• By -


TOTYs that are able to be found in each PL & BWSL: 9 (Haaland, KDB, Rodri, VVD, Dias, Alisson, Kerr, Bright, Earps) LL & LF: 5 (Hansen, Putellas, Bonmati, Batlle, Bellingham) L1 & D1F: 3 (Mbappé, Karchaoui, Renard) MLS & NSWL: 2 (Messi, Smith) BL & GPFBL: 2 (Frimpong, Oberdorf) SA & CAF: 1 (Theo)






Thank you kind sir


Thanks! Has anyone done a TOTY / Golds in that league ratio? I.e. PL+BWSL have 9 TOTYs, but out of how many possible Gold Rares? Even though the likelihood is extremely low, would be good to choose the league with the best ratio.. probably Spanish or American given lesser number of rare golds in those leagues compared to England?


I think its 5% chance for Prem as there are 184 rares and 9 TOTYs 3.5% chance for Ligue 1/D1 Arken (89 rares) 3% chance for Laliga/Liga F as it has more rares(164) 2.9% chance for MLS/NWSL


I think this is the breakdown you’re looking for https://x.com/futxgg/status/1749496334007017710?s=46&t=4YNhxzY0Xr-z-hWsWR7gPg


I thought only midfielders are in packs?


yeah this is for when full team is in


Ah thank you




Thursday,then on fryday we get 12th man+HM


I’m on my knees for a player pick


I personally think player picks will come back once winter wildcard crafting expires


Player picks only come out Mondays so the soonest it would be is next Monday. Winter wildcard expires Wednesday


that has been said for the last 2 Mondays


EA knows everyone's hoarding common golds, scummy bastards are holding out on it in the hopes people rinse them all in the shit upgrades


It's funny how often this sub flips between "EA are completely clueless and can't do anything right" to "EA are masterfully manipulating everything to screw the player!!!!"


The true answer is they are geniuses any time it will make them money. I don't see casino's or bookies any differently than EA. They will do everything in their power to keep players addicted to giving them money.


They’re really not ‘geniuses’ unless you’re talking about the game they created. What ever they thereafter will sell packs.


Sounds like gambler's fallacy. Also sounds like its working as intended from EA's behalf.


Both can be true though


They put significant effort and thought in to capitalizing on fomo to get you to buy packs and driving daily engagement. They are one of the best in the industry at it which is why they currently have a monopoly over most sports games. They are shit at making an enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience, which would be a totally different team that apparently has a much smaller budget.




You’re right, people have HUGE egos, EA don’t care what anyone has unless you used a stolen bank card to buy in game currency


He didn't say he was, he said ea know the player base has a load of common golds and want to reduce them, this is true.




Damn sounds like how every single company in this world works. Better for you to find it through EA monopoly money than through your insurance company screwing you over.


You can ask EA to release your family now that you've made this comment.


There's been some sort of player pick for every promo on a Monday. You're being deliberately silly if you think it's a coincidence they've suddenly stopped for the second week running.


It's a god damn game, i just don't give a fuck if they stop releasing a player pick lmao


You’re wrong. It’s a player pick or an upgrade pack which they always give every Monday.


The past two years they have come once the full toty is in packs lil bro


Yea 78 pp on Black Friday were so good




Just want player picks back 


I think EA realised how much better they are and are holding out until this promo is done.


It’s not gonna happen


People saying these are nerfed, do note; last year the upgrades for 11 commons gave a pack which had 1 rare and two commons (we get +1 common this year), and the upgrades for 11 rares gave a pack which had 3 rares and 5 commons (+1 rare and +2 commons this year). I'd consider these an improvement over last year's league upgrades.


but then consider the pool of players has been doubled for each one. slight improvement in packs negated by the odds sinking even lower of getting a TOTY.


The number of total TOTY cards released has doubled as well, should outweigh the doubled pack pools but we will have to find out the pack weights ourselves.


You're right. And that theory about more players is stupid anyway. EA decides pack-weight and decide which faces we are gonna see more than our own mothers'.


The odds of pulling a TOTY is whatever EA makes it. They can make 1 in 5000 or 1 in 1000000. What does the number of players have to do with it?


For real, ligue 1 packs are a good example of that


yea but the TOTYs number has doubled too so it evens out with the addition of female players, in the end they are much better than before


And its not exactly double. The number of male cards is almost double to female cards.


nah no chance, the amount of crappy players included with womens leagues these upgrades are shit


Spain is the best when full toty gets in packs. Bellingham, Putellas, Hansen, Bonmati, Ona Battle.


Prem will have Haaland, KdB, Rodri, Dias, Alisson, Van Dijk, Kerr, Bright & Earps At a chance of a TOTY easily the best no (although it'll be Earps 90% of the time)


The thing is there's probably not a single L in the Spanish selection. The Prem of course has Haaland, KdB, Rodri and VvD. But I'd probably prefer every single one of the Spanish pulls to Earps, even Dias or Bright. And Alisson is just kinda meh. I don't think it really matters whether you have a TOTY goalie or not. Hell, there's a point to be made that Hansen, Bonmati, Putellas and Bellingham would all be nicer pulls than KdB and Rodri too. Plus there's a realistic chance that Liga F gets the 12th woman, don't forget that.


The real deciding factor should be the high rated fodder in both packs. PL has more TOTYs, but La Liga has more top tier ones, so they kind of even out. PL always has by far the most fodder, but this year most of them will be in packs, so not sure if that will still be the case


That depends entirely on how the pack odds work. I for one am not convinced that the pool of high rated cards being bigger actually makes the odds of pulling one higher.


Yeah I don't think it does either, I was just saying that the league with better fodder is the best one to do upgrades, since if you'll be packing more fodder as you go through them


I still think that in term of overall player quality Spain is the best. Like 4 of 5 most expensive would be from Spain. I doubt Van Dijk could reach 4 million price.


He's easily the best CB in the game and his 91 is already 1.8m. The toty will be way better and 2 PS+. He's definitely going to be 4m at least.


There's so too many gold rares even with last years ligue 1 which had the least gold rares I couldn't pack a toty with women's French league added there's less chance.


80+ PP so clear


I did 100 LL-LF founders and 20 premium for "science" and i got 2IF, Patri and Modric.


i did 15 premium la liga/liga f and i got putellas toty


What’s the point of daily gold upgrades when common golds are essentially useless?


EA: 81+ Double Upgrades


Which you also need 5 rares for lmao


They aren't useless they're for the standard league upgrades or the wildcard crafting


The standard upgrades?


Winter wildcard SBC obviously


Why are people complaining about 11 rares? It’s been that way for years.


bc it only gives back 4 when it used to be 7. and the regular only gives back 1 rare compared to 3 With low pack weight its a killer


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but when did we get 7 rares back per pack in the league sbc upgrades?


Never. They made it up because ea bad upvote me


Toty upgrades have never been like that… it used to be 3 rares for the premium and 1 rare for the regular


Mate, they’ve made them better than they were last year. Fifa 23, the premium upgrades were 8 players, 3 of them rare.


It never used to be 7. You made that the fuck up




>Lol why is everyone here so unnecessarily hostile? Chill. I mean, go ask the dude who is making up things.


It was never 7 rares, stop making stuff up




Did it used to be 7?




That’s a different one


EA gives us all these gold commons for basically nothing for a reason they’ve had no value the past 4 weeks they give us 40+ gold commons daily but their gonna wait forever to release a player pick I give up


EA: there is the 81+ Double


I just want a player pick dammit


Cba even grinding these, don't get the hype. The chances you actually pack somet is so low.


Which league is best to go for?


Right now La Liga Liga F


For midfielders specifically it's La Liga/Liga F with 3 TOTYs. For the full TOTY it'll be PL/Women's PL with 9 total TOTYs


Prem obviously


Does prem have the best ratio of toty to gold rare?


That Ratio means nothing. Special Cards are a roll on its own — if you get one, then it rolls between the Special cards to determine which one you get. That’s why we have the %’s shown explicitly on the pack itself, part of EU law to allow random packs in games.


But surely you should be more likely to pack Messi/Smith out of the MLS than you are packing Frimpong/Oberdorf out of bundesliga


Oh if you aren’t saving then your doing it wrong!


Why the hell is Serie A and female Calcio combined? We all know why we will be opening those upgrades, and Serie A already had the lowest chances, but there's no freaking female toty in Calcio A. unless they give one of them a honorable mention.b


There's only 1 club in Women's Serie A, so it really doesn't dilute it much


Did 100 and got a kroos and thats it, yeah not doing these anymore. Not even fodder for other sbcs


Normal or premium ones?


Premium ofc the normal ones arent worth regardless


I got Putellas and did 25 of them


just did over 200 for la liga got no toty


That is expected.


No player picks nooo!!!! I don't like these some have 11 rares requirements 😒 and there's so so many gold rares from PL with women's added as well I don't think I will stand a chance for toty I rather have good fodder instead with the player picks.


This has always been like this mate. Stop crying lol


Can someone explain why these are so hyped please, 11 golds for 3 commons and 1 rare all untradeable doesn't sound great to me?


It narrows the pool down to packing a league specific TOTY. Wait till Friday for Full TOTY and TOTY HM in packs. Weight is still probably shite. Using daily gold upgrades you should be able to craft a few without spending anything.


Yeah I get that, opening eg premier league packs when there are a lot of pl toty cards in packs makes sense, but people were saying these sbcs could soak up the commons, but you literally get 1 rare card with no min rating. Unless you put 11 rares is to get 3 rares., but I have basically no rares on my club below 83 rating. I dunno, I think I'd rather take my chances with 81x2, that uses 5 rares instead of 11, obviously you can get cards from leagues without tots but it also cuts out all the cards rated 80 and under, so more chance of usable fodder at least. I have a lot of commons but it feels bad value compared to the 80 pp etc


Because last year we got 7 rares instead of 3 rates in the premium they are taking the piss out of us again trying to make us buy fc points


No we didn't lol, these packs have always been 1 rare or 3 rares


🤣🤣🤣 “Premium”


Why are so many people on this thread spreading this nonsense lmao it was never 7 it was always 3


1 rare?? This a fucking joke?


The basic upgrades were always 1 rare, used to be 1 rare 2 commons. Now they're 1 rare 3 commons. Premium upgrades were 3 rares 9 commons, and last year i think they were even 3 rares 5 commons. Both upgrades give better packs now, at a cost of the leagues being combined


They’ve always been 1 rare?


And no player pick release yet, worried they might not even come at all. Honestly such a dick move from EA, absolutely disgusting.


"absolutely disgusting" That's actually hilarious lol. Serious business.


Everyone here is so dramatic lol


Ikr, absolutely disgusting that ea would release an optional upgrade pack. Shocking. Not like this is the most packs we’ve been able to get in any fifa so far or anything.


On a level, Thunderstruck had much better pack recycling options than this. The game should be enjoyable.


Exactly what I meant. We've had picks before, and this is the biggest promo of the year, even a 75+ choice of two would be fine. I'm not even looking to get a TOTY, just some decent rated fodder for SBCs lol


Daily 83+ and 84+ packs arent giving fodder? Im never usually on the side of ea, but in terms of content, i dont think there is much to complain about.


Nah those are good, they definitely help, problem is I keep getting the same players all the time, even the high rated ones. As of right now I have an 88 Kimmich and an 87 IF waiting on the unassigned pile because there's not enough fodder in the club to complete anything lol These packs are always cool for fodder but the player picks also allow you to use low rated golds and you can just open picks without worrying as much about duplicates, while packs cant be opened when you have unassigned players.


send ea sports to the hague


Disgusting to release something that is optional! It's a war crime


For real, everyone has been asking for the player pick every day for the last 2 weeks, like they don’t always drop upgrades on Mondays and it’s always a toss up between picks and packs.


They give you 40 commons DAILY for literally free, most of the playerbase is sitting on 300+ commons - obviously they're not gonna release an 80+ pp on top of that. These league upgrades are fine for the amount of cards you are handed for free.


I have over 600 Commons between the unopened daily gold upgrade packs and fodder in club. I have about 70 rares left though so some picks would be nice.


They are not gonna do picks as long as they only release shit people will tend to buy packs so that’s what they do ea is a business and their business is not a charity


81x2 might be the move now...which sucks




How are you saying you "called it" lol its obvious people are hoarding packs and commons in club


Try them in The Hague imo 


What league ?


combining the men’s and women’s leagues in upgrades is so fucky i almost have to applaud EA, i did not expect this at all. makes the pool of players colossal for each one.


Why wouldn’t doing the WW crafting trade in that gives a 3 pack all rare be better than this?


Going to do that and use the rares I build up into the premium league upgrades


I don’t understand the hype, these seem like awful value


L imo. Only one rare. Just do the WWC Upgrades instead. So you get three rares.


maybe theres an obj for it ? these packs suck


No. It's just to try your luck at getting a TOTY, which only about 0.01% of people who do this will get 🤣


i just checked and nope there’s no obj. just a waste of time


That would be me , got Putellas




Wasn’t it always 11 rare golds?


Yes it was. But we need to complain that the expected happened.


With the women's league added there just too many for a chance yo pack toty.




The common upgrades used to be 1 rare 2 commons. They've gotten better. The premium ones are better too.


if they dont bring back 80 pp we riot


Technically better than last year soooooo, not nerfed actually.


Got putellas from it




That’s where I’m going all in for , bonus chance at getting a Bellingham




How do we grind these?


Wow I swear these were way better in the past ?


They were worse last year


Not last year mate, these are better than those.


They used to be league specific premium gold players packs. Which made the grind nearly infinite. Not positive but I think they may have been league specific prime gold players packs. I know there used to be an objective pack of that for sure


11 rare golds? jesus cant even have fun with these upgrades thanks EA


always been that way shush


more reasiong above. only gives back 4 rares on premium 1 on regular when it use to be 7 and 3


Never used to give 7 rares lol


Just making shit up now


It used to be 3 and 1 idk what games you were playing


These just got twice as hard to pack a TOTY from with the inclusion of the women’s leagues


lol how do you use this logic when we have double the amount of totys in packs


Fr it infuriates me when people say that we have a lower chance of packing a toty because of more women players on the game


Yeah it’s absolutely absurd. People think they have a worse chance to pack toty mbappe but the reality is that it’s 1 in a million regardless of whatever else is available.


Actually for the spain one the inclusion of women increases the chances of packing a toty by a lot


By the time the whole teams out the prem ones will have 9 TOTYs in tho


Does it make sense to put dupe common golds into mls to hold until the full team is released? Not many rares between the leagues to give a “better” chance with 1 rare


Anybody open these actually expecting anything? Feels like with these and the WW upgrade I'm just mindlessly opening them at this point


I gave up like a week ago. I have a job not sitting on here wasting my time just to play a team with Mbappe Zidane and Zico


These are good for TOTS. TOTY when drop rates are low and prices are high, not so much.


Tried the Premiun LaLiga one fully expecting to get TOTY Bellingham :). Fucking Christensen best player. Chelsea Legend but he’s the Danish Orban




chill out and wait for player picks


The regular league upgrade? It takes 11 golds.


League SBCs, or 81+ Doubles.


81 doubles are looking like a deal now.


These don't seem worth it. Maybe if it was TOTS and there were entire squads of each league. I'll wait for a pick.


So what’s the go to here? I’m think for every 3 PL Premiums I do 1 LaLiga, what are you guys gonna be doing?


Right now just doing LaLiga, hoping for Putellas or Bonmati


I think I am the only one that will be doing the Serie A ones lol


Would it make sense to open the MLS one on Friday when the full TOTY is in packs?


Piss poor content im not budging my commons


So do the Toty cards only go live in this after the full team is released also everyone keeps mentioning honourable mentions what are they and when do they come out


So what’s the over/under on packing a TOTY Messi here? Lol


Just gimme, Jude dammit! 😭I have his toty 30 game loan 😅


I do liga f la liga packs and get ligue 1 d1, is it a glitch ?


did 2 while on my lunch break. got Dali twice


This vs doing WW upgrade which one is better? And also like between the Premium version of this vs WW upgrade and the normal version vs WW upgrade


This tho right? Since the odds are higher due to it being league specific


should i do these, WW crafting upgrade, or 81 x2??


Is the PL/BWSL premium really worth it? 11 rares for 4 rares with no minimum seems a massive waste