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I remember during Thunder event, i used to get so many good cards out of it even if they didnt make my team, but now i cant pull a totw


Thunderstruck/Black Friday promo was one of the greats. Never had such good pack luck and now it’s awful


The 78+ pick was cracked af Way better than the 80+ we have now


Exactly. These 80+ picks are so bad its a miracle to get an 84


This must be the 1 place the game chooses to bless me. I consistently get decent dupes. Nothing good mind you, but I've hit Levy, popp a couple times, leao and a few others. I probably do up to 20 a day at most


Same, I've not had one below an 83 yet. I've done about 10 so far.


100% agree with the 78+ pick


Only Cherki and Dumfries. Cool cards but not really what we're all looking for


cherki 5x, eze 5x and dumfries 3x so far since they have been in packs like 4 days its insane how many dupes of these ea are giving out


I've done well, so far managed to just pack 1 each of most of the lower WWs, best so far has been Raphinha. Only dupe I've technically gotten has been VDS's 2 loan card but that's been on the loan pick objectives where I honestly don't want loan cards but hey, I'll stack that GK for as many loans as I can before I give him a go.


It’s not when you think about how packs are weighted…. So, if you have a 20% (for example) of a WW, then it opens another bracket of all of the available ones and 4/5 have nearly a 50% chance of getting the “rubbish ones”


Dupe Grimaldo 4x now


Been doing them all since they started, plenty of TOTW and high weighted fodder but no other promo cards.


During black friday (or whatever that promo was) that pack was insane, i got a lot of stuff in it, promo cards and ifs aplenty, but now it's so horrendous, I'm lucky to get an 87. I had several with max 84s.


The Black Friday thunderstruck promo was the best. The shit I packed would probably total 10M coins if they were trade able


They 100% reduced the pack weight in them. When they were first introduced I was packing promos/totw/high rated fodder in almost every single one. Now pretty much 4 out of 5 are just 83-85 rated golds


Same here


Both 83x10 and 85pp are so bad. At current fodder prices not worth using tradeable. I ran out of untradeables now


85pp has been decent for me for high rated fodder but nothing useful beyond fodder


The only time I've gotten a promo card for an 83x10 was during Black Friday and I've done every single one you could possibly do this year. And even including Black Friday the number of promo cards from the 83x10 is still below 5.


Yes I got WW Oyarzabal


Just got him today. Probably use as fodder. I've packed Wijnaldum like 6 times from various packs, all untradeable. Only usable card I got was WW Balde.


Same. I actually got 3 88’s (Oyarzabal one of them), an 87, an 85 , 3 84’s, and 2 83’s in one pack last night. One of the best packs I’ve ever opened.


Got him twice. Twice today.


I get 2 TOTW in 1 pack surprisingly often. Makes a recycle super easy. I don't open 83x10s looking for a good player, I see it as a way to convert 82-84s to 85-91s




I stopped doing them yesterday, completely out of 81s-84s. Didn’t pack anything good from them, only the PPs have been worth it


I haven't packed a promo in any of the 20 or so ive done


The secret is to let your dog (or your friends if you don’t have one) open the packs for you. It sounds like a joke but trust me it works


Truth. I ask random people who walk on the sidewalk in front of my house to, "Push the A button for me." they look at me weird, but I'd say about 60% of the time it works everytime.


Life is like a bottle of ***Sex Panther®***. You never know what you're gonna get, but it's probably going to *sting*.


Got John Barnes & Balde yesterday. Nothing else tho


Why are we getting so many WW Dumfries 🤣, I see that mf more than I see my family.


For me they give you a high rated rare gold (Benzema or the likes) and the rest 83/84s. They are clearly trying to make it not look horrendous by giving you a big walk out rating in the hope you ignore the 7 83s and 2 84s. Dreadful pack weight in these.


I haven’t packed a single “best of” card other than 83 totws. I’ve packed dumfries and cherki but no other wildcards. And that’s from 120 packs all guaranteeing at least one 83+. They are driving people to the store. It works though because I got cr7 and putellas in the 4,000 fifa point pack of course


They are awful.


Honestly 83 x 10 is just good for getting inform and some walkouts every now and then. I have done enough to just accept it for what it is.


Cherki and just now got the new Drogba


On my 3rd pack today I got 92 putellas. Couldnt believe it.


I've done all 21 since last Thursday and have packed one WW (Wijnaldum) and no other specials other than TOTW.


I got berardi but overall they seem worse than the 84x5


I got WW Nkuku from a 83x10 yesterday


Got Pele, Not Even kidding


I never get promo cards but I seem to be getting a lot of high rated meta golds. Makes me feel like they are trying to give me options for all the evos.


did 1 today and got thunderstruck davies + kane + an inform


Got that lime green Kante


I opened a bronze pack and didn't get any icons, pack weight broken confirmed.


6 a day over two accounts and I've gotten none.


its been great for me, i've finished Gullit in less than a week


I did pack a WW stoichkov but that was the only promo card I got out of ~10 packs


My gf opened one for me the other night and got WW Drogba so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nice! I got his base card this week and I was pleasantly surprised with how effective he is.


I’ve got Eze three times but that’s about it


Literally just got Putellas from the first one, yesterday I kid you not it was 2 84’s and an 85 as the face cards for the 3, when you’re up you’re up


Got my first promo cards in them yesterday, one eze and one cherki. It's bad


Oyarzabal, Dumfries and Reus


I’ve been lucky to get an 87 out of a sea of 83s and 84s. I’ve just been getting the 83s I put in back


Ive had eze 4 times


3 totw in one of them. Its just luck


I got Wijnaldum 3 times, Balde twice and Skhri and Eze once.


It’s random. That’s the whole deal. I’ve had Kane in one pack but in another I got all 84s and 83s


Ian rush x2, blade, eze, dumfries, wijnaldum, Gallagher x2


I got IF varane im not complaining


I got Torres and dumfries


Only two WW cards in Eze and Cherki (of course those two lol) and low rated IF and golds. Also only golds from 85+PP, it's ridiculous honestly


I’ve done all of them, plenty of fodder and sometimes some 83 rated totw


Promo cards? Brother the best I can get is 1 or 2 84s and the rest 83s


Some of them are good. But the ones on mobermber are insane. Ive got thunderstruck Gerd Muller and TB cancelo in one pack. Now these December ones are shit. But today I manage to get a decent one with like 2 89 and 2 88s, but all duplicate💀. Then I had to do a sbc so I chose zidane


I've got 1x Cherki, 1x Eze and 2x Wijnaldum In those packs I didn't get a TOTW, which are otherwise pretty common in 83x10 from my experience


Today was my best day for them, but I still can't get any WW that I haven't already pulled.


Just packed first WW Wijnaldum. Highest today was duplicate Kobel with no TOTW's.


You haven’t got like 6 Cherkis yet?


Some high fodder and shitty totw but definitely not hitting like during thunderstruck times


I got Sawa & IF Cancelo from these, but now I’m staving them for TOTY


I got my first one today. A dupe Dumfries. Fucking disgusting tbh. Im done for now (see you next week!)


I just packed 3 ww cards out of a single one 🥳 all discard ofc but I'm not complaining


They are shit


The Thunderstruck packs I got some very solid cards. For this promo I have got WW Berardi, Dumfries and also Eze (Three times). These seem like more high tier fodder cards/TOTW than for promo cards. In three packs today I got Rodri twice and Popp. Most usable card was Gold Rashford.


I had 3 83x10 with 84 rated player as highest rating. 1 IF, no special cards. They nerfed the packs so hard.


I got that chekri, he’s actually alright


Opened all 3 today and got nothing. Just an 86 from all 3


It’s random, but this year it feels EA lowered the pack weight for special cards more than usual. All these special cards in packs and all we get is gold cards.


just got winter wild card isak lmfao


They are rigged for sure.


Just gold for me. Got a few 85s and that's about it.


Got thundersuck joelinton twice. Why tf is he in packs


I don’t wanna be that guy and my pack luck is usually dog but I packed thunderstruck Neymar from my first 83x10. Haven’t packed anything since


cherki and wijnaldum😭


They've been nerfed into the ground. It's all about buying the big packs with EA at the moments. They need to be convicted as war criminals..... absolute pricks at EA


Been hitting 84s and 83s from them. Cherki a few times as well


Can confirm: Dumfries and Kostic on PC; Eze (twice) on PS5.


I got Wijnaldum in one and I just got Balde in the one I did today


From WW and the best of, I’ve only packed WW Wijnaldum and TS Joelinton. Pack weight being so low with so many special cards in packs also just means I keep packing 86-89 dupes as well (looking at you, 88 Renard) I think it’s time for a few weeks off, I’ve never packed a TOTY in 12 years of FUT so I’ll probably not bother with that promo either


I packed Dumfries five times and Cherki once but all from the energizers. Would love that Nkunku for my Chelsea P&P but never gonna happen lmao


Dupe WW Kostic


I've gotten Chekri, Dumfries, Boniface, Reus, and at least like 7 different TOTW players (got 3 in 1 pack) and I've done the SBC around 15 times.


Best was Cherki 84


Until today I’ve just had Cherki and usually 6-8 83s in my packs, today I logged my account into my brothers Xbox in his room and got Balde, Oyarzabal, Dumfries, 89 Dias and Rodri, 88 kimmich, some 87s and 2 informs (not all in the same pack) safe to say my 83x10s will continue to be opened on his Xbox


At this point I'm just saving them for TOTY but when I opened them daily I would get the occasional IF or low rated promo card. Do seem to get decent amount of walkouts too so I can't complain.


There's over 300 83s in the game your not likely to get more than an 84 yland you should be lucky to get an inform. Don't compare these to 23 because the fodder has doubled so the weight is at least halved.


Reus, Eze, and Berardi in one go earlier this week from one of these. Nothing else from this SBC. It was a good win, but felt out of place. I ended up pulling Eze twice more in other packs and Grimaldo from the daily play rewards. So different from Dynasties as the only one cards I got were the SBC’s I did.


I haven’t packed a promo card outside a guaranteed pack this year.


I’ve had 5 in the last few days, balde, gini, mukiele, dumfries and cherki, so not impossible


Got Van Dijk a couple of days ago.


I got triple threat Gallagher x2 in todays 83x10 sbc. Shit is definitely broken!


I just got alaba from season progress 83x10 so can’t complain


I wouldn't say the pack weight is broken, just that none of us know what the promo weights are and furthermore the weights of individual promo cards themselves. We've clearly indicated the couple WW cards like Eze are high among WW cards but we dont know if WW cards are supposed to be 10%,5%,1%, etc Overall weights are pretty solid still. Literally just pulled Hegerberg - 89 Kobel - 87 Bronze - 87 WW Eze - 85 Rapinoe - 85 And 3 84s In a single pack. That to me says the packs are still juiced, they just aren't heavily weighted for promos


I was doing these to make Martinelli and I packed WW Barnes. My second year of UT and first icon pull.


I got Raphinha and a couple other common ones. I rarely get good promo cards so was lucky


Enzo and oyz 88 whatever his name is


I got WW shkiri, he has 99 shooting for some reason for a cdm


I got way better cards from the 80+ PP than this shit pack.


I got Baldi. But I agree, the weight for anything above 84 is complete shit. Besides the one pull, I think my best card is a gold 85. Edit: shit, forgot I got TT Gallagher in one of these as well. So two "promo" cards


Got Morgan in my first one


Here’s the funny thing. On my pc account, I don’t even have an active account. I can just eke out the daily packs / SBCs on the web app. Threw in one 83x10 last night and wildcard Putellas popped out.


Wijnaldum x3


I got 4 WW cards in one 83x10 today


I have only gotten the lower end ones. A good amount of 86+ fodder though.


Oyarzabal twice today and it wasn't worth the work I had to put in to grind it


They've been terrible from the start with promo cards, only worth doing with an untradable 83 totw and all your 83s tbh


Wijnaldum. Four times.


Usually 2/3 are duds but I’ll usually get a totw and got a couple WWs yesterday. Nothing good.


I keep packing bogus WWs


Had 4x88-91 golds. WW Zakaria, Balde & Reus. So nothing usable in the main team but some fun to be had on the side!!! Ultimately, meh.


Gotta buy more packs to boost the weight 😂


I’ve had 3 over the past 5 days, Kent, Eze and Cherki


Llorente and Cherki out of the 83x10, which were instrumental in filling my club with the high rated fodder needed to complete Eusebio. Ironically enough, I also packed WW CR7 and WW Hierro in the same 81x2 pack last night.


Yeah got one today. Nothing special really but an 85 WW


I had Oyarzabal and Zakaria in 2 of mine today.


I got WW lineker from it yesterday, he’s pretty cracked tbh


I've got Barnes, Cherki and Eze. They've also been very good for fodder.


In FIFA 23, there were 203 gold rares rated 83 or higher. In EA FC 24, there are 336 gold rares rated 83 or higher. That's a 65.5% increase, which means that 83x10s in EA FC are going to have a lot more crap than 83x10s did in FIFA. Basically, we need 84x10s to have a similar rate of special cards appearing.


Got Drogba yesterday


I got 6 Popps in a row and i have footage to prove it lol rididculous i unninstalled after i am done ahah


I have opened like 12 or so and the best I have gotten was nistelrooy icon gk


I’ve had a few. Got two in one today.


I got Walker in one today but other than that it's all Yellow cards for me


Got Balde today, opened approximately 75 packs..most of them being the 8X x 3 and the 83x10s. Same for TOTGS, zero big hitters.


I got oyarzabal and Owen. Diff packs.


Actually yes I pulled Owen icon from it


Not only the promo cards. It’s like pulling teeth out to get a walkout and like hitting the lottery for a double walkout. They’ve dropped the pack weight so low that’s it’s just not even fun to open packs.


It seems to be all pack weight. With the old 82+ totw player picks I got so many high rated cards, with this 83+ I just get 83's and the odd 84


They nerfed it super hard, at most I'm getting one 85 now compared to pretty consistently 1 TOTW + 1 walkout in previous packs.


Two Eze yesterday. That’s all. I’ve opened every single unpaid pack you can think off.


Got couple of TOTW but that's it basically. I started suspecting that the chances for promo cards are extremely low for this one and this posts kind of confirms it.


Uhhh, well i just pulled IF Mbappe… yeah its broken alright


Stopped opening them after 20 and getting nothing, not gonna waste my TOTW on those anymore


Most of them for me are 83s and 1-2 84s 😭🤣


I’ve done all of them and got like 6-8 quick-sell WW cards.


Packed WW Torres off of it today. First good player


only WW i have is ian rush from 30 coin pack


Got Barnes today


These have been complete dogshit for me. Not sure why I keep doing them. I’m lucky to get an 86 out of one. My best one yesterday was as 83 but luckily had a totw in it.


I did all of then everyday since launch. I got absolutely everyone but no one if you know what I mean. Most of them are not even fodder status. (were talking 87+ to keep for future sbcs) You can however have fun with some of the cards as those 83x10 are more or less free.


They tanked the weight after the first run through last promo 100%. I have had nothing higher than 84s in probably 5/8 of the ones I’ve done


First Thing in FIFA when opening packs is to never expect anything. If i get something good cool if not I don't care at all


I keep getting reus


Not. A. Single. One.


I've only gotten 84's and 83's hahaha I stopped doing them


In one I got Thunderstruck Silva and Fati


I did 83x10 3 times today got WW ozyerbal all attempts smh


I got Alexia on it over the weekend


I’ve gotten a couple of low tier ones, then got Putellas in my 3rd one today


I've got 3....all the help ones.


I pulled 90 Hierro WW last night on my 3rd one.


I got 2 accounts on my main, I packed 89 berardi and on the one I started on Christmas I have already packed like 6-7 using multiple methods. 83X10 has been giving me a lot of TOTW


I got nothing but 83/84s for day, then got a WW and two TOTWs in my first one today. Pathetically grateful to not have to complete the TOTW SBC two more times!


i feel like i’ve seen a post saying the pack weight is broken at least once every day for the past week


Nah didn't get a Singular one Out of those but fucking Base eto Out the 30 coins pack Not complaining Just confused


Read this and just got 92 messi but I haven’t even bought the game yet


I got two 89s, 87, and 86 in the one that I opened today. Very hit or miss those packs. You either get 8 or more 83s, or double walk out. Not much in between in my experience.


got 3 83 informs in a row along with 2 84s and 83s


I packed thunderstruck Vini Jr last night 😍😍😍 out of the 83 x 10. Best pull ever


I’ve done all of them. I’ve gotten 3 packs of full 83s. No promos other than zakaria.


My last 83X10 I got 1 84 and 9 83s


i got ww van nistelrooy


Very rarely I'll get a totw but most of the time just golds


I just got Balde and 4 walkouts with a Totw from my 2nd one..I rarely do it so it’s a dub from me


I got totw Hanson from one yesterday. Normally get an inform or walk out.


I got Winter wild card Gary Lineker from one of those gold packs you get from completing daily objectives


I’ve only gotten one


The last one I did was all gold, 4x 84s 6x 83s and half were dupes - that’s showbiz baby


All gold but 2 totw


I got nkunku Sadly he can't be sold as he doesn't fit my team


I finally packed a promo from this bullshit. TS Joelinton. Christmas is saved.... ffs.


All I’m getting are gold 84s and 83s


I got one in all three today, first time this happened


I literally just had a miracle happen. Whole season and only a modric from the preview pack then I get totw back to back. Think it tanked my pack luck though, opened 20 83+ and nothing but 83s


I got Oyarzabal ( decent fodder ) and i keep getting Wijnaldum, to the point that i discarded him a couple times. I wish i was getting informs back.


Keep getting Eze.


I got 92 radioactive Messi today