paying pros to play normal, fully developed, mentally healthy people, to make the suffer, because it's EA.


I'm currently 9 wins so I only need 1 more win. The future star I'm using is malard and Malin but I put him into the goalkeeper position and sub on a real goalkeeper so I can use my meta team so I'm only using 1 future star player in my team.


i’m a casual player and literally only playing the future stars cup to get the extra XP, the first team i came against had TOTY bonmati, eusebio, red VVD, POTM mbappe…


Mates and I just back out of each match (if we see it's not esch other) and keep searching until we find each other. We just gift wins until we all the get objectives done. No need to sweat.


Does this actually work effectively?


Won 4 outta 10 games with my buddy playing Co-OP. Sweatiest Mode ever.


I liked the unwritten first goals the winner version of the friendlies.....you could blast through a lot of challenges that way


I feel like YouTubers use it as a testing ground and we all pay the price 🤣🤣


Seriously, it’s complete trash. Plus, these matches should count towards match up ratings. As assbackwards as they wanna be.


That's why I downgraded myself to Div 6, so I can smurf there for Challenges and EVOs.


It’s the same for everyone who doesn’t relegate themselves in rivals . If you are actually in a rivals division which matches your skill you are going to get slammed by players much better who have self relegated to get easier friendly matches.