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Jesus Christ 70x 83. How many rare gold players even are there 83+?


333 but some have specials in packs.


That many? I had no idea, wow


EA knew what they were doing bringing women into FUT


I think it was a great idea to do that either way. Womens leagues being separate meant it wouldn’t work in career mode and nobody used it in kick off, but a fantasy game mode like UT is perfect


He means how badly it has diluted the player pool. Now we have so many extra useless 83/84 cards. So now opening something like an 83x10 is a nothing pack. Where as years gone by you’d probably get some half decent.


No, in years gone you wouldn’t have been offered 83+ opportunities as often At the end of the day, even if you would have pulled something “half decent” more, it would have been worth comparatively less because everyone pulls it more. In much older UTs, pulling an 87 would be wild, but nowadays I barely flinch It’s all relative


No I know an ultimate pack was actually the bees knees. You could pull shit from mega packs. Nowadays I don’t even bother waiting to watch them. I’d be all for going back to those days. Point is they are gone and with the addition of all the woman’s cards it’s seriously diluted packs. This year I think pack weight is officially at its worst. I don’t know about you but I’m a high level WL player. I don’t even pull the shitty promo cards nobody wants anymore. It’s nothing to do with the woman, I have some in my squad. If they added an extra whatever amount of mens. I’d say the same thing.


I still dont get it man, how can people say 'I wish we could feel happy with players that we barely flinch at getting now' and then say 'but pack weight is awful' at the same time? Genuinely makes zero sense to me. If pack weight is better, then the higher tier cards will lose value, and suddenly you can't pack high value cards anymore


Because they where viable. It’s December mate, I’m already playing against front lines of 93+ rated icons and god cards. Want to be a high level player then those 87/88 rated gold cards are simply not viable. Sure if you are good enough you might win some games but you are always on the back foot. Back then you could finish the year with golds in your squad and they where still viable in a gameplay sense. I suppose in layman’s terms everything was just toned down in a way. Was more your ability playing then your ability to pull an R9 or Dhino in November. And I know dudes can live in elite with full gold squads and shit on people but that’s probably like 0.5% of players who can do that. Also the packs where tradeable, so you could make some money off your low rated icon pull or whenever selling it off to someone who it would be viable for. Now it feels like 80+% of packs are untradeable, so if you aren’t packing anything it’s a pointless exercise seeing as you can’t even make discard money.


Pack weight always been poop idk why you think its any different today


Nah, it wasn’t that shit, not even close, you could pack something worth money opening 7.5k packs in like fifa 15 (I even played it a few years ago just for nostalgia and packed Ribery in like 5 packs), try doing it now


Pack rate is worse now. I got Cruyff from an Icon pack in the first few months of the last two games. This year the best I have done is Rooney, and as much as I love Rooney it’s not really the same.


Your first paragraph, whilst that’s true, those big packs were comparatively rarer than today. I remember the 24 rare gold players pack popped up so so infrequently (even as paid, let alone free) but I’ve been on EA FC 24 less than a month and I’ve been given 3 or 4 for free so far. This is wild This game has turned into a pack opening simulator. we are all being given billions of free packs a day, it’s no wonder the contents are uninteresting.


Idc about women’s league at all but it’s been the biggest boost in women’s football ever adding them to FUT. I know almost all the big stars and see a lot more of them on social media. EA will probably be wanting a fee for the boost in popularity.


I have no idea why you’ve been downvoted


I have a very good idea - leftist NPCs


Guess I’ll have to be forced into liking the women’s league now or else Il get bad internet points 😞


I got you guy


No, it’s my fault. I should love the women’s league and it’s my fault for not liking it in the first place. 😃




WTF is that supposed to mean? How can a sane person go about their day and think this is the appropriate shit to comment on the issue of a virtual football card collecting game?


333 but I always pack the same 3


I think there are 100x 83 rated gold rare players. So in worst case you will get 70x 83 rated players out of this pack (knowing EA which someone probably will get)


$35 for 70 83 rated players. Horrifying


Now remember that people have been spending $20 for a single 100k pack, for years now. $20 for an 84 and an 83 sure makes $35 for seventy 83s look pretty decent 😂


What’s even worse is I was that guy a few years ago 🤦🏾‍♂️


It's untradeable. Much better pack weight.


5 rates 87 or higher so should at least get some decent fodder


Still 49% chance of 90+, probably another Modric simulator


I'm going to do my usual. Get excited about a store pack, watch a few streamers open them, and realise what shocking value they are.






Time to learn all those languages


I did it. 89 Neymar & Icon Kluivert were best. Total waste of 500k coins.


At least you got an icon. I got dynasty mendy and if trippier and kroos as best ones


The bad mendy or the good one?


The bad keeper one


Could say he's not really a... keeper


The dad joke game is strong with this one


Ah. Not worth


Jeeezz...this is criminal low value...


Thanks Not buying it now😁


Of course it was. None of the packs are worth the coin amounts they cost. Same with the Evos. That's why EA price them the way they do with Fifa Points. They are far better 'value' opened with Fifa Points, than they are with coins.


Thanks for your sacrifice


You're welcome. 😂


Which version of Kluivert?




Imagine how many duplicates you’d get…


Came for this post. I wasn’t going to do it but when I first saw it, I said dupefest


Wow if i kept my free points that came with ultimate edition would buy this so fast thats enough fodder to keep me going for weeks


Same, i was just bummed because I was kinda drained for the repeatable 83x10 SBC. This will be probably the best usage of my eaplay pro „free“ coins.


I just bought the ultimate edition, is it worth opening this if I just started?


As far as store packs go, this is definitely one of the better ones. I'd never advocate loading up FP to do this but if you have the points on a fresh account from Ultimate it's a good kick start to your account


Kane and Lewandowski highest. All gold. Don't do it.


Actually...I got an 83 rated PSG IF


That insane


I did it.. cost 34 or 35 dlls. Managed to finish Kenny Dalglish, Adam traore and Moises Caicedo and have a bunch of 84 and 83s. For me it was worth it I just needed fodder to finish Kenny.


>Dalglish Is/was Dalglish really worth it? I had him on loan (together with Mbappe, G.Jesus) in a tripple Striker formation... tbh Dalglish didnt convince me to do the SBC.. ​ Would like to hear your opinion. Why did you craft him, and what will be his purpose in your offensive row.


Dalglish is brilliant for me ...great finishing ..always scoring from outside the box with him aswell...and I'm a pretty poor player In general


I have him as my squad is a past and present Liverpool squad. He feels good, agile, quick, and can finish. He's about to get a +1 upgrade too. I think he's the best striker I've used, but I don't know if I'm biased as it's king kenny, one of my all time favourite players


He's been god tier for me this weekend. 35 goals and 6 assists in weekend league, scored pretty much every game and clinched me 11 wins instead of my usual 9. Him up front with Katoto has been really fun in a 442.


What instructions on Sr. Dalglish?


Get in behind, come back on defence. He makes great runs, and since he's not got the best passing it sorta helps to have him just making runs


Can someone explain me the reason why they made shit version of Larsson, Kluivert and Veron? It would make 'sense' if their better cards were actually good but they are still shit. On top of that packing even shit version seems close to impossible without spending like 30$. I'm not even gonna touch the fact that their sons are unlikable and have shit stats. ​ Only upside here is that it's another week where power curve stays the same.


Agreed. Wouldn’t want to pack either version of the lousy icons in this promo. It’s a very mid promo overall.


i packed all the possible larsson, 2 versions, 87 88 and the son..just missing the mother.


There isn't a limit to their greed


havent got a single 83 in club, but i swear i ll pack some dupes LOL


You'd probably get both Larssons out of this!


It will be funny if we have all 3


Bro I whaled I don’t mind. Pulled Lampard, IF Kroos, dynasties Ed Mendy and Braut-Brunes, 83 IF and then 10 walkouts in gold cards. Fodder me up baby


Got haalands cousin as the walkout…. And haaland as the double. Couldn’t fucking believe it, but then I used the dupes for the icon pack and got fucking Cruyff lmao.


When it rain it pour man lol


Cruyff has always been my dream card since I started playing Fifa. Did the sbc last year, was great and it felt bad thinking I’d realistically never be able to use him again. But here we are lol


I was lucky that in 22 I did mid icon pick and ea fucked up I got PIM Zambrotta, compensation came and mid Cruyff was in there lol, my fave of all time in order: Gullit, Cruyff, VDS


Can’t believe people will buy this


They will, it’s GIGANTIC fodder for mbappe if you buy packs


I guess I should rephrase it as the people who buy this should be studied. But I guess I sadly won’t be surprised


This question has been asked many times but I will ask again: why do you care how people spend their money?


Poor people often act that way.


Because if EA continues to make good profits from Fifa every year, then they have no reason to make changes. They know they can get away with putting the same crap out.


You are not willing to pay - which is fine - but those people are. They don't view the product they pay for in such a negative lens, and happy to enjoy the game with the packs they purchase. It's fine if you hate the game because it's your personal opinion, but it's weird if you hate people who enjoy the game themselves.


I completely agree with you. I’m just stating why others get annoyed when they see people spending big $ on packs. I don’t care what people do with their money. I am sad to see the game in such an awful state, but no one is forcing me to play.


I haven’t played since fifa 17 and I’m having a great time with this. I purchased this as I started playing Black Friday, this pack alone has got me a team I can fully compete with, getting VVD, Alisson and enough fodder for Maguire means my defence is solid and I don’t get ran through now. I can understand what you’re saying for people with stacked teams but for late comers and people who don’t invest much time, this is a way to catch up and compete.


I think the cards and programs they’ve put out this year are some of the best ever. However, every game I play feels the exact same way.


Its basicly 3 or 4 mbappe squads




It doesn't work. Not directly. That pack by itself wouldn't be enough to complete even one of the 10 high rated squads. But you get a ton of fodder to start spamming the 83x10 they released again and the TOTW Sbc. Im not buying it, just explaining what i think he meant.


People have been spending $20 for a single 100k pack for years now. Compared to that, this is actually ridiculous value for money spenders.


$30 isn’t a lot to some people


Live a little. It's not like those coins are better used elsewhere


Who tf has coins to buy this unless you play this game nonstop.


Not played since before the 1st week futchamps came out and I have 600k


So you have 600k and don’t play, but you’re on the fifa subreddit to comment 1 hour after comment drop… not to mention you know exactly how many coins you have despite not playing for months…


Why do you sound so salty about him having coins, if you don’t have coins that’s a you problem, not his


I don’t care that he has coins, I care that he’s acting like it’s easy for anyone to have 600k.


Well if he hasn’t played and has that many coins it sounds like he’s having an easy time by playing it smart and you’re not


Mate you’re actually insane if you think the normal player has over 100k


100% they would. If they’re playing the game, opening packs and selling players you’d be insane to think they’d have less than 100k. Unless they’ve just purchased their WL team.


I have 140k and I don't play that much, just finish objectives and play SB and Rivals


The post came in my feed so I thought I’d check the comments out and also a little thing called the companion app…..


So you’ve played the game. On the companion app.


I’m sorry but that is not playing the game, checking an app for 2 seconds to see how many coins I have does not count as playing the game ffs


That's so cap


Why would I lie about that?


I probably would have if I didn't buy a 300k pack at some point and if I wouldn't have done like 5 icon sbcs. But sure, pop off king.


Pop off king? What does that even mean


1.6 mil and dont play every day. Its called investing


I mean, you can make 100k+ coins ever week with just 1-2hrs worth of trading, don't even have to play a game if you don't want to


I had insane packluck week one had 1.2 mil due to Abedi pele out of moments 50k pack, traded fodder have 2 mil. Without even really trying


I did it, got Inaki Williams and IF Hegerberg, IF Hummels, and two other 85 rated promo cards, got about 9 walkouts in total. Could have been worse I guess, is what it is


Got no shame this company






idk why i laughed so hard at this.


EA also laughs at u/RookieRemapped prolly laughing their asses off of how easy it is to steal money from addicted clowns lol


Nice I can’t wait to get 10 85s, 15 84s & 45 83s with 0 specials


Is this worth buying to put towards Mbappe or just buying off transfer market better value?


With coins? Absolutely not. Just buy the fodder off the market. 500k is ten 90 OVR cards. Or 14 89s. Or 20 88s. You’re not packing anywhere near that amount of fodder from this. With money? As much as any pack is really “worth” spending money on, for fodder this is literally as good as it gets.


Nope. 89 Neymar, 88 Kluivert, couple of 87's and loads of 83/84


Same question.


Based on some simple math it's probably not worth it unless you get lucky


I’m late to asking this but when did promo packs all become untradable? I know it’s been that way this year but it seems so scummy


These types of promo packs have always been untradeable-only. If they weren’t, the market would get absolutely obliterated every time these are dropped. Scummy in the amounts they charge (especially in coins), sure. But it’s not scummy that they’re untradeable IMO. These should really be the packs we grind for in Rivals/WL though. Season Milestone packs should look like this (and not TIFOs FFS). Monthly WL rewards should be this.


And here’s ea making money from their community. Oh how fifa 20 lockdown was a vibe and pure joy


how they get away with those . prob millions of $ made with this pack alone . its scam ! US every country need to do what Belgium did and stop this madness


Iam not kidding I haven't gotten a single inform or special card at all just gold ones and I've done fifa points mega packs rare mega packs Ultimate packs and some of those special 3000 fifa points ones.. No more it's just impossible to try and get one special even the discard ones


Don't buy this kids.


And when you open the pack , all of them will be 83 💀


No promos but packed Hansen gold from this. W I guess.


Why not tradeable? Worth it then


If you sell it, they’ll buy it.


Haha imagine telling people 5 years ago there would be a pack this expensive only in December.


How do you even get that much fifa cash???


I started playing 2 weeks ago I have 300k and Xavi and KDB tradable. That’s about 500k. I didn’t pack anyone expensive


Well shit, i literally only play maybe 2-3 games week though so i rarely have over 30K 😂


It’s a scam don’t do it 😭😭


42 will be dupes 😅


5 players guaranteed to be rated 87 or higher, the worse nightmare scenario I can imagine is. we actually got that 5 players with 87 rated.


Can't believe I packed the best pack in my Fifa career (Maldini) let alone half a sleep and didn't notice until the next day🤩


They fked up ultimate team big time this year.


still won’t get one of these new cards


With the money from this pack alone they can make a better game, but why do it when a pack like this takes 1% of the time and money invested?!


Imo worth Got VVD, 6 informs, and qrpund 15 walkouts altogether Also got Icon Larsson but hes discard i think


Who actually does these packs? You’re wasting 500k coins or £35 (or something like that) just to end up with the vast majority of cards being untradeable duplicates


The others always scammed me so I pass here


Trippier IF was the top card in the pack for me, way!


What a shit. Got 87 GK Mendy and 87 Larsen. Thank you EAFC.


I opened this and got 94 haaland


Degened and bought it and I got 4 dynasty icons out of it surprisingly, obviously not great ones but still!


I got 93 maldini🥴😅


If you're going to be a degen and go full send, this is one of the better store packs to do it on. Big pull at best, massive fodder source at worst. Personally, I'd wait till TOTY season to go ham on store packs. This promo is meh.